Azure App Registration change/switch directory - azure

I am trying to set in order the Azure's Subscription of the company where I work. Long story short I have to deal with two Azure Active Directories. The first one is the main AAD (we will call it "MasterAD") where all the resources are deployed (servers, DBs, etc). The second one is a development purpose AAD ("DevAD"). In the DevAD there are two "App registrations" that we use to log in our clients in our web applications.
I would move those App registrations to the MasterAD. This way I could manage all the resources in one place without going around through ADs (and remember what is located where).
Is it possible to do that without changing the Application's IDs/Keys? I would not ask all my clients to grant again permissions for a "new" App registration.

You can't move the application object and keep the ids.
The ids will change.
I would do this:
Create new apps in MasterAD
Make sure all existing users are in MasterAD (as members or guests)
Change apps to use MasterAD instead with new client id / authority / keys
One thing to keep in mind that users' object ids are different in each directory.
One user added as a guest to another directory has a different unique id there.
If you have tied data to user object ids in a database etc., you'll have to prepare a migration to change those ids all at once.


Does Azure Active Directory support having a single user tied to multiple profiles, with each profile belonging to its own groups?

My goal is to have the user authenticate with Azure AD and then be presented with a drop-down of profiles they want to access. Based on which profile is selected, the user will have different permissions on the site. I'm trying to avoid a user having to have multiple logins to enforce the different permissions per profile.
Can Azure AD handle this or do I need to tie in custom code in a database?
No, Users have one identity and can have a set of roles on an app.
Well, just one role unless you have group-based role assignment available :)
This concept sounds like something you will have to build in your app.
Or you will have to have multiple users registered for this one person.

Microsoft GraphAPI: How do I retrieve the assigned groups of an azure user?

As you can see my question above, I was wondering if it is possible to retrieve the assigned groups of an Azure Active Directory (AAD) based user via Microsoft GraphAPI.
My situation is, that I have an ASP.NET MVC project with Microsoft Azure enabled. My goal is, that an Azure user can login on my website with it's Azure account.
The idea is, that an azure user is an admin or an user (depending on the azure groups) and depending of this role group, the user can view more or less of my webpage.
For example:
When Peter logs in with his azure account on my webpage, he should only be able to see:
Add new Document
Edit Document
Remove Document
because he is only assigned as "User" in Azure Active Directory.
But when Sabrina logs in with her azure account on my webpage, then she should be able to do the same as Peter, but she also can see:
Manage Products
Add new customer
because she is been assigned as an admin in Azure Active Directory.
My problem is, that I did not find out how I retrieve the assigned group of an user with Microsoft GraphAPI. The part, which user can see or not after I got the roles is not a big deal.
I already tried this API call:
But it seems, that the response of this call does not include the actual assigned group of that user.
Do you think it is possible to retrieve the assigned group of an azure user? Is this even possible? Or do I have to do something else to retrieve these information?
I hope you understand my point and I am also looking forward for any response. Thanks in advance!
Add /memberOf to the URL to receive the groups a user is member of.
Here's a link to the specific graph api -
Take a look at this sample application on Github. It does something very similar with a task tracker application, where different users are able to perform different actions based on the group they belong to -
Also, in cases where a user is a member of too many groups, you get back an overage indicator and have to make a separate call to get all groups. Read about “hasgroups” and “groups:src1” claims here -
According to your system architecture, if some user has too many joined groups, the API will return too many groups.
But if the groups with permissions in your system are not too much, you can use this API: to check if the current user is the member of specified groups.
It is not good idea to use this API: Because it returns only the groups that the user is a direct member of, but security group can be member of security group.

Unable to Add, Edit, or Remove users and groups for Enterprise Application

I've created and registered a web application via Azure Active Directory -> App Registrations.
Within my application manifest I've created a role (why there's no UI to do this is beyond me), and for now am planning on adding quite a few more.
However, I'm unable to assign users to the role I created via Azure Active Directory -> Enterprise Applications, as the Add, Edit, and Remove options are greyed out.
According to these docs, I need to be Global Admin to be able to set these. The only way I can do so is to keep pestering my network admin every time I want to assign users/groups to roles. This is obviously not a suitable solution, and as the registered application owner, it should be trivial for me to control the authorization levels of my application.
How is it possible for me to assign users & groups to the roles I create? If it's simply not possible without having to raise the issue with my global admin, what are my options?
Unfortunatelly, as per docs, you already went through, today only administrator can assign roles to an application.
There is a feature request to simplify that and Microsoft is working on a solution. If you give your vote, it will certainly make the request more important.
For time being it is only the Global Admin who can grant permissions to an Application.

Azure Active Directory - Role based Store Manager

I need to implement the store based access to web portal. For that we have created the following roles
Store Manager1
Store Manager2
I am able to implement authorization for Store Manger 1, Store Manager 2. If there are around 500 stores do I need to add 500 roles in active directory since each role has different view?
It sounds like quite a lot of work to make roles for each store. Though you could automate it with PowerShell, to me it seems a bit weird.
You could instead just have a Store Manager role, and then on your app side check which stores they access to. One way would be a relational table with one column being the user's id and the other a store id they have access to. You can query that when you authenticate the user and store the values in claims/session data.

Azure Active Directory Object Permissions

I have an Azure Active Directory Application (and associated Service Principal). That Service Principal needs to be able to add and remove members from an Azure Active Directory I have added Read and write directory data under Application Permissions:
And I have code that uses the Client ID and Client Secret to get an Authentication Token an perform these operations using the Azure Graph API.
However, this permission is far too broad. I need the Application/Service Principal to only have the ability to add and remove members from specific groups (not all)...and not the ability to perform other types of operations.
Is there a way to do this?
Thank you.
There is a preview feature that partly fits your requirement: "Group.ReadWrite.All". It lets your principal create and update groups and their navigation properties (incl. members). It does not however reduce the permissions to modify only certain groups.
AAD permission scopes are described here:
Preview features may be subject to change and you'll have to agree to reduced service terms etc.:
