Can't seem to get autocomplete to work in WebStorm - node.js

I'm having trouble getting autocomplete of basic attributes and methods working in Node.js for WebStorm. This is what it looks like:
This is what it should look like: (VSCode)
Does anyone have any idea on how to fix this? Thanks.

It's fixed in 2019.1:
You can try downloading the EAP from


How to disable AutoComplete/Autosuggestion option in Sails Js CLI console?

I'm new in sails.js and i'm trying to start sails.js cli console (sails console). but there is one problem which i'm facing in the console which makes it difficult to use and that is autocomplete/autosuggestion option. i have attached a screenshot as an example of the cause. The problem is whenever i try to type something in the console the autosuggestion keeps pops up which makes remaining characters flyaway from the line.
I tried both in Mac Os terminal and Visual Studio Code terminal both resulted the same. I also tried checking for any configuration option in order to disable it but i couldn't find any. So it will be great help if anyone can help me to understand or a solution for this thanks in advance.
Node Version: v14.13.0
Sails Version: 1.2.4

WebStorm autocomplete with NodeJS and Koa js

It may sounds like a joke, but I'm really demoralized with several things about Autocomplete in WebStorm.
When I try to put Generator-function into koajs use method, I get error.
There is no autocomplete with Koa JS methods.
I tried to fix problem with TypeScript-definitions, but It is not work.
But if I create Koa instance with new, autocomplete will appears.
But another problem appears.
This code works good, but I'm demoralized with these errors and can't write my project.... :( Help me!
P.S. I have set ES6 standard in JavaScript settings.

Using Mongoose with IntelliJ IDEA Causes Unresolved Function or Method

I just downloaded the 30-day trial of IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition and I'm having an issue with the Node.js project I imported.
I am using Mongoose and am using the find and findById methods of my model classes fairly often. Since these methods are provided by mongoose and not actually defined explicitly in my model classes, IntelliJ does not seem to like them. Everywhere that I use the methods, I get an error saying "Unresolved function or method xxx".
I have read several other users stating they had similar issues with Node and WebStorm, but those all seemed to be with the code Node library and all of the answers said to use the Node.js Globals library. I have imported this library and tried downloading both mongodb-DefinitelyTyped and mongoose-DefinitelyTyped from the Libraries screen, and still cannot get the warnings to go away.
I decided it was probably faster to contact JetBrains support since I didn't seem to be getting any quick solutions here. I guess this issue is a bug with IntelliJ IDEA 14 because they had me try the IntelliJ IDEA 15 EAP and it worked fine.
So I guess the solution is to go EAP or just wait for 15 if anybody else has this issue.

Vulcanize with polymer in meteor

Right now i am facing problem if i use vulcanize package with polymer from here. Although this is working perfectly in localhost but not in production server.
I have tried this also but no luck.
Anyone faced the same problem?
Try using meteor-vulcanize, it might help. You can also refer to this github repo that shows how to use Polymer with MeteorJS.
If it does not help kindly elaborate more on the exact problem you are facing - error message etc.

IntelliJ Idea 12 Unable To Resolve Express Methods

For some odd reason, I can't seem to have code completion with the "express" object in my node.js project. Here is a screen of it.
My OS is Windows 8 and I am using IntelliJ Idea 12.11. Perhaps I need to do some extra setup? Please let me know.
#CrazyCoder got it right, it is indeed a intellij bug, as of now still unpatched, guess we have to wait =( The URL is In the meantime, I guess I will have to live with it.
if you are on IDEA 13, you will still not get the Express methods until you use the express typescript stub
go to Javascript Libraries > Downloads and switch the combobox at the top to Typescript community stubs then type express
you should see the stub, it's also here:
if you are on Java 1.7 and haven't disabled the SNI Support you will get a handshake alert and the download will fail, go to the directory where your IDEA.exe is located and add the following line to the idea.exe.vmoptions:
