Convector env:restart throws cryptogen: cannot execute binary file - hyperledger-fabric

Running npm run env:restart results in the following error:
[hurley] - Running cryptoconfigsh
/bin/bash: line 25: /Users/ecairol/hyperledger-fabric-network/fabric-binaries/1.3.0/bin/cryptogen: cannot execute binary file
[hurley] - Found error while running script!
I have tried installing from scratch two projects with the same result.
Node version: v8.12.0

waltermontes Today at 10:46 PM
Looks like the binary files are not compatible for your OS version,
that usually happens when you run hurley inside of a Docker or
something like that.
Remove the folder
/Users/username/hyperledger-fabric-network and try again, everything
should be downloaded again fine


RethinkDB 2.4.1 windows build

I'm trying to build the rethinkdb in windows using cygwin. Config runs ok, but making the v8 depedency fails. Anybody more lucky?
Error: open /cygdrive/c/rtdb/rethinkdb-2.4.1/external/v8_4.7.80.23.fetch-wINBkpwO/depot_tools/cipd_client_version: The system cannot find the path specified..
Bootstrap from scratch failed, something is seriously broken. Run the following commands to diagnose if this is repeating:
export CIPD_HTTP_USER_AGENT_PREFIX=depot_tools/364205c70ed16c00802b1c264e88d8e03a0b37ae/manual
/cygdrive/c/rtdb/rethinkdb-2.4.1/external/v8_4.7.80.23.fetch-wINBkpwO/depot_tools/.cipd_client selfupdate -version-file /cygdrive/c/rtdb/rethinkdb-2.4.1/external/v8_4.7.80.23.fetch-wINBkpwO/depot_tools/cipd_client_version
/cygdrive/c/rtdb/rethinkdb-2.4.1/external/v8_4.7.80.23.fetch-wINBkpwO/depot_tools/bootstrap_python3: line 32: bootstrap-3.8.0.chromium.8_bin/python3/bin/python3: No such file or directory
'ygdrive' is not recognized as an internal or external command,

"Locust command not found" returns even after I have installed Locust on Ubuntu

I have installed locust using the pip command and when I move forward towards verifying the installation using this command: locust -v , it throws the following line back: Command Not Found
Secondly, when I installed Locust, some statements showed up on console as can be seen in the image below.
The message in yellow is the problem. Add that directory to your PATH variable.
export PATH=/home/purelogics/.local/bin:$PATH
After updating path, locust -V will work as expected.

cannot execute binary file exec format error windows bash

Am trying to deploy my node express app to heroku from my windows 10 os and am using the git bash terminal, but anytime i try to run the heroku command it returns this error
line 19: /c/Program Files/nodejs/node: cannot execute binary file:
Exec format error'
Please does anyone know how i could solve this challenge?
PS: i ran the command as administrator on git bash
From heroku-cli GitHub repository I can see the following 19th line of the run file:
node "$DIR/run.js" "$#"
Looks like it tries to run run.js file but fails because can't recognise node as an executable binary file.
It's possible that you have a NodeJS version with wrong architecture or installation was not successful. Anyway seems like node is not installed correctly.
So I would uninstall it properly and install it again regarding architecture of the OS

Node "No such file or directory" with certain packages

I installed two packages via npm:
As I am using nvm to manage my node versions, the CLI files for the two packages were installed at the following paths:
When I run the command gulp, the command runs correctly. However when I run the command alsatian I get the following output:
: No such file or directory
I replaced both CLI files with the following code:
#!/usr/bin/env node
"use strict";
console.log("If you see this, it worked!");
When I typed the command gulp, I get the message If you see this, it worked!. However, when I type the command alsatian I get the same No such file or directory message as before.
Using the which command I am certain that the files I have modified are the correct files for the packages, and by using the stat command I can see that I have the same permissions for the package files.
This was caused by the CLI file for alsatian containing carriage return characters. Enforcing LF line endings solved the issue.

How do I get PhantomJS / CasperJS working on Cygwin?

I am having trouble getting PhantomJS and CasperJS working within the cygwin environment. I am very new to cygwin. I was able to download both packages for windows and run them via windows cmd.
To get them to work with Cygwin, I tried the following:
I downloaded the tar/zip files for both PhantomJS and CasperJS, I copied the contents on the "bin" folders into C:\cygwin\bin. But when I type in phantomjs on cygwin I get:
/usr/bin/phantomjs: cannot execute binary file
Then, I tried to do:
pip install git+git://
but after waiting for a while I get the following response:
Downloading/unpacking git+git:// Cloning
git:// to /tmp/pip-dCF1oZ-build Running egg_info for package from
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 16, in
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/pip-dCF1oZ-build/'
Complete output from command python egg_info:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 16, in
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:
---------------------------------------- Command python egg_info failed with error code 1 in /tmp/pip-dCF1oZ-build Storing
complete log in /home/tkondapalli/.pip/pip.log
Does any one have any advice on how to get this working? Does anyone use PhantomJS/CasperJS in the cygwin environment?
Also, I thought the .exe I am downloading and copying into the C:\cygwin\bin directory is the one for linux, so maybe that doesn't work? So this means that I need to compile from source on cygwin...
So, I started following directions for building phantomjs:
The first thing we need to do is build OpenSSL for devel, but again I don't know how to do this for cygwin! So I just skipped this step for now, which is probably not right.
I did download the source from github and tried to build it. It failed with the follow error:
Makefile:217: recipe for target `qtemporaryfile.o' failed make: *
[qtemporaryfile.o] Error 1 make: * Waiting for unfinished jobs....
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
./ line 90: src/qt/bin/qmake: No such file or directory
Earlier I had downloaded the executables for Linux, so it was not working. This time I downloaded the executables for windows and put it in C:/cygwin/bin, and it worked!
I don't understand why I would need to download the windows executable, when cygwin is a linux emulator. This confuses me, but at least it works now!
From the Cygwin website:
Cygwin is not: a way to run native Linux apps on Windows. You must rebuild your application from source if you want it to run on Windows.
Every applications needs to be rebuilt in order to be use on Windows (as it does not produce an elf file, but .exe file that requires the cygwin dll).
Nevertheless, the shell in cygwin can execute any windows's .exe file (such as ping, ipconfig, cmd, etc.), which is why you are able to run the windows version of PhantomJS under cygwin.
First, download and install Node.js from
Close and reopen Cygwin and type:
$ npm install -g phantomjs
$ npm install -g casperjs
Just ran into this issue, placing the phantomjs executable in C:/cygwin/bin solved everything. After that all you need to do is run the command C:/cygwin/bin/phantomjs to initialize the application.
Although Cygwin doesn't replace the standard cmd prompt, it is pretty useful!
