Nodejs xpath selector on xhtml not working - node.js

I have this simple, but not very well formatted html page with all it's mistakes:
<title>Official game sheet</title>
<body class="sheet">
Tried to apply an xpath //title on the document parsed from this html.
const document = parse5.parse(xmlString);
const xhtml = xmlser.serializeToString(document);
const doc = new dom().parseFromString(xhtml);
const select = xpath.useNamespaces({
"x": ""
const nodes = select("//title", doc);
Tried the solution from here without success. The returned nodes list is empty.
Here you can see the problem.

Here you go #neptune, you don't need parse5 nor xmlser all what is needed is xpath and xmldom.
var xpath = require('xpath');
var dom = require('xmldom').DOMParser;
var xmlString = `
<title>Official game sheet</title>
<custom>Here we are</custom>
<body class="sheet">
//const document = parse5.parse(xmlString);
//const xhtml = xmlser.serializeToString(document);
const doc = new dom().parseFromString(xmlString);
const nodes ="//custom", doc);
console.log(nodes[0].localName + ": " + nodes[0];
console.log("Node: " + nodes[0].toString());

please correct the lines to get title
const nodes = select("//x:title//text()", doc);


how can I get value from google spreadsheet

I need to get value from Google spreadsheet iframe, only one cell (A2) that I display on website.
This value (10%) I want to transfer to progress bar (style="width: [value from google spreadsheet]").
Is it possible?
I've add API and it works very well, I can show values in CMD, so now I want to get this value and transfer to my website. Any suggestions?
const GoogleSpreadsheet = require('google-spreadsheet');
const { promisify } = require('util');
const creds = require('./client_secret.json');
function printInfo(my_sheet){
console.log(`Name: ${my_sheet.kontrahent}`);
async function accessSpreadsheet() {
const doc = new GoogleSpreadsheet('ID');
await promisify(doc.useServiceAccountAuth)(creds);
const info = await promisify(doc.getInfo)();
const sheet = info.worksheets[4];
console.log(`Title: ${sheet.title}, Rows: ${sheet.rowCount}`);
const rows = await promisify(sheet.getRows)({
offset: 1
console.log(rows[0].kontrahent); <!--I want get this value and transfer it to my div progress bar on HTML -->
rows.forEach(row => {
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-9aIt2nRpC12Uk9gS9baDl411NQApFmC26EwAOH8WgZl5MYYxFfc+NcPb1dKGj7Sk" crossorigin="anonymous">
<title>My test page</title>
<iframe src="" height="40px" width="226px"></iframe>
<div class="progress">
<div class="progress-bar progress-bar-success" style="width: 80%"></div>
iFrame interaction is kinda complicated and unsafe. A better way to tackle this problem is using the Google Sheets API.
Here is the basic reading section:
You would need the following components:
Google API key
Something to do a basic REST request

Cheerio itemprop attribute content selection

I am using Cheerio in nodejs to select text from a URL where an element contains the attribute itemprop="name".
At the moment I need to know the parent element in order to read the attribute and associated text. See below as an example.
However, what I would like to do is insert a wildcard for the Element. eg. H2, so I can select any attribute with name="itemprop". Is this possible?
var $ = cheerio.load(body);
var domElem = $("h2[itemprop = 'name']").get(0);
var content = $(domElem).text().trim();
ogTitle = content;
It looks like you can do the following as a wilcard:
var $ = cheerio.load(body);
var domElem = $("*[itemprop = 'name']").get(0);
var content = $(domElem).text().trim();
ogTitle = content;
The following also worked for me:
Html Code:
<a href="/someLine" itemscope="" itemprop="author" itemtype="">
<span itemprop="name">Jane Author</span>
Used this to get Jane Author:
author = $("*[itemprop = 'author']").text();
// Jane Author

template not rendering correctly

Can someone please point me in the right direction. I tried google and didn't find much regarding my issue. While the following code works perfectly fine when running the .html file directly, it doesn't while serving the file in a node express app. The problem is that with node I don't see any data. page loads fine but no data.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script src="jquery.js"></script>
<script src="handlebars.js"></script>
<script src="underscore.js"></script>
<script src="backbone.js"></script>
<script src="moment.js"></script>
<!-- Setup our templates -->
<script id="PersonTemplate" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
Note the [] this is important
because handlebars and backbone collections
dont play well with each other in regards
to naming JSON groups
<script id="PeopleTemplate" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
{{#each []}}
<!-- End templates setup -->
// Stub out the person model
var Person = Backbone.Model.extend({
// Create a collection of persons
var People = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Person
// Define the view for a single person
var PersonView = Backbone.View.extend({
render: function() {
// This is method that can be called
// once an object is init. You could
// also do this in the initialize event
var source = $('#PersonTemplate').html();
var template = Handlebars.compile(source);
var html = template(this.model.toJSON());
// Define the view for People
var PeopleView = Backbone.View.extend({
render: function() {
// This is method that can be called
// once an object is init. You could
// also do this in the initialize event
var source = $('#PeopleTemplate').html();
var template = Handlebars.compile(source);
var html = template(this.collection.toJSON());
initialize: function(){
this.collection.on('add', this.render, this)
// Create instance of People Collection
var people = new People();
// Create new instances of the person models
var person = new Person({name: "Tim", age: 5});
var person2 = new Person({name: "Jill", age: 15});
// Create instances of the views
var personView = new PersonView({
model: person
var peopleView = new PeopleView({
collection: people
// We have to do this stuff in the dom ready
// so that the container objects get built out
// Set el of the views.
personView.el = $('#personContainer');
peopleView.el = $('#peopleContainer');
// Add them to a new instance of the people collection
// Render the views. If you are using the initialize
// method then you do not have to do this step.
// Try on console!
// people.add(new Person({name: 'Rames', age:'23'}));
<div id='personContainer' ></div>
<div id='peopleContainer' ></div>
Thanks in advance for your help.

How can I pass variable to ejs.compile

My bottom_index.ejs looks like that:
<div>The bottom section</div>
In my code I declare ejs:
ejs = require('ejs');
Then compile the function:
var botom_index_ejs =
ejs.compile(fs.readFileSync(__dirname + "/../views/bottom_index.ejs", 'utf8'));
and then call it to get rendered html:
It works fine!
Now I would like to change my template to:
<div><%= bottom_text %></div>
and be able to pass the parameter (bottom_text) to the bottom_index.ejs
How should I pass the parameters?
Parameters are passed to EJS template as a JS plain object. For your example it sholud be:
botom_index_ejs({ bottom_text : 'The bottom section' });
var fs = require('fs');
var ejs = require('ejs');
var compiled = ejs.compile(fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/test.ejs', 'utf8'));
var html = compiled({ title : 'EJS', text : 'Hello, World!' });
<title><%= title %></title>
<p><%= text %></p>

How to create a "carousel"-like widget in spotify apps API?

Is it possible using the spotify apps API to create one of these widgets filled with my data of choice?
Yes, by using import/scripts/pager. Here's an example, extracted and simplified from the "What's New" app. Your pager.js:
"use strict";
sp = getSpotifyApi(1);
var p = sp.require('sp://import/scripts/pager');
var dom = sp.require('sp://import/scripts/dom');
exports.init = init;
function init() {
var pagerSection = dom.queryOne('#pager');
var datasource = new DataSource([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]);
var options = {
perPage: 5,
hidePartials: true,
orientation: 'vertical', // 'vertical', 'horizontal'
pagingLocation: 'top', // 'top', 'bottom'
bullets: false,
listType: 'list', // 'table', 'list'
context: 'aToplist' // some string unique for each pager
var pager = new p.Pager(datasource, options);
pager.h2.innerHTML = "Example Pager";
dom.adopt(pagerSection, pager.node);
function DataSource(data) {
var data = data;
this.count = function() {
return data.length;
this.makeNode = function(index) {
var dataItem = data[index];
var li = new dom.Element('li');
var nameColumn = new dom.Element('div', {
className: 'nameColumn',
html: '<div class="nameColumn">'+
'Name' + dataItem + ''+
'Creator' + dataItem +''+
dom.adopt(li, nameColumn);
return li;
Your index.html:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="pager.css">
<body onload="sp = getSpotifyApi(1); sp.require('pager').init();">
<div id="wrapper">
<section class="toplists" id="bottomToplists">
<section id="pager" class="playlists playlistsTable toplist"></section>
And lastly, copy the whatsnew.css into your project and rename it to pager.css. You will of course need to clean up the css and modify the elements in your index.html to fit with your app but this is a good starting point.
The "What's New" app also has an example of a horizontal pager with album artwork. Take a look at this question and answer to figure out how to extract the source of the app.
Also note that I am not sure whether the pager.js will be part of the public API. If not then you can of course extract it into your own pager widget and use it anyway.
