Keras LSTM Outputting Different Dimension than Expected - keras

I'm running a LSTM on fMRI data. Our input data comes in with input_shape (timesteps,features) =(495,359320) and label data (495,). I'm running into an issue with what the LSTM layer is outputting.
` model.add(LSTM(units=MAX_SLIDER_VALUE,` activation=keras.layers.LeakyReLU(alpha=.025),dropout=.08,input_shape=(495,359320)))
model.compile(loss=LOSS,optimizer=OPTIMIZER, metrics=['acc','mae']),np.array(train_subset_labels),
Checking the model's output layer using the pdb debugger shows the 0th layer output should be (127,) but I'm are getting a valueError where it is outputted as (495,).
(None, 495, 359320)
(None, 127)
(None, 127)
(None, 127)
ValueError: Error when checking target: expected dense_5 to have shape (127,) but got array with shape (495,)
Additional Note:
The code trains and runs if we change the output to match the number of time steps
I'm trying to figure out whats causing the disparity between (127,) and (495,).

LSTM default for return_sequences is False, so the LSTM layer will output only the last cell output -> (None (batch), units=MAX_SLIDER_VALUE). If you want to output (None, 495, MAX_SLIDER_VALUE), change return_sequences to True in the LSTM initialization (units does not have to be MAX_SLIDER_VALUE), and the Dense units to MAX_SLIDER_VALUE.

I suppose, with MAX_SLIDER_VALUE=127 your will give an output of (127,) since your dense layer is 127 neurons.
The problem is, how can you have your model compare a prediction of (127,) with your label dimension as (495,)? To me, it won't work logically in the first place.
You may try change this line:
Let me know whether this fixed it.


Input 0 is incompatible with layer res2a_branch1: expected axis -1 of input shape to have value 64 but got shape (None, None, None, 256)

I am trying to do transfer learning with mask rcnn. I want to use the weights of the mask rcnn model and add a binary classifier in the last layer. So, I introduced a sequential model and added the base model as one of the layers and then added two other layers. But I am getting this error. Is there any way to solve this issue?
model =mrcnn.model.MaskRCNN(mode="inference", model_dir=MODEL_DIR, config=config)
model.load_weights(COCO_MODEL_PATH, by_name=True)
for layer in model.keras_model.layers[:-1]:

ValueError Input 0 of layer sequential_13 is incompatible with the layer: expected ndim=3, found ndim=4 Full shape received: (None, None, None, None)

I am trying to work with a Simple RNN to predict Parkinson's Gait using Physionet Database. I am feeding the RNN with Images of height 240 and width of 16 pixels. I am also using Model checkpoint and monitor validation accuracy to save the best weights. While trying the input shape to the RNN I am getting that error as
ValueError: Input 0 of layer sequential_13 is incompatible with the layer: expected ndim=3, found ndim=4. Full shape received: (None, None, None, None)
RNN model:
model = Sequential()
model.add(SimpleRNN(24, kernel_initializer='glorot_uniform', input_shape=(64,240), return_sequences = True))
opt = optimizers.RMSprop(learning_rate=0.001, decay=1e-6)
early_stopping = EarlyStopping(monitor='val_accuracy', patience=60, verbose=1, mode='auto')
checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint("model_parkinsons.h5",
monitor='val_accuracy', verbose=0, save_best_only=True,
save_weights_only=False, mode='auto', save_freq='epoch')
Batch size:64
Height of the image: 240
Output: (64, 16, 240, 1)
I tried to feed the input shape as a.shape[1:]
But I am getting the error as expected 3 dimension but got 4 dimension.
Please help me how to resolve this.
In your first layer, you specified the input shape of your network. This shape does not include your batch size. So, if you specify "input_shape=(64, 240)", this would mean that your final input would need to have the shape (batch_size, 64, 240). Since 64 is your batch size, it seems like there definitely went something wrong there. Additionally, your input has four dimensions: (64, 16, 240, 1), but your first layer takes three dimensional inputs. I do not quite understand what you want to achieve with your model, but it should work if you input a[:, :, :, 0] into your model instead of a. Additionally, you need to set "input_shape=(16, 240)" in your first layer. If you do these two things, then your model uses the RNN to process one column of the image at a time. This approach does not make any sense to me (since RNNs are not used for image processing, at least not in this form), but I do not see any other way to interpret what you already did.

Keras Dense Layer Dimension Issues

Currently the goal of my task is to be able to, given input of two sentences,
output two labelings of the phrasal-synonyms of the two sentences.
e.g. I am [happy], I am [having a good time]
However, I can never get my dense layer to output the dimension I want, which is [batch size, max_sentence_length, num_classes].
I've looked at some other posts saying that dense layer only allows the "units" parameter to be 1-D, so I should flatten my labels before I get it through the dense layer, and reshape my label matrix accordingly for loss function calculation, but I don't know if this is actually the appropriate way to approach it.
My current model is something like this:
Two inputs: (None, 58)
GLoVE embedding: (None, 58, 300)
BiLSTM (without return sequences): (None, 256)
Dense: (None, 290)
I've tried getting this to run too, but the performance is abysmal so I am questioning myself if I did anything incorrectly...
My intended result was originally to have the dense layer output dimension (None, 58, 5), as I have sentence length 58 and 5 different labels, thus the 290 in dense: 58*5=290.

Enquiry about the input & output shape of LSTMs in Keras

I am trying to predict a time series with LSTM and am writing my code in Python by using Keras.
I have 30 features as input (continuous value) and a binary output.
I would like to use the 20 previous timesteps (t-20, t-19, .. , t-1) of each input feature in order to predict the output of next timestep (t+1).
My batch size is fixed at 52. What does this exactly mean?
I don't understand how to define the shape of the input layer.
The stacked LSTM example in the Keras documentation says that the last dimension of the 3D tensor will be 'data_dim'.
Is it input dimension or output dimension?
If this is output dimension, then I can't use more than one input feature as in my case the input_shape will be (batch_size=52,time_step=20,data_dim=1).
Also, in case data_dim is input shape, then I have tried to define a four layers-LSTM and the model shape results to be like this.
Layer (type) Output Shape Param #
================================================================= input_2 (InputLayer) (52, 20, 30) 0
_________________________________________________________________ lstm_3 (LSTM) (52, 20, 128) 81408
_________________________________________________________________ lstm_4 (LSTM) (52, 128) 131584
_________________________________________________________________ dense_2 (Dense) (52, 1) 129
================================================================= Total params: 213,121 Trainable params: 213,121 Non-trainable params: 0
Does this architecture make sense? Am I making some obvious mistakes?
My snippet of code is the one below:
lstm1=LSTM(num_neurons,activation = 'relu',dropout=0.0,stateful=False,return_sequences=True)(input_layer)
lstm2=LSTM(num_neurons,activation = 'relu',dropout=0.0,stateful=False,return_sequences=False)(lstm1)
output_layer=Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')(lstm2)
I am getting very poor results and thus trying to debug each step.
If you want to use deep learning techniques you should try to overfit first and then reduce the complexity till you reach a break even point in terms of both neural complexity, training error and test error.
You are actually using a larger feature space in the hidden layer, are you sure your data are able to fit this?
Do you have enough rows to let the model learn this complex representation?
Otherwise I would suggest you something like this, in order to extrapolate the most important dimensions:
num_neurons1 = int(input_dims/2)
num_neurons2 = int(input_dims/4)
input_layer=Input(batch_shape=(batch_size, input_timesteps, input_dims))
lstm1=LSTM(num_neurons, activation = 'relu', dropout=0.0, stateful=False, return_sequences=True, kernel_initializer="he_normal")(input_layer)
lstm2=LSTM(num_neurons2, activation = 'relu', dropout=0.0, stateful=False, return_sequences=False, kernel_initializer="he_normal")(lstm1)
output_layer=Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')(lstm2)
Also, you are using relu as activation function.
Does it fit your data? Would be better you have only positive data after rescaling & normalization.
In case it does fit, you can also use a proper kernel initialization.
To better understand the problem, you could also post the optimizer parameters and the behaviour while training during epochs.

expected dense_20 to have shape (None, 18827) but got array with shape (316491, 1)

I am having some difficulty properly formatting my labels for keras (tensorflow backend). My model takes in an embedding (list of 128 numbers) as input and outputs one of 18827 distinct numbers (ranging from 1 to 20284) as such:
[0.0344733819366,...,0.153029859066] -> 11516
My training data consists of 316491 embedding-number pairings, so when I tried using keras.utils.to_categorical(training_out, num_classes=20284) to convert the number labels to one-hot vectors for categorical_crossentropy, I received a MemoryError. It seems that
sparse_categorical_crossentropy would resolve this issue, since it looks like it only needs one number instead of a large vector as the label. However, I am not sure how to format my labels correctly for this. Currently my model is:
self.brain = Sequential()
self.brain.add(Dense(1000, input_dim=128))
self.brain.add(Dense(20284, activation='softmax'))
self.brain.compile(optimizer='adadelta', loss='categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy'])
When I try to fit the model I get the following errors, depending on how I format the labels:
ValueError: Error when checking target: expected dense_22 to have shape (None, 18827) but got array with shape (1, 316491)
ValueError: Error when checking target: expected dense_20 to have shape (None, 18827) but got array with shape (316491, 1)
18827 is the number of distinct labels I have, but I don't think I specified that number anywhere in my code, so I don't know how or why that is the expected dimension for the labels, especially if each label isn't a vector.
I am unsure of whether I correctly understand sparse_categorical_crossentropy, and if I do, how to use it properly.
Answer in the comment expected dense_20 to have shape (None, 18827) but got array with shape (316491, 1)
From the Keras documentation
Note: when using the categorical_crossentropy loss, your targets should be in categorical format (e.g. if you have 10 classes, the target for each sample should be a 10-dimensional vector that is all-zeros expect for a 1 at the index corresponding to the class of the sample). In order to convert integer targets into categorical targets, you can use the Keras utility to_categorical
In your case, you are not able to one-hot encode because of memory issues, so you need to use sparse_categorical_crossentropy instead.
