The meaning of the universal quantification - haskell

I am trying to understand the meaning of the universal quantification from the following page
I am not sure, if I understand this sentence correctly
The essence of universal quantification is that we can express
functions which operate the same way for a set of types and whose
function behavior is entirely determined only by the behavior of all
types in this span.
Let`s take the function from the example:
-- ∀a. [a]
example1 :: forall a. [a]
example1 = []
What I can do with the function example1 is, to use every functions, that is defined for List type.
But I did not get the exactly purpose of the universal quantification in Haskell.

I need a collection of numbers, and I need to be able to easily insert into the middle of the list, so I decide on making a linked list. Being a savvy Hask-- programmer (Hask-- being the variant of Haskell that does not have universal quantification!), I quickly whip up a type and a length function without trouble:
data IntLinkedList = IntNil | IntCons Int IntLinkedList
length_IntLinkedList :: IntLinkedList -> Int
length_IntLinkedList IntNil = 0
length_IntLinkedList (IntCons _ tail) = 1 + length_IntLinkedList tail
Later I realize it would be handy to have a variant type that can store numbers not quite as big as 1 and not quite as small as 0. No problem...
data FloatLinkedList = FloatNil | FloatCons Float FloatLinkedList
length_FloatLinkedList :: FloatLinkedList -> Int
length_FloatLinkedList FloatNil = 0
length_FloatLinkedList (FloatCons _ tail) = 1 + length_FloatLinkedList tail
Boy that code looks awfully familiar! And if, later, I discover it would be nice to have a variant that can store Strings I am once again left copying and pasting the exact same code, and tweaking the exact same places that are specific to the contained type. Wouldn't it be nice if there were a way to just cook up a linked list once and for all that could contain elements of any single type, and a length function that worked uniformly no matter what elements it had? After all, our length functions above didn't even care what values the elements had. In Haskell, this is exactly what universal quantification gives you: a way to write a single function which works with an entire collection of types.
Here's how it looks:
data LinkedList a = Nil | Cons a (LinkedList a)
length_LinkedList :: forall a. LinkedList a -> Int
length_LinkedList Nil = 0
length_LinkedList (Cons _ tail) = 1 + length_LinkedList tail
The forall says that this function for all variants of linked lists -- linked lists of Ints, linked lists of Floats, linked lists of Strings, linked lists of functions that take FibbledyGibbets and return linked lists of tuples of Grazbars and WonkyNobbers, ...
How nice! Now instead of separate IntLinkedList and FloatLinkedList types, we can just use LinkedList Int and LinkedList Float for that, and length_LinkedList, implemented once, works for both.


Haskell taking in two list with a int and returning a tuple

I am trying to learn haskell and saw a exercise which says
Write two different Haskell functions having the same type:
[a] -> [b] -> Int -> (a,b)
So from my understanding the expressions should take in two lists, an int and return a tuple of the type of the lists.
What i tried so far was
together :: [a] -> [b] -> Int -> (a,b)
together [] [] 0 = (0,0)
together [b] [a] x = if x == a | b then (b,a) else (0,0)
I know I am way off but any help is appreciated!
First you need to make your mind up what the function should return. That is partly determined by the signature. But still you can come up with a lot of functions that return different things, but have the same signature.
Here one of the most straightforward functions is probably to return the elements that are placed on the index determined by the third parameter.
It makes no sense to return (0,0), since a and b are not per se numerical types. Furthermore if x == a | b is not semantically valid. You can write this as x == a || x == b, but this will not work, since a and b are not per se Ints.
We can implement a function that returns the heads of the two lists in case the index is 0. In case the index is negative, or at least one of the two lists is exhausted, then we can raise an error. I leave it as an exercise what to do in case the index is greater than 0:
together :: [a] -> [b] -> Int -> (a,b)
together [] _ = error "List exhausted"
together _ [] = error "List exhausted"
together (a:_) (b:_) 0 = (a, b)
together (a:_) (b:_) n | n < 0 = error "Negative index!"
| …
you thus still need to fill in the ….
I generally dislike those "write any function with this signature"-type excercises precisely because of how arbitrary they are. You're supposed to figure out a definition that would make sense for that particular signature and implement it. In a lot of cases, you can wing it by ignoring as many arguments as possible:
fa :: [a] -> [b] -> Int -> (a,b)
fa (a:_) (b:_) _ = (a,b)
fa _ _ _ = error "Unfortunately, this function can't be made total because lists can be empty"
The error here is the important bit to note. You attempted to go around that problem by returning 0s, but this will only work when 0 is a valid value for types of a and b. Your next idea could be some sort of a "Default" value, but not every type has such a concept. The key observation is that without any knowledge about a type, in order to produce a value from a function, you need to get this value from somewhere else first*.
If you actually wanted a more sensible definition, you'd need to think up a use for that Int parameter; maybe it's the nth element from each
list? With the help of take :: Int -> [a] -> [a] and head :: [a] -> a this should be doable as an excercise.
Again, your idea of comparing x with a won't work for all types; not every type is comparable with an Int. You might think that this would make generic functions awfully limited; that's the point where you typically learn about how to express certain expectations about the types you get, which will allow you to operate only on certain subsets of all possible types.
* That's also the reason why id :: a -> a has only one possible implementation.
Write two different Haskell functions having the same type:
[a] -> [b] -> Int -> (a,b)
As Willem and Bartek have pointed out, there's a lot of gibberish functions that have this type.
Bartek took the approach of picking two based on what the simplest functions with that type could look like. One was a function that did nothing but throw an error. And one was picking the first element of each list, hoping they were not empty and failing otherwise. This is a somewhat theoretical approach, since you probably don't ever want to use those functions in practice.
Willem took the approach of suggesting an actually useful function with that type and proceeded to explore how to exhaust the possible patterns of such a function: For lists, match the empty list [] and the non-empty list a:_, and for integers, match some stopping point, 0 and some categories n < 0 and ….
A question that arises to me is if there is any other equally useful function with this type signature, or if a second function would necessarily have to be hypothetically constructed. It would seem natural that the Int argument has some relation to the positions of elements in [a] and [b], since they are also integers, especially because a pair of single (a,b) is returned.
But the only remotely useful functions (in the sense of not being completely silly) that I can think of are small variations of this: For example, the Int could be the position from the end rather than from the beginning, or if there's not enough elements in one of the lists, it could default to the last element of a list rather than an error. Neither of these are very pleasing to make ("from the end" conflicts with the list being potentially infinite, and having a fall-back to the last element of a list conflicts with the fact that lists don't necessarily have a last element), so it is tempting to go with Bartek's approach of writing the simplest useless function as the second one.

How to know the data type of a value of a sum type [duplicate]

What is pattern matching in Haskell and how is it related to guarded equations?
I've tried looking for a simple explanation, but I haven't found one.
Someone tagged as homework. I don't go to school anymore, I'm just learning Haskell and I'm trying to understand this concept. Pure out of interest.
In a nutshell, patterns are like defining piecewise functions in math. You can specify different function bodies for different arguments using patterns. When you call a function, the appropriate body is chosen by comparing the actual arguments with the various argument patterns. Read A Gentle Introduction to Haskell for more information.
with the equivalent Haskell:
fib 0 = 1
fib 1 = 1
fib n | n >= 2
= fib (n-1) + fib (n-2)
Note the "n ≥ 2" in the piecewise function becomes a guard in the Haskell version, but the other two conditions are simply patterns. Patterns are conditions that test values and structure, such as x:xs, (x, y, z), or Just x. In a piecewise definition, conditions based on = or ∈ relations (basically, the conditions that say something "is" something else) become patterns. Guards allow for more general conditions. We could rewrite fib to use guards:
fib n | n == 0 = 1
| n == 1 = 1
| n >= 2 = fib (n-1) + fib (n-2)
There are other good answers, so I'm going to give you a very technical answer. Pattern matching is the elimination construct for algebraic data types:
"Elimination construct" means "how to consume or use a value"
"Algebraic data type", in addition to first-class functions, is the big idea in a statically typed functional language like Clean, F#, Haskell, or ML
The idea of algebraic data types is that you define a type of thing, and you say all the ways you can make that thing. As an example, let's define "Sequence of String" as an algebraic data type, with three ways to make it:
data StringSeq = Empty -- the empty sequence
| Cat StringSeq StringSeq -- two sequences in succession
| Single String -- a sequence holding a single element
Now, there are all sorts of things wrong with this definition, but as an example it's interesting because it provides constant-time concatenation of sequences of arbitrary length. (There are other ways to achieve this.) The declaration introduces Empty, Cat, and Single, which are all the ways there are of making sequences. (That makes each one an introduction construct—a way to make things.)
You can make an empty sequence without any other values.
To make a sequence with Cat, you need two other sequences.
To make a sequence with Single, you need an element (in this case a string)
Here comes the punch line: the elimination construct, pattern matching, gives you a way to scrutinize a sequence and ask it the question what constructor were you made with?. Because you have to be prepared for any answer, you provide at least one alternative for each constructor. Here's a length function:
slen :: StringSeq -> Int
slen s = case s of Empty -> 0
Cat s s' -> slen s + slen s'
Single _ -> 1
At the core of the language, all pattern matching is built on this case construct. However, because algebraic data types and pattern matching are so important to the idioms of the language, there's special "syntactic sugar" for doing pattern matching in the declaration form of a function definition:
slen Empty = 0
slen (Cat s s') = slen s + slen s'
slen (Single _) = 1
With this syntactic sugar, computation by pattern matching looks a lot like definition by equations. (The Haskell committee did this on purpose.) And as you can see in the other answers, it is possible to specialize either an equation or an alternative in a case expression by slapping a guard on it. I can't think of a plausible guard for the sequence example, and there are plenty of examples in the other answers, so I'll leave it there.
Pattern matching is, at least in Haskell, deeply tied to the concept of algebraic data types. When you declare a data type like this:
data SomeData = Foo Int Int
| Bar String
| Baz defines Foo, Bar, and Baz as constructors--not to be confused with "constructors" in OOP--that construct a SomeData value out of other values.
Pattern matching is nothing more than doing this in reverse--a pattern would "deconstruct" a SomeData value into its constituent pieces (in fact, I believe that pattern matching is the only way to extract values in Haskell).
When there are multiple constructors for a type, you write multiple versions of a function for each pattern, with the correct one being selected depending on which constructor was used (assuming you've written patterns to match all possible constructions--which it's generally good practice to do).
In a functional language, pattern matching involves checking an argument against different forms. A simple example involves recursively defined operations on lists. I will use OCaml to explain pattern matching since it's my functional language of choice, but the concepts are the same in F# and Haskell, AFAIK.
Here is the definition of a function to compute the length of a list lst. In OCaml, an ``a listis defined recursively as the empty list[], or the structureh::t, wherehis an element of typea(abeing any type we want, such as an integer or even another list),tis a list (hence the recursive definition), and::` is the cons operator, which creates a new list out of an element and a list.
So the function would look like this:
let rec len lst =
match lst with
[] -> 0
| h :: t -> 1 + len t
rec is a modifier that tells OCaml that a function will call itself recursively. Don't worry about that part. The match statement is what we're focusing on. OCaml will check lst against the two patterns - empty list, or h :: t - and return a different value based on that. Since we know every list will match one of these patterns, we can rest assured that our function will return safely.
Note that even though these two patterns will take care of all lists, you aren't limited to them. A pattern like h1 :: h2 :: t (matching all lists of length 2 or more) is also valid.
Of course, the use of patterns isn't restricted to recursively defined data structures, or recursive functions. Here is a (contrived) function to tell you whether a number is 1 or 2:
let is_one_or_two num =
match num with
1 -> true
| 2 -> true
| _ -> false
In this case, the forms of our pattern are the numbers themselves. _ is a special catch-all used as a default case, in case none of the above patterns match.
Pattern matching is one of those painful operations that is hard to get one's head around if you come from procedural programming background. I find it hard to get into because the same syntax used to create a data structure can be used for matching.
In F# you can use the cons operator :: to add an element to the beginning of a list like so:
let a = 1 :: [2;3]
//val a : int list = [1; 2; 3]
Similarly you can use the same operator to split the list up like so:
let a = [1;2;3];;
match a with
| [a;b] -> printfn "List contains 2 elements" //will match a list with 2 elements
| a::tail -> printfn "Head is %d" a //will match a list with 2 or more elements
| [] -> printfn "List is empty" //will match an empty list

Convert a list to list with type-constrained fixed length

Let I define a list with constrained length. I.e.
data List (n::Nat) a where
Nil :: List 0 a
Cons :: a -> List (n-1) a -> List n a
Then I want to initialize this list from common list (e.g. input string with any length). Can I do that? Is it possible to write function (or class) like this?
toConsList :: [a] -> List n a
Or is this suitable only for a structures with length which is known in compile time?
You can't, because that would require dependent types. The type of the resulting List depends on the value. As your type error shows, you can't use foldr Cons Nil (which would be the obvious implementation) to create the list because the accumulator must stay the same type for the entire fold.
As #chi pointed out in the comments, you can use an existential wrapper to ignore the type parameter to allow this to work. You would end up with a value that was List n a for some unknown n, which gains you nothing over just using [a].
There is Data.Vector.Fixed.fromList, but the documentation there tells us that it "Will throw error if list is shorter than resulting vector." This means that it is really just asking you to specify the type (length) of your vector (list) at compile time, and truncating or throwing an error at runtime if that expectation is not met.
You may be interested in Idris' Data.Vect.Vect.

Using different Ordering for Sets

I was reading a Chapter 2 of Purely Functional Data Structures, which talks about unordered sets implemented as binary search trees. The code is written in ML, and ends up showing a signature ORDERED and a functor UnbalancedSet(Element: ORDERED): SET. Coming from more of a C++ background, this makes sense to me; custom comparison function objects form part of the type and can be passed in at construction time, and this seems fairly analogous to the ML functor way of doing things.
When it comes to Haskell, it seems the behavior depends only on the Ord instance, so if I wanted to have a set that had its order reversed, it seems like I'd have to use a newtype instance, e.g.
newtype ReverseInt = ReverseInt Int deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Ord ReverseInt where
compare (ReverseInt a) (ReverseInt b)
| a == b = EQ
| a < b = GT
| a > b = LT
which I could then use in a set:
let x = Set.fromList $ map ReverseInt [1..5]
Is there any better way of doing this sort of thing that doesn't resort to using newtype to create a different Ord instance?
No, this is really the way to go. Yes, having a newtype is sometimes annoying but you get some big benefits:
When you see a Set a and you know a, you immediately know what type of comparison it uses (sort of the same way that purity makes code more readable by not making you have to trace execution). You don't have to know where that Set a comes from.
For many cases, you can coerce your way through multiple newtypes at once. For example, I can turn xs = [1,2,3] :: Int into ys = [ReverseInt 1, ReverseInt 2, ReverseInt 3] :: [ReverseInt] just using ys = coerce xs :: [ReverseInt]. Unfortunately, that isn't the case for Set (and it shouldn't - you'd need the coercion function to be monotonic to not screw up the data structure invariants, and there is not yet a way to express that in the type system).
newtypes end up being more composable than you expect. For example, the ReverseInt type you made already exists in a form that generalizes to reversing any type with an Ord constraint: it is called Down. To be explicit, you could use Down Int instead of ReversedInt, and you get the instance you wrote out for free!
Of course, if you still feel very strongly about this, nothing is stopping you from writing your version of Set which has to have a field which is the comparison function it uses. Something like
data Set a = Set { comparisionKey :: a -> a -> Ordering
, ...
Then, every time you make a Set, you would have to pass in the comparison key.

Getting constant length retrieve time constant with immutable lists in a functional programming context

I am currently facing the problem of having to make my calculations based on the length of a given list. Having to iterate over all the elements of the list to know its size is a big performance penalty as I'm using rather big lists.
What are the suggested approaches to the problem?
I guess I could always carry a size value together with the list so I know beforehand its size without having to compute it at the call site but that seems a brittle approach. I could also define a own type of list where each node has as property its the lists' size but then I'd lose the leverage provided by my programming language's libraries for standard lists.
How do you guys handle this on your daily routine?
I am currently using F#. I am aware I can use .NET's mutable (array) lists, which would solve the problem. I am way more interested, though, in the purely immutable functional approach.
The built-in F# list type doesn't have any caching of the length and there is no way to add that in some clever way, so you'll need to define your own type. I think that writing a wrapper for the existing F# list type is probably the best option.
This way, you can avoid explicit conversions - when you wrap the list, it will not actually copy it (as in svick's implementation), but the wrapper can easily cache the Length property:
open System.Collections
type LengthList<'T>(list:list<'T>) =
let length = lazy list.Length
member x.Length = length.Value
member x.List = list
interface IEnumerable with
member x.GetEnumerator() = (list :> IEnumerable).GetEnumerator()
interface seq<'T> with //'
member x.GetEnumerator() = (list :> seq<_>).GetEnumerator()
module LengthList =
let ofList l = LengthList<_>(l)
let ofSeq s = LengthList<_>(List.ofSeq s)
let toList (l:LengthList<_>) = l.List
let length (l:LengthList<_>) = l.Length
The best way to work with the wrapper is to use LengthList.ofList for creating LengthList from a standard F# list and to use LengthList.toList (or just the List) property before using any functions from the standard List module.
However, it depends on the complexity of your code - if you only need length in a couple of places, then it may be easier to keep it separately and use a tuple list<'T> * int.
How do you guys handle this on your daily routine?
We don't, because this isn't a problem in daily routine. It sounds like a problem perhaps in limited domains.
If you created the lists recently, then you've probably already done O(N) work, so walking the list to get its length is probably not a big deal.
If you're making a few very large lists that are then not 'changing' much (obviously never changing, but I mean changing set of references to heads of lists that are used in your domain/algorithm), then it may make sense to just have a dictionary off to the side of reference-to-list-head*length tuples, and consult the dictionary when asking for lengths (doing the real work to walk them when needed, but caching results for future asks about the same list).
Finally, if you really are dealing with some algorithm that needs to be constantly updating the lists in play and constantly consulting the lengths, then create your own list-like data type (yes, you'll also need to write map/filter and any others).
(Very generally, I think it is typically best to use the built-in data structures 99.99% of the time. In the 0.01% of the time where you are developing an algorithm or bit of code that needs to be very highly optimized, then almost always you need to abandon built-in data structures (which are good enough for most cases) and use a custom data structure designed to solve the exact problem you are working on. Look to wikipedia or Okasaki's "'Purely Functional Data Structures" for ideas and inspriation in that case. But rarely go to that case.)
I don't see why carying the length around is a brittle approach. Try something like this (Haskell):
data NList a = NList Int [a]
nNil :: NList [a]
nNil = NList 0 []
nCons :: a -> NList a -> NList a
nCons x (NList n xs) = NList (n+1) (x:xs)
nHead :: NList a -> a
nHead (NList _ (x:_)) = x
nTail :: NList a -> NList a
nTail (NList n (_:xs)) = NList (n-1) xs
convert :: [a] -> NList a
convert xs = NList (length xs) xs
and so on. If this is in a library or module, you can make it safe (I think) by not exporting the constructor NList.
It may also be possible to coerce GHC into memoizing length, but I'm not sure how or when.
In F#, most List functions have an equivalent Seq functions. That means, you can just implement your own immutable linked list that carries the length with each node. Something like this:
type MyList<'T>(item : Option<'T * MyList<'T>>) =
let length =
match item with
| None -> 0
| Some (_, tail) -> tail.Length + 1
member this.Length = length
member private this.sequence =
match item with
| None -> Seq.empty
| Some (x, tail) ->
seq {
yield x
yield! tail.sequence
interface seq<'T> with
member this.GetEnumerator() =
member this.GetEnumerator() =
(this.sequence :> System.Collections.IEnumerable).GetEnumerator()
module MyList =
let rec ofList list =
match list with
| [] -> MyList None
| head::tail -> MyList(Some (head, ofList tail))
