How to assign initial value to an input reg: Design compiler delete the assignment - verilog

I'm newbie in ASIC design. I have a design with for example two inputs a ,b. I'm using the following code for initialize these two signals. But the Design compiler generating a warning that the register "a" is a constant and will be removed. When I'm trying to do post-synthesis simulation these two signals are all 'z'. So how can I apply initial signal assignment to avoid such a problem?
always #(posedge(clk) or posedge (rst)) begin
if (rst) begin
b <=4'd10;

While describing hardware system, you need to consider that input signals to your module comes from another module/system and their values are decided by that signals. Inputs to any module can only be wire type.
You can think of a module as a box that has inputs and outputs. The values of output signals are decided by input signal + logic inside the box. However, the module cannot decide what its inputs should be. It is only possible if there is feedback, and even in that case it would depend on other signals that are outside of the module's control.
As a result, output signals can be declared as output reg but the same is not true for inputs. However there is solution to your problem, I think what you want can be designed using the following method:
module your_module(
input clk,
input rst,
//other inputs and outputs that you might need
input [3:0] a,
input [3:0] b
//define registers
reg [3:0] a_register;
reg [3:0] b_register;
These registers are defined to make it possible to
to give any value to that logics when posedge rst
is detected, otherwise you can use them as your
input logics
//use initial block if you need
always#(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin
if(rst) begin
a_register <= 4'd5;
b_register <= 4'd10;
a_register <= a;
b_register <= b;
// and use a_register and b_register as you want to use a and b


How can I use display or monitor in verilog to check a register

I have 2 Modules. One is Register_File_Rf which is a file of 32 Registers I have created. I want to be able to see what every single register is storing.
Can I do this with $display or $monitor somehow?
Where these should be? In actual code or in Testbench, and how do I get the value in testbench when the stored Data is neither input or output?
module Register(
input Clk,
input [31:0] Data,
input WE,
output reg[31:0] Dout
reg [31:0] stored;
// With every Positive Edge of the Clock
always #(posedge Clk)begin
// If Write is Enabled we store the new Data
if (WE)begin
stored <= Data;
Dout <= stored;
end else
Dout <= stored;
module Register_File_RF(
input [4:0] Adr1,
input [4:0] Adr2,
input [4:0] Awr,
output reg[31:0] Dout1,
output reg[31:0] Dout2,
input [31:0] Din,
input WrEn,
input Clk
integer j;
genvar i;
wire [31:0]Temp_Dout[31:0];
reg W_E [31:0];
// Writing only in the first time R0 Register with 0
initial begin
W_E[0] = 1;
// Creating the R0 Register
Register register (.Clk(Clk),.WE(W_E[0]),.Data(0),.Dout(Temp_Dout[0]));
// Creating 30 Registers
for(i = 1; i < 32; i = i + 1)begin:loop
Register register (.Clk(Clk),.WE(W_E[i]),.Data(Din),.Dout(Temp_Dout[i]));
// Assigning to Dout1 and Dout2 the Data from a spesific register
always #(Adr1, Adr2) begin
Dout1 = Temp_Dout[Adr1];
Dout2 = Temp_Dout[Adr2];
// Wrting Data to a specific register
always #(posedge Clk)begin
//Reseting Write Enable of the register to 0
for (j = 0; j < 32; j = j + 1)begin:loop2
W_E[j] = 0;
W_E[Awr] = WrEn;
Yes, you can do this with either $display or $monitor.
Typically, $monitor would be called inside an initial block since it should only be called at one time in your simulation. It automatically displays values whenever one of its argument signals changes value.
Unlike $monitor, $display only displays values when it is called; it must be called whenever you want to display a signal value. It can be called in an initial block, but it is often called in an always block.
Regarding when to use either one, it is up to you to decide what you require.
If you are not planning to synthesize your modules, you could place monitor/display inside your design module directly. However, if you plan to synthesize, it might be better to place them in the testbench.
You can use hierarchical scoping to view internal signals from the testbench module. For example, assume you named the instance of the Register_File_RF module in the testbench as dut:
Register_File_RF dut (
// ports
always #(posedge Clk) begin
$display($time, " dout='h%x", dut.register.Dout);
initial begin
$monitor($time, " dout='h%x", dut.register.Dout);
$monitor will display a value every time Dout changes value, whereas $display will show the value at the posedge of the clock.
If your simulator supports SystemVerilog features, you can also use bind to magically add code to your design modules.

Verilog : error Reference to scalar wire 'VALUE' is not a legal reg or variable lvalue

I'm stuck with this code. I don't understand why my VALUE cannot be inverted.
module PREDIV(
input wire QUARTZ,
output wire VALUE);
always # (posedge QUARTZ)
assign VALUE= ~VALUE;
There are a few problems.
You should not use the assign keyword inside an always block.
When making a procedural assignment (those inside an always block), you should declare the signal as a reg type, not a wire. This is what your error message is referring to.
For sequential logic, you should use nonblocking assignments: <=.
Finally, a reg is initialized as unknown (X). You need a way to initialize VALUE, otherwise it will remain X. One way is to add a RESET signal.
module PREDIV(
input wire QUARTZ, input RESET,
output reg VALUE);
always # (posedge QUARTZ or posedge RESET)
if (RESET) begin
VALUE <= 0;
end else begin
It looks like the code is using blocking assignment in the always block.
The always blocks should be using only non-blocking assignments.
The code should be something like:
always #(posedge QUARTS)
Value <= ~Value;

How to understand the blocking and non blocking statements in verilog?

I understood the basic difference between blocking and non-blocking statements in Verilog. But still it is not possible for me to understand what's happening & when and where to use blocking and non-blocking statements. For example, consider simple d ff code:
module dff (clk, reset,d, q, qb);
input clk;
input reset;
input d;
output q;
output qb;
reg q;
assign qb = ~q;
always #(posedge clk or posedge reset)
if (reset) begin
// Asynchronous reset when reset goes high
q <= 1'b0;
end else begin
// Assign D to Q on positive clock edge
q <= d;
But if I write the very same logic using two-segment coding technique:
module dff(input wire d,
output wire q);
reg q;
reg r_reg, r_next;
always #(posedge clk, posedge reset)
always #*
assign q<=r_reg;
Now, in this code, I just didn't understand why are using <= in the first always block and why they are using = in 2nd always block. I also know that in combinational logic circuit = is advised to use & in sequential <= this is advised to use. But still, I couldn't be able to find out the answer to the usage of blocking and non-blocking statements. Can you please help me!?
Blocking/non-blocking assignments is a simulation artifact only. Contrary to the believe, verilog does not describe hardware. Verilog describes desired behavior of the hardware trying to fit it into an event-driven simulation scheme.
Here is a simple example of a shift register which employs 2 flops:
always #(posedge clk)
out1 = in;
always #(posedge clk)
out2 = out1;
Now, what would the output of the out2 be? Since we are dealing with simulation, then it depends on the order in which these 2 statements are executed. Either it will be the old value of out1, or the new one (actually the value of in);.
In hardware there is no such mess. It will flop the value which existed at the posedge time, the old value of out1 (well, unless there are unusual delays in clocks).
In order to match this behavior, the non-blocking assignment was introduced. Verilog simulation is done in simulation ticks. Every tick is as long as there are events which could cause re-evaluation of other blocks. The non-blocking assignments are scheduled to be executed at the end of such a tick with current rhs values ( in reality there are several scheduling zones). So, consider the following:
always #(posedge clk)
out1 <= in;
always #(posedge clk)
out2 <= out1;
In the above example the all assignments will happen at the end of the tick. 'out2` will be assigned a value which existed at the time of the <=, so, it will be the old value of out1. Now, it does not matter in which order they are executed.
So, the top-level recommendation is to use blocking assignments (=) for combinational logic and use non-blocking assignments (<=) for all outputs of state devices, flops and latches. Note that some temporary variables inside state devices, which are only used there internally should also be assigned with blocking. Also, never use non-blocking assignments in clock trees.

Verilog - re-using register value on always posedge

Consider the following code:
Module Test (B, A, CLK)
Input A, CLK;
Output B;
Reg RA;
Always #(Posedge CLK)
Would that work properly to move the input to the register and then to the output on every positive edge? Can it be created with circuits?
It depends what you are trying to do...
If you just want a single flip-flop, the simplest way is to declare reg B; then you can write always #(posedge CLK) B <= A;. There is no need for another signal.
If (for some style reason) you want to separate the flip-flop from the output, you can wire them together with a continuous assignment assign B = RA;. The circuit would be the same.
If you want two flip-flops (2-stage pipeline), your code is almost correct but remember to declare reg B; and use <= for both updates (they can be written in either order).
If RA is some sort of temporary variable for describing your intentions to the tools, then Yes; you can write to it with = and use its value in the same process (do not try to access it from any other process). This is occasionally useful for e.g. accumulating things in loops, but here it would just be confusing and error-prone!
To synthesize real hardware you would typically also have a reset signal and would need to use it in the proper way for each flip-flop.
To answer your question, yes, what you've written (conceptually) will work. In terms of syntax, here's something that will compile and do what you're thinking. Note that I've declared your output B a register and used nonblocking assignments for the registers.
module Test (
input wire CLK,
input wire A,
output reg B
reg RA;
always #(posedge CLK) begin
RA <= A;
B <= RA;

Verilog code runs in simulation as i predicted but does not in FPGA

I try to write an UART transmitter module. It gets data from data[7:0] and then sends it serially via Tx. I wrote a module named Tester for testing transmitter. It simulates in Isim as I predicted but does not in Spartan-6. I watched the Tx pin with osciloscope, I saw only logic 1. I could not detect the problem. What have I done incorrectly?
module Tester(
input wire clk;
output reg [7:0] data;
output wire oclk;
output wire Tx;
assign oclk = clk;
initial begin
UartTransmitter UT(.clk(clk),.data(8'b11001010),.Tx(Tx),.transmit(1'b1));
module UartTransmitter(
input wire clk;
input wire reset;
input wire [7:0] data;
input wire transmit;
output reg Tx;
reg [16:0] counter;
reg durum;
reg s_durum;
reg sendbyone;
reg [10:0]buffer;
reg [3:0]nbitstransmitted;
parameter IDLE = 1'b0;
parameter TRANSMITTING = 1'b1;
initial begin
s_durum = IDLE;
always #(posedge clk) begin
if(counter>=13019) begin
end else begin
always #(*) begin
if((durum==IDLE) && (transmit==1)) begin
else if(durum==TRANSMITTING && (sendbyone==1)) begin
if(nbitstransmitted<10) begin
end else if(nbitstransmitted==10)begin
buffer, Tx and nbitstransmitted are inferred latches. Latches are inferred when a variable is not guaranteed assignment with in an combinational block (always #*). buffer is a simple latch because the control logic is coming from flops. Tx will be simple latch after nbitstransmitted is changed to a flip-flop. The main issue is nbitstransmitted because it has feedback. With the current design in simulation if data changes when durum==TRANSMITTING && sendbyone then nbitstransmitted will increment. Even if data is from a flop in the same clock domain, on the FPGA there can be skew on each bit and trigger multiple updates.
Complex latches are prone to race conditions and use up lots of area. As an example, I copied the provide code to EDAplayground and synthesized it with Yosys 0.3.0. With the "show diagram" enabled it will show a large number of gates used with sufficient latch feedback. Try running here (Sorry I cannot upload the diagram, maybe someone else can)
The solution is easy by following the same strategy already used for durum; create a next state variable. sticking with the current convention, create new variables for buffer, Tx and nbitstransmitted with the respected names with a s_ prefix. The combinational block (always #*) will assign the s_ signals and should default to there respected counter part. And the sequential block (always #(posedge clk)) will assign the flops by their respected s_. The flops with remove the asynchronous feedback and simplify the design. For cleaner design, I moved the counter<=counter+1; into the else condition and commented out if(nbitstransmitted==10). Try running here
Other note not related to the issue:
The reset signal is not being used. I suggest using it in the sequential block and remove the initial block. Most FPGAs support initial and most ASIC do not. I prefer using reset signals over initial blocks because it allows resetting the device without having to power cycle. Just a suggestion.
