lambda trigger callback vs context.done - node.js

I was following the guide here for setting up a presignup trigger.
However, when I used callback(null, event) my lambda function would never actually return and I would end up getting an error
{ code: 'UnexpectedLambdaException',
name: 'UnexpectedLambdaException',
message: 'arn:aws:lambda:us-east-2:642684845958:function:proj-dev-confirm-1OP5DB3KK5WTA failed with error Socket timeout while invoking Lambda function.' }
I found a similar link here that says to use context.done().
After switching it works perfectly fine.
What's the difference?
exports.confirm = (event, context, callback) => {
event.response.autoConfirmUser = true;
context.done(null, event);
//callback(null, event); does not work

Back in the original Lambda runtime environment for Node.js 0.10, Lambda provided helper functions in the context object: context.done(err, res) context.succeed(res) and
This was formerly documented, but has been removed.
Using the Earlier Node.js Runtime v0.10.42 is an archived copy of a page that no longer exists in the Lambda documentation, that explains how these methods were used.
When the Node.js 4.3 runtime for Lambda was launched, these remained for backwards compatibility (and remain available but undocumented), and callback(err, res) was introduced.
Here's the nature of your problem, and why the two solutions you found actually seem to solve it.
Context.succeed, context.done, and however, are more than just bookkeeping – they cause the request to return after the current task completes and freeze the process immediately, even if other tasks remain in the Node.js event loop. Generally that’s not what you want if those tasks represent incomplete callbacks.
So with callback, Lambda functions now behave in a more paradigmatically correct way, but this is a problem if you intend for certain objects to remain on the event loop during the freeze that occurs between invocations -- unlike the old (deprecated) done fail succeed methods, using the callback doesn't suspend things immediately. Instead, it waits for the event loop to be empty.
context.callbackWaitsForEmptyEventLoop -- default true -- was introduced so that you can set it to false for those cases where you want the Lambda function to return immediately after you call the callback, regardless of what's happening in the event loop. The default is true because false can mask bugs in your function and can cause very erratic/unexpected behavior if you fail to consider the implications of container reuse -- so you shouldn't set this to false unless and until you understand why it is needed.
A common reason false is needed would be a database connection made by your function. If you create a database connection object in a global variable, it will have an open socket, and potentially other things like timers, sitting on the event loop. This prevents the callback from causing Lambda to return a response, until these operations are also finished or the invocation timeout timer fires.
Identify why you need to set this to false, and if it's a valid reason, then it is correct to use it.
Otherwise, your code may have a bug that you need to understand and fix, such as leaving requests in flight or other work unfinished, when calling the callback.
So, how do we parse the Cognito error? At first, it seemed pretty unusual, but now it's clear that it is not.
When executing a function, Lambda will throw an error that the tasked timed out after the configured number of seconds. You should find this to be what happens when you test your function in the Lambda console.
Unfortunately, Cognito appears to have taken an internal design shortcut when invoking a Lambda function, and instead of waiting for Lambda to timeout the invocarion (which could tie up resources inside Cognito) or imposing its own explicit timer on the maximum duration Cognito will wait for a Lambda response, it's relying on a lower layer socket timer to constrain this wait... thus an "unexpected" error is thrown while invoking the timeout.
Further complicating interpreting the error message, there are missing quotes in the error, where the lower layer exception is interpolated.
To me, the problem would be much more clear if the error read like this:
'arn:aws:lambda:...' failed with error 'Socket timeout' while invoking Lambda function
This format would more clearly indicate that while Cognito was invoking the function, it threw an internal Socket timeout error (as opposed to Lambda encountering an unexpected internal error, which was my original -- and incorrect -- assumption).
It's quite reasonable for Cognito to impose some kind of response time limit on the Lambda function, but I don't see this documented. I suspect a short timeout on your Lambda function itself (making it fail more promptly) would cause Cognito to throw a somewhat more useful error, but in my mind, Cognito should have been designed to include logic to make this an expected, defined error, rather than categorizing it as "unexpected."

As an update the Runtime Node.js 10.x handler supports an async function that makes use of return and throw statements to return success or error responses, respectively. Additionally, if your function performs asynchronous tasks then you can return a Promise where you would then use resolve or reject to return a success or error, respectively. Either approach simplifies things by not requiring context or callback to signal completion to the invoker, so your lambda function could look something like this:
exports.handler = async (event) => {
// perform tasking...
const data = doStuffWith(event)
// later encounter an error situation
throw new Error('tell invoker you encountered an error')
// finished tasking with no errors
return { data }
Of course you can still use context but its not required to signal completion.


SQS sendMessage not completing properly - even using await

We've got an occasional weird problem in our AWS lambda function where sendMessage() only gets completed in the /next/ function invocation. Our code looks like:
await sqsClient.sendMessage(params).promise()
As you can see, we're awaiting on the promise... but occasionally it looks like the promise doesn't get completed until the next lambda invocation comes into the same warm container.
Any theories on what might cause that?
So after hours of debugging, I eventually tracked it down to us having a line of code in our codebase that called context.done() but then letting code continue to execute.
The next time our code calls await ..., I assume that node's async handling kicks in, realises that it is marked as done, so then just abruptly ends the lambda execution... even though the promise hasn't yet completed.

Will an async lamdba run every event in the event loop before exiting (without await) [duplicate]

Is it possible for Lambda to continue processing after returning a response like the status code is 202 then Lambda will have to call a request before ending the Lambda?
Regarding background processes or callbacks initiated before the function returns a response, from the Lambda docs:
Background processes or callbacks initiated by your Lambda function that did not complete when the function ended resume if AWS Lambda chooses to reuse the execution context. You should make sure any background processes or callbacks in your code are complete before the code exits.
When you write your Lambda function code, do not assume that AWS Lambda automatically reuses the execution context for subsequent function invocations. Other factors may dictate a need for AWS Lambda to create a new execution context, which can lead to unexpected results, such as database connection failures.
Additionally for Node.js Lambda functions using non-async handlers:
For non-async handlers, function execution continues until the event loop is empty or the function times out. The response isn't sent to the invoker until all event loop tasks are finished. If the function times out, an error is returned instead. You can configure the runtime to send the response immediately by setting context.callbackWaitsForEmptyEventLoop to false.
Using only AWS Lambda, it is not possible.
You may want to look into AWS Step Functions in order to solve your problem.
You can use two lambdas. The first lambda (lambda 1) will do an async invocation of the lambda that holds your code (lambda 2). Once you invoke it, you can cleanly exit "lambda 1" without waiting for "lambda 2" to return a response.
It can be done if you implement your own bootstrap as part of a Custom Runtime. Unlike the provided AWS Lambda runtimes you may already be familiar with, a Custom Runtime controls its own event loop.
Here's the relevant excerpt from the Documentation:
Processing Tasks
Cleanup – Release unused resources, send data to other services, or perform additional tasks before getting the next event.

Is it safe to skip calling callback if no action needed in nodejs

scenario 1
function a(callback){
console.log("not calling callback");
console.log("callback_res", callback_res);
scenario 2
function a(callback){
console.log("calling callback");
console.log("callback_res", callback_res);
will function a be waiting for callback and will not terminate in scenario 1? However program gets terminated in both scenario.
The problem is not safety but intention. If a function accepts a callback, it's expected that it will be called at some point. If it ignores the argument it accepts, the signature is misleading.
This is a bad practice because function signature gives false impression about how a function works.
It also may cause parameter is unused warning in linters.
will function a be waiting for callback and will not terminate in scenario 1?
The function doesn't contain asynchronous code and won't wait for anything. The fact that callbacks are commonly used in asynchronous control flow doesn't mean that they are asynchronous per se.
will function a be waiting for callback and will not terminate in scenario 1?
No. There is nothing in the code you show that waits for a callback to be called.
Passing a callback to a function is just like passing an integer to a function. The function is free to use it or not and it doesn't mean anything more than that to the interpreter. the JS interpreter has no special logic to "wait for a passed callback to get called". That has no effect one way or the other on when the program terminates. It's just a function argument that the called function can decide whether to use or ignore.
As another example, it used to be common to pass two callbacks to a function, one was called upon success and one was called upon error:
function someFunc(successFn, errorFn) {
// do some operation and then call either successFn or errorFn
In this case, it was pretty clear that one of these was going to get called and the other was not. There's no need (from the JS interpreter's point of view) to call a passed callback. That's purely the prerogative of the logic of your code.
Now, it would not be a good practice to design a function that shows a callback in the calling signature and then never, ever call that callback. That's just plain wasteful and a misleading design. There are many cases of callbacks that are sometimes called and sometimes not depending upon circumstances. Array.prototype.forEach is one such example. If you call array.forEach(fn) on an empty array, the callback is never called. But, of course, if you call it on a non-empty array, it is called.
If your function carries out asynchronous operations and the point of the callback is to communicate when the asynchronous operation is done and whether it concluded with an error or a value, then it would generally be bad form to have code paths that would never call the callback because it would be natural for a caller to assume the callback is doing to get called eventually. I can imagine there might be some exceptions to this, but they better be documented really well with the doc/comments for the function.
For asynchronous operations, your question reminds me somewhat of this: Do never resolved promises cause memory leak? which might be useful to read.

NodeJS -- cost of promise chains in recurssion

I am trying to implement a couple of state handler funcitons in my javascript code, in order to perform 2 different distinct actions in each state. This is similar to a state design pattern of Java (
Conceptually, my program need to remain connected to an elasticsearch instance (or any other server for that matter), and then parse and POST some incoming data to el. If there is no connection available to elasticsearch, my program would keep tring to connect to el endlessly with some retry period.
In a nutshell,
When not connected, keep trying to connect
When connected, start POSTing the data
The main run loop is calling itself recurssively,
function run(ctx) {"run: running...");
// initially starts with disconnected state...
.then(function(result) {
if (result) ctx.curState = connectedSt;
// else it remains in old state.
return run(ctx);
This is not a truly recursive fn in the sense that each invocation is calling itself in a tight loop. But I suspect it ends up with many promises in the chain, and in the long run it will consume more n more memory and hence eventually hang.
Is my assumption / understanding right? Or is it OK to write this kinda code?
If not, should I consider calling setImmediate / process.nextTick etc?
Or should I consider using TCO (Tail Cost Optimization), ofcourse I am yet to fully understand this concept.
Yes, by returning a new promise (the result of the recursive call to run()), you effectively chain in another promise.
Neither setImmediate() nor process.nextTick() are going to solve this directly.
When you call run() again, simply don't return it and you should be fine.

Lambda Timing out after calling callback

I'm using two lambda functions with Javascript's 4.3 runtime. I run the first and it calls the second synchronously (sync is the intent). Problem is the second one times out (at 60sec) but it actually reaches a successful finish after only 22 seconds.
Here's the flow between the two Lambda functions:
Lamda function A I am no longer getting CloudWatch logs for but the real problem (I think) is function B which times out for no reason.
Here's some CloudWatch logs to illustrate this:
The code in Function B at the end -- which includes the "Success" log statement see in picture above -- is included below:
Originally I only had the callback(null, 'successful ...') line and not the nodejs 0.10.x way where you called succeed() off of context. In desperation I added both but the result is the same.
Anyone have an idea what's going on? Any way in which I can debug this?
In case the invocation logic between A and B makes a difference in the state that B starts in, here's the invocation:
As Michael - sqlbot said; the issue seems to be that as long as there is an open connection, because of the non empty event loop, calling the callback doesn't terminate the function. Had the same problem with a open Redis connection; solution as stated is context.callbackWaitsForEmptyEventLoop = false;
At least for redis conenctions it helps to quit the connection to redis in order to let Lambda finish the job properly.
