Looping through a panda dataframe - python-3.x

My variable noExperience1 is a dataframe
I am trying to go through this loop:
num = 0
for row in noExperience1:
if noExperience1[row+1] - noExperience1[row] > num:
num = noExperience1[row+1] - noExperience1[row]
My goal is to find the biggest difference in y values from one x value to the next. But I get the error that the line of my if statement needs to be a string and not an integer. How do I fix this so I can have a number?

We can't directly access a row of dataframe using indexing. We need to use loc or iloc for it. I had just solved the problem stated by you.
`noExperience1=pd.read_csv("../input/data.csv")#reading CSV file
for row in range(1,len(noExperience1)): #iterating row in all rows of DF
if int(noExperience1.loc[row]-noExperience1.loc[row-1]) > num:
num = int(noExperience1.loc[row]-noExperience1.loc[row-1])
1.Column Slicing : DataFrame[ColName] ==> will give you all enteries of specified column.
2.Row Slicing: DataFrame.loc[RowNumber] ==> will give you a complete row of specified row numbe.RowNumber starts with 0.
Hope this helps.


Splitting the data of one excel column into two columns sing python

I have problem of splitting the content of one excel column which contains numbers and letters into two columns the numbers in one column and the letters in the other.
As can you see in the first photo there is no space between the numbers and the letters, but the good thing is the letters are always "ms". I need a method split them as in the second photo.
I tried to use the replace but it did not work. it did not split them.
Is there any other method.
You can use the extract method. Here is an example:
df = pd.DataFrame({'time': ['34ms', '239ms', '126ms']})
df[['time', 'unit']] = df['time'].str.extract('(\d+)(\D+)')
# convert time column into integer
df['time'] = df['time'].astype(int)
# output:
# time unit
# 0 343 ms
# 1 239 ms
# 2 126 ms
It is pretty simple.
You need to use pandas.Series.str.split
Attaching the Syntax here :- pandas.Series.str.split
The Code should be
import pandas as pd
data_before = {'data' : ['34ms','56ms','2435ms']}
df = pd.DataFrame(data_before)
result = df['data'].str.split(pat='(\d+)',expand=True)
result = result.loc[:,[1,2]]
result.rename(columns={1:'number', 2:'string'}, inplace=True)
Output : -

Iterate in column for specific value and insert 1 if found or 0 if not found in new column python

I have a DataFrame as shown in the attached image. My columns of interest are fgr and fgr1. As you can see, they both contain values corresponding to years.
I want to iterate in the the two columns and for any value present, I want 1 if the value is present or else 0.
For example, in fgr the first value is 2028. So, the first row in column 2028 will have a value 1 and all other columns have value 0.
I tried using lookup but I did not succeed. So, any pointers will be really helpful.
Example dataframe
Data file in Excel
This fill do you job. You can use for loops aswell but I think this approach will be faster.
df["Matched"] = df["fgr"].isin(df["fgr1"])*1
Basically you check if values from one are in anoter column and if they are, you get True or False. You then multiply by 1 to get 1 and 0 instead of True or False.
From this answer
Not the most efficient, but should work for your case(time consuming if large dataset)
s = df.reset_index().melt(['index','fgr','fgr1'])
s['value'] = s.variable.eq(s.fgr.str[:4]).astype(int)
s['value2'] = s.variable.eq(s.fgr1.str[:4]).astype(int)
s['final'] = np.where(s['value']+s['value2'] > 0,1,0)
yourdf = s.pivot_table(index=['index','fgr','fgr1'],columns = 'variable',values='final',aggfunc='first').reset_index(level=[1,2])

split multiple values into two columns based on single seprator

I am new to pandas.I have a situation I want to split length column into two columns a and b.Values in length column are in pair.I want to compare first pair smaller value should be in a nad larger in b.then compare next pair on same row and smaller in a,larger in b.
I have hundred rows.I think I can not use str.split because there are multiple values and same delimiter.I have no idea how to do it
The output should be same like this.
Any help will be appreciated
length a b
{22.562,"35.012","25.456",37.342,24.541,38.241} 22.562,25.45624.541 35.012,37.342,38.241
{21.562,"37.012",25.256,36.342} 31.562,25.256 37.012,36.342
{22.256,36.456,26.245,35.342,25.56,"36.25"} 22.256,26.245,25.56 36.456,35.342,36.25
I have tried
df['a'] = df['length'].str.split(',').str[0::2]
df['b'] = df['length'].str.split(',').str[1::3]
through this ode column b output is perfect but col a is printing first full pair then second.. It is not giving only 0,2,4th values
The problem comes from the fact that your length column is made of set not lists.
Here is a way to do what you want by casting your length column as list:
df['length'] = [list(x) for x in df.length] # We cast the sets as lists
df['a'] = [x[0::2] for x in df.length]
df['b'] = [x[1::2] for x in df.length]
length a \
0 [35.012, 37.342, 38.241, 22.562, 24.541, 25.456] [35.012, 38.241, 24.541]
1 [25.256, 36.342, 21.562, 37.012] [25.256, 21.562]
2 [35.342, 36.456, 36.25, 22.256, 25.56, 26.245] [35.342, 36.25, 25.56]
0 [37.342, 22.562, 25.456]
1 [36.342, 37.012]
2 [36.456, 22.256, 26.245]

how how iloc[:,1:] works ? can any one explain [:,1:] params

What is the meaning of below lines., especially confused about how iloc[:,1:] is working ? and also data[:,:1]
data = np.asarray(train_df_mv_norm.iloc[:,1:])
X, Y = data[:,1:],data[:,:1]
Here train_df_mv_norm is a dataframe --
Definition: pandas iloc
.iloc[] is primarily integer position based (from 0 to length-1 of the
axis), but may also be used with a boolean array.
For example:
df.iloc[:3] # slice your object, i.e. first three rows of your dataframe
df.iloc[0:3] # same
df.iloc[0, 1] # index both axis. Select the element from the first row, second column.
df.iloc[:, 0:5] # first five columns of data frame with all rows
So, your dataframe train_df_mv_norm.iloc[:,1:] will select all rows but your first column will be excluded.
Note that:
df.iloc[:,:1] select all rows and columns from 0 (included) to 1 (excluded).
df.iloc[:,1:] select all rows and columns, but exclude column 1.
To complete the answer by KeyMaker00, I add that data[:,:1] means:
The first : - take all rows.
:1 - equal to 0:1 take columns starting from column 0,
up to (excluding) column 1.
So, to sum up, the second expression reads only the first column from data.
As your expression has the form:
<variable_list> = <expression_list>
each expression is substituted under the corresponding variable (X and Y).
Maybe it will complete the answers before.
You will know
what you get,
its shape
how to use it with de column name
df.iloc[:,1:2] # get column 1 as a DATAFRAME of shape (n, 1)
df.iloc[:,1:2].values # get column 1 as an NDARRAY of shape (n, 1)
df.iloc[:,1].values # get column 1 as an NDARRAY of shape ( n,)
df.iloc[:,1] # get column 1 as a SERIES of shape (n,)
# iloc with the name of a column
df.iloc[:, df.columns.get_loc('my_col')] # maybe there is some more
elegants methods

About lists in python

I have an excel file with a column in which values are in multiple rows in this format 25/02/2016. I want to save all this rows of dates in a list. Each row is a separate value. How do I do this? So far this is my code:
I have an excel file with a column in which values are in multiple rows in this format 25/02/2016. I want to save all this rows of dates in a list. Each row is a separate value. How do I do this? So far this is my code:
import openpyxl
wb = openpyxl.load_workbook ('LOTERIAREAL.xlsx')
sheet = wb.get_active_sheet()
rowsnum = sheet.get_highest_row()
wholeNum = []
for n in range(1, rowsnum):
wholeNum = sheet.cell(row=n, column=1).value
print (wholeNum[0])
When I use the print statement, instead of printing the value of the first row which should be the first item in the list e.g. 25/02/2016, it is printing the first character of the row which is the number 2. Apparently it is slicing thru the date. I want the first row and subsequent rows saved as separate items in the list. What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance
wholeNum = sheet.cell(row=n, column=1).value assigns the value of the cell to the variable wholeNum, so you're never adding anything to the initial empty list and just overwrite the value each time. When you call wholeNum[0] at the end, wholeNum is a the last string that was read, and you're getting the first character of it.
You probable want wholeNum.append(sheet.cell(row=n, column=1).value) to accumulate a list.
wholeNum =
This is an assignment. It makes the name wholeNum refer to whatever object the expression to the right of the = operator evaluates to.
for ...:
wholeNum = ...
Performing assignment in a loop is frequently not useful. The name wholeNum will refer to whatever value was assigned to it in the last iteration of the loop. The other iterations have no discernible effect.
To append values to a list, use the .append() method.
for ...:
wholeNum.append( ... )
print( wholeNum )
print( wholeNum[0] )
