Unable to create 'launch.json' file inside the '.vscode' folder ({0}) - linux

I'm on a linux machine running vscode. I am trying to do some debugging but whenever I try to select the environment configuration I get the message, "Unable to create 'launch.json' file inside the '.vscode' folder ({0})."
I suspect it could be a permissions thing but when I try to run vscode as an elevated user I am warned not to. Instead it advises that I can change the user data directory. Will this fix my problem?

After some digging, it turns out that the .vscode directory is created inside the root folder of each project added to vscode. To resolve the problem I had to create the folder manually and give permissions for vscode to write to the directory.


How do i formulate file path for testsettings on the Runsettings file parameter <SettingsFile>

Whats the proper way to form relative file path/ or file path for the runsettings parameter
In my local environment this works but when i push it to build release agents it fails since
its looking for the file in a different directory which is my release folder
but instead its looking for this file in what appears to be in a folder directory.
This is the directory its looking at E:\Agent_work\r10\a\xxxxxxxxx.testsettings,
here is my current way i have it set
here is the error message
Error: The test settings file E:\Agent_work\r10\a\xxxxxxxxxx.testsettings, specified in the MSTestAdapter settings, is not available. Either access to the file is denied or the file does not exist. Ensure that the test settings file is available and try again.
instead of
E:\Agent_work\r10\a_XXXXX CI Build\drop\XXXXX_Automation_Test\bin\Release\xxxxxxxxx.testsettings
There is no documentation that states how to formulate the file path on msdn and didn't see
anything online.
I suggest you can add a Copy Files task to copy the missing file from .../bin/release folder(Use the browse option) to default working directory:
I suggest you resolve this issue via modifying your pipeline instead of settings file, so that you can also work well locally with the unchanged runsettings file.
In addition: Clean Target Folder input should be disabled(unchecked) cause our target folder is the default working folder. Deleting all files in that folder would cause unexpected issues.

Unable to run dotnet under certain directories?

I am using the command: dotnet "myfile.dll"
Initially it was giving me this error: The user's home directory could not be determined. Set the 'DOTNET_CLI_HOME' environment variable to specify the directory to use.
Now after messing around with it, I have moved my files to c:/mydir, and it is giving this error: Failed to initialize CoreCLR, HRESULT: 0x80070057. I found this, but isn't c:/mydir a drive root?
Couple of things I noted:
I am able to run the .dll fine in a different directory.
Both directories contain same files.
The reason I want to run it in c:/mydir is because I am using AWS CodeDeploy, and that is where it copies the files (as far as I know; and the other directories are just the old versions where the files get copied from).
These issues are not linked (the first one I get from running a automated shell script after installation, and the second I get from manually trying to launch the .dll).
If someone could help me solve either one of these issues it would be greatly appreciated.
Try adding Environment=DOTNET_CLI_HOME=/temp to your Service declaration in your .service file. Example syntax:
So the actual like would look like this

windows 10 - permission denied when trying to delete folder

I have a certain folder on my computer that I want to delete but I can't. I opened the cmd console as administrator and tried to delete the folder, but access was denied. It doesn't even let me change ownership on the folder. I'm using windows 10 64-bit. How can I delete the folder?
Try Lock Hunter , its a unlocker software which worked well for me
open power shell as administrator
cd c:\folderInQuestion
rm -r .\folderInQuestion\
If the folder lies outide of your specific User Account folder, then you will have to take ownership of the folder (or a parent folder) before you can delete it.
In my case, I needed to delete a subfolder that was nested deep inside my Projects folder, which sits at my root. Even though my account had "full control" (see this)
To take ownership of the folder, follow this: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_10-files/give-permissions-to-files-and-folders-in-windows/78ee562c-a21f-4a32-8691-73aac1415373

Changing file permission of a linux directory in install4j

I am new to install4j and am trying to change the file permission of a directory to 0750 on a project that I inherited. I am in the Define Distribution Tree screen, right click on the directory, select Edit Entry, and change the Unix mode to 750. I save the project. After running the new install (running as root), the file permission is set to 755 (default). Are there additional steps required? I looked for other spots where the file permission may have been explicitly set, but did not find any. Any ideas on what I did wrong and how to debug this? Thanks.

Kohana installation: Logs Directory is not writable. Can't change the root of the directory in the bootstrap.php

I've just installed kohana in my new project temp.loc
I type in the browser temp.loc and Environment Tests says:
Cache Directory The /work/temp.loc/wwwroot/application/cache/ directory is not writable.
Logs Directory The /work/temp.loc/wwwroot/application/logs/ directory is not writable.
I'm trying to change the path Kohana::$log->attach(new Log_File(APPPATH.'logs')); in bootstrap.php. BUt, after refreshing the browser, the Environment Test still shows the same path /work/temp.loc/wwwroot/application/logs/, the path is not refreshed. Why?
Don't change the location in bootstrap, that isn't needed. The reason you are receiving this error message is probably because those two directories aren't writable. If you are on Mac OSX or a linux environment you need to set those directory permissions to 777 i.e. "chmod 777 cache". Both are located on your application directory. This is a common issue that I have to resolve every time I install Kohana on a new server.
