Why is this loop stopping after the first pass? - excel

I want my function to loop over a set number of times before it gives me an answer. It's stopping after the first loop. I want it to go through the loop "PerInq" times before giving me the answer. I have a series of math problems that must done consecutively to get the proper answer. Below is my code:
Function IntFinder(PVLoan, APR, PMT_Freq, Term, PerInq)
n = PMT_Freq * Term
R = APR / PMT_Freq
PMT1 = Pmt(R, n, -PVLoan)
Intrest = PVLoan * R
Prin = PMT1 - Intrest
Bal = PVLoan - Prin
BalSum = 0
For counter = 1 To counter = PerInq
Intrest = R * Bal
Prin = PMT1 - Intrest
Bal = Bal - Prin
counter = counter + 1
Next counter
IntFinder = Intrest
End Function


I want to create a vba userform in excel for my personal calculations. But I'm having trouble using it

Help me I need to create a Userform for my personal calculations. But I ran into a lot of problems. Because I've never written a program before.
When I enter a value 0 or enter a value other than 0 and delete it in the text field PriceCoinBuy, BuyCoin , PriceCoinSell , SellCoin , Vat one of the fields I will get Msg : Run-time error '6'; overflow.
But when I put a number other than 0 in the BuyCoin field, I get Msg : Run-time error '11'; Division by zero.
I've been searching for a solution for 2 days but can't find it in please help.
I have 5 textboxes for input.
Sub SumAll()
Dim A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, V As Double
A = Val(Order.PriceCoinBuy.Value)
B = Val(Order.BuyCoin.Value)
C = Val(Order.PriceCoinSell.Value)
D = Val(Order.SellCoin.Value)
V = Val(Order.Vat.Value)
'-------------- Math --------------
E = CDbl(B) / A
F = CDbl(E) * (V / 100)
G = CDbl(E) - F
H = CDbl(G) * A
I = CDbl(D) * C
J = CDbl(I) * (V / 100)
K = CDbl(I) - J
'---------------- Show -------------
Order.GetCoin.Text = Format(E, "##,##0.000000")
Order.AfterVatBuy.Text = Format(F, "##,##0.0000")
Order.CoinBalance.Text = Format(G, "##,##0.000000")
Order.ToMoney.Text = Format(H, "##,##0.00")
Order.GetMoney.Text = Format(I, "##,##0.00")
Order.AfterVatSell.Text = Format(J, "##,##0.00")
Order.MoneyBalance.Text = Format(K, "##,##0.00")
End Sub

Replace not working with SAP Gui Scripting retrieved data

So I created a scripting to retrieve data from SAP Gridview object to an Excel sheet. Some columns I needed to replace some characters because this data is consumed by a Power Bi report. For example:
4,350.00 will be replaced for the value 4350. So I do two replaces, the first removing the . and the second replacing the , with .
The problem is that the replace is being applied in every data retrieved. Here's the code.
For i = 0 To GridView.RowCount - 1
For j = 0 To GridView.ColumnCount - 1
shtInput.Cells(z + i, j + 1) = GridView.GetCellValue(i, GridView.ColumnOrder(j))
If j > 8 And j < 19 Then:
rep = GridView.GetCellValue(i, GridView.ColumnOrder(j))
rep = replace(rep, ".", "")
rep = replace(rep, ",", ".")
shtInput.Cells(z + i, j + 1) = rep
Next j
shtInput.Cells(z + i, Area) = "Finance"
If i Mod 32 = 0 Then
GridView.SetCurrentCell i, CStr(Columns(0))
GridView.firstVisibleRow = i
End If
Next i
There's a data column that the script capture the value 21.02.2021 and replace it with 21,02,2021.

VBA : For loop exiting without returning the value

I have the following piece for code to simulate stock prices using stochastic process
Function varswap1(s0, r0, sigma0, t) As Double
Rnd (-10)
Randomize (999)
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, r As Double
Dim stock() As Double, dt As Double
Dim per As Integer
per = WorksheetFunction.Round(t * 252, 0)
ReDim stock(per)
stock(1) = s0
dt = 1 / 252
For i = 1 To per
stock(i + 1) = stock(i) * Exp((r0 - 0.5 * sigma0 ^ 2) * dt + sigma0 * Sqr(dt) * WorksheetFunction.NormSInv(Rnd()))
varswap1 = WorksheetFunction.Average(stock)
End Function
In this code, I ran debugging by placing a break point at Next and the entire For loop is working absolutely fine. The problem is after completing the loop the function exits and #VALUE! error is displayed in the cell.
I am not able to figure out what is wrong with this code.
Will be thankful if anyone can help me with it.
Try this:
Const n As Integer = 252
Function varswap1(s0, r0, sigma0, t) As Double
Rnd (-10)
Randomize (999)
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, r As Double
Dim stock() As Double, dt As Double
Dim per As Integer
per = WorksheetFunction.Round(t * n, 0)
ReDim stock(per)
stock(0) = s0 ' First item in the array has index 0
dt = 1# / n ' Avoid integer division, 1/252 = 0
For i = 1 To per
'Each stock depends on the previous stock value:
stock(i) = stock(i - 1) * Exp((r0 - 0.5 * sigma0 ^ 2) * dt + sigma0 * Sqr(dt) * WorksheetFunction.NormSInv(Rnd()))
varswap1 = WorksheetFunction.Average(stock)
End Function
I saw two issues and one suggestion.
One is the array stock goes from 0..252 but you assign values to 1..253 so it crashes.
Also there is a possible integer division resulting in dt=0.0. I updated the definition to make the intent clear that the division is to be done after the conversion from integer to double. Lastly, I moved the magic number 252 to a constant.

Recursion code in VBA

I am trying to run this code to calculate Q(n) at different Tn in the Equation 16.4 in the attached picture.But its not giving me the correct output. I would appreciate any help. Note: delta1=delta2 =...deltan = dt=1 ( I have taken here ) and further divided S term by 10000 just because in the Equation it is in basis point i.e. 100th part of 1 %.
Function Bootstrap(S As Range, Z As Range, L As Double) As Double
Dim j As Integer
Dim a As Variant
Dim b As Variant
Dim n As Integer
Dim Q() As Double
Dim sum As Double
Dim P As Double
Dim dt As Double
n = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(S.Columns.Count, Z.Columns.Count)
a = S.Value
b = Z.Value
dt = 1
sum = 0
ReDim Q(0 To n)
Q(0) = 1
For j = 1 To n - 1
P = (b(1, j) * (L * Q(j - 1) - (L + dt * a(1, n) / 10000) * Q(j))) / (b(1, n) * (L + a(1, n) * dt / 10000)) + Q(n - 1) * L / (L + a(1, n) * dt / 10000)
sum = sum + P
Q(n) = sum
Next j
Bootstrap = sum
End Function
To solve a recursive function you can write it this way, for example
Function Factorial(n as long) as long
If n = 1 Then
Factorial = 1
Factorial = n * Factorial(n-1)
End If
End function
Yes, you can see For...Loop can also do the Factorial calculation, but in your case, its much easier to use recursive solution.
Besides Eq 16.4 is intentionally written as a recursive function. It is not written as a summation function because it is harder to do so. If given to you is a summation function, then you can apply the For...Loop solution.
Hope this helps.
Function Q(n as long) as double
If n = 1 Then
Q = 5
Q = Z * ( L * Q_t - (L + d * S) * Q(n-1) ) / ( Z * ( L + d * S ) )
End If
End Function
Notice that the function Q keep calling itself in Q(n-1) when n>1. That is called recursive solution.
(Check the formula. I might copy it wrong)

Javascript converted to Excel VB Function Produces #NUM! error

Hey guys, I have a javascript function that produces a 12 digit UPC code (Based on the first 11 digits:
function ccc12(rawVal) {
factor = 3;
sum = 0;
rawVal = rawVal.toString();
if (rawVal.length!=11){
throw "The UCC-12 ID Number requires that you enter 11 digits.";
for (index = rawVal.length; index > 0; --index) {
sum = sum + rawVal.substring (index-1, index) * factor;
factor = 4 - factor;
return ((1000 - sum) % 10);
Assuming the above if I gave 84686400201 as the rawVal, then 2 would be the outcome returned.
This was then converted to
Function generateUPC(upcCode As Integer) As String
Dim upcCheckDigit, factor, sum As Integer
Dim upcString As String
factor = 3
sum = 0
For i = Len(upcCode) To 0 Step -1
sum = sum + Mid(upcCode, i - 1, 1) * factor
factor = 4 - factor
Next i
upcCheckDigit = ((1000 - sum) Mod 10)
upcString = upcCode & upcCheckDigit
generateUPC = upcString
End Function
This function returns the original string plus the last digit, but instead i get #NUM! in the worksheet when I put =generateUPC(84686400201) into the cell.
Any ideas? Never really bothered doing VB Macros etc before so this is new to me
I suggest changing upcCode to a string to avoid overflow and changing the indexes of your loop and within the Mid function to avoid out-of-bounds errors.
Function generateUPC(upcCode as String) As String
Dim upcCheckDigit, factor, sum As Integer
Dim upcCode, upcString As String
factor = 3
sum = 0
For i = Len(upcCode) To 1 Step -1
sum = sum + Mid(upcCode, i, 1) * factor
factor = 4 - factor
Next i
upcCheckDigit = ((1000 - sum) Mod 10)
upcString = upcCode & upcCheckDigit
generateUPC = upcString
End Function
VBA integers are -32k to +32k
VBA Longs are -2B to +2B
Your 'upcCode' integer is larger than the long data type so I tried it with Double, which is a float, but works:
Function generateUPC(upcCode As Double) As String
Dim upcCheckDigit, factor, sum As Double
Dim upcString As String
factor = 3
sum = 0
For i = Len(upcCode) To 0 Step -1
sum = sum + Mid(upcCode, i - 1, 1) * factor
factor = 4 - factor
Next i
upcCheckDigit = ((1000 - sum) Mod 10)
upcString = upcCode & upcCheckDigit
generateUPC = upcString
End Function
