N-Count Days For Changing Dates For Ecommerce Shipment Sheet - excel

I have to submit a daily MIS for orders which are Undelivered For less then 2 Days, Undelivered Between 3-5 Days and 5+ Days.
Currently i'm doing this manually by counting from the Purchase Date forward. So e.g. for an order of 11th March, i'll just count 2 days till 13th (If undelivered) and type 1 in front of the column and do a count manually of all orders outstanding in each column.
The problem arises as the column descends and the dates get further and further away from current day.
This is tiresome but i can't seem to find an algorithm that can do this automatically.
Can anyone help please.

Consider this screenshot:
Cell A1 has the date you want to compare to. Don't user the Today() function, since it is volatile and can slow down the workbook. Just manually put in the desired date.
The formula in cell E2 is
=IF(D2="undelivered",IF($A$1-C2<=2,"less than 2",IF($A$1-C2<=5,"3 - 5 days","5+ days")),"")
In words: if the status is "undelivered", calculate the difference between purchase date and A1. If it is less than 2, return that text, if it is less than 5, return that text, otherwise return the third text.
Copy that formula down.
In cells G3 to G5 you see each of the three texts and next to it is a formula. Starting in H3
copied down to H5.
Your layout may differ, so you will need to adjust the formulas accordingly.


Excel SUMIF Offset

I have a spreadsheet that is used for inventory planning. It has, in columns, 5 weeks (per month) followed by a month total, then another 5 weeks, followed by another month total, and so on for 12 months. Each week column is labelled "Wk 1", "Wk 2" and so on. Each Month is labelled as "Jan", "Feb" and so on.
I have the product code at cell A2, and a lead time (in weeks) at cell C2. The lead time varies by product.
Column B is the first column with data (column A is used for labels).
On row 5 there is opening stock on hand.
On row 6 there is the sales forecast.
On row 7 there are Purchase Orders received.
On row 8 is closing stock on hand.
Row 10 is a staging area. This is my problem row. These are my planned orders.
My cell B10 formula is =SUM(B6:OFFSET(B6,0,C2-1)). My planned purchase order = planned sales for the next x weeks, so I need to exclude the month columns.
The result should be as shown in cell B11. Formula for that cell is =SUM(B6:F6)+SUM(H6:K6)+SUM(N6:R6). Note that cell L6 is excluded.
Not sure how to increase the number of columns to include in the offset as a lead time may be 26 weeks, so there could be a few "month" columns I need to exclude, and then how to exclude the monthly totals?
I'm thinking maybe using a Sumif combined with Offset, but I am scratching my head.
Your help will be much appreciated.
Image of Excel file showing structure
Havent tried anything, as am unsure what to try.
see attached photo for your answer.
The formula you seek for cell B10 is:

Excel IF + AND + Date range formula

I am looking to create and IF function that does the following.
There is a ton of data with one column containing dates. I want and if functions that labels each row according to the following.
If date falls between 0-30 days of todays date in the past then label "GOOD" (so if todays date is 21/09/2017 then it should be labelled as "GOOD" should it falls between the dates 21/09/2017 and 21/08/2017)
If date falls between 31-60 days of todays date in the past then label "FAIR"
If date falls between 61-90 days of todays date in the past then label "ATTENTION"
If date falls between 91+ days of todays date in the past then label "CLEARANCE"
Hope someone can help.
Many thanks
Column D shows the difference between today date and cell date.
Alternative Answer
Use VLOOKUP to potentially ease your future formula maintenance. In an unused location, set up a table that has your break point ranges and associated return values. For this example I used the following:
Technically speaking column G is not required, but it can be easier for some people to read.
Now assuming your dates are in Column A, you can use the following formula in B2 copying down:
and in C2 use the following look up formula and copy down to get your desired results:
now if you are not keen on generating the extra column for calculate the number of days, you can substitute that first formula into the second to get:
place the above in B2 instead and copy down.
The following is an example of the first approach:
The main advantage to this approach is you can manipulate the lookup table easily changing breakpoints, wording of results etc easily without touching your formula (when done right)
if you have the potential for negative days, instead of returning an error, you could wrap the lookup formula in an IFERROR function to give a custom message or result.
=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(B2,$F$3:$H$6,3,1),"In the Future")
Assuming your data starts with A2, A3 and so on.. as below
Apply the below formula in B2 and drag down up to A8
=IF(AND(--TEXT(TODAY()-A2,"##")>=-1,--TEXT(TODAY()-A2,"#")<30),"GOOD",IF(AND(--TEXT(TODAY()-A2,"##")>=30,--TEXT(TODAY()-A2,"#")<60),"FAIR",IF(AND(--TEXT(TODAY()-A2,"##")>=60,--TEXT(TODAY()-A2,"#")<90),"ATTENTION",IF(--TEXT(TODAY()-A2,"##")>90,"CLEARANCE","FUTURE DATES"))))

How to get a bill to populate with the amount, only if the particular payday falls exactly on or 6 days before the due date?

Using Google Sheets to make a budget (See attached image snapshots). I’m a little bit stuck on a complex spreadsheet formula (listed above). What I’m trying to do is get a bill to populate with the amount, only if the particular payday falls exactly on or 6 days before the due date. Here’s what I’m working with:
Column Headers: I have set these cells so that they auto-populate with the payday, which happens every week on Friday.
Row 6 and 7 are where I want the amount to show up. I’ve been having to put them in manually, but I’d like to automate it for the length of the bill (60 months)
Column B, cells (B6 & B7) are set with a plain text number corresponding to the day of the month it’s due (i.e. 5th of each month for the Ford). So B6 cell has number 5 in it.
If the due date for the Ford Car Payment is the 5th of every month, I need the number $470 to populate into the cell if the date above the column is the 5th of the month or minus 6 days from it. Because the bill doesn’t always fall on a payday, as in the in EE or EF Column, it needs to populate with $470 on the EE6 cell to make sure the bill is paid on time.
Essentially, I want to be able to paste the formula into the 6th row, and have it only populate on the pay date closest 5th of each month, but not after the 5th. If it returns 0 like on cell ED6, the cell should remain blank.
Any ideas how I can make this possible?
=IF(ISNUMBER(MATCH($B5, ArrayFormula(DAY(C$3+{0,1,2,3,4,5,6})), 0)), 470, "")
Using C3 as the start assuming your calendar days start at C3.
The way this works is:
ArrayFormula(C$3+{1,2,3,4,5,6}) Generates a synthetic Range of dates starting at the date in C3 and the week following
ArrayFormula(DAY(C$3+{1,2,3,4,5,6})) just extracts the day's number of the month from all the dates. A date range from 2017-01-28 - 2017-02-03 would leave you with {28, 29, 30, 31, 01, 02, 03}
MATCH($B5, <2>, 0) Will try to find the Due month-day in the month-day list we just generated and return the position or an error if it is not there.
ISNUMBER(<3>) will be TRUE if the day is contained, otherwise false
IF(<4>, 470, "") Prints the payment on the correct dates, of course you can change 470 to a cell reference like $ZZ5.
You can drag this formula right and down

Lookup date, return sum of previous 5 days

I am needing a bit of help on a formula which I have been amending for a while now with no success going through vlookups, indexmatches, sumproducts etc.
Basically, on one tab "weekly summary" I have the date contained in cell H2 which will only ever be set to a monday. I need a formula in cell B3 that will look up to a different tab "Raw Data Input" based on this date in cell H2, and return the sum of the values for the previous week (previous 5 amounts using the workdays formula on raw data input tab).
So for instance if this was today, 14th Nov, I would want the sum of the values from 7th-11th Nov.
Is this possible without doing 5 separate vlookups to different dates?
Ps. I will eventually form this into a macro, however as I have a number of tasks to complete before I get to that stage, I would prefer it as a formula, to get everything set up before I start adding VBA.
You can use SUMIFS where your multiple conditions are dates are less than 14th Nov, but greater than 14th Nov - 7
=SUMIFS(A:A,B:B, "<"&$H$2,B:B, ">"&$H$2-7)
Whereby A:A is the sum range, and B:B is the columns with dates.

How To Ignore Blank Cells for a Formula

I'm tracking hours for my company and I need to see the updated hours daily. I have everything formatted how I want it, except I want two columns to show how many hours over and under each employees current hours are.
What I have right now is
But it is including all the empty cells (for days that haven't been worked yet) as a zero.
I want a formula that can allow me to ignore those blank cells until they have content.
I can't just use a SUMIF >0 function because I need to count the number of hours employees have MISSED (i.e. scheduled 12 hrs, actually worked 0).
Here's an alternate approach to #Tom's, though it works on similar principles. This one, however, relies on your ability to add a couple of 'HELPER' rows, above your current data.
I'm assuming that row 1 will alternate between saying "PROJECTED", and "ACTUAL".
I'm assuming that row 2 will be dates for that week, in Date format. So A2 will be Jan 1 2015, B2 will be Feb 1 2015, C3 will be Feb 1 2015, or however often the time blocks go up. The key here is that the PROJECTED columns and the ACTUAL columns will each need the date in them.
The formula to check the variance between that row's PROJECTED amount and that row's ACTUAL amount, only for dates prior to today, is (for row 3 and copied down, and assuming the data goes to column Z):
This checks to see the value of PROJECTED columns for that row, where the date is less than today, and subtracts the value of ACTUAL columns for that row, where the date is less than today.
If you are looking to compare with something other than TODAY(), you can set up a cell to be your 'comparison point'. Manual type the breakoff period you are concerned with into that cell, and replace "&TODAY()" with, say, "&AA1" [assuming your breakoff point is entered in cell AA1].
As it stands, either a very long series of IF's and OR's or an array formula:-
The second one must be entered with CtrlShiftEnter
Note that it could easily be broken by insertion/deletion of columns.
