Run a Power point macro code for other PPTs - excel

I have a macro code named "KillSpecificSlide" for power point. This codes is run behind ppt.If I want to copy the same code to some another ppt or if I want to run the code from One PPT to some other different PPTs then How to do this?
My code is given below:
Sub KillSpecificSlide()
Dim oSld As Slide
Dim oShp As Shape
Dim L As Long
For L = ActivePresentation.Slides.Count To 1 Step -1
Set oSld = ActivePresentation.Slides(L)
For Each oShp In oSld.Shapes
If oShp.HasTextFrame Then
Select Case UCase(oShp.TextFrame.TextRange)
Case Is = "Q4", "CJ"
Case Else
'not found
End Select
End If
Next oShp
Next L
End Sub
This is saved in Module 1 of a PPT named BOX.pptm..I want to run the same code for other ppt files by browsing it.
Sub PPTTest()
Dim PPT As Object
Set PPT = CreateObject("PowerPoint.Application")
PPT.Presentations.Open "D:\Us\70\Desktop\Shaon\BOD.pptx", , , False
' Note that the file name and the module
' name are required to path the macro correctly.
PPT.Run "BOD.pptx!Module1.KillSpecificSlide"
End Sub

Option Explicit
Sub listOpenPresentations()
Dim myPpt As Presentation
Debug.Print "Open ppt's : "; Application.Presentations.Count & vbCrLf
For Each myPpt In Application.Presentations
Debug.Print myPpt.Name
Call Add_and_Delete_Slide(myPpt)
Next myPpt
End Sub
Sub Add_and_Delete_Slide(locPPT As Presentation)
Dim pptSlide As Slide
Dim pptLayout As CustomLayout
Dim actWindow As Variant
For Each actWindow In Windows
If actWindow.Caption = locPPT.Name Then actWindow.Activate
Next actWindow
Set pptLayout = ActivePresentation.Slides(1).CustomLayout
Set pptSlide = ActivePresentation.Slides.AddSlide(2, pptLayout)
MsgBox "Slide 2 added in """ & ActivePresentation.Name & """"
MsgBox "Slide 2 deleted in """ & ActivePresentation.Name & """"
End Sub


How to Copy ALL InlineShapes from Word to Excel?

I'm trying to copy all inline shapes from a word document to excel sheet.
The Word Document has multiple pages, with multiple tables with images in them.
The code I'm using is:
Sub imageExtract()
Dim wrdApp As Word.Application
Dim wrdDoc As Word.Document
Dim shpCurr As InlineShape
Dim i As Long
Set wrdApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Set wrdDoc = wrdApp.Documents.Open("C:\Temp\01.docx")
For Each shpCurr In wrdDoc.InlineShapes
Sheet10.Range("A" & i).PasteSpecial
i = i + 1
Next shpCurr
End Sub
Can someone explain to me why it is working for all the shapes in the first page of the Word document, and doesn't work for the shapes from another pages?
wrdDoc.InlineShapes.Count shows the real number of the shapes in the doc, so the loop is compleate
I've tried to cut and paste each shape to the first page before .CopyAsImage, with no sucsess.
I also tried to loop through each table and reference to the table's inline shapes ( "wrdDoc.tbl.InlineShapes"), with no sucsess.
If I manualy move a picture from (let's say) Page2 to Page1 and run the code again, this picture is copied.
If the problem is not the initial setting of the variable i, as I have mentioned in my comment above, then maybe you should try this code because not all shapes in a Word document are necessarily InlineShapes. The definition of InlineShapes in Word is they reside on their own paragraph. The other possibility for Shapes in a Word document are they have wrapping text and are anchored to some other place in the document. The significance here for InlineShapes and Floating Shapes is they each have to be referenced separately.
Of course you have mentioned that the InlineShapes count matches to what you expect but ... who knows ... maybe try this:
Sub imageExtract()
Dim wrdApp As Word.Application
Dim wrdDoc As Word.Document
Dim iShp As Word.InlineShape, shp As Word.Shape
Dim i As Long
Set wrdApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Set wrdDoc = wrdApp.Documents.Open("C:\Temp\01.docx")
If wrdDoc.Shapes.Count > 0 Then
For i = 1 To wrdDoc.Shapes.Count
Set shp = wrdDoc.Shapes(i)
End If
If wrdDoc.InlineShapes.Count > 0 Then
For i = 1 To wrdDoc.InlineShapes.Count
Set iShp = wrdDoc.InlineShapes(i)
Sheet10.Range("A" & i).PasteSpecial
End If
End Sub
After you sent me the files I was able to figure out that the problem is with Excel's PasteSpecial and if executed too many times an error 1004 PasteSpecial method of Range class failed because for some unknown reason something clears the clipboard and attempting to paste an empty clipboard generates the error.
I altered your code to use Word's Selection method to copy the images versus a Range method that was in your original code and that took care of the problem ... strange but it works. I also added some other code so that Word is properly closed out when the routine ends.
Sub imageExtract()
Dim wrdApp As Word.Application
Dim wrdDoc As Word.Document
Dim shpCurr As Word.InlineShape
Dim i As Long
On Error GoTo errHandler
Set wrdApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
wrdApp.Visible = True
Set wrdDoc = wrdApp.Documents.Open(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\01.docx")
i = 1
Debug.Print wrdDoc.InlineShapes.Count
'On Error Resume Next
For Each shpCurr In wrdDoc.InlineShapes
Sheet10.Range("A" & i).PasteSpecial xlPasteAll
i = i + 1
'the following is copying only one character which will clear the clipboard
'and prevent the message about wanting to save the last thing copied
wrdApp.Selection.EndKey wdStory
wrdApp.Selection.MoveStart wdCharacter, -1
wrdDoc.Close SaveChanges:=wdDoNotSaveChanges
Set wrdDoc = Nothing
Set wrdApp = Nothing
MsgBox "Complete"
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & Chr(32) & Err.Description, vbCritical
wrdDoc.Close SaveChanges:=wdDoNotSaveChanges
Set wrdApp = Nothing
End Sub

Code Works When Using F8 but Not When Run Fully

First of all I'm not very good at Excel macro.
After going through multiple forums, I managed to come up with a code to Crop images in a folder using Excel VBA.
the code opens up each image in Excel, paste in a chart, crop the image, resize to match the height & width and then replace the original image with the edited image.
Macro is working fine with F8 but when I run the macro fully, Images are not getting replaced with the edited one, instead it's replacing with blank image.
After digging through multiple options, the only conclusion I came up with is the macro is running fine in Excel 2013 but it's not running properly with office 365.
Can anybody help me, how to resolve this or have any better code to run?
Option Explicit
Sub ImportData()
Dim XL As Object
Dim thisPath As String
Dim BooksPAth As String
BooksPAth = "C:\Images\"
thisPath = ActivePresentation.path
Set XL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Run "Crop_vis", BooksPAth
End Sub
Sub DeleteAllShapes()
Dim Shp As Shape
For Each Shp In ActiveSheet.Shapes
If Not (Shp.Type = msoOLEControlObject Or Shp.Type = msoFormControl) Then Shp.Delete
Next Shp
End Sub
Sub Crop_Vis(ByVal folderPath As String)
Dim Shp As Object, path As String, sht As Worksheet, s As Shape, TempChart As String
'Dim folderPath As String
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
If folderPath = "" Then Exit Sub
Set sht = Sheet1
path = Dir(folderPath & "\*.jpg")
Do While path <> ""
Set Shp = sht.Pictures.Insert(folderPath & "\" & path)
' Use picture's height and width.
Set s = sht.Shapes(sht.Shapes.Count)
s.PictureFormat.CropTop = 50
s.Width = 768
s.Height = 720
'Add a temporary chart in sheet1
ActiveChart.Location Where:=xlLocationAsObject, Name:=sht.Name
Selection.Border.LineStyle = 0
TempChart = Selection.Name & " " & Split(ActiveChart.Name, " ")(2)
With sht
'Change the dimensions of the chart to suit your need
With .Shapes(TempChart)
.Width = s.Width
.Height = s.Height
End With
'Copy the picture
'Paste the picture in the chart
With ActiveChart
End With
'Finally export the chart
.ChartObjects(1).Chart.Export fileName:=folderPath & "\" & path, FilterName:="jpg"
'Destroy the chart. You may want to delete it...
End With
path = Dir
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
End Sub
'Finally export the chart
insert something like this, to make sure that pasting of the image into the chart has finished:
If ActiveChart.Shapes.Count > 0 Then
Exit Do
End If
The problem is with the pasting. When you tell it to paste the clipboard (image) into the chart, sometimes it ignores you. When you go to export the chart, you end up with an empty image.
It's not that you have to wait for it to paste, because it's not going to - it ignored you. I have no idea why it ignores you, or why it doesn't error out when it ignores you - it just ignores you with no warning. Maybe Windows is just too busy under the hood to paste.
Basically, what you have to do is check to see if it pasted, and if not, paste again....and again....until it finally sees fit to process your instruction.
I debugged, Googled, trialed and errored and banged my head on the wall for week on this and finally ended up with this:
Sub SavePictureFromExcel(shp As Shape, SavePath As String)
Dim Imagews As Worksheet
Dim tempChartObj As ChartObject
Dim ImageFullPath As String
Set Imagews = Sheets("Image Files")
Set tempChartObj = Imagews.ChartObjects.Add(0, 0, shp.Width, shp.Height)
tempChartObj.Chart.ChartArea.Format.Line.Visible = msoFalse 'No Outline
tempChartObj.Chart.ChartArea.Format.Fill.Visible = msoFalse 'No Background
Loop While tempChartObj.Chart.Shapes.Count < 1
ImageFullPath = SavePath & "\" & shp.Name & ".png"
tempChartObj.Chart.Export ImageFullPath, Filtername:="png"
End Sub

How will I automatically update multiple slides in powerpoint which has a link in excel and has vba codes?

I have an excel file which composed of data and on a separate sheet, i create a graphs(bar, line, and doughnut). I used paste special from my created graphs in excel into my powerpoint so that it will be linked. Can someone tell me what will be the syntax to update those other slides?Thanks
This is my code and it is working only on the first slide of my presentation.
Sub Refresh(ParamArray var() As Variant)
Dim pApp As Object
Dim pPreso As Object
Dim pSlide As Object
Dim sPreso As String
sPreso = "/Users/USER/Desktop/company/Presentation1.pptx"
On Error Resume Next
Set pApp = GetObject(, "PowerPoint.Application")
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Set pApp = CreateObject("PowerPoint.Application")
pApp.Visible = True
End If
On Error Resume Next
Set pPreso = pApp.Presentations(sPreso)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Set pPreso = pApp.Presentations.Open(Filename:=sPreso)
End If
Dim varSize As Integer
Dim i As Integer
varSize = UBound(var) - LBound(var) + 1
For i = 0 To (varSize - 1)
Next i
End Sub
When I close the application for both excel and ppt, and then reopen it again, when I try to edit on my excel file,only the first slide in the ppt is automatically updated, I want to update all the slides in my powerpoint presentation.
I think You should run through all slides, maybe like this:
Dim sld
For Each sld In pPreso.Slides
For i = 0 To (varSize - 1)
Next i
Next sld

Pivot Chart Title to Display Multiple Selected Items

I have a pivotchart that when the selected filter (work center) is changed, it updates the chart title to display that work center name. However, if I check the box to allow multiple selections, the chart title simply shows "All" instead of showing each of the actual selected items. I haven't found a way to get it to show what I'm looking for. Below is the code that I'm using to update the chart title as well as the code for the filter change event that fires it off
Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_PivotTableUpdate(ByVal Target As PivotTable)
On Error Resume Next
Application.Run "'Prod_Tools.xlam'!gPTWCChange", Target.PivotFields("WorkCenter").CurrentPage
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Sub gPTWCChange(ByVal WC As String)
Dim wb1 As Workbook
Dim CPWB1 As Workbook
For Each wb1 In Workbooks
If InStr(1, wb1.Name, "Capacity Planning Rep", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
Set CPWB1 = Workbooks(wb1.Name)
Exit For
End If
Next wb1
On Error Resume Next
CPWB1.Charts("Workcenter By Week").ChartTitle.Text = "Work Center: " & WC
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
What I would like is when multiple items are selected, have the chart title look like "Data for: Workcenter_A, Workcenter_B, Workcenter_F"
Here's your adapted sub. Notice that its parameter has changed.
Public Sub gPTWCChange(ByVal pfWC As Excel.PivotField)
Const sSEPARATOR As String = ", "
Dim sChartTitle As String
Dim oPivotItem As Excel.PivotItem
Dim lVisibleCount As Long
'... Your original code ...
Dim wb1 As Workbook
Dim CPWB1 As Workbook
For Each wb1 In Workbooks
If InStr(1, wb1.Name, "Capacity Planning Rep", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
Set CPWB1 = Workbooks(wb1.Name)
Exit For
End If
Next wb1
'... New code to compute the chart title ...
If pfWC.EnableMultiplePageItems Then
'Build the chart title from the visible items in the PivotField.
lVisibleCount = 0
For Each oPivotItem In pfWC.PivotItems
If oPivotItem.Visible Then
lVisibleCount = lVisibleCount + 1
sChartTitle = sChartTitle & sSEPARATOR & oPivotItem.Caption
End If
'Drop the leading separator.
sChartTitle = Mid$(sChartTitle, Len(sSEPARATOR) + 1)
'Manage plural.
sChartTitle = "Work Center" & IIf(lVisibleCount > 1, "s", "") & ": " & sChartTitle
sChartTitle = "Work Center: " & pfWC.CurrentPage
End If
'... Your original code ...
On Error Resume Next
CPWB1.Charts("Workcenter By Week").ChartTitle.Text = sChartTitle
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
And call your sub as follows:
Application.Run "'Prod_Tools.xlam'!gPTWCChange", Target.PivotFields("WorkCenter")
The principle is to send your sub a reference to the PivotField object, and from there, check its EnableMultiplePageItems property.

Linking Excel Database to AutoCad for Typical Loop Drawing Generation

I have to know how can i link the excel database of Instrument loop Diagram in AutoCad format. I have AutoCad Template for a loop typical and Excel Database in which i have 100 Loops information for particular typical.I have AutoCad 2006,2007 and 2011 with me. please suggest idea for linking and generating he AutoCAD Drawings automatically.
The easiest way would be to learn a bit of AutoLisp, which is really worth learning if you're into generating drawings or automating your processes within AutoCAD.
Here's a great website for learning AutoLisp:
AutoDesk's Lisp forum is also a great source of help.
As for extracting the data from Excel, here is a library which really facilitates access from AutoLisp:
'General rule: excel and acad have to be same like both 64bit or both 32 bit !!!
' You will need to add a reference to the AutoCAD
' Type Library to run this example book. Use the "Tools -
' References" menu. If you prefere you can switch to late
' binding by changeing the AutoCAD types to generic objects
Public Sub Excel_drives_acadPolyline_import_POINTs()
Dim objApp As AcadApplication
Dim objDoc As AcadDocument
Dim objEnt As AcadEntity
Dim varPnt As Variant
Dim strPrmpt As String
Dim intVCnt As Integer
Dim varCords As Variant
Dim varVert As Variant
Dim varCord As Variant
Dim varNext As Variant
Dim intCrdCnt As Integer
On Error GoTo Err_Control
Set objApp = AINTERFACE.Iapp
Set objDoc = objApp.activedocument
AppActivate objApp.CAPTION
objDoc.Utility.GetEntity objEnt, varPnt
If TypeOf objEnt Is AcadLWPolyline Then
AppActivate ThisDrawing.applicaTION.CAPTION
varCords = objEnt.COORDINATES
For Each varVert In varCords
intVCnt = intVCnt + 1
For intCrdCnt = 0 To intVCnt / 2 - 1
varCord = objEnt.COORDINATE(intCrdCnt)
Excel.applicaTION.Cells(intCrdCnt + 1, 1).value = varCord(0)
Excel.applicaTION.Cells(intCrdCnt + 1, 2).value = varCord(1)
Next intCrdCnt
MsgBox "Selected entity was not a LWPolyline"
End If
If Not objApp Is Nothing Then
Set objApp = Nothing
Set objDoc = Nothing
End If
Exit Sub
'debug.print err.DESCRIPTION
Resume Exit_Here
End Sub
' You will need to add a reference to the Excel
' Type Library to run this.In case of excel excel.exe is the library !
Sub acad-drives_excel()
Dim xAP As Excel.applicaTION
Dim xWB As Excel.Workbook
Dim xWS As Excel.WorkSheet
Set xAP = Excel.applicaTION
Set xWB = xAP.Workbooks.Open(SLOPEDIR.PROJECT & "\A2K2_VBA\IUnknown.xls")
Set xWS = xWB.Worksheets("Sheet1")
MsgBox "Excel says: """ & Cells(1, 1) & """"
Dim A2K As AcadApplication
Dim A2Kdwg As AcadDocument
Set A2Kdwg = A2K.applicaTION.documents.Add
MsgBox A2K.NAME & " version " & A2K.version & _
" is running."
Dim HEIGHT As Double
Dim p(0 To 2) As Double
Dim TxtStr As String
p(0) = 1: p(1) = 1: p(2) = 0
TxtStr = Cells(1, 1)
Set TxtObj = A2Kdwg.modelspace.AddText(TxtStr, _
A2Kdwg.SaveAs SLOPEDIR.PROJECT & "\A2K2_VBA\IUnknown.dwg"
Set A2K = Nothing
Set xAP = Nothing
End Sub
Whatever way you choose now you can draw into the autocad drawing by using VBA.
There is another way for non programmers.
in fact you can create a excel table which creates this things and then you can export them to a text file. For simple task a solution but crap if you hase more complex things to do.
And last but not least you can create dynamic blocks and use vba to insert them and set the values of their parameters according to your excel sheet. But this would explode this tiny post
