DataLoader Class Errors Pytorch - python-3.x

I am beginner pytorch user, and I am trying to use dataloader.
Actually, I am trying to implement this into my network but it takes a very long time to load. And so, I debugged my network to see if the network itself has the problem, but it turns out it has something to with my dataloader class. Here is the code:
from import Dataset, DataLoader
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
class DiabetesDataset(Dataset):
def __init__(self, csv):
self.xy = pd.read_csv(csv)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.xy)
def __getitem__(self, index):
self.x_data = torch.Tensor(xy.iloc[:, 0:-1].values)
self.y_data = torch.Tensor(xy.iloc[:, [-1]].values)
return self.x_data[index], self.y_data[index]
dataset = DiabetesDataset("trial.csv")
train_loader = DataLoader(dataset=dataset,
for a in train_loader:
To verify that the dataloader causes all the delay, I created a dummy csv file with 2 columns of 1s and 2s, for a total of 10 samples for each columns. Then, I looped over the train_loader object, it has been more than 1 hr and it is still running, considering that the sample size is small and batch size is set to 1.
I am not sure as to what the error to my code is and it is causing this issue.
Any comments/inputs are greatly appreciated!

There are some bugs in your code - could you check if this works (it is working on my computer with your toy example):
from import Dataset, DataLoader
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import torch
class DiabetesDataset(Dataset):
def __init__(self, csv):
self.xy = pd.read_csv(csv)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.xy)
def __getitem__(self, index):
x_data = torch.Tensor(self.xy.iloc[:, 0:-1].values)
y_data = torch.Tensor(self.xy.iloc[:, [-1]].values)
return x_data[index], y_data[index]
dataset = DiabetesDataset("trial.csv")
train_loader = DataLoader(
if __name__ == '__main__':
for a in train_loader:
Edit: Your code is not working because you are missing a self in the __getitem__ method (self.xy.iloc...) and because you do not have a if __name__ == '__main__ at the end of your script. For the second error, see RuntimeError on windows trying python multiprocessing


How may I integrate Pyarrow with Pytorch Dataset when dataset is too large to load into memory at once?

A typical Pytorch Dataset implementation can be as follows:
import torch
from import Dataset
class CustomDataset(Dataset):
def __init__(self, data): = data[:][:-1] = data[:][-1]
def __len__(self):
return len(
def __getitem__(self, index):
x =[index]
y =[index]
return x, y
The reason I want to implement it in Dataset is because I want to use pytorch DataLoader later for my mini-batch training.
However, if data is from a directory containing multiple parquet files, how can I write def __getitem__(self, index): for it with loading all data into memory? I know Pyarrow is good at loading data in bathes but I didn't find a good reference to make it work. Any suggestions? Thank you in advance!

Changing the checkpoint path of lr_find

I want to tune the learning rate for my PyTorch Lightning model. My code runs on a GPU cluster, so I can only write to certain folders that I bind mount. However, trainer.tuner.lr_find tries to write the checkpoint to the folder where my script runs and since this folder is not writable, it fails with the following error:
OSError: [Errno 30] Read-only file system: '/opt/xrPose/.lr_find_43df1c5c-0aed-4205-ac56-2fe4523ca4a7.ckpt'
Is there anyway to change the checkpoint path for lr_find? I checked the documentation but I couldn't find any information on that, in the part related to checkpointing.
My code is below:
res = trainer.tuner.lr_find(model, train_dataloaders=train_dataloader, val_dataloaders=val_dataloader, min_lr=1e-5)"suggested learning rate: {res.suggestion()}")
model.hparams.learning_rate = res.suggestion()
You may need to specify default_root_dir when initialize Trainer:
trainer = Trainer(default_root_dir='./my_dir')
Description from the Official Documentation:
default_root_dir - Default path for logs and weights when no logger or
pytorch_lightning.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint callback passed.
Code example:
import numpy as np
import torch
from pytorch_lightning import LightningModule, Trainer
from import DataLoader, Dataset
class MyDataset(Dataset):
def __init__(self) -> None:
def __getitem__(self, index):
x = np.zeros((10,), np.float32)
y = np.zeros((1,), np.float32)
return x, y
def __len__(self):
return 100
class MyModel(LightningModule):
def __init__(self):
self.model = torch.nn.Linear(10, 1)
def forward(self, x):
return self.model(x)
def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx):
x, y = batch
y_hat = self(x)
loss = torch.nn.MSELoss()(y_hat, y)
return loss
def configure_optimizers(self):
return torch.optim.Adam(self.parameters(), lr=0.02)
model = MyModel()
trainer = Trainer(default_root_dir='./my_dir')
train_dataloader = DataLoader(MyDataset())
trainer.tuner.lr_find(model, train_dataloader)
As it is defined in the as:
# Save initial model, that is loaded after learning rate is found
ckpt_path = os.path.join(trainer.default_root_dir, f".lr_find_{uuid.uuid4()}.ckpt")
The only way of changing the directory for saving the checkpoint is to change the default_root_dir. But be aware that this is also the directory that the lightning logs are saved to.
You can easily change it with trainer = Trainer(default_root_dir='./NAME_OF_THE_DIR').

Saving Patsy for sklean inference

I am a huge lover of your sklego project, especially patsy implementation within sklean.
However, there is one thing I still would like your opinion on - how do you use a pipeline containing PatsyTransformer only for inference?
As the pickling is not yet supported on the patsy side I came up with a workaround.
import seaborn as sns
from joblib import dump, load
from sklego.preprocessing import PatsyTransformer
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
# Load The data
data = sns.load_dataset("tips")
# Basic Pipeline
pipe = Pipeline([
("patsy", PatsyTransformer("tip + C(day)")),
("model", LinearRegression())
# Train the pipeline, data['total_bill'])
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin
# Class for inferencing with pre-trained model (fit only passes, no training happens)
class Model_Inferencer(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin):
Function that applyes pre-trained models within a pipeline setting.
def __init__(self, pre_trained_model=None):
self.pre_trained_model = pre_trained_model
def transform(self, X):
preds = self.pre_trained_model.predict(X)
return preds
def predict(self, X):
preds = self.pre_trained_model.predict(X)
return preds
def fit(self, X, y=None, **fit_params):
return self
# Save the model
dump(pipe['model'], 'model_github.joblib')
# Load The model
loaded_model = load('model_github.joblib')
# Create Inference Pipeline
pipe_inference = Pipeline([
("patsy", PatsyTransformer("tip + C(day)")),
("inferencer", Model_Inferencer(loaded_model))
# Inference pipeline needs to be fitted
# Save predictions (works only when fitted)
I also tried saving the info by hand:
import h5py
def save_patsy(patsy_step, filename):
"""Save the coefficients of a linear model into a .h5 file."""
with h5py.File(filename, 'w') as hf:
hf.create_dataset("design_info", data=patsy_step.design_info_)
def load_coefficients(patsy_step, filename):
"""Attach the saved coefficients to a linear model."""
with h5py.File(filename, 'r') as hf:
design_info = hf['design_info'][:]
patsy_step.design_info_ = design_info
save_patsy(pipe['patsy'], "clf.h5")
However, a bummer error will occur.
Object dtype dtype('O') has no native HDF5 equivalent

JIT the collate function in Pytorch

I need to create a DataLoader where the collator function would require to have non trivial computation, actually a double layer loop which is significantly slowing down the training process. For example, consider this toy code where I try to use numba to JIT the collate function:
import torch
import numba as nb
class Dataset(
def __init__(self):
self.A = np.zeros((100000, 300))
self.B = np.ones((100000, 300))
def __getitem__(self, index):
return self.A[index], self.B[index]
def __len__(self):
return self.A.shape[0]
def _collate_fn(batch):
batch_data = np.zeros((len(batch), 300))
for i in range(len(batch)):
batch_data[i] = batch[i][0] + batch[i][1]
return batch_data
and then I create the DataLoader as follows:
train_dataset = Dataset()
train_loader =
However this just gets stuck but works fine if I remove the JITing of the _collate_fn. I am not able to understand what is happening here. I don't have to stick to numba and can use anything which will help me overcome the loop inefficiencies in Python. TIA and Happy 12,021.

What can be the cause of the validation loss increasing and the accuracy remaining constant to zero while the train loss decreases?

I am trying to solve a multiclass text classification problem. Due to specific requirements from my project I am trying to use skorch ( to wrap pytorch for the sklearn pipeline. What I am trying to do is fine-tune a pretrained version of BERT from Huggingface ( with my dataset. I have tried, in the best of my knowledge, to follow the instructions from skorch on how I should input my data, structure the model etc. Still during the training the train loss decreases until the 8th epoch where it starts fluctuating, all while the validation loss increases from the beginning and the validation accuracy remains constant to zero. My pipeline setup is
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
pipeline = Pipeline(
("tokenizer", Tokenizer()),
("classifier", _get_new_transformer())
in which I am using a tokenizer class to preprocess my dataset, tokenizing it for BERT and creating the attention masks. It looks like this
import torch
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModel
from torch import nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin
from tqdm import tqdm
import numpy as np
class Tokenizer(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin):
def __init__(self):
super(Tokenizer, self).__init__()
self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(/path/to/model)
def _tokenize(self, X, y=None):
tokenized = self.tokenizer.encode_plus(X, max_length=20, add_special_tokens=True, pad_to_max_length=True)
tokenized_text = tokenized['input_ids']
attention_mask = tokenized['attention_mask']
return np.array(tokenized_text), np.array(attention_mask)
def fit(self, X, y=None):
return self
def transform(self, X, y=None):
word_tokens, attention_tokens = np.array([self._tokenize(string)[0] for string in tqdm(X)]), \
np.array([self._tokenize(string)[1] for string in tqdm(X)])
X = word_tokens, attention_tokens
return X
def fit_transform(self, X, y=None, **fit_params):
self =, y)
return self.transform(X, y)
then I initialize the model I want to fine-tune as
class Transformer(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, num_labels=213, dropout_proba=.1):
super(Transformer, self).__init__()
self.num_labels = num_labels
self.model = AutoModel.from_pretrained(/path/to/model)
self.dropout = torch.nn.Dropout(dropout_proba)
self.classifier = torch.nn.Linear(768, num_labels)
def forward(self, X, **kwargs):
X_tokenized, attention_mask = torch.stack([x.unsqueeze(0) for x in X[0]]),\
torch.stack([x.unsqueeze(0) for x in X[1]])
_, X = self.model(X_tokenized.squeeze(), attention_mask.squeeze())
X = F.relu(X)
X = self.dropout(X)
X = self.classifier(X)
return X
I initialize the model and create the classifier with skorch as follows
from skorch import NeuralNetClassifier
from skorch.dataset import CVSplit
from skorch.callbacks import ProgressBar
import torch
from transformers import AdamW
def _get_new_transformer() -> NeuralNetClassifier:
transformer = Transformer()
net = NeuralNetClassifier(
callbacks=[ProgressBar(postfix_keys=['train_loss', 'valid_loss'])],
train_split=CVSplit(cv=2, random_state=0)
return net
and I use fit like that, y=dataset.training_labels)
in which my training samples are lists of strings and my labels are the an array containing the indexes of each class, as pytorch requires.
This is a sample of what happens
training history
I have tried to keep train only the fully connected layer and not BERT but I have the same issue again. I also tested the train accuracy after the training process and it was only 0,16%. I would be grateful for any advice or insight on how to solve my problem! I am pretty new with skorch and not so comfortable with pytorch yet and I believe that I am missing something really simple. Thank you very much in advance!
