Does Hazelcast Openfire plugin allows SSL? - hazelcast

By default, after installation Openfire Hazelcast plugin has
<ssl enabled="false"/>
in its config file. My attempt to enable it broke clustering and Openfire log said that
java.lang.IllegalStateException: SSL/TLS requires Hazelcast Enterprise Edition
Is it correct, so there is no way to make Hazelcast plugins using SSL for communications between Openfire nodes?

Assuming that the Hazelcast Enterprise API is an extension of the Hazelcast API, it might be as simple as recompiling the Openfire Hazelcast plugin with a different Hazelcast dependency.
I did a quick test. The plugin compiles just fine after you swap the dependency on Hazelcast with a dependency on the 'enterprise' variant, like this (your version number might vary):
Most of the Hazelcast configuration can be done in the XML file that's already accessible as a stand-alone file in Openfire. There's a good chance that you don't need any code modifications to get things configured in the way you want.

I am not sure if this has been attempted before but you can try the following:
download the enterprise version of Hazelcast and place the hazelcast jar in plugins folder of Openfire. I am not certain about the internals of Openfire but if there exists a maven configuration to import Hazelcast then modify that to load Hazelcast enterprise. Or if nothing else works then try renaming the Hazelcast jar from hazelcast-enterprise.jar to hazelcast.jar.
modify conf/hazelcast-local-config.xml to configure license key and security details SSL.
Fire away.
Here is a link to Openfire doc for Hazelcast plugin:
Please do update here if this works.

Support for TLS/SSL is not included in the open source version of Hazelcast, as the error message indicates it is part of the Enterprise Edition feature set.

Correct, purchasing the enterprise edition wouldn't help as far as I can tell. The Hazelcast (open source) plugin for Openfire is maintained by the folks at Ignite Realtime. They only support specific versions of Hazelcast as well.


Is WildFly affected by the log4j 2 vulnerability CVE-2021-44228?

We are using wildfly 10 and 16 in production and a zero-day exploit exists CVE-2021-44228 for log4j for some versions.
How can I be sure that none of the code and libraries use a log4j lib that has that issue?
I do not use any log4j property file nor do I add a dependency by myself.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
The affected log4j versions are:
Versions Affected: all log4j-core versions >=2.0-beta9 and <=2.14.1
WildFly uses log4j shaded via its log4j-jboss-logmanager module. Even the latest 1.2.2.Final version depends on log4j 1.2.17.
This means WildFly <22 is definitely not affected.
There is a log4j2-jboss-logmanager as well - but only WildFly 22+ has it. And as this doc explains:
This will be an implementation of the log4j2 API only. The core log manager for log4j2 will not be supported.
Usage of any org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-core API’s or implementations will not be supported. In other words the log4j2 log manager implementation, including configuration files, will not be supported.
You can see that the current latest 1.0.0.Final release does not depend on log4j-core at all, only log4j-api.
So WildFly versions >=22 are not affected as well.
The official tweet confirms this.
But what about WFCORE-5743 raising the log4j-core version? Look in the pom:
<!-- This is a test only dependency -->
It's not bundled with WildFly, only used in WildFly's build for tests.
Fixed in WildFly Core 18.0.0, to be included in WildFly 26.0.0.Final:
If you need to use WildFly 10 or 16 in production, you should use JBoss EAP instead:

Hazelcast client tool for Professional edition

Any intuitive Hazelcast client tool suggestions to check maps in professional edition? I am trying to identify some problems happening in hazelcast layer where we use professional edition. I couldn't find any good hazelcast client tool for professional edition.
You can use Hazelcast Management Center, which is free to use for clusters of up to 3 members. You can download it from here. You can find its documentation here. You can check stats of your maps, view/edit their configuration and browse their entries.
There are several official possibilities:
Hazelcast Management Center - web application
Hazelcast Clients - for example the Java one:
ClientConfig clientConfig = new ClientConfig();
HazelcastInstance client = HazelcastClient.newHazelcastClient(clientConfig);
You can also use for instance Groovy shell, which is handy for its tab-completion:
# start the shell
groovysh -cp hazelcast-enterprise-4.0.jar \
-e "System.setSecurityManager(null); import com.hazelcast.core.*; import com.hazelcast.client.*"
# and then interactively do whatever you want
hz = HazelcastClient.newHazelcastClient();
BTW. The Maven artifacts for Enterprise edition are not located in Maven Central repository, but in the Hazelcast one:
<id>Hazelcast Private Release Repository</id>

Using Liquibase with Azure SQL And Azure Active Directory Authentication

How can you use Liquibase with an Azure SQL database and Azure Active Directory Authentication? Specifically, I want to connect using ActiveDirectoryPassword authentication mode as documented here:
I cannot figure out how to call the Liquibase CLI to make this happen.
Is this possible?
I was able to get this to work. I am not very familiar with Java (we use Liquibase with a C# project), so I think some of the Java pieces tripped me up.
There were a few things I had to do to make this work:
I needed to add some properties to the URL I sent to Liquibase:
ActiveDirectoryPassword is what tells the driver to use the authentication mechanism I wanted. I also had to add encrypt=true and trustServerCertificate=true to avoid some SSL errors I was getting (from:
I needed the MSAL4J (Azure Active Directory) libraries in my classpath. I added them to the liquibase/lib directory so that the default Liquibase launcher scripts would add them for me. I got caught on this, too, because I needed to use Maven which we do not use. After downloading Maven, I used the copy-dependencies plugin to download the dependencies I needed.
mvn dependency:copy-dependencies
Here was the simple pom.xml I used:
I also put these dependencies in the liquibase/lib directory so they were automatically included in the classpath. The instructions from Microsoft were helpful in leading me to the correct places:
Also, not sure it was required to meet my goal, but I upgraded to the latest Liquibase (3.8.7) and latest SQL Server drivers (8.2):

hadoop aws versions compatibility

Is there any reference as to what sets of versions are compatible between aws java sdk, hadoop, hadoop-aws bundle, hive, spark?
For example, I know Spark is not compatible with hive versions above Hive 2.1.1
You cannot drop in a later version of the AWS SDK from what which hadoop-aws was built with and expect the s3a connector to work. Ever. That is now written down quite clearly in the S3A troubleshooting docs
Whatever problem you have, changing the AWS SDK version will not fix things, only change the stack traces you see.
This may seem frustrating, given the rate at which the AWS team push out a new SDK, but you have to understand that (a) the API often changes incompatibly between versions (as you have seen), and (b) every release introduces/moves bugs which end up causing problems.
Here is the 3.x timeline of things which broke on updates of the AWS SDK.
Move 1.11.86 and some tests hang under load.
Fix: move to 1.11.134 leading to logs are full of AWS telling us off for deliberatly calling abort() on a read.
Fix: move to 1.11.199 leading to logs full of stack traces.
Fix: move to 1.11.271 and shaded JAR pulls in netty unshaded.
Every upgrade of the AWS SDK JAR causes a problem, somewhere. Sometimes an edit to the code and recompile, most commonly: logs filling up with false-alarm messages, dependency problems, threading quirks, etc. Things which can take time to surface.
what you see when you get a hadoop release is not just an aws-sdk JAR which it was compiled against, you get a hadoop-aws JAR which contains the workarounds and fixes for whatever problems that release has introduced and which were identified in the minimum of 4 weeks of testing before the hadoop release ships.
Which is why, no, you shouldn't be changing JARs unless you plan to do a complete end-to-end retest of the s3a client code, including load tests. You are encouraged to do that, the hadoop project always welcomes more testing of our pre-release code, with the Hadoop 3.1 binaries ready to play with. But trying to do it yourself by changing JARs? Sadly, an isolated exercise in pain.
In Hadoop documentation, it is stated that by adding hadoop-aws JAR to the build dependencies; it will pull in a compatible aws-sdk JAR.
So, I created a dummy Maven project with these dependencies to download the compatible versions
<!-- Your exact Hadoop version here-->
Then, I checked my dependencies versions, used it in my project and it worked.

gwt-maven-plugin appends "-linux" when getting gwt-dev artifact

I've been trying to get the gwt-maven-plugin to work for me. Hopefully someone can help me.
I'm using gwt-maven-plugin 1.2 and trying to get it to work with gwt 2.1.0.M3. We have a nexus repo at work and I've put the latest gwt jars there. The plugin fails when trying to download the gwt-dev jar.
The gwt-dev jar is located at 2.1.0.M3/gwt-dev-2.1.0.M3.jar
The plugin tries to download 2.1.0.M3/gwt-dev-2.1.0.M3-linux.jar.
I don't have a dependency anywhere on my pom for gwt-dev, the plugin takes care of that. How can I stop it from appending "-linux" to it? I'm aware that I could just change the name of the jar in my repo or set it up manually on my local machine, but I want to figure out how to get this working on nexus because we have several developers working on this at the same time.
You should upgrade your gwt-maven-plugin to version 1.2, which has some support for GWT-2.0.
As of GWT-2.0, the gwt-dev jars are no longer distributed separately per platform - a fact which the older versions of the gwt-maven-plugin are not aware.
I am having the same problem. Here's what worked for me, which I gleaned from this sample pom:
Add this to your plugin repos:
<name>Google Web Toolkit Plugin Repository</name>
Set your gwt-maven-plugin to
i was trying to upgrade my project to gwt 2.1, and with the things that Bohemian said and with
i succeeded to do so.
