Can SCons be used to construct targets from indeterminately named source files? - scons

I have a directory with multiple source files of indeterminate name. The only thing I know is the file extension. I want to take each source file, and build a single target from each. The method I'm currently using is to determine the name of each source using a for loop:
targets = []
for file in listdir('.'):
if file.endswith('.xdm'):
targets += env.m4(source=file)
The advantage of doing it progrmatically like this is that the SConscript doesn't have to be maintained by the developers as they add new sources. The problem is that the targets are no longer cleaned because of something to do with dependencies that I don't entirely understand.
So my question is is there a more appropriate way to do this, using in-built SCons functionality, without relying on more traditional flow control, or should I just ensure that each of my sources is determined and list them individually in the SConscript?

Instead of fiddling with listdir I would simply use the Glob() method, as provided by SCons itself:
for file in Glob("*.xdm"):
This (like the example from your question) is a perfectly fine approach, since it uses the fact that SConscripts are actually Python scripts. The Glob() approach has the advantage of also finding *.xdm files that don't exist on the harddrive yet, but may get created as part of the build process later.
I wonder about the problems that you mentioned, regarding cleaning of the targets. The Q&A linked in your question above seems unrelated to me. If you experience actual "cleaning" problems with one of the approaches above, please post a separate question together with the full verbatim input and output. If it should turn out that this doesn't work out-of-the-box, I'd consider it to be a bug.


How to quickly find the object files another object tile needs to be present at link time?

I have compiled the sources of wget, here is the ftp server to link my own program to one of the object files that I obtained after I compiled the project. But running nm -u on the desired file (to be specific src/http.o) gives me a whole lot of names that need to be resolved at link-time.
Question #1
Is there a tool to find which other object files are needed to be present for linker to resolve all the symbols? Manually testing every possible combination of object files does not even seem reasonable.
Question #2
When I try to link my program with every possible object file obtained from compiling the project I meet the following error - multiple definition. Does it imply that in general I need to select only a meaningful subset of the object files that I get after compiling some project and then building my executable with them?
Is there a tool to find which other object files are needed to be present for linker to resolve all the symbols?
No. Constructing such a tool would not be difficult (you want to find connected components in the dependency graph), but the problem is not common.
Manually testing every possible combination of object files does not even seem reasonable.
It looks like wget consists of about 100 source files. Using all possible permutations, you would only have to try your link 100! times, which is indeed a bit too many combinations to try.
As #kaylum commented, the developers didn't intend wget as a reusable library, so there is no guarantee that there is a solution even if you do try every possible combination.
Also note that linking in wget sources imposes licence restrictions on your final program (you would have to release it under GPLv3).
When I try to link my program with every possible object file obtained from compiling the project I meet the following error - multiple definition.
That is expected: both your own program and wget/src/main.c define the main function.
Does it imply that in general I need to select only a meaningful subset of the object files that I get after compiling some project and then building my executable with them?
Yes. And in general there is no guarantee that a subset satisfying your requirements even exists.

Using UglifyJs on the whole Node project?

I need to obfuscate my source code as best as possible so I decided to use uglifyjs2.. Now I have the project structure that has nested directories, how can I run it through uglifyjs2 to do the whole project instead of giving it all the input files?
I wouldn't mind if it minified the whole project into a single file or something
I've done something very similar to this in a project I worked on. You have two options:
Leave the files in their directory structure.
This is by far the easier option, but provides a much lower level of obfuscation since someone interested enough in your code basically has a copy of the logical organization of files.
An attacker can simply pretty-print all the files and rename the obfuscated variable names in each file until they have an understanding of what is going on.
To do this, use fs.readdir and fs.stat to recursively go through folders, read in every .js file and output the mangled code.
Compile everything into a single JS file.
This is much more difficult for you to implement, but does make life harder on an attacker since they no longer have the benefit of your project's organization.
Your main problem is reconciling your require calls with files that no longer exist (since everything is now in the same file).
I did this by using Uglify to perform static analysis of my source code by analyzing the AST for calls to require. I then loaded the source code of the required file and repeated.
Once all code was loaded, I replaced the require calls with calls to a custom function, wrapped each file's source code in a function that emulates how node's module system works, and then mangled everything and compiled it into a single file.
My custom require function does most of what node's require does except that rather than searching the disk for a module, it searches the wrapper functions.
Unfortunately, I can't really share any code for #2 since it was part of a proprietary project, but the gist is:
Parse the source text into an AST using UglifyJS.parse.
Use the TreeWalker to visit every node of the AST and check if
node instanceof UglifyJS.AST_Call && node.start.value == 'require'
As I have just completed a huge pure Nodejs project in 80+ files I had the same problem as OP. I needed at least a minimal protection for my hard work, but it seems this very basic need had not been covered by the NPMjs OS community. Add salt to injury the JXCore package encryption system was cracked last week in a few hours so back to obfuscation...
So I created the complete solution, that handles file merging, uglifying. You have the option of leaving out specified files/folders as well from merging. These files are then copied to the new output location of the merged file and references to them are rewritten auto.
NPMjs link of node-uglifier
Github repo of of node-uglifier
PS: I would be glad if people would contribute to make it even better. This is a war between thieves and hard working coders like yourself. Lets join our forces, increase the pain of reverse engineering!
This isn't supported natively by uglifyjs2.
Consider using webpack to package up your entire app into a single minified .js file, excluding node_modules:
I had the same need - for which I created node-optimize and grunt-node-optimize.

scons: Unnecessarily rebuilds files during the first time-stamp only build

I am doing a timestamp-only build to bulk convert image files. Many of the converted image files already exist, but I like to make sure that they are all checked through each time.
How come SCons requires a database file (.sconsign.dblite) that it uses for MD5 hash data when it's instructed (via env.Decider("timestamp-newer")) to only deal with timestamps? It shouldn't need to keep a database between builds for timestamps because all the information is associated with the files themselves.
If the dblite database doesn't exist SCons reconverts all the images regardless of whether their timestamps imply they need to be rebuilt or not. The title is an example message I get when the dblite database does not exist.
If anyone can explain this I'd really appreciate it. I love the functional programming with Python, but SCons itself is not quite doing it for me at the moment.
Using "timestamp-newer", SCons actually stores the timestamp info. You can see why here:
Using Time Stamps to Decide If a File Has Changed
Try using "timestamp-match" instead.
I finally got this sorted. Brady was right about how to use SCons, but I a few days ago I eventually worked out you can also control exactly what you want built by just controlling what build commands are issued in the first place. In my case I ignored any image files for which the target file already exists using os.path.exists().
Sounds simple, but it is a conceptual difference between SCons and make, because make does not save its state between builds in the way SCons does.
Yes, I'm trying to work out the same thing, but I'm doing bulk conversion of video files which takes several days if done unnecessarily. I've already done most of it.
So I want a way to tell SCons, "For files that exist now, store their existing timestamps/MD5s, and don't rebuild unless that changes in future."
Will report back if I find a way...
I think your question is really about why there's a .sconsign.dblite when you set the decider to just check timestamp.
One reason is that it allows SCons to keep track of the method used to produce each target. If that changes, even if the timestamp doesn't, it should rebuild the affected targets.
Have you tried building a single file, and then using the sconsign utility to examine the contents of the .sconsign.dblite file?

#Grape in scripts with multiple files

I'd like to use #Grape in my groovy program but my program consists of several files. The examples on the Groovy Grape page all seem to assume that your script will consist of one file. How can I do this? Should I just add it to one of the files and expect that the imports will work from the others? If so, then is it common to place all the #Grape calls in one file with no other code? Do I need to add the Grape call to all files that will import the package? Do I need to download the JAR and create a Gradle file, which I was getting away without at this point?
the grape engine and the #grab annotation were created as part of core groovy with single file scripts in mind, to allow a chunk of text to easily become a fully functional program.
for larger applications, gradle is an awesome build tool with lots of useful features.
but yes, you can manage all the application dependencies just with grape.
whether you annotate every file or a single one does not matter, just make sure the #grab annotated file is read before you try to use the external class.
annotating the main class is probably better as you will easily lose track of library versions if you have the annotations scattered.
and yes, you should consider gradle for any application with more than a dozen files or anything you might want to reuse elsewhere as a library.
In my opinion, it depends how your program is to be run...
If your program is to be run as a collection of standalone scripts, then I'd probably stick the #Grab required for each script at the top of each of them.
If your program is more of a standard style program with a single point of entry, then I'd go for using a build tool like Gradle (as you say), as you get a lot of easy wins by using it.
Firstly, it makes it easy to define your dependencies (and build a single large jar containing all of them)
Secondly, Gradle makes it really easy to start writing tests, include code coverage plugins, or useful tools like codenarc to suggest possible fixes or improvements to your code. These all become invaluable not only for improving your code (or knowing your code works), but also when refactoring your code, you know you've not broken anything that used to work.

Recommended FHS compliant application test/install workflow under Linux?

I'm in the process of switching to Linux for development, and I'm puzzled about how to maintain a good FHS compliancy in my programs.
For example, under Windows, I know that all the resources (Bitmaps, audio data, etc.) that my program will need can be found with relative paths from the executable, so its the same if I'm running the program from my development directory, or from an installation (Under "Program Files" for example), the program will be able to locate all its files.
Now, under Linux, I see that usually the executable goes under /usr/local/bin and its resources on /usr/local/share. (And the truth is that I'm not even sure of this)
For convenience reasons (such as version control) I'd like to have all the files pertaining to the project under a same path, say, for example, project/src for the source and project/data for resource files.
Is there any standard or recommended way to let me just rebuild the binary for testing and use the files on the project/data directory, while also being able to locate the files when they are under /usr/local/share?
I thought for example of setting a symlink under /usr/local/share pointing to my resources dir, and then just hardcode that path inside my program, but I feel its quite hackish and not very portable.
Also, I thought of running an install script that copies all the resources to /usr/local/share everytime I change, or add resources, but I also feel its not a good way to do it.
Could anyone tell me or point me to where it tells how this issue is usually resolved?
For convenience reasons (such as version control) I'd like to have all the files pertaining to the project under a same path, say, for example, project/src for the source and project/data for resource files.
You can organize your source tree as you wish — it need not bear any resemblance to the FHS layout desired of installed software.
I see that usually the executable goes under /usr/local/bin and its resources on /usr/local/share. (And the truth is that I'm not even sure of this)
The standard prefix is /usr. /usr/local is for, well, "local installations" as the FHS spec reiterates.
Is there any standard or recommended way to let me just rebuild the binary for testing and use the files on the project/data directory
Definitely. Run ./configure --datadir=$PWD/share for example is the way to point your build to the data files form the source tree (substitute by proper path) and use something like -DDATADIR="'${datadir}'" in AM_CFLAGS to make the value known to the (presumably C) code. (All of that, provided you are using autoconf/automake. Similar options may be available in other build systems.)
This sort of hardcoding is what is used in practice, and it suffices. For a development build within your own working copy, having a hardcoded path should not be a problem, and final builds (those done by a packager) will simply use the standard FHS paths.
You could just test a few locations. For example, first check if you have a data directory within the directory you're currently running the program from. If so, just go ahead and use it. If not, try /usr/local/share/yourproject/data, and so on.
For developing/testing, you can use the data directory within your project folder, and for deploying, use the stuff in /usr/local/share/. Of course, you can test for even more locations (e.g. /usr/share).
Basically the requirement for this method is that you have a function that builds the correct paths for all filesystem accesses. Instead of fopen("data/blabla.conf", "w") use something like fopen(path("blabla.conf"), "w"). path() will construct the correct path from the path determined using the directory tests when the program started. E.g. if the path was /usr/local/share/yourproject/data/, the string returned by path("blabla.conf") would be "/usr/local/share/yourproject/data/blabla.conf" - and there is your nice absolute path.
That's how I'd do it. HTH.
My preferred solution in cases like this is to use a configuration file, along with a command-line option that overrides its location.
For example, a configuration file for a fully deployed application named myapp could reside in /etc/myapp/settings.conf and a part of it could look like this:
Your application (or a launcher script) can parse this file to determine where to find the rest of the needed files.
I believe that you can reasonably assume in your code that the location of the configuration file is fixed under /etc/myapp - or any other location specified at compile time. Then you provide a command line option to allow that location to be overridden:
myapp --configfile=/opt/myapp/etc/settings.conf ...
It might also make sense to have options for some of the directory paths as well, so that the user can easily override any of the configuration file settings. This approach has a couple of advantages:
Your users can relocate the application very easily - just by moving the files, modifying the paths in the configuration file and then using e.g. a wrapper script to call the main application with the proper --configfile option.
You can easily support FHS, as well as any other scheme you need to.
While developing, you can have your testsuite use a specially crafted configuration file with the paths being wherever you need them to be.
Some people advocate probing the system at runtime to resolve issues like this. I usually suggest avoiding such solutions for at least the following reasons:
It makes your program non-deterministic. You can never tell at a first glance which configuration file it picks up - especially if you have multiple versions of the application on your system.
At any installation mix-up, the application will remain fat and happy - and so will the user. In my opinion, the application should look at one specific and well-documented location and abort with an informative message if it cannot find what it is looking for.
It's highly unlikely that you will always get everything right. There will always be unexpected rare environments or corner cases that the application will not handle.
Such behaviour is against the Unix philosophy. Even comamnd shells probe multiple locations because all locations can hold a file that should be parsed.
This method is not mandated by any formal standard that I know of, but it is the prevalent solution in the Unix world. Most major daemons (e.g. BIND, sendmail, postfix, INN, Apache) will look for a configuration file at a certain location, but will allow you to override that location and - through the file - any other path.
This is mostly to allow the system administrator to implement whetever scheme they want or to setup multiple concurrent installations, but it does help during testing as well. This flexibility is what makes it a Best Practice if not a proper standard.
