Could not resolve org.nodejs : Local build error - node.js

I have a Angular-App forked from another repository where they manage all their builds in a pipeline.
I wanted to build that in my local system (laptop) and push the built-app in to the hosting server.
This is their build.gradle
node {
version = "9.4.0"
npmVersion = "5.6.0"
download = true
task cleanProd(type: Delete) {
delete "dist"
task testProd(type: NodeTask, dependsOn: npmInstall) {
script = file("${projectDir}/node_modules/#angular/cli/bin/ng")
args = ["test", "--browsers", "PhantomJS", "--watch=false", "--singleRun=true"]
task assembleProd(type: NodeTask, dependsOn: ['npmInstall', 'testProd']) {
script = file("${projectDir}/node_modules/#angular/cli/bin/ng")
args = ["build", "--prod", "--vendor-chunk=true"]
task copyDist(type: Copy) {
from "dist/"
into "dist/fancy-ui-${project.version}"
task buildProd(dependsOn: [assembleProd])
I executed the command gradlew cleanProd buildProd copyDist and I am stuck with the below exception
Build Version = build-713-ge359ca9
:cleanProd UP-TO-DATE
:nodeSetup FAILED
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':nodeSetup'.
> Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration 'detachedConfiguration1'.
> Could not resolve org.nodejs:node:9.4.0.
Required by:
> Could not resolve org.nodejs:node:9.4.0.
> Could not get resource ''.
> Could not GET ''.
I have all the necessary HTTP-Proxies and there is no issue with connectivity as such .. Just that this resource is not getting loaded .. but the same code and configuration built fine in the Jenkins server

I had the same problem with node 10.14.1.
There is a workaround that solves the problem:
repositories.whenObjectAdded {
if (it instanceof IvyArtifactRepository) {
metadataSources {
Extracted from


Jenkins. Invalid agent type "docker" specified. Must be one of [any, label, none]

My JenkinsFile looks like:
pipeline {
agent {
docker {
image 'node:12.16.2'
args '-p 3000:3000'
stages {
stage('Build') {
steps {
sh 'node --version'
sh 'npm install'
sh 'npm run build'
stage ('Deliver') {
steps {
sh 'readlink -f ./package.json'
I used to have Jenkins locally and this configuration worked, but I deployed it to a remote server and get the following error:
WorkflowScript: 3: Invalid agent type "docker" specified. Must be one of [any, label, none] # line 3, column 9.
docker {
I could not find a solution to this problem on the Internet, please help me
You have to install 2 plugins: Docker plugin and Docker Pipeline.
Go to Jenkins root page > Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins > Available and search for the plugins. (Learnt from here).
instead of
agent {
docker {
image 'node:12.16.2'
args '-p 3000:3000'
agent {
any {
image 'node:12.16.2'
args '-p 3000:3000'
that worked for me.
For those that are using CasC you might want to include in plugin declaration

Why does the Nexus Artifact Uploader store artifacts in a separate directory?

I want to publish an artifact to Nexus 3 in the Gradle project.
Due to requirements, publish from Jenkins instead of gradle publish using build.gradle maven-publish plug-in.
I created and executed a JenkinsPipeline script, but the artifact jar and pom have been separated.Why?
The following site is referred to this and this.
And I make JenkinsPipeline script.
floowing pipeline script.
pipeline {
stage("publish to nexus") {
steps {
script {
pom = readMavenPom file: "build/pom.xml";
artifactPath = "build/libs/gs-managing-transactions-0.1.0.jar"
artifactExists = fileExists artifactPath;
if(artifactExists) {
nexusVersion: NEXUS_VERSION,
nexusUrl: NEXUS_URL,
groupId: pom.groupId,
version: pom.version,
artifacts: [
[artifactId: pom.artifactId, classifier: '', file: artifactPath , type: pom.packaging],
[artifactId: pom.artifactId, classifier: '', file: "build/pom.xml", type: "pom"]
} else {
error "*** File: ${artifactPath}, could not be found";
part of execute log
[Pipeline] nexusArtifactUploader
Uploading: http://localhost:7777/repository/maven-snapshots/com/sample/sample-spring-managing-transactions/0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/sample-spring-managing-transactions-0.0.1-20190621.123700-7-debug.jar
Uploading artifact gs-managing-transactions-0.1.0.jar completed.
Uploading: http://localhost:7777/repository/maven-snapshots/com/sample/sample-spring-managing-transactions/0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/sample-spring-managing-transactions-0.0.1-20190621.123701-8-debug.pom
Uploading artifact pom.xml completed.
Why stored separete artifact like "sample-spring-managing-transactions-0.0.1-20190621.123700-7-debug.jar", "sample-spring-managing-transactions-0.0.1-20190621.123701-8-debug.pom".
I will expect following.
"sample-spring-managing-transactions-0.0.1-20190621.123700-7-debug.jar" "sample-spring-managing-transactions-0.0.1-20190621.123701-7-debug.pom"
solved. I missed the description "Uploading maven artifacts snapshots is not supported by this plugin."

How to use if else condition in Gradle

Can someone tell me how could I write the if else condition in the gradle script
I mean i have two different types of zip files one is LiceseGenerator- and other one is CLI- deployment script is working fine but I am using the shell script to do this and I want everything in gradle instead of doing it in the shell script.I want when I am deploying the LicenseGenerator it should deploy in differnet way and if it is CLI then it should deploy in other way.Currently deployall task is doing everyting.If I put if else condition how could I call the task.Please let me know if need any other information
Below is my script
// ------ Tell the script to get dependencies from artifactory ------
buildscript {
repositories {
maven {
url ""
// ------ Tell the script to get dependencies from artifactory ------
dependencies {
classpath ([ "" ])
apply plugin: ''
* The folloing -D parameters are required to run this task
* - deployLayer = one of acceptance, latest, production, test
// Read the properties file and take the value as per the enviornment.
if(! throw new Exception ("deployLayer must be set")
def thePropFile = file("config/${}.properties")
if(!thePropFile.exists()) throw new Exception("Cannot load the specified environment properties from ${thePropFile}")
println "Deploying ${}.${} to ${}"
// load the deploy properties from the file
def deployProperties = new Properties()
thePropFile.withInputStream {
stream -> deployProperties.load(stream)
// set them in the build environment
project.ext {
deployProps = deployProperties
deployRoot = deployProperties["${}.deployroot"]
deployFolder = deployProperties["${}.foldername"]
deployPostInstallSteps = deployProperties["${}.postInstallSteps"]
task deleteGraphicsAssets(type: Delete, dependsOn: deploy) {
def dirName = "${deployRoot}"
delete dirName
doLast {
task myCustomTask(dependsOn: deleteGraphicsAssets) << {
copy {
from 'deploymentfiles'
into "${deployRoot}"
task cleanTempDir(type: Delete, dependsOn: myCustomTask) {
delete fileTree(dir: "build/artifacts", exclude: "*.zip")
task unzipArtifact(dependsOn: cleanTempDir) << {
file("${buildDir}/artifacts").eachFile() {
println "Deploying ${it}"
// ant.mkdir(dir: "${deployRoot}/${deployFolder}")
ant.unzip(src: it, dest: "${deployRoot}")
task setPerms( type: Exec, dependsOn: unzipArtifact) {
workingDir "${deployRoot}"
executable "bash"
args "-c", "dos2unix"
args "-c", "chmod u+x && ./"
task deployAll(dependsOn: setPerms){}
I used in below way it is working fine
// ------ Tell the script to get dependencies from artifactory ------
buildscript {
repositories {
maven {
url ""
// ------ Tell the script to get dependencies from artifactory ------
dependencies {
classpath ([ "c.t.c:cmgin:1.1.118" ])
apply plugin: 'com.t.c.cmlugin'
* The folloing -D parameters are required to run this task
* - deployLayer = one of acceptance, latest, production, test
// Read the properties file and take the value as per the enviornment.
if(! throw new Exception ("deployLayer must be set")
def thePropFile = file("config/${}.properties")
if(!thePropFile.exists()) throw new Exception("Cannot load the specified environment properties from ${thePropFile}")
println "Deploying ${}.${} to ${}"
// load the deploy properties from the file
def deployProperties = new Properties()
thePropFile.withInputStream {
stream -> deployProperties.load(stream)
// set them in the build environment
project.ext {
deployProps = deployProperties
deployRoot = deployProperties["${}.deployroot"]
deploydir = deployProperties["${}.deploydir"]
deployFolder = deployProperties["${}.foldername"]
deployPostInstallSteps = deployProperties["${}.postInstallSteps"]
task deleteGraphicsAssets(type: Delete, dependsOn: deploy) {
def dirName = "${deployRoot}"
delete dirName
doLast {
task copyartifactZip << {
copy {
from "${deployRoot}"
into "${deploydir}/"
task copyLicenseZip << {
copy {
from "${deployRoot}"
into "${deploydir}/${deployFolder}"
task myCustomTask(dependsOn: deleteGraphicsAssets) << {
copy {
from 'deploymentfiles'
into "${deployRoot}"
task unzipArtifact(dependsOn: myCustomTask) << {
def theZip = file("${buildDir}/artifacts").listFiles().find {'.zip') }
println "Unzipping ${theZip} the artifact to: ${deployRoot}"
ant.unzip(src: theZip, dest: "${deployRoot}", overwrite: true)
task setPerms(type:Exec, dependsOn: unzipArtifact) {
workingDir "${deployRoot}"
executable "bash"
args "-c", "chmod -fR 755 *"
def dirName = "${deploydir}/${deployFolder}"
task zipDeployment(type: GradleBuild, dependsOn: setPerms) { GradleBuild gBuild ->
def env = System.getenv()
def jobName=env['jobName']
if (jobName.equals("LicenseGenerator")) {
delete dirName
gBuild.tasks = ['copyLicenseZip']
} else {
gBuild.tasks = ['copyartifactZip']
task deployAll(dependsOn: zipDeployment){}
It's usually a bad practice to have if/else logic in the build script because it adds complexity and sometimes causes surprising and unexpected results. Since you have very different artifacts, it's advisable to have two different tasks for that, instead of one-for-all deployAll. And you should call corresponding task when you are in different environments.

How to build Groovy JAR w/ Gradle and publish it to in-house repo

I have a Groovy project and am trying to build it with Gradle. First I want a package task that creates a JAR by compiling it against its dependencies. Then I need to generate a Maven POM for that JAR and publish the JAR/POM to an in-house Artifactory repo. The build.gradle:
apply plugin: "groovy"
apply plugin: "maven-publish"
repositories {
maven {
name "artifactory01"
url "http://myartifactory/artifactory/libs-release"
dependencies {
compile "long list starts here"
// Should compile up myapp-<version>.jar
jar {
// Should publish myapp-<version>.jar and its (generated) POM to our in-house Maven/Artifactory repo.
publishing {
publications {
myPublication(MavenPublication) {
artifact sourceJar {
classifier "source"
pom.withXml {
// ???
task wrapper(type: Wrapper) {
gradleVersion = '1.11'
However I do not believe I have set up versioning correctly with my jar task (for instance, how could I get it creating myapp-1.2.1 vs. myapp-1.2.2? I also don't think I have my publications configuration set up correctly: what should go in pom.withXml?
You're more than welcome to use artifactory plugin for that.
The documentation can be found in our user guide and below you can find a full working example of gradle build.
Run gradle build artifactoryPublish to build and publish the project.
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath(group: 'org.jfrog.buildinfo', name: 'build-info-extractor-gradle', version: '3.0.1')
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'maven-publish'
apply plugin: 'com.jfrog.artifactory'
group = 'com.jfrog.example'
version = '1.2-SNAPSHOT'
status = 'SNAPSHOT'
dependencies {
compile 'org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.5'
testCompile 'junit:junit:4.11'
task sourcesJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: classes) {
classifier = 'sources'
from sourceSets.main.allSource
publishing {
publications {
main(MavenPublication) {
artifact sourcesJar
artifactory {
contextUrl = 'http://myartifactory/artifactory'
resolve {
repository {
repoKey = 'libs-release'
publish {
repository {
repoKey = 'libs-snapshot-local'
username = 'whatever'
password = 'whatever123'
defaults {
publications 'main'
package is a keyword in Java/Groovy, and you'd have to use a different syntax to declare a task with that name.
Anyway, the task declaration for package should be removed, as the jar task already serves that purpose. The jar task configuration (jar { from ... }) should be at the outermost level (not nested inside another task), but from configurations.compile is unlikely what you want, as that will include Jars of compile dependencies into the Jar (which regular Java class loaders can't deal with), rather than merging them into the Jar. (Are you even sure you need a fat Jar?)
Likewise, the publish task declaration should be removed, and replaced with publishing { publications { ... } }.
Also, the buildscript block should probably be removed, and repositories { ... } and dependencies { ... } moved to the outermost level. ( buildscript { dependencies { ... } } declares dependencies of the build script itself (e.g. Gradle plugins), not the dependencies of the code to be compiled/run.)
I suggest to check out the many self-contained example builds in the samples directory of the full Gradle distribution (gradle-all).

How to run cucumber-jvm tests using Gradle

I am trying to get a project going using the new Cucumber-jvm system and Gradle as my build system.
I have used the example Java code in the GitHub cucumber-jvm project(
My project is set up in IntelliJ and the IDE is able to run the test.
However, Gradle does not find any tests to run. I know this because I broke the test and Gradle said nothing. It also said nothing when it was working.
The class it is trying to run looks like this:
import cucumber.junit.Cucumber;
import cucumber.junit.Feature;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
#Feature(value = "CarMaintenance.feature")
public class FuelCarTest {
I'm new to both cucumber and Gradle!!
I remember having trouble with Gradle and Cucumber with the junit runner.
I eventually gave up and created a gradle task using the command line runner.
task executeFeatures(type: JavaExec, dependsOn: testClasses) {
main = "cucumber.cli.Main"
classpath += files(sourceSets.test.runtimeClasspath, file(webAppDir.path + '/WEB-INF/classes'))
args += [ '-f', 'html:build/reports/cucumber', '-g', '', 'src/test/resources/features']
-f Folder for html report output
-g Package name for glue/step code
src/test/resources/features Where the feature files are
With the following dependencies
testCompile 'org.mockito:mockito-all:1.9.5',
Update for version 4.2.5
There had been some minor changes over time:
the package name of the cli changed to cucumber.api.cli.Main
The flag -f seems no longer to be working and causes an error
So I ended up with the following task definition in my build.gradle:
task executeFeatures(type: JavaExec, dependsOn: testClasses) {
main = "cucumber.api.cli.Main"
classpath += files(sourceSets.test.runtimeClasspath)
args += [ '-g', '', 'src/test/resources/features']
other way can be to create a task and include runner class for test
task RunCukesTest(type: Test) << {
include "RunCukesTest.class"
testCompile 'io.cucumber:cucumber-java:4.2.0'
testCompile 'io.cucumber:cucumber-junit:4.2.0'
your class -
#CucumberOptions(dryRun = false, strict = true, features = "src/test/resources", glue
= "com.gradle.featuretests",monochrome = true)
public class RunCukesTest {
simply hit the command :- gradle RunCukesTest
Your .feature files are in src/test/resources/cucumber/features and
your glue classes are in com.example.myapp.glue
Then, following what is explained in the docs, you can do in build.gradle:
dependencies {
// ...
configurations {
cucumberRuntime {
extendsFrom testImplementation
// this enables the task `gradle cucumber`
task cucumber() {
dependsOn assemble, compileTestKotlin
doLast {
javaexec {
main = "io.cucumber.core.cli.Main"
classpath = configurations.cucumberRuntime + sourceSets.main.output + sourceSets.test.output
args = ['--strict', '--plugin', 'pretty', '--plugin', 'junit:build/test-results/cucumber.xml', '--glue', 'com.example.myapp.glue', 'src/test/resources/cucumber/features']
// (OPTIONAL) this makes `gradle test` also include cucumber tests
tasks.test {
finalizedBy cucumber
Now gradle cucumber will run the cucumber tests.
If you added the last part, gradle test will also run cucumber tests.
The args part supports what goes in the #CucumberOptions annotation of the runner. More details:
