String lexical rule in ANTLR with greedy wildcald and escape character - antlr4

From the book "The Definitive ANTLR 4 Reference":
Our STRING rule isn’t quite good enough yet because it doesn’t allow
double quotes inside strings. To support that, most languages define
escape sequences starting with a backslash. To get a double quote
inside a double-quoted string, we use \". To support the common escape
characters, we need something like the following:
STRING ​: ​ ​'"' ​( ESC |.)*?​ ​'"' ​ ​;
ESC ​: ​ ​'\\"' | ​ ​'\\\\' ​ ​; ​ ​// 2-char sequences \" and \\
​ ANTLR itself needs to escape the escape character, so that’s why we need \\ to
specify the backslash character. The loop in STRING now matches either
an escape character sequence, by calling fragment rule ESC, or any
single character via the dot wildcard. The *? subrule operator
terminates the (ESC |.)*?
That sounds fine, but when I read that I noticed a certain ambiguity in the choice between ESC and .. As far as STRING is concerned, it is possible to match an input "Hi\"" by matching the escape character \ to the ., and to consider the following escaped double-quote as closing the string. This would even be less greedy and so would conform better to the use of ?.
The problem, of course, is that if we do that, then we have an extra double-quote at the end that does not get matched to anything.
So I wrote the following grammar:
grammar String;
anything: STRING '"'? '\r\n';
STRING: '"' (ESC|.)*? '"';
ESC: '\\"' | '\\\\';
which accepts an optional lonely double-quote character right after the string. This grammar still parses "Orange\"" as a full string:
So my question is: why is this the accepted parse, as opposed to the one taking "Orange\" as the STRING, followed by an isolated double-quote "? Note that the latter would be less greedy, which would seem to conform better to the use of ?, so one could think it would be preferable.

After some more experimentation, I realize the explanation is that the choice operator | is order-dependent (but only under non-greedy operator ?): ESC is tried before .. If I invert the two and write (.|ESC)*?, I do get
This is not really surprising, but an interesting reminder that ANTLR is not as declarative as we may sometimes expect (in the sense that logic-or is order-independent but | is not). It is also a good reminder that the non-greedy operator ? does not extend its minimization capabilities to all choices, but just to the first one that matches the input (#sepp2k adds that order dependency only applies to the non-greedy case).


Catching String Literal Errors using Flex-Lexer

I have managed to effectively match valid string literals in my Flex program, but I would also like to match unterminated string literals and string literals with bad escape sequences.
For example, my string literals are matched using simple regex as such:
Then I tried to find where a string literal is started with a " then some text, and then \n. This is incorrect syntax for my lexer, and I'd like to catch and produce an error out.
My current regex I came up with for that is this:
Which does correctly catch the error, but then seems to eat up the rest of the tokens, because there's no output after that.
Additionally, I was also looking to have a special case error for when an unterminated string literal had an invalid escape sequence. For example:
"some text \
int abc
So my question boils down to, is there something wrong with my current way of matching string literals that's affecting my ability to catch these errors, or is my pattern matching unnecessarily consuming tokens? It's also possible I have no idea what I'm doing!
Some examples of strings:
"a correct string literal"
"an unterminated string literal
"an unterminated string literal with escape \
All string literals are single-line and follow the form:
The correct flex pattern for string literals is (see below for escape sequences):
This differs from your pattern in that it allows a newline after an escape character (which is technically a splice, rather than part of the syntax of string literals [Note 1]), and bans newlines otherwise. That has to be done explicitly because [^...] includes a newline unless \n is part of the list of characters to be rejected. Only . implicitly bans newlines.
To match incorrect string literals, you only need the same pattern without the terminating ":
You don't need to worry about that pattern matching correct string literals, because flex always chooses the longest match, and the match with the terminating quote is guaranteed to be longer.
If you want to be more accurate about escape characters, you would need something like:
You can use the same technique to match errors, but you might want to distinguish between unterminated quote errors and invalid escape errors, which you can do by using two error patterns:
\"(\\([abfnrtv'"?\\\n]|[0-7]{1,3}|x[[:xdigit:]]+|u[[:xdigit:]]{4}|U[[:xdigit:]]{8})|[^\\"\n])*\" { /* Valid string */ }
\"(\\([abfnrtv'"?\\\n]|[0-7]{1,3}|x[[:xdigit:]]+|u[[:xdigit:]]{4}|U[[:xdigit:]]{8})|[^\\"\n])*/\\ { /* Invalid escape sequence */ }
\"(\\([abfnrtv'"?\\\n]|[0-7]{1,3}|x[[:xdigit:]]+|u[[:xdigit:]]{4}|U[[:xdigit:]]{8})|[^\\"\n])* { /* Missing terminating quote */ }
A "splice" is a backslash at the end of a line. You commonly see these only in definitions of long macros, but C allows a splice anywhere: the backslash and the following newline are just deleted from the program text, so a splice can even be placed in the middle of an identifier or multicharacter operator. (But don't do that!)
Using splices to continue strings over multiple lines is not good style; it's better to use string concatenation. But the C standard does allow it.
However, splices are removed before tokenisation starts, which means that you cannot backslash escape a backslash at the end of a line:
"This is a string literal which includes a \\
t tab, with a splice in the middle of the escape."
Please don't use that in production code, either :-)

How to find and replace a string with newline in emeditor [duplicate]

I am tired of always trying to guess, if I should escape special characters like '()[]{}|' etc. when using many implementations of regexps.
It is different with, for example, Python, sed, grep, awk, Perl, rename, Apache, find and so on.
Is there any rule set which tells when I should, and when I should not, escape special characters? Does it depend on the regexp type, like PCRE, POSIX or extended regexps?
Which characters you must and which you mustn't escape indeed depends on the regex flavor you're working with.
For PCRE, and most other so-called Perl-compatible flavors, escape these outside character classes:
and these inside character classes:
For POSIX extended regexes (ERE), escape these outside character classes (same as PCRE):
Escaping any other characters is an error with POSIX ERE.
Inside character classes, the backslash is a literal character in POSIX regular expressions. You cannot use it to escape anything. You have to use "clever placement" if you want to include character class metacharacters as literals. Put the ^ anywhere except at the start, the ] at the start, and the - at the start or the end of the character class to match these literally, e.g.:
In POSIX basic regular expressions (BRE), these are metacharacters that you need to escape to suppress their meaning:
Escaping parentheses and curly brackets in BREs gives them the special meaning their unescaped versions have in EREs. Some implementations (e.g. GNU) also give special meaning to other characters when escaped, such as \? and +. Escaping a character other than .^$*(){} is normally an error with BREs.
Inside character classes, BREs follow the same rule as EREs.
If all this makes your head spin, grab a copy of RegexBuddy. On the Create tab, click Insert Token, and then Literal. RegexBuddy will add escapes as needed.
Modern RegEx Flavors (PCRE)
Includes C, C++, Delphi, EditPad, Java, JavaScript, Perl, PHP (preg), PostgreSQL, PowerGREP, PowerShell, Python, REALbasic, Real Studio, Ruby, TCL, VB.Net, VBScript, wxWidgets, XML Schema, Xojo, XRegExp.PCRE compatibility may vary
    Anywhere: . ^ $ * + - ? ( ) [ ] { } \ |
Legacy RegEx Flavors (BRE/ERE)
Includes awk, ed, egrep, emacs, GNUlib, grep, PHP (ereg), MySQL, Oracle, R, sed.PCRE support may be enabled in later versions or by using extensions
    Outside a character class: . ^ $ * + ? ( ) [ { } \ |
    Inside a character class: ^ - [ ]
    Outside a character class: . ^ $ * [ \
    Inside a character class: ^ - [ ]
    For literals, don't escape: + ? ( ) { } |
    For standard regex behavior, escape: \+ \? \( \) \{ \} \|
If unsure about a specific character, it can be escaped like \xFF
Alphanumeric characters cannot be escaped with a backslash
Arbitrary symbols can be escaped with a backslash in PCRE, but not BRE/ERE (they must only be escaped when required). For PCRE ] - only need escaping within a character class, but I kept them in a single list for simplicity
Quoted expression strings must also have the surrounding quote characters escaped, and often with backslashes doubled-up (like "(\")(/)(\\.)" versus /(")(\/)(\.)/ in JavaScript)
Aside from escapes, different regex implementations may support different modifiers, character classes, anchors, quantifiers, and other features. For more details, check out, or use to test your expressions live
Unfortunately there really isn't a set set of escape codes since it varies based on the language you are using.
However, keeping a page like the Regular Expression Tools Page or this Regular Expression Cheatsheet can go a long way to help you quickly filter things out.
POSIX recognizes multiple variations on regular expressions - basic regular expressions (BRE) and extended regular expressions (ERE). And even then, there are quirks because of the historical implementations of the utilities standardized by POSIX.
There isn't a simple rule for when to use which notation, or even which notation a given command uses.
Check out Jeff Friedl's Mastering Regular Expressions book.
Unfortunately, the meaning of things like ( and \( are swapped between Emacs style regular expressions and most other styles. So if you try to escape these you may be doing the opposite of what you want.
So you really have to know what style you are trying to quote.
Really, there isn't. there are about a half-zillion different regex syntaxes; they seem to come down to Perl, EMACS/GNU, and AT&T in general, but I'm always getting surprised too.
Sometimes simple escaping is not possible with the characters you've listed. For example, using a backslash to escape a bracket isn't going to work in the left hand side of a substitution string in sed, namely
sed -e 's/foo\(bar/something_else/'
I tend to just use a simple character class definition instead, so the above expression becomes
sed -e 's/foo[(]bar/something_else/'
which I find works for most regexp implementations.
BTW Character classes are pretty vanilla regexp components so they tend to work in most situations where you need escaped characters in regexps.
Edit: After the comment below, just thought I'd mention the fact that you also have to consider the difference between finite state automata and non-finite state automata when looking at the behaviour of regexp evaluation.
You might like to look at "the shiny ball book" aka Effective Perl (sanitised Amazon link), specifically the chapter on regular expressions, to get a feel for then difference in regexp engine evaluation types.
Not all the world's a PCRE!
Anyway, regexp's are so clunky compared to SNOBOL! Now that was an interesting programming course! Along with the one on Simula.
Ah the joys of studying at UNSW in the late '70's! (-: and
In the official documentation, such characters are called metacharacters. Example of quoting:
my $regex = quotemeta($string)
For PHP, "it is always safe to precede a non-alphanumeric with "\" to specify that it stands for itself." -
Except if it's a " or '. :/
To escape regex pattern variables (or partial variables) in PHP use preg_quote()
To know when and what to escape without attempts is necessary to understand precisely the chain of contexts the string pass through. You will specify the string from the farthest side to its final destination which is the memory handled by the regexp parsing code.
Be aware how the string in memory is processed: if can be a plain string inside the code, or a string entered to the command line, but a could be either an interactive command line or a command line stated inside a shell script file, or inside a variable in memory mentioned by the code, or an (string)argument through further evaluation, or a string containing code generated dynamically with any sort of encapsulation...
Each of this context assigned some characters with special functionality.
When you want to pass the character literally without using its special function (local to the context), than that's the case you have to escape it, for the next context... which might need some other escape characters which might additionally need to be escaped in the preceding context(s).
Furthermore there can be things like character encoding (the most insidious is utf-8 because it look like ASCII for common characters, but might be optionally interpreted even by the terminal depending on its settings so it might behave differently, then the encoding attribute of HTML/XML, it's necessary to understand the process precisely right.
E.g. A regexp in the command line starting with perl -npe, needs to be transferred to a set of exec system calls connecting as pipe the file handles, each of this exec system calls just has a list of arguments that were separated by (non escaped)spaces, and possibly pipes(|) and redirection (> N> N>&M), parenthesis, interactive expansion of * and ?, $(()) ... (all this are special characters used by the *sh which might appear to interfere with the character of the regular expression in the next context, but they are evaluated in order: before the command line. The command line is read by a program as bash/sh/csh/tcsh/zsh, essentially inside double quote or single quote the escape is simpler but it is not necessary to quote a string in the command line because mostly the space has to be prefixed with backslash and the quote are not necessary leaving available the expand functionality for characters * and ?, but this parse as different context as within quote. Then when the command line is evaluated the regexp obtained in memory (not as written in the command line) receives the same treatment as it would be in a source file.
For regexp there is character-set context within square brackets [ ], perl regular expression can be quoted by a large set of non alfa-numeric characters (E.g. m// or m:/better/for/path: ...).
You have more details about characters in other answer, which are very specific to the final regexp context. As I noted you mention that you find the regexp escape with attempts, that's probably because different context has different set of character that confused your memory of attempts (often backslash is the character used in those different context to escape a literal character instead of its function).
For Ionic (Typescript) you have to double slash in order to scape the characters.
For example (this is to match some special characters):
Pay attention to this ] [ - _ . / characters. They have to be double slashed. If you don't do that, you are going to have a type error in your code.
to avoid having to worry about which regex variant and all the bespoke peculiarties, just use this generic function that covers every regex variant other than BRE (unless they have unicode multi-byte chars that are meta) :
jot -s '' -c - 32 126 |
mawk '
function ___(__,_) {
return substr(_="",
gsub("["(_="\\\\")"^]",_ "&",__))__
} ($++NF = ___($!_))^_'
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 [:][;][<][=][>][?]
[`] abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz [{][|][}][~]
square-brackets are much easier to deal with, since there's no risk of triggering warning messages about "escaping too much", e.g. :
function ____(_) {
return substr("", gsub("[[:punct:]]","\\\\&",_))_
\!\"\#\$\%\&\'\(\)\*\+\,\-\.\/ 0123456789\:\;\<\=\>\?
\#ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\[\\\]\^\_\`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz \{\|\}\~
gawk: cmd. line:1: warning: regexp escape sequence `\!' is not a known regexp operator
gawk: cmd. line:1: warning: regexp escape sequence `\"' is not a known regexp operator
gawk: cmd. line:1: warning: regexp escape sequence `\#' is not a known regexp operator
gawk: cmd. line:1: warning: regexp escape sequence `\%' is not a known regexp operator
gawk: cmd. line:1: warning: regexp escape sequence `\&' is not a known regexp operator
gawk: cmd. line:1: warning: regexp escape sequence `\,' is not a known regexp operator
gawk: cmd. line:1: warning: regexp escape sequence `\:' is not a known regexp operator
gawk: cmd. line:1: warning: regexp escape sequence `\;' is not a known regexp operator
gawk: cmd. line:1: warning: regexp escape sequence `\=' is not a known regexp operator
gawk: cmd. line:1: warning: regexp escape sequence `\#' is not a known regexp operator
gawk: cmd. line:1: warning: regexp escape sequence `\_' is not a known regexp operator
gawk: cmd. line:1: warning: regexp escape sequence `\~' is not a known regexp operator
Using Raku (formerly known as Perl_6)
Works (backslash or quote all non-alphanumeric characters except underscore):
~$ raku -e 'say $/ if "#.*?" ~~ m/ \# \. \* \? /; #works fine'
There exist six flavors of Regular Expression languages, according to Damian Conway's pdf/talk "Everything You Know About Regexes Is Wrong". Raku represents a significant (~15 year) re-working of standard Perl(5)/PCRE Regular Expressions.
In those 15 years the Perl_6 / Raku language experts decided that all non-alphanumeric characters (except underscore) shall be reserved as Regex metacharacters even if no present usage exists. To denote non-alphanumeric characters (except underscore) as literals, backslash or escape them.
So the above example prints the $/ match variable if a match to a literal #.*? character sequence is found. Below is what happens if you don't: # is interpreted as the start of a comment, . dot is interpreted as any character (including whitespace), * asterisk is interpreted as a zero-or-more quantifier, and ? question mark is interpreted as either a zero-or-one quantifier or a frugal (i.e. non-greedy) quantifier-modifier (depending on context):
~$ ~$ raku -e 'say $/ if "#.*?" ~~ m/ # . * ? /; #ERROR!'
Regex not terminated.
at -e:1
------> y $/ if "#.*?" ~~ m/ # . * ? /; #ERROR!⏏<EOL>
Regex not terminated.
at -e:1
------> y $/ if "#.*?" ~~ m/ # . * ? /; #ERROR!⏏<EOL>
Couldn't find terminator / (corresponding / was at line 1)
at -e:1
------> y $/ if "#.*?" ~~ m/ # . * ? /; #ERROR!⏏<EOL>
expecting any of:

How do I put a single backslash into an ES6 template literal's output?

I'm struggling to get an ES6 template literal to produce a single backslash it its result.
> `\s`
> `\\s`
> `\\\s`
> `\\\\s`
> `\u005Cs`
Tested with Node 8.9.1 and 10.0.0 by inspecting the value at a Node REPL (rather than printing it using console.log)
If I get your question right, how about \\?
I tried using $ node -i and run
Which successfully output a backslash. Keep in mind that the output might be escaped as well, so the only way to know you are successfully getting a backslash is getting the character code:
const myBackslash = `\\`;
console.log(myBackslash.charCodeAt(0)); // 92
And to make sure you are not actually getting \\ (i.e. a double-backslash), check the length:
console.log(myBackslash.length); // 1
It is a known issue that unknown string escape sequences lose their escaping backslash in JavaScript normal and template string literals:
When a character in a string literal or regular expression literal is
preceded by a backslash, it is interpreted as part of an escape
sequence. For example, the escape sequence \n in a string literal
corresponds to a single newline character, and not the \ and n
characters. However, not all characters change meaning when used in an
escape sequence. In this case, the backslash just makes the character
appear to mean something else, and the backslash actually has no
effect. For example, the escape sequence \k in a string literal just
means k. Such superfluous escape sequences are usually benign, and do
not change the behavior of the program.
In regular string literals, one needs to double the backslash in order to introduce a literal backslash char:
console.log("\s \\s"); // => s \s
console.log('\s \\s'); // => s \s
console.log(`\s \\s`); // => s \s
There is a better idea: use String.raw:
The static String.raw() method is a tag function of template
literals. This is similar to the r prefix in Python, or the #
prefix in C# for string literals. (But it is not identical; see
explanations in this issue.) It's used to get the raw string form
of template strings, that is, substitutions (e.g. ${foo}) are
processed, but escapes (e.g. \n) are not.
So, you may simply use String.raw`\s` to define a \s text:
console.log(String.raw`s \s \\s`); // => s \s \\s

ANTLR: How to write a rule for enforcing line continuation character while writing a string?

I want to write a rule for parsing a string inside double quotes. I want to allow any character, with the only condition being that there MUST be a line continuation character \, when splitting the string on multiple lines.
variable = "first line \n second line \
still second line \n \
third line"
If the line continuation character is not found before a newline character is found, I want the parser to barf.
My current rule is this:
STRING : '"' (ESC|.)*? '"';
fragment ESC : '\\' [btnr"\\] ;
So I am allowing the string to contain any character, including bunch of escape sequences. But I am not really enforcing that line continuation character \ is a necessity for splitting text.
How can I make the grammar enforce that rule?
Even though there is already an accepted answer let me put in my 2cents. I strongly recommend not to handle this type of error in a lexer rule. The reason is that you will not be able to give the user a good error message. First, lexer errors are usually not reported separately in ANTLR4, they appear as follow up parser errors. Second, the produced error (likely something like: "no viable alt at \n") is all but helpful.
The better solution is to accept both variants (linebreak with or w/o escape) and do a semantic check afterwards. Then you know exactly what is wrong and can the user tell what you really expected.
fragment ESCAPE
: '\\' .
: '"' (ESCAPE | ~[\n"])* '"'
Fragment ESCAPE will match escaped characters (especially backslash and a new line character acting as a continuation sign).
Token STRING will match inside double quotation marks:
Escaped characters (fragment ESCAPE)
Everything except new line and double quotation marks.

Characters to separate value

i need to create a string to store couples of key/value data, for example:
in deserializing it, i may encounter an error if the key or the value happen to contain || or ::
What are common techniques to deal with such situation? thanks
A common way to deal with this is called an escape character or qualifier. Consider this Comma-Separated line:
John Doe, Jr.,Anytown,CA
Because the name field contains a comma, it of course gets split improperly and so on.
If you enclose each data value by qualifiers, the parser knows when to ignore the delimiter, as in this example:
"John Doe, Jr.",Anytown,CA
Qualifiers can be optional, used only on data fields that need it. Many implementations will use qualifiers on every field, needed or not.
You may want to implement something similar for your data encoding.
Escape || when serializing, and unescape it when deserializing. A common C-like way to escape is to prepend \. For example:
{ "a:b:c": "foo||bar", "asdf": "\\|||x||||:" }
serialize => "a\:b\:c:foo\|\|bar||asdf:\\\\\|\|\|x\|\|\|\|\:"
Note that \ needs to be escaped (and double escaped due to being placed in a C-style string).
If we assume that you have total control over the input string, then the common way of dealing with this problem is to use an escape character.
Typically, the backslash-\ character is used as an escape to say that "the next character is a special character", so in this case it should not be used as a delimiter. So the parser would see || and :: as delimiters, but would see \|\| as two pipe characters || in either the key or the value.
The next problem is that we have overloaded the backslash. The problem is then, "how do I represent a backslash". This is sovled by saying that the backslash is also escaped, so to represent a \, you would have to say \\. So the parser would see \\ as \.
Note that if you use escape characters, you can use a single character for the delimiters, which might make things simpler.
Alternatively, you may have to restict the input and say that || and :: are just baned and fail/remove when the string is encoded.
A simple solution is to escape a separator (with a backslash, for instance) any time it occurs in data:
John Doe\, Jr.,Anytown,CA
Of course, the separator will need to be escaped when it occurs in data as well; in this case, a backslash would become \\.
You can use non-ascii character as separator (e.g. vertical tab :-) ).
You can escape separator character in your data during serialization. For example: if you use one character as separator (key1:value1|key2:value2|...) and your data is:
this:is:key1 this|is|data1
this:is:key2 this|is|data2
you double every colon and pipe character in you data when you serialize it. So you will get:
During deserialization whenever you come across two colon or two pipe characters you know that this is not your separator but part of your data and that you have to change it to one character. On the other hand, every single colon or pipe character is you separator.
Use a prefix (say "a") for your special characters (say "b") present in the key and values to store them. This is called escaping.
Then decode the key and values by simply replacing any "ab" sequence with "b". Bear in mind that the prefix is also a special character. An example:
Prefix: \
Special characters: :, |, \
title:Slashdot\: News for Nerds. Stuff that Matters.|shortTitle:\\.
title=Slashdot: News for Nerds. Stuff that Matters.
The common technique is escaping reserved characters, for example:
In urls you escape some characters
using %HEX representation:
In programming languages you escape
some characters with a slash prefix:
