Hololens won't start the app if I put a c#script in its content (il2cpp) - hololens

I'm a new hololensdeveloper and I recently made a Hololensproject using net scripting backend just because there were way more information on how to set it up and get it working with Visual Studio.
Now when I feel somewhat confident I decided to change it up to il2cpp, but I have a major issue.
Everytime I put a c#script(even empty ones) into any folder within the application the Hololens won't even start it. The screen goes black for some seconds and then returns me to the mainpage.
This feels strange as all the scripts from the HolotoolKit works fine and they are written with c#.
Im currently using
.Unity 2018.3.4f1
.HolotoolKit 2017
.Visual Studio 2017
Thank you!
SO after alot of time, I switched to Unity LTS and that fixed my problem. Feels bad that I have to rely on an older version.

If I remember correctly, using the HoloToolKit and not the mrtk v1 or v2, you should use Unity LTS 2017. Maybe thats the problem?
And I'm not sure if I understood you the right way. So you are building it in unity and than deploying it to the HoloLens without getting any errors in your console?
Also changing the scripting backend framework, means using a different build directory and If you are not doing that Unity should give you a message like "Build path contains project built with IL2CPP or .Net"


VSCode and AndroidStudio Project setup to run flutter for device, web (and desktop?)

I have read a question/answer which states Flutter Web is a fork of Flutter and so one Android Studio (or VScode) project can't be built to handle both.
I'm not an expert on either (obviously) but I don't understand why the fact the libraries are forked implicitly precludes one from using the same source code for the different destinations.
Has anyone done so? And, if so, is there a skeletal project anyone would care to share?

Intellisense problems with node.js development with Visual Studio 2017

Usually we're in a microsoft stack development but for the project purposes we need to develop in node.js in visual studio 2017.
There are some things we don't understand at all but are quite annoying.
We've installed node.js tools for Visual Studio 2017 but intellisense work for some things and doesn't for others.
2 main problems we're facing:
For example, for some node modules (router, express, etc...) intellisense works fine. For others (mongorito, for examlple, but its not mongorito specific, there are many others also) we don't get any intellisense nor we can navigate through its definitions ('go to definition').
For any file we open we get alot of TSxxx error messages. something like this:
Don't know if its important but with the same setup we had our team members to work on angular 2/4 projects (that use node modules, of course) and everything worked fine.
So, if anyone has a piece of advice we would highly appreciate it. And please explain it like for a complete idiots.
Don't know if its important, but i must say that solution builds, all tests are good and all runs as it should. Its IDE problem.
So, for everyone having the problem i'll post the solution here.
Problem was in typescript version. Now, that comes with a few details.
In Visual studio pre 15.2 you can't have typescript versions switching. So, i first updated VS to 15.2.
After that, i've installed Typescript SDK with latest typescript (2.4.1. i think at the moment).
Then go to Tools > Options > TextEditor > Javascript/Typescript > Intellisense > Here choose typescript version from the drop down.
[I'll leave answer unaccepted for a bit for the case someone comes with a better solution]

Visual Studio 2015 - Multiple Instances of Node.js

I am currently experiencing a strange issue with Node.js within Visual Studio.
I'm currently working on multiple projects (containing many typescript files - i've read elsewhere this could possibly have something to do with my problem) in Visual Studio 2015 (Version 4.7.02053). I have node.js (v 6.10.0) installed on my dev machine also. Currently we are using the built in TypeScript compiler within visual studio (previously using grunt for ts compilation, now just for sass).
I've also configured visual studio to use the current version of node I have installed (please see screenshot below):
Custom Path to node.js installation
My issue is this, whenever I open one of my projects, multiple, I mean a lot, I mean like between 50-100 node.exe processes spin up, please see the image below!
Lot's of node processes, seems to be update-notifier\check.js???
This is eating away at my CPU and rendering my machine barely usable, especially when i have three or four separate projects open at the same time.
I've attempted to google a fix for this but haven't come up with anything that has worked thus far, so, any help you could possibly give me is greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
This seems to have to do with the update-notifier package.

Static library not working after update of Monotouch/Xamarin

About two years ago I built an image viewer into my Monotouch application. See this question of mine from way back when I was looking for an image viewer for monotouch. I used the source of MTGallery and used btouch to bring this into my Monotouch application. This worked perfectly and has been working perfectly for the last two years. But at some point in the last six months one of the updates that I did to Monodevelop has broken this functionality. Now the viewer is not showing the image, it is just showing a blank screen. The source for this hasn't changed, in fact it I still have the compiled library that was compiled two years ago.
I know that at the end of last year, I could compile my Monotouch application and the image viewer would work correctly. I have a backup of the application source from December 2012. If I deploy the version that was compiled then to my iPad it works correctly. But if I recompile the same source now without making any changes to the source or the settings in Monodevelop, it doesn't work.
So, this is what I have tried: Updated Monodevelop (I had to upgrade my Mac OS to Mountain Lion to be able to do this). Installed Xamarin Studio and got a new license for this development environment. The image viewer does not work when compiled in either Monodevelop or Xamarin Studio. I have tried recompiling the Objective-C library. I tried using btouch again to recreate the C# files for inclusion in my project.
Nothing I have tried so far has helped. Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this issue and what I could try changing to get this working.
I am now a step further; I have determined that the static library is in fact being called and if I rotate my iPad the image is then showing in the viewer, but is not showing before a rotation takes place. From looking at the Objective-C code it appears that the image was initially being loaded by the scrollViewDidEndDecelerating delegate method of the UIScrollView. It seems that this is now not firing when the image viewer loads, whereas previously it was firing.
If it did work and suddenly doesn't without any change from you, it's probably a bug in Xamarin.iOS/Studio. The best way to get this fixed is to create a bug (http://bugzilla.xamarin.com) and attach your project so we can have a look at it.

LiteServAndroid could not able to configuring project

Liteservandroid is an application that is used as Http api/Restful api to connect to CouchDB from TouchDB. I got a sample project and when i tried to build the project, i got the following error.
Gradle: A problem occurred configuring project ':LiteServAndroid'.
Failed to notify project evaluation listener.
Configuration with name 'default' not found.
There were no pointing errors in the code section. Can any one help me to find a solution.
The first hint I see with your problem is that in August 2013 you are talking about TouchDB - and TouchDB name change was introduced as far back as January 2013. There are old projects sitting out there using out of date code.
Are you sure you are using the newer code base? Here is the direct link to the ListServAndroid project https://github.com/couchbaselabs/LiteServAndroid
I found Couchbase Lite to be a bit tricky to integrate. They have moved it all over to Android Studio for building and developing too... so that might be new learning also. Have you gotten the GrocerySync test application working?
