I'm trying the examples from the crust crate but cannot figure how to obtain the port from a peer I'm connected to.
The crust example includes the following function
use crust::Service;
pub fn print_connected_nodes(&self, service: &Service) {
println!("Node count: {}", self.nodes.len());
for (id, node) in &self.nodes {
let ip = service.get_peer_ip_addr(node).unwrap();
let status = if service.is_connected(node) {
"Connected "
} else {
println!("[{} - {}] {} {:?}", id, ip, status, node);
There I can establish a connection and obtain the IP address with let ip = service.get_peer_ip_addr(node) but after reading the documentation I cannot find any method to obtain the port.
Is there another method to obtain the port?
Looking at the source for get_peer_ip_addr, it uses get_peer_socket_addr to get the socket, which contains both the address and the port. Unfortunately get_peer_socket_addr is private, so you can't get the port. There is an open question about this issue in the crust bugtracker.
First off: I know running Rust on an ESP32 isn't a very common practice yet, and some (quite a bit of) trouble is to be expected. But I seem to have hit a roadblock.
What works:
flashing and running the code on an ESP32
passing along the certificates in the src/certificates directory
WiFi connection (simple WPA Personal, nothing fancy like WPA Enterprise)
publishing and suscribing to topics using MQTT
What doesn't work:
publising and subscribing to AWS IoT (Core) using MQTT. This needs certificates, and as far as I'm aware I'm handling this properly (see code below).
Some additional info (see code below):
server.cert.crt is renamed from the AWS provided root-CA.crt
client.cert.pem is renamed from the AWS provided my-thing-rev1.cert.pem
client.private.key is renamed from the AWS provided my-thing-rev1.private.key
I also received my-thing-rev1.public.key and my-thing-rev1-Policy, but I don't think I need these...?
I know this is not the proper way of implementing this (I should not provide the certificates directly, instead use a service to get them, but this is a very basic POC)
the code works fine if I don't want to connect to AWS, but instead use my own broker or broker.emqx.io for testing (even with the certificates included)
This is the code I'm currently using (heavily based on Rust on ESP32 STD demo app):
use embedded_svc::httpd::Result;
use embedded_svc::mqtt::client::{Connection, MessageImpl, QoS};
use esp_idf_svc::mqtt::client::{EspMqttClient, MqttClientConfiguration};
use esp_idf_svc::tls::X509;
use esp_idf_sys::EspError;
// other needed imports (not relevant here)
extern crate dotenv_codegen;
extern crate core;
const AWS_IOT_ENDPOINT: &str = dotenv!("AWS_IOT_ENDPOINT");
const AWS_IOT_CLIENT_ID: &str = dotenv!("AWS_IOT_CLIENT_ID");
const AWS_IOT_TOPIC: &str = dotenv!("AWS_IOT_TOPIC");
fn main() -> Result<()> {
// other code
let mqtt_client: EspMqttClient<ConnState<MessageImpl, EspError>> = test_mqtt_client()?;
// more code
fn convert_certificate(mut certificate_bytes: Vec<u8>) -> X509<'static> {
// append NUL
// convert the certificate
let certificate_slice: &[u8] = unsafe {
let ptr: *const u8 = certificate_bytes.as_ptr();
let len: usize = certificate_bytes.len();
slice::from_raw_parts(ptr, len)
// return the certificate file in the correct format
fn test_mqtt_client() -> Result<EspMqttClient<ConnState<MessageImpl, EspError>>> {
info!("About to start MQTT client");
let server_cert_bytes: Vec<u8> = include_bytes!("certificates/server.cert.crt").to_vec();
let client_cert_bytes: Vec<u8> = include_bytes!("certificates/client.cert.pem").to_vec();
let private_key_bytes: Vec<u8> = include_bytes!("certificates/client.private.key").to_vec();
let server_cert: X509 = convert_certificate(server_cert_bytes);
let client_cert: X509 = convert_certificate(client_cert_bytes);
let private_key: X509 = convert_certificate(private_key_bytes);
// TODO: fix the following error: `E (16903) esp-tls-mbedtls: mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned -0x7280`
let conf = MqttClientConfiguration {
client_id: Some(AWS_IOT_CLIENT_ID),
crt_bundle_attach: Some(esp_idf_sys::esp_crt_bundle_attach),
server_certificate: Some(server_cert),
client_certificate: Some(client_cert),
private_key: Some(private_key),
let (mut client, mut connection) =
EspMqttClient::new_with_conn(AWS_IOT_ENDPOINT, &conf)?;
info!("MQTT client started");
// Need to immediately start pumping the connection for messages, or else subscribe() and publish() below will not work
// Note that when using the alternative constructor - `EspMqttClient::new` - you don't need to
// spawn a new thread, as the messages will be pumped with a backpressure into the callback you provide.
// Yet, you still need to efficiently process each message in the callback without blocking for too long.
// Note also that if you go to http://tools.emqx.io/ and then connect and send a message to the specified topic,
// the client configured here should receive it.
thread::spawn(move || {
info!("MQTT Listening for messages");
while let Some(msg) = connection.next() {
match msg {
Err(e) => info!("MQTT Message ERROR: {}", e),
Ok(msg) => info!("MQTT Message: {:?}", msg),
info!("MQTT connection loop exit");
client.subscribe(AWS_IOT_TOPIC, QoS::AtMostOnce)?;
info!("Subscribed to all topics ({})", AWS_IOT_TOPIC);
format!("Hello from {}!", AWS_IOT_TOPIC).as_bytes(),
info!("Published a hello message to topic \"{}\".", AWS_IOT_TOPIC);
Here are the final lines of output when I try to run this on the device (it's setup to compile and flash to the device and monitor (debug mode) when running cargo run):
I (16913) esp32_aws_iot_with_std: About to start MQTT client
I (16923) esp32_aws_iot_with_std: MQTT client started
I (16923) esp32_aws_iot_with_std: MQTT Listening for messages
I (16933) esp32_aws_iot_with_std: MQTT Message: BeforeConnect
I (17473) esp-x509-crt-bundle: Certificate validated
E (19403) MQTT_CLIENT: mqtt_message_receive: transport_read() error: errno=119 # <- This is the actual error
E (19403) MQTT_CLIENT: esp_mqtt_connect: mqtt_message_receive() returned -1
E (19413) MQTT_CLIENT: MQTT connect failed
I (19413) esp32_aws_iot_with_std: MQTT Message ERROR: ESP_FAIL
I (19423) esp32_aws_iot_with_std: MQTT Message: Disconnected
E (19433) MQTT_CLIENT: Client has not connected
I (19433) esp32_aws_iot_with_std: MQTT connection loop exit
I (24423) esp_idf_svc::eventloop: Dropped
I (24423) esp_idf_svc::wifi: Stop requested
I (24423) wifi:state: run -> init (0)
I (24423) wifi:pm stop, total sleep time: 10737262 us / 14862601 us
W (24423) wifi:<ba-del>idx
I (24433) wifi:new:<1,0>, old:<1,1>, ap:<1,1>, sta:<1,0>, prof:1
W (24443) wifi:hmac tx: ifx0 stop, discard
I (24473) wifi:flush txq
I (24473) wifi:stop sw txq
I (24473) wifi:lmac stop hw txq
I (24473) esp_idf_svc::wifi: Stopping
I (24473) esp_idf_svc::wifi: Disconnect requested
I (24473) esp_idf_svc::wifi: Stop requested
I (24483) esp_idf_svc::wifi: Stopping
I (24483) wifi:Deinit lldesc rx mblock:10
I (24503) esp_idf_svc::wifi: Driver deinitialized
I (24503) esp_idf_svc::wifi: Dropped
I (24503) esp_idf_svc::eventloop: Dropped
This error seems to indicate the buffer holding the incoming data is full and can't hold any more data, but I'm not sure. And I definately don't know how to fix it.
(I assume the actual certificate handling is done properly)
When I run the following command, I do get the message in AWS IoT (MQTT test client):
mosquitto_pub -h my.amazonawsIoT.com --cafile server.cert.crt --cert client.cert.pem --key client.private.key -i basicPubSub -t my/topic -m 'test'
Does anyone have some more experience with this who can point me in the right direction?
Is this actually a buffer error, and if so: how do I mitigate this error? Do I need to increase the buffer size somehow (it is running on a basic ESP32 revision 1, ESP32_Devkitc_v4, if that helps). As far as I can tell this version has a 4MB flash size, so that might explain the buffer overlow, although I think this should be enough. The total memory used is under 35% of the total storage (App/part. size: 1347344/4128768 bytes, 32.63%)
UPDATE 1: I have been made aware that this data is stored in RAM, not in flash memory (didn't cross my mind at the time), but I'm not entirely sure on how large the RAM on my specific device is (ESP32 revision 1, ESP32_Devkitc_v4). My best guess is 320KB, but I'm not sure.
UPDATE 2: I've tried changing the buffer size like so:
let conf = MqttClientConfiguration {
client_id: Some(AWS_IOT_CLIENT_ID),
crt_bundle_attach: Some(esp_idf_sys::esp_crt_bundle_attach),
server_certificate: Some(server_cert),
client_certificate: Some(client_cert),
private_key: Some(private_key),
buffer_size: 50, // added this (tried various sizes)
out_buffer_size: 50, // added this (tried various sizes)
I've tried various combinations, but this doesn't seem to change much: either I get the exact same error, or this one (when choosing smaller numbers, for example 10):
E (18303) MQTT_CLIENT: Connect message cannot be created
E (18303) MQTT_CLIENT: MQTT connect failed
E (18313) MQTT_CLIENT: Client has not connected
I'm not sure how big this buffer size should be (when sending simple timestamps to AWS IoT), and can't find any documentation on what this number represents: is it in Bit, KiloBit, ... No idea.
I'm programing a rust project to connecting bluetooth device and communicating with it on Windows, and use a lib named "IO-BLUETOOTH-MASTER", the only dependency is WinAPI.
Now discovey device is working well. But connecting to device is a big problem. As usual, connecting t o Iphone and Android are OK, but when I connected to an embedded ble chip, it will working wrong.
The main code is :
fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
let devices = bt::discover_devices()?;
for (idx, device) in devices.iter().enumerate() {
println!("{}: {}", idx, *device);
if devices.len() == 0 {
return Err(io::Error::new(
"No Bluetooth devices found.",
let device_idx = request_device_idx(devices.len())?;
let socket = BtStream::connect(iter::once(&devices[device_idx]),
You can see this demo is using Sock to listening to message and bluetooth stream, and address is bond to, I can sure that I didn't make this mistake, but the error had occured.
Error: Os { code: 10060, kind: TimedOut, message: "A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond." }
Sometime the error is : Code 10049, but when I change a chip, the error is always 10060
Error: Os { code: 10049, kind: AddrNotAvailable, message: "The requested address is not valid in its context." }
The connect method code is :
pub struct BtStream {
inner: Socket,
protocol: BtProtocol,
impl BtStream {
pub fn connect(addr: &BtAddr, protocol: BtProtocol) -> io::Result<Self> {
let (addr, len) = addr.into();
let socket = Socket::new(protocol)?;
cvt_r(|| unsafe { c::connect(*socket.as_inner(), &addr as *const _ as *const _, len) })?;
Ok(Self {
inner: socket,
Also I can sure that the chip's fuction is OK, I can use the ble tool to communicate with it on Android, and using the BlueTooth privide by Windows is also can't connect to the device, but they can paired.
I'm just a beginner for rust, please be tolerant if I made some ridiculous mistake
I run ping pong example in two different console windows like described in that tutorial.
use libp2p::futures::StreamExt;
use libp2p::ping::{Ping, PingConfig};
use libp2p::swarm::{Swarm, SwarmEvent};
use libp2p::{identity, Multiaddr, PeerId};
use std::error::Error;
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let local_key = identity::Keypair::generate_ed25519();
let local_peer_id = PeerId::from(local_key.public());
println!("Local peer id: {:?}", local_peer_id);
let transport = libp2p::development_transport(local_key).await?;
let behaviour = Ping::new(PingConfig::new().with_keep_alive(true));
let mut swarm = Swarm::new(transport, behaviour, local_peer_id);
if let Some(addr) = std::env::args().nth(1) {
let remote: Multiaddr = addr.parse()?;
println!("Dialed {}", addr)
loop {
match swarm.select_next_some().await {
SwarmEvent::NewListenAddr { address, .. } => println!("Listening on {:?}", address),
SwarmEvent::Behaviour(event) => println!("{:?}", event),
_ => {}
console 1:
cargo run
Local peer id: PeerId("12D3KooWGi2AZgQL5sXDx4WYcPbtpXQDJJf2JTzEfHMKoYARohUN")
Listening on "/ip4/"
Listening on "/ip4/"
Event { peer: PeerId("12D3KooWQTRrShA41Kh7qoQYUc3G63uDZcXPSFw68AmzZqmaaHSh"), result: Ok(Pong) }
Event { peer: PeerId("12D3KooWQTRrShA41Kh7qoQYUc3G63uDZcXPSFw68AmzZqmaaHSh"), result: Ok(Ping { rtt: 1.112947ms }) }
Event { peer: PeerId("12D3KooWQTRrShA41Kh7qoQYUc3G63uDZcXPSFw68AmzZqmaaHSh"), result: Ok(Pong) }
Event { peer: PeerId("12D3KooWQTRrShA41Kh7qoQYUc3G63uDZcXPSFw68AmzZqmaaHSh"), result: Ok(Ping { rtt: 1.682508ms }) }
console 2
cargo run -- /ip4/
Local peer id: PeerId("12D3KooWQTRrShA41Kh7qoQYUc3G63uDZcXPSFw68AmzZqmaaHSh")
Dialed /ip4/
Listening on "/ip4/"
Listening on "/ip4/"
Event { peer: PeerId("12D3KooWGi2AZgQL5sXDx4WYcPbtpXQDJJf2JTzEfHMKoYARohUN"), result: Ok(Pong) }
Event { peer: PeerId("12D3KooWGi2AZgQL5sXDx4WYcPbtpXQDJJf2JTzEfHMKoYARohUN"), result: Ok(Ping { rtt: 869.493µs }) }
Event { peer: PeerId("12D3KooWGi2AZgQL5sXDx4WYcPbtpXQDJJf2JTzEfHMKoYARohUN"), result: Ok(Pong) }
Event { peer: PeerId("12D3KooWGi2AZgQL5sXDx4WYcPbtpXQDJJf2JTzEfHMKoYARohUN"), result: Ok(Ping { rtt: 2.109459ms }) }
What confuses me is the order of ping and pong messages. This example creates two nodes which send ping pong messages each other. But why do they start with Pong msg every time I run these nodes? I expect first Ping and then Pong event. Do I miss something?
That seems to simply be down to the library's semantics: if you go look at the documentation for PingSuccess (the "success" side of a ping operation), the two variants are:
Pong Received a ping and sent back a pong.
Ping Sent a ping and received back a pong. Includes the round-trip time.
So the events are not asymmetric: while "pong" means "I received a ping and sent a pong", "ping" means I received a response to my ping, which is why it can report the RTT. And so the timeline is
ping ->
<- pong
triggers PingSuccess::Pong
triggers PingSuccess::Ping
Thus the order you can see here.
If you take a look at the protocol source, you will notices that the protocol always pings first. But, in the example only the incoming events are logged. So, both nodes first send a ping which is not logged, the start receiving the pong responses and the ping requests.
I'm trying to get my feet wet using Tokio. When I send a message from a Telnet connection, I get Custom { kind: InvalidData, error: FrameTooBig }. I don't understand the issue, nor how to overcome it.
extern crate tokio;
extern crate tokio_io;
use tokio::io;
use tokio::net::TcpListener;
use tokio::prelude::*;
use tokio_io::codec::length_delimited;
fn main() {
let addr = "".parse().unwrap();
let listener = TcpListener::bind(&addr).unwrap();
let server = listener
.for_each(|socket| {
let transport = length_delimited::Builder::new().new_read(socket);
let msg_proccessing = transport
.for_each(|msg| {
// Note: This part is never actually executed
println!("{:?}", msg);
.map_err(|e| println!("waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa {:?}", e));
.map_err(|_| {});
Client side:
▶ telnet localhost 12345
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
\x00\x00\x00\x0bhello world
Connection closed by foreign host.
The problem was lying on the client side, and it was related with how Telnet works. It's not straightforward to send hex data using Telnet, so I tried this and worked well:
echo '\x00\x00\x00\x0bhello world' | nc localhost 12345 #WORKS!
However, neither of these work:
echo '\x00\x00\x00\x0bhello world' | telnet localhost
▶ telnet localhost 12345
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
\x00\x00\x00\x0bhello world
Connection closed by foreign host.
It seems like the FrameTooBig error was due to the fact that the message telnet was sending was bigger than what the server expected. I wasn't be able to encode the frame properly using hex, and then the length was not matching the length header received, and thus the error.
I'm figuring out how to use the tokio-proto crate, particularly on the handshake made when a connection is established. I've got the example from the official documentation working:
impl<T: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + 'static> ClientProto<T> for ClientLineProto {
type Request = String;
type Response = String;
/// `Framed<T, LineCodec>` is the return value of `io.framed(LineCodec)`
type Transport = Framed<T, line::LineCodec>;
type BindTransport = Box<Future<Item = Self::Transport, Error = io::Error>>;
fn bind_transport(&self, io: T) -> Self::BindTransport {
// Construct the line-based transport
let transport = io.framed(line::LineCodec);
// Send the handshake frame to the server.
let handshake = transport.send("You ready?".to_string())
// Wait for a response from the server, if the transport errors out,
// we don't care about the transport handle anymore, just the error
.and_then(|transport| transport.into_future().map_err(|(e, _)| e))
.and_then(|(line, transport)| {
// The server sent back a line, check to see if it is the
// expected handshake line.
match line {
Some(ref msg) if msg == "Bring it!" => {
println!("CLIENT: received server handshake");
Some(ref msg) if msg == "No! Go away!" => {
// At this point, the server is at capacity. There are a
// few things that we could do. Set a backoff timer and
// try again in a bit. Or we could try a different
// remote server. However, we're just going to error out
// the connection.
println!("CLIENT: server is at capacity");
let err = io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "server at capacity");
_ => {
println!("CLIENT: server handshake INVALID");
let err = io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "invalid handshake");
But the official docs only mention a handshake without stateful information. Is there a common way to retrieve and store useful data from the handshake?
For example, if during the handshake (in the first message after the connection is established) the server sends some key that should be used later by the client, how should the ClientProto implementation look into that key? And where should it be stored?
You can add fields to ClientLineProto, so this should work:
pub struct ClientLineProto {
handshakes: Arc<Mutex<HashMap<String, String>>>
And then you can reference it and store data as needed:
let mut handshakes = self.handshakes.lock();
handshakes.insert(handshake_key, "Blah blah handshake data")
This sort of access would work in bind_transport() for storing things. Then when you create the Arc::Mutex::HashMap in your main() function and you will have access to the whole thing in the serve() method as well, which means you can pass it in to the Service object instantiation and then the handshakes will be available during call().