How to add a prompt's maxRetries for my bot using botbuilder SDK V4 for node.js - node.js

Using the botBuilder V3 SDK, we used to pass a promptOptions object that contains the maxRetries value, in which we define the maximum values of repetitions of a prompt …
But, with the V4 SDK, I couldn't find any information in the documentation about the maxRetries.
Is there any solution or I should handle this on my own with a validator ?

There is a v4 solution in the works that will allow you to know the number of attempts inside a validation!
You can track the progress of it on GitHub here.
Feature slated for 4.4 Bot Framework release (April 15th)


Does Python Pulsar-Client SDK supports pulsar admin based classes?

Hi I was looking to fetch metadata of pulsar topics using python-client sdk provided by pulsar.
But i got stuck as , i was not able to find any classes regarding pulsar-admin actions like getting topics , there schema , stats etc.
Though the same things are available in java admin sdk.
In java :-
String namespace = "my-tenant/my-namespace";
link to doc :-
i need to get same set of functionally but in python sdk.
is there any way to do this or yet not supported.
Solutions Tried :-
i have tried the pulsar admin rest api's and they work.. but i prefer to go via sdk path.
The Python SDK does not have that yet.
You potentially could build a Python SDK using OpenAPI/Swagger which is available here
You could also make REST calls from Python.
You can make a request for this functionality:
The full current documentation is here:

How to change Microsoft.Azure.CognitiveServices.FormRecognizer v0.8.0-preview API endpoint to v.2.0.0?

I'm currently training a custom model (manual labeling) using the OCR labeling tool
I noticed the model was stored on the https:///formrecognizer/v2.0-preview/custom/models endpoint.
The Form Recognizer .NET SDK (Microsoft.Azure.CognitiveServices.FormRecognizer v0.8.0-preview) are currently directed to the v1.0.0-endpoint because the model id is not available when I executed a GET request to https:///formrecognizer/v2.0-preview/custom/models and It did exists on https:///formrecognizer/v1.0-preview/custom/models. Does anybody know how to fix this problem without having to implement the REST API manually all over again or waiting for the next version of nuget package to come out?
Any help would be appreciated!
You can check out this website for the code snippets of how to use the v2.0 REST API:
The current SDK only supports v1.0 release, but the SDK for v2.0 release is coming soon. Stay tuned.
The new Azure SDK Azure.AI.FormRecognizer preview library supporting Form Recognizer service version 2.0-preview is now available. Details on how to use it can be found in the package README.

Google Api and Google Auth Library which one should I use for GoogleOAuth2

What are the differences between those those two libraries?
Which one should I use for authentication?
for example:
I saw that while one include the setCredentials, the other doesn't support it. and have credentials as a property
So, it appears that the first one is indeed in alpha.
Also, the second one is official release and maintained by google fellows, and yesterday was released it 1.0.0 version.
see it here as well ->

Which aws sdk to use?

I want to use dynamodb SDK for nodejs. Which SDK is it, may someone please send a link to the current api? I thought this link showed the most current:
But according to
Anything using the .Client attributes are old. I am confused which is the most current. For example should I use dynamodb.get or dynamodb.getItem to get items?
As per the github, you should be using below link for DynamoDB -
There is a tutorial as well to get started with the new dynamoDB SDK - .NET SDK: difference between the official and monotouch-bindings

I lately noticed that released their SDK for Xamarin.iOS. Up to now, the option was to use the opensource binding
What's the difference between the 2 implementation? Is the one from mt-bindings considered deprecated ?
From what I can say, the official Parse sdk:
is full c# (no binding)
supports async/await
but only provide the ParseObject API (no extra, like the loginview, ...)
