Counting and rank subprofessions by number of people - nested

I'm currently trying to write a SPARQL query for Wikidata in which I rank subprofessions according to how many people have that respective occupation and group it according to their parent profession alphabetically.
My final result should look something like
Profession | Subprofession | Count
Artist | Painter | 34
Artist | Actor | 12
Politician | President | 67
Politician | Minister | 13
Right now, I could only go as far as displaying the parent profession, but I feel I have a long way to go ahead and introducing the subprofession in the query and just trying to display it along side the parent occupation leads all the time to Timeout. Is it here where I should use nested SELECTS? I'm not very familiar with them
SELECT ?occupation ?suboccupation (count(*) as ?count)
?people wdt:P106 ?occupation . #occupation
?suboccupation wdt:P279 ?occupation . #subclassof
GROUP BY ?occupation ?suboccupation
Thank you everybody in advance!

Well, there seem to be some professions and sub-professions that have no English language label so some of the listings are not very helpful. In addition, this list is LONG! You may want to aggregate more or limit the results somehow.
Here's a start to what you might want:
SELECT ?profLabel ?subprofLabel ?count
SELECT ?prof ?subprof (COUNT(?person) AS ?count) WHERE {
?prof wdt:P31 wd:Q28640.
?subprof wdt:P279+ ?prof.
?person wdt:P106 ?subprof.
GROUP BY ?prof ?subprof
} AS %main {
INCLUDE %main .
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
ORDER BY ?profLabel DESC(?count)


In Core Data, how sort an NSFetchRequest depending on the sum of an attribute of a child entity? (SwiftUI)

I am building an iOS app in SwiftUI for which I have a Core Data model with two entities:
CategoryEntity with attribute: name (String)
ExpenseEntity with attributes: name (String) and amount (Double)
There is a To-many relationship between CategoryEntity and ExpenseEntity (A category can have many expenses).
I’m fetching the categories and showing them in a list together with the sum of the expenses for each category as follows: Link to app screenshot
I would like to add a sort to the fetch request so the categories appear in order depending on the total amount of their expenses. In the example of the previous picture, the order of appearance that I would like to get would be: Tech, Clothes, Food and Transport. I don’t know how to approach this problem. Any suggestions?
In my current implementation of the request, the sorted is done alphabetically:
// My current implementation for fetching the categories
func fetchCategories() {
let request = NSFetchRequest<CategoryEntity>(entityName: "CategoryEntity")
let sort = NSSortDescriptor(keyPath: \, ascending: true)
request.sortDescriptors = [sort]
do {
fetchedCategories = try manager.context.fetch(request)
} catch let error {
print("Error fetching. \(error.localizedDescription)")
You don't have to make another FetchRequest, you can just sort in a computed property like this:
(I assume your fetched results come into a var called fetchedCategories.)
var sortedCategories: [CategoryEntity] {
return fetchedCategories.sorted(by: { cat1, cat2 in
cat1.expensesArray.reduce(0, { $0 + $1.amount }) >
cat2.expensesArray.reduce(0, { $0 + $1.amount })
So this sorts the fetchedCategories array by a comparing rule, that looks at the sum of all cat1.expenses and compares it with the sum of cat2.expenses. The >says we want the large sums first.
You put the computed var directly in the View where you use it!
And where you used fetchedCategories before in your view (e.g. a ForEach), you now use sortedCategories.
This will update in the same way as the fetched results do.
One approach would be to include a derived attribute in your CategoryEntity model description which keeps the totals for you. For example, to sum the relevant values from the amount column within an expenses relation:
That attribute should be updated whenever you save your managed object context. You'll then be able to sort it just as you would any other attribute, without the performance cost of calculating the expense sum for each category whenever you sort.
Note that this option only really works if you don't have to do any filtering on expenses; for example, if you're looking at sorting based on expenses just in 2022, but your core data store also has seconds in 2021, the derived attribute might not give you the sort order you want.

Fetching all cucumber scenarios that have a particular tag

How can I fetch a list of all the scenarios that have a particular tag. For example
get all scenarios that have #checkout tag.
Lets assume you have 15-20 Scenarios/Scenarios Outline tagged with #checkout.
Scenario Outline: Validation of UseCase Guest User Order Placement flow from Search
Given User is on Brand Home Page <Site>
And User searches for a styleId and makes product selection on the basis of given color and size
| Style_ID | Product_Size | Product_Color |
| TestData1 | TestData1 | TestData1 |
| TestData2 | TestData2 | TestData2 |
Then Clicking on Cart icon shall take user to Shopping Bag
Please follow this way to fetch name of scenarios.
File name
public void setUpScenario(Scenario scenario){
String scenarioName = scenario.getName();
//Either you can write down name of the scenario under a file system like excel or implement in the way you want
Please lets know if you find it meaningful and it solved your problem.
Dry run to the rescue.
Dry run gives you a way to quickly scan your features without actually running them.
Try the following CucumberOptions annotations (this is Java/Junit version, but the idea applies everywhere)
#CucumberOptions(plugin = { "pretty", "html:target/cucumber-html-report", "json:target/cucumber.json" }, glue = {
"some.stepdef" }, features = { "src/cucumberTest/featureFiles" }, tags = { "#now" }
,dryRun = true, strict=true)
public class CucumberNowTestDryRunner {
The cucumber report will look like this

How to write a query for reordering elements

I'm working on a code that will have a list of items in a specific order and I'd like to reorder them at will. The setup isn't really that important, but to summarize it, it's a node server with MSSQL database.
For the sake of the demonstration lets say we're discussing forum categories that show in a specific order.
Id | OrderNumber | Name
1 | 1 | Rules
2 | 3 | Off-topic
5 | 2 | General
8 | 4 | Global
I've already handled the front end that will allow me to reorder them as I like and the problem is what should happen when I press the save button on the database.
Ideally I'd like to send a JavaScript object containing item IDs in the right order to the API endpoint on the server that will execute a stored procedure. Something like:
Data = {
Is there a way that I can program a that stored procedure that it's only parameter is the list of Ids but that it can go through that list and do something I can only describe as the following pseudo code:
var Order = 1;
foreach ID in Data.IDs
UPDATE Categories SET OrderNum = Order WHERE Id = ID
Order = Order + 1
My biggest problem is that I'm not very experienced with advanced SQL commands, but that's the only part I need help with, I handled everything else already. Thank you for your help.
Declare #IDs varchar(max) = '5,2,8,1'
Update A
set OrderNumber=B.RetSeq
From YourTable A
Join (
Select RetSeq = row_number() over (order by (select null))
,RetVal = B.n.value('(./text())[1]', 'int')
From ( values (cast('<x>' + replace(#IDs,',','</x><x>')+'</x>' as xml) )) A(xmldata)
Cross Apply xmldata.nodes('x') B(n)
) B on A.ID=B.RetVal
Updated Table
Id OrderNumber Name
1 4 Rules
2 2 Off-topic
5 1 General
8 3 Global

Am I designing and constructing my value objects correctly?

Sorry in advance if this question is unclear. Please tell me what to change to make it a better question.
I am currently maintaining a C# WinForm system where I'm trying to learn and use DDD and CQRS principles. Vaughn Vernon's Implementing Domain Driven Design is my main DDD reference literature.
The system currently uses legacy code which makes use of Data Aware Controls.
In the Asset Inventory Context, i have designed my aggregate root Asset which composes of multiple valueObjects which are standard entries in the system:
In this Context, i'm trying to implement a use case where the user can manually register an Asset to the system.
My current implementation is the following:
From Presentation Layer:
Upon loading the RegisterAssetForm.cs it loads the existing standard entry lists of Group, ItemName, etc. through the Data Aware controls, all consisting of data rows with columnsid: int and name: string.
When the user selects the desired ItemName, Group, PropertyLevel, Department, and Category, then clicks save, a command is performed:
AssetInventoryApplicationService _assetInventoryServ;
void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int itemNameId = srcItemName.Value // srcItemName is a custom control whose Value = datarow["id"]
int groupId = srcGroup.Value;
string categoryId = srcCategory.Value;
string departmentId = srcDepartment.Value;
string propLvlId = srcPropLevel.Value;
RegisterAssetCommand cmd = new RegisterAssetCommand(itemNameId, groupId, categoryId, departmentId, propLvlId);
From Application Layer:
The AssetInventoryApplicationService depends on domain services.
IAssetRepository _assetRepo;
public void RegisterAsset(RegisterAssetCommand cmd)
AssetFactory factory = new AssetFactory();
AssetID newId = _assetRepo.NextId();
Asset asset = factory.CreateAsset(newId, cmd.ItemNameId, cmd.PropertyLevelId,
cmd.GroupId, cmd.CategoryId, cmd.DepartmentId);
From Domain Layer:
AssetFactory.cs //not my final implementation
public class AssetFactory
public Asset CreateAsset(AssetID id, int itemNameId, int propLvlId, int groupId, int categoryId, int departmentId)
ItemName itemName = new ItemName(itemNameId);
PropertyLevel propLvl = new PropertyLevel(propLvlNameId);
Group group = new Group(groupNameId);
Category category = new Category(categoryNameId);
Department department = new Department(departmentNameId);
return new Asset(id, itemName, propLvl, group, category, deparment);
Sample table of what fills my value objects
| CategoryID | CategoryName |
| 1 | Category1 |
| 2 | Category2 |
| 3 | Category3 |
| 4 | Category4 |
| 5 | Category5 |
I know domain models must be persistence-ignorant that's why i intend to use surrogate identites (id field) in Layer Supertype with my valueobject to separate the persistence concern from the domain.
The main property to distinguish my value objects is their Name
From the presentation layer, i send the standard entry value as integer id corresponding to primary keys through a command to the application layer which uses domain services.
* Is it right for me to pass the standard entry's id when creating the command, or should I pass the string name?
* If id is passed, how do i construct the standard entry value object if name is needed?
* If name is passed, do i need to figure out the id from a repository?
* Or am I simply designing my standard entry value objects incorrectly?
Thanks for your help.
It looks to me that you may be confusing a Value Object and an Entity.
The essential difference is that an Entity needs an Id but a VO is a thing (rather than a specific thing). A telephone number in a CRM would likely be a VO. But it would likely be an Entity in if you are a telephone company.
I have an example of VO in this post which you may find helpful - you can get it here
To answer your 'Problems' more specifically:
If you are creating some entity then it can be advantageous to pass in the id to a command. That way you already know what the id will be.
You shouldn't be able to create an invalid value object.
Why can't you pass in the name and the ID? Again - not sure this is relevant to a Value Object
I think you have designed them incorrectly. But I can't be sure because I don't know your specific domain.
Hope this helps!

How can I get the Scenario Outline Examples' table?

In AfterScenario method, I want to get the rows from table "Examples" in Scenario Outline, to get the values in it, and search that specific values in the database
I know that this can be achieved by using Context.Scenario.Current...
...but for some reason I'd like to be able to get it in a simpler way
like this:
----------- SCENARIO --------------------------------
Scenario Outline: Create a Matter
Given I create matter "< matterName >"
| matterName |
----------AFTER SCENARIO -----------------------------------
public void After()
string table = ScenarioContext.Current.Examples();
So if you look at the code for ScenarioContext you can see it inherits from SpecflowContext which is itself a Dictionary<string, object>. This means that you can simply use Values to get the collection of values, but I have no idea if they are Examples or not.
The best solution I came up with was to infer the examples by keeping my own static singleton object, then counting how many times the same scenario ran.
Of course, this doesn't work very well if you don't run all the tests at the same time or run them in random order. Having a table with the examples themselves would be more ideal, but if you combine my technique along with using ScenarioStepContext you could extract the parameters of the Examples table out of the rendered step definition text itself.
Scenario Outline: The system shall do something!
Given some input <input>
When something happens
Then something should have happened
| input |
| 1 |
| 2 |
| 3 |
SpecFlow Hook
public void BeforeStep()
var text = ScenarioStepContext.Current.StepInfo.Text;
var stepType = ScenarioStepContext.Current.StepInfo.StepDefinitionType;
if (text.StartsWith("some input ") && stepType == StepDefinitionType.Given)
var input = text.Split(' ').Last();
