plot z value in each data point pm3d map - gnuplot

My question is about my code in gnuplot. I want to plot data with pm3d map and Matrix and want to plot the z value in each datapoint as well. I tried this:
set pm3d;set pm3d interpolate 0,0;set pm3d map;
set Palette rgb 33,13,10;splot 'filepath' Matrix
It is all working fine but I cannot plot the z values so I tried this one
splot 'filepath' Matrix using 1:2:(sprintf(%g,$3)) with labels
but this is also not working. Can anybody help me?

as #Bodo, wrote... "not working" is not enough and not helpful to others.
With your code, you must have gotten some error messages, provide them as well.
Several mistakes in your script:
set palette instead of set Palette
splot 'filepath' matrix instead of splot 'filepath' Matrix
sprintf("%g",$3) instead of sprintf(%g,$3)
To your actual problem:
splot requires 3D coordinates + label text, i.e. in your case x:y:z:z or 1:2:3:3
So, the following code is probably doing what you intended to do.
set pm3d
set pm3d interpolate 0,0
set pm3d map
set palette rgb 33,13,10
splot 'filepath' matrix u 1:2:3:(sprintf("%g",$3)) with labels


Gnuplot seems to fail in linear fit

I have a problem with gnuplot.In my data there is a very obvious linear relation in a specific range. So I want to do a linear fit in that range. But gnuplot throws something like an orthogonal (to as it should be) out.
I created the following fitting-file:
set fit errorvariables
fit f(x) 'Data1f.txt' using 1:2:3:4 xyerrors via a,b
fit g(x) 'Data2f.txt' using 1:2:3:4 xyerrors via c,d
set xlabel 'U_G [V]'
set ylabel '{/Symbol=\326}(U_{Ph}-U_0) [{/Symbol=\326}U]'
set xrange [0:0.9]
set yrange [0:4.5]
set grid
plot 'Data1.txt' using 1:2:3:4 w xyerrorbars title 'Measurement 1', f(x) title 'f(x)', 'Data2.txt' using 1:2:3:4 w xyerrorbars title 'Masurement 2', g(x) title 'g(x)'
And it results in the following plot:
I don't know why it is not fitting the obviously linear part of the Data ('Data1f' and 'Data2f' contain exact the same values like 'Data1' and 'Data2' just with some data-points left out. (i tried that when the range comands 'fit [number:number] f(x)......' showed the same result.).
Even LibreOffice Calc was able to give me a fitting curve that resulted in the expected one (but LibreOffice Calc can't handle errors - only the data-points itself).
Because you specified the range after fitting, gnuplot fits the linear function to the full data set, which you said is non-linear. Therefore the result is obviously bad. If you change the order of your commands, fit will only use in-range data and you should get a reasonable fit:
set xrange [0:0.9]
set yrange [0:4.5]
fit f(x) 'Data1f.txt' using 1:2:3:4 xyerrors via a,b
fit g(x) 'Data2f.txt' using 1:2:3:4 xyerrors via c,d
You initialize a,b,c, and d with some value nearby that you are expecting. Then try it, it will work. Initially, the value may be some random garbage number and I could fix the same problem by Initializing the constants with some expected nearby values

How resolve gnuplot artifacts in heat map

I'm trying to generate a heat map from data ( The data are not in the "matrix" form.
I tried to use pm3d map and I obtained the following plot:
I also tried to use dgrid3d and view map:
set view map
set pal def
set dgrid3d 40,40,3
splot "plot.dat" using 1:2:3 u pm3d
And I obtained the following result:
Both the plots are not correct. The dgird3d keyword creates artifacts where there are not data points.
I obtained a nice plot using the code:
set view map
set pal def
splot "plot.dat" using 1:2:3 with points pointtype 5 pointsize 1 palette linewidth 8
Here the result
I would like to obtain a map similar to the latter one, but not with discrete points or squares but as a continuous heat map and have a white background where data are not present. Is it possible?
Since your data is irregular, you should use dgrid3d. It has various options (see help dgrid3d), here is a picture I've got while trying different kernels and options:
set view map
set palette defined (0 'white', 1 'blue', 2 'green', 3 'yellow', 4 'red')
set dgrid3d 100,100 exp kdensity 10,10
splot 'plot.dat' w pm3d palette
set dgrid3d 100,100 gauss kdensity 30,30

GNUPLOT - Add a 2D curve in a 3D Contour plot

I already have a nice 3D plot, with only contour projection from a data file. And I want to add a simple function on it. How can I do this?
here the code:
set autoscale
set terminal png
set contour
set output 'Corrugation_uwtp_HorizontalWind.png'
set pm3d map
set samples 50; set isosamples 50
unset key
set palette rgbformulae 33,13,10
set xlabel "Horizontal distance"
set ylabel "Vertical height"
splot "CORRUGATION_C_UWTP.dat" u 1:2:3
and I want to add following functin:
Thank you for your help
Not possible directly, you have to make it in three steps, as 2D plot:
1st plot the contour to a table:
set contour; unset surface
set table $datatable
splot dataf
unset table
2nd plot the contours and your function
plot for [i=0:5] $datatable index i, f(x)
3rd plot the datafile as a coloured surface
replot dataf with image
If you use a gnuplot version prior to 5.0, you have to plot the table output to a temporary file instead of $tablename.

Draw a line in a pm3d map

I have a and I want to overplot on it a .
I define the line as a 3d line with constant height and I thought that with this method I have the possibility to overplot them one to another but, unfortunately, I failed.
I realized in fact that the density map routine in gnuplot take the points of the line too.
This is my script:
#set terminal pngcairo size 800,500 enhanced font 'Verdana,14'
#set output "map.png"
set title 'Map'
fact1 = (m_star+m_1)**0.5
fact2 = (m_star+m_3)**0.5
set pm3d map interpolate 1,1
set xrange [50.22:52.27]
set yrange [30.29:31.17]
splot "file.txt" u (fact1)*(($1)**(-1.5)):(fact2)*(($2)**(-1.5)):6 notitle ,\
"line.txt" notitle
And here the two files: line and density map.
It is possible to overplot them, in gnuplot?
Thanks a lot for your help !
If you set pm3d, this style is used for all plots unless you explicitely specify a different plotting style. So you must use
splot "file.txt" u (fact1)*(($1)**(-1.5)):(fact2)*(($2)**(-1.5)):6 ,\
"line.txt" with lines
in order to plot line.txt as line:

gnuplot : 3d plot an electromagnetic wave function

Is it possible to do this with gnuplot? Something like on this image (link)
I cannot seem to be able to set x = sin(y) and z = sin(y) independently. seeking help!
Thank you!
Yes! You're in luck, I figured this out last week. Here is the gnuplot code I use:
#!/usr/bin/env gnuplot
set term png lw 2
set out 'test.png'
set style data lines
# Set x,y,z ranges
set xr [0:10]
set yr [-2:2]
set zr [-2:2]
# Rotates so that plots have a nice orientation.
# To get parameters, plot in interactive terminal and use 'show view' command.
set view 45,30,1,1
set arrow from 0,0,0 to 10,0,0
unset border
unset tics
splot '+' u 1:(0):(sin($1)) t 'E', \
'+' u 1:(-sin($1)):(0) t 'B'
And here is the figure I get:
I don't have labels, but you can use set label and more arrows to reproduce your example.
You can also define curves like this parametrically:
set parametric
splot u,0,sin(u) title 'E',\
u,-sin(u),0 title 'B'
Note that the u here isn't shorthand for using as you'll often see. u is a dummy variable used in parametric "s"plotting by gnuplot.
