Insert multiple document with mongoose - node.js

I made an API with express.js, and i use mongoDB for my database and mongoose as my ODM
I really confused when i want to insert multiple document to my collection in once post request.
Here my model :
const modul = require('../config/require');
const Schema = modul.mongoose.Schema;
let TeleponSchema = new Schema({
_pelanggan : {type: String},
telepon: {type: String, required: true}
module.exports = modul.mongoose.model('telepon', TeleponSchema, 'telepon');
and here my controller
const Telepon = require('../models/telepon.model')
exports.create = (req,res) => {
let telepon = new Telepon({
_pelanggan : req.body.pel,
telepon: req.body.telepon
});,data) => {
res.send({message:'eror', detail: err});
res.send({message:'success', data: data})
Then i post my request with postman like this :
but the result in my document is :
that's the problem, the value of 'telepon' is in the same row and separated by comma instead of insert a new row and create a new _id
i want the result of my collection like this :
Any help and suggestion would be much appreciated
Thank you!

1) Per .save call you will only affect one document, check out insertMany to do multiple.
2) req.body.telepon is either an array of numbers, or is already just the comma delimited list of numbers; if it is an array the .toString will result in a comma delimited list anyways. So when you new up the Telepon it has both values in one property, which is what you see in the result.


How to convert string to mongoose.Types.ObjectId in mongoose

I just add a field like this in modelSchema
receiverId:[{ type : Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'UserChat' }]
In controller:
var recievedIds = [];
recievedId = new mongoose.Types.ObjectId(recievedId);
console.log(typeof recievedId);
messageInfo.receiverId = recieverIds;
new UserChat(messageInfo).save().then((info)=>{
}).catch((infoError) =>{
It is giving type as object not as ObjectId
and also it is pushing empty array into mongodb
i tried removing new infront of mongoose in the above object creation
Can anybody help me how to create a ObjectId?
As the doc states: An ObjectId must be a single string of 12 bytes or a string of 24 hex characters.
Please verify that your receiverId meets that requirement.

Check stored value using mongoose

I’m looking for the fastest way to get all objectIDs of a collection with a privacy value 'public'.
In this image, privacy's value is 'public', so node should give me the '_id' of this object (in this example '57bc4b9f466fab7c099a3f94').
My attempt:
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var collectionsNameSchema = new Schema({
updated: {type: Date },
privacy: { type: Object }
}, {collection: 'spots'});
var collectionsNameData = mongoose.model('collectionsNameData', collectionsNameSchema);
collectionsNameData.find({privacy: 'public'})
From what i see you have a problem in query to mongoDB.
Try like this.
collectionsNameData.find({'privacy.value': 'public'});
This should return desired result.
You also may want to use projection as second parameter in find to return only fields that you want. Keep in mind that _id returned by default.
Hope this helps.

Mongoose - is it possible to use parameters in mongo query?

I've found how to update in mongoose with this guide.
I want to increase a field, but the problem is: I want to get that field name in run-time.
in other words - I want to send type parameter and in runtime so it'll increase the relevant field (counter1 \ counter2).
is it possible??
var conditions = {_id:post},
update = { $inc: { counterType: 1 }},
options = {multi:false},
callback = function(err,numAffected){ if (err) console.log(err);}
where Post is pre-defined as a Schema:
var Post = new Schema({
post : String,
user :String,
so if I call this function when counterType = counter1
the wanted result should be counter1 field incremented by 1 in the DB.
my problem is that it looks for "counterType" instead of the value in it (counter1)

Nested models mongoose with nodejs generates duplicates

here is my code for models.js where I keep models
var mongoose = require('mongoose')
, Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var GroupSchema = new Schema({
title : String
, elements : [ElementSchema]
, author : String
var ElementSchema = new Schema({
date_added : Date
, text : String
, author : String
mongoose.model('Group', GroupSchema);
exports.Group = function(db) {return db.model('Group');};
mongoose.model('Element', ElementSchema);
exports.Element = function(db) { return db.model('Element');
To me it looks pretty clear, but when I do
function post_element(req, res, next) {
Group.findOne({_id:}, function(err, group) {
new_element = new Element({author:,
date_added: new Date()});;
return next();
I don't understand why when I go in Mongo I have two collections one called Groups with nested groups (so it looks fine) and the other collection is called Elements.
Why? Shouldn't it be called just Group ?
I don't understand, a good chap that please explain it to me?
When you execute this line:;
you're saving the newly created element to the Elements collection. Don't call save on the element and I think you'll get the behavior you're looking for.
Its because of the following line:
mongoose.model('Element', ElementSchema);
This registers a model in mongoose and when you register a model, it will create its own collection inside mongo. All you have to do is get rid of this line and you will see it disappear.
On another note, its much cleaner and easier to setup your files to only export one model per file using the following to export the model:
module.exports = mongoose.model('Group', GroupSchema);
Hope this helps!

Mongoose embedded documents / DocumentsArrays id

In the Mongoose documentation at the following address:
There is a statement:
DocumentArrays have an special method id that filters your embedded
documents by their _id property (each embedded document gets one):
Consider the following snippet:; (err) {
// embedded comment with id `my_id` removed!
I've looked at the data and there are no _ids for the embedded documents as would appear to be confirmed by this post:
How to return the last push() embedded document
My question is:
Is the documentation correct? If so then how do I find out what 'my_id' is (in the example) to do a '.id(my_id)' in the first place?
If the documentation is incorrect is it safe to use the index as an id within the document array or should I generate a unique Id manually (as per the mentioned post).
Instead of doing push() with a json object like this (the way the mongoose docs suggest):
// create a comment
post.comments.push({ title: 'My comment' });
You should create an actual instance of your embedded object and push() that instead. Then you can grab the _id field from it directly, because mongoose sets it when the object is instantiated. Here's a full example:
var mongoose = require('mongoose')
var Schema = mongoose.Schema
var ObjectId = Schema.ObjectId
var Comment = new Schema({
title : String
, body : String
, date : Date
var BlogPost = new Schema({
author : ObjectId
, title : String
, body : String
, date : Date
, comments : [Comment]
, meta : {
votes : Number
, favs : Number
mongoose.model('Comment', Comment);
mongoose.model('BlogPost', BlogPost);
var BlogPost = mongoose.model('BlogPost');
var CommentModel = mongoose.model('Comment')
var post = new BlogPost();
// create a comment
var mycomment = new CommentModel();
mycomment.title = "blah"
console.log(mycomment._id) // <<<< This is what you're looking for
post.comments.push(mycomment); (err) {
if (!err) console.log('Success!');
