Changing String into Time - excel

I need to change String in D column(example 28/10/2018:01:51:29) into Time format.
I've tried:
Format cells and make my own formating(dd/mm/yyyy:hh:mm:ss)
Data->Text to columns
But neither worked

Your issue is the colon : between the date and the time. Try this:
This will return a number, like 0.077418981 which Excel can interpret as a time if you format the cell as time. If you want to skip this step and see the time as a string, use an additional TEXT function
=TEXT(TIMEVALUE(SUBSTITUTE(D1,":"," ",1)),"hh:mm:ss")
In Czech:
=ČASHODN(DOSADIT(D1,":"," ",1))
=TEXT(ČASHODN(DOSADIT(D1,":"," ",1)),"hh:mm:ss")
You may also need to swap commas , for semi-colons ; if your regional settings require it:
=ČASHODN(DOSADIT(D1;":";" ";1))
=TEXT(ČASHODN(DOSADIT(D1;":";" ";1));"hh:mm:ss")


how do I get rid of leading/trailing spaces in SAS search terms?

I have had to look up hundreds (if not thousands) of free-text answers on google, making notes in Excel along the way and inserting SAS-code around the answers as a last step.
The output looks like this:
This output contains an unnecessary number of blank spaces, which seems to confuse SAS's search to the point where the observations can't be properly located.
It works if I manually erase superflous spaces, but that will probably take hours. Is there an automated fix for this, either in SAS or in excel?
I tried using the STRIP-function, to no avail:
else if R_res_ort_txt=strip(" arild ") and R_kom_lan=strip(" skåne ") then R_kommun=strip(" Höganäs " );
If you want to generate a string like:
if R_res_ort_txt="arild" and R_kom_lan="skåne" then R_kommun="Höganäs";
from three variables, let's call them A B C, then just use code like:
string=catx(' ','if R_res_ort_txt=',quote(trim(A))
,'and R_kom_lan=',quote(trim(B))
,'then R_kommun=',quote(trim(C)),';') ;
Or if you are just writing that string to a file just use this PUT statement syntax.
put 'if R_res_ort_txt=' A :$quote. 'and R_kom_lan=' B :$quote.
'then R_kommun=' C :$quote. ';' ;
A saner solution would be to continue using the free-text answers as data and perform your matching criteria for transformations with a left join.
proc import out=answers datafile='my-free-text-answers.xlsx';
data have;
attrib R_res_ort_txt R_kom_lan length=$100;
input R_res_ort_txt ...;
... whatever all those transforms will be performed on...
proc sql;
create table want as
have.* ,
answers.R_kommun_answer as R_kommun
left join
have.R_res_ort_txt = answers.res_ort_answer
& have.R_kom_lan = abswers.kom_lan_answer
I solved this by adding quotes in excel using the flash fill function:

Converting Issue date with download to CSV

I have a problem with the Function Module "GUI_DOWNLOAD" because of the date converting.
I want to get the date like I have it in my internal table but CSV (Excel) keeps converting it everytime.
The internal table contains the line like this: 12345678;GroupDate;2021-12-31;
The Output in the .csv-File should be "2021-12-31" but it keeps converting to "31.12.2021".
I also tried to put an ' (apostroph) before the date but the output will be '2021-12-31
Does anybode have an Idea ?
lv_conv = '2021-12-31'.
LT_FILE is a string table.
Thanks for the help.
Like Suncatcher and Sandra said the file is right but it is only the settings from excel which convert the date.
If the Output file won´t be needed for other purposes than showing the code could be something like this
The csv-Output would be a date like this 1960-01-01 but in the cell the value would look like =("1960-01-01").

Python format incomplete date to YYYYMM

As a start, I am extremely new at Python.
I am receiving an Excel file where the date field is incomplete. The value displays as "190808" (YYMMDD) instead of "2019-08-08".
Part of my automation attempt is to move the file to a different location, where the file is renamed. I want to use the date field to change the file name to the file description and date (e.g. "Sales figures 201908").
The code I have only works if the date format is
str(df['Bank date'][0].strftime("%Y%m"))
I have tried dateparser with the following:
dateparser.parse(df['Bank date'][0].strftime("%Y.%m"))
The error I am receiving is 'numpy.int64' object has no attribute 'strftime'
Any help will do.
I modified it slightly and built my own date-string using slicing.
vOldDate = str(df['Bank date'][0])
vNewDate = '20' + vOldDate[:2] + '.' + vOldDate[2:4]
Numpy is interpreting the date as an integer. To use dateparser, you need to convert that value into a string first, then parse that string, and then format the result:
dateparser.parse(str(df['Bank date'][0])).strftime("%Y.%m")
Since the input format is expected, you should specify it to ensure you get the right date:
>>> dateparser.parse(str(190808), date_formats=['%y%m%d']).strftime("%Y.%m")

How to extract the characters from a string in Excel

Hi I would like to extract dynamically the numbers from string in Excel.
I have the following strings and I would like to have only the numbers before ". pdf". taken out of the string into the next column.
As you can see the number of characters varies from line to line.
I have invented something like this:
But this takes out only the numbers after "_" and .pdf after this....
How to make it the way I like?
So that I have just :
and so on...
Thank you!!!
With VBA, try to do it like this:
Public Function splitThings(strInput As String) As String
splitThings = Split(Split(strInput, "_")(1), ".")(0)
End Function
Concerning your formula, try to use =LEFT(MID(M20;SEARCH("_";M20);20),K), where K is the difference of the length of ts22b_6118.pdf and 4 (.pdf). 4 is the length of .pdf.
Something like this should do the work:
You should do it using Excel formula. For example:
Using the first line as an example, with LEFT(A1,FIND(".pdf",A1)-1) you will have D:\Users\xxxx\Desktop\1610\ts25b_4462 and with the LEFT(A1,FIND("_",A1)) D:\Users\xxxx\Desktop\1610\ts25b_, if you SUBSTITUTE the first part by "" you will have 4462.
Hope this can help.
With this formula, you should be able to get the numbers you want:
Basically, this is the initial fomula:
But since there may be two _ in the string so this is the one to find the 2nd _:
Now just replace this SUBSTITUTE with A1 above and you get that long formula. Hope this helps.
This will return the number you want regardless of extension (could be .pdf, could be .xlsx, etc) and regardless of the number of underscores present in the filename and/or filepath:

NPOI: Achieve Currency format as if formatted by Excel

I have seen some questions (like this one) here asking about if a cell in Excel can be formatted by NPOI/POI as if formatted by Excel. As most of you, I have to deal with issues with Currency and DateTime. Here let me ask how the formatting can be achieved as if it has been formatted by Excel? (I will answer this question myself as to demonstrate how to do it.)
Setting: Windows 10, English, Region: Taiwan
Excel format: XLSX (version 2007 and later)
(Sorry about various edit of this question as I have pressed the 'Enter' button at unexpected time.)
If you format a cell as Currency, you have 4 choices:
The internal format of each style is as follow:
<numFmt formatCode=""NT$"#,##0.00" numFmtId="164"/>
<numFmt formatCode=""NT$"#,##0.00;[Red]"NT$"#,##0.00" numFmtId="164"/>
<numFmt formatCode=""NT$"#,##0.00_);("NT$"#,##0.00)" numFmtId="7"/>
<numFmt formatCode=""NT$"#,##0.00_);[Red]("NT$"#,##0.00)" numFmtId="8"/>
Note: There is a pair of double quote (") comes before and after NT$.
(To get internal format of XLSX, just unzip it. The Style information is available in <unzip dir>\xl\Styles.xml Check out this answer if you need more information.)
(FYI: In formatCode, the '0' represent a digit. The '#' also represent a digit, but will not appear if the number is not large enough. So any number less than 1000 will not have the comma inside it. The '_' is a space holder. In format 3, '1.75' appears as 'NT$1.75 '. The last one is a space.)
(FYI: In numFmtId, for case 1 and case 2, number 164 is for user-defined. For case 3 and 4, number 7 and 8 are build-in style.)
For developers using POI/NPOI, you may find out if you format your currency column using Build In Format using 0x7 or 0x8, you can get only the third or fourth choice. You cannot get the first or second choice.
To get the first choice, you build upon style 0x7 "$#,##0.00);($#,##0.00)". You need to add the currency symbol and the pair of double quotes in front of it.
styleCurrency.DataFormat = workbook.CreateDataFormat().GetFormat("\"NT$\"#,##0.00");
Apply this format to a cell with number. Once you open the Excel result file, right click to check formatting, you will see the first choice.
Please feel free to comment on this post.
var cell5 = row.CreateCell(5, CellType.Numeric);
var styleCurrency = workbook.CreateCellStyle();
styleCurrency.DataFormat= workbook.CreateDataFormat().GetFormat(string.Format("\"{0}\"#,##0.00", item.CurrencySymbol));//styleCurrency;
cell5.CellStyle = styleCurrency;
styleCurrency = null;
Iterate over loop for multiple currency.
Function to GetCurrencySymbol against currency Code on C#
private string GetCurencySymbol(string isOcurrencyCode)
return CultureInfo.GetCultures(CultureTypes.AllCultures).Where(c => !c.IsNeutralCulture)
.Select(culture =>
return new RegionInfo(culture.LCID);
return null;
.Where(ri => ri != null && ri.ISOCurrencySymbol == isOcurrencyCode)
.Select(ri => ri.CurrencySymbol).FirstOrDefault();}
