Azure Web Jobs with Service Bus Topic Integration - azure

I have created subscription(s) for some of the existing Azure Service Bus topic(s).
Now i need to create Azure Web Jobs that will process for any new Message arriving at the Topic end. This whole process will be used as part of incremental load.
Please provide some input/reference for implementing the above work flow.
Thanks! in advance

You can have Azure Functions instead of Web Jobs to process the messages, which comes with ServiceBusTrigger. You could also go for Web Jobs to process the messages. Refer the following links for more details
You should provide the Topic Subscription path in place of Queue path to receive message from Subscriptions.


Write a listener application for Azure Service Bus Queue

I need to have a listener app in .NET Core which will continuously look into new messages in Azure Service Bus Queue. I've tried so far with different approaches, but only able to read messages from ASB queue which are already published to queue before my listener application has started consuming. But once all the existing messages are processed and then the listener is not able to read any new messages from ASB queue.
I'm trying to figure out whether there is any method in the namespace "Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus" which will continuously pull messages from ASB queue.
I do not want to create a WHILE loop or a long running Task.
Any help is appreciated.
There are 4 ways to create an "Azure Service Bus Queue". This could be the long procedure to understand. To make it precise, I am attaching the links to follow for different methods of creation.
ARM Template :
Azure CLI:
Azure Portal:
The Suitable answer for the requirement:
The receive modes are two types.
Receive and Delete
Peek lock
We can receive the message and pull it to read using Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus as required. Using the namespaces and utilizing the services of Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus

Azure Service Bus - can I view scheduled messages?

Similar past question of mine: Azure Service Bus Queue: Can I manage/cancel scheduled messages? - accepted answer here details how to cancel scheduled messages.
I'm wondering now if there's a way to view scheduled messages using the AMQP APIs. The Azure UI (and this method offer message counts but I can't see anything that lets me actually view those messages.
Is this a limitation of the service bus/Azure architecture? Or is there an API that will allow it? My goal would be to build a nice UI that displays scheduled tasks, and ideally I'd like to do that without maintaining that list of tasks myself outside of Azure if possible.
As of today, all messages can be peeked, but there's no way to peek those based on message status. There's an open issue on GitHub for the broker to add this feature. You can leave use-case scenario to help product team to have an idea why a feature as such would help customers.
Adding some information I found useful while reading about this.
Azure Service Bus Queues allows browsing/peeking scheduled messages.
Azure Service Bus Subscriptions does not support this feature yet.
Read More
View Example

durable subscriber pattern with azure service bus

I'm looking to use Azure Service Bus with topics but need to handle the scenario where a subscriber might not be listening for a message it's interested in (e.g. server being rebooted etc.). This is the typical durable subscriber pattern as described here
What I can't work out is how to apply this with Azure Service Bus and I can't seem to find any examples or discussion of this in the documentation. Is this something that Azure service bus provides or should I start looking at alternatives to Azure Service Bus?
This is built straight into Service Bus. As long as a subscription is created it is durable. You create a topic and then create one or more subscriptions. One or more consumers then listen to a subscription when they are active. If they go inactive, such as the server being rebooted, then the subscription stores the messages until a consumer comes back up and asks for one.
Service Bus would only be nondurable if you were creating and destroying subscriptions on the fly as each consumer becomes active or becomes inactive. If there are no subscriptions then messages sent to a topic are lost. Once you create a subscription, any messages sent to the topic (if they pass any filters applied) will be available on the subscription regardless if there are any active consumers using that subscription. Subscriptions exist until you remove them or, if you have the idle removal feature turned on, they surpass the idle deletion time.
You can verify this with a simple console application, or using LinqPad to set up code that does the following:
Create a topic.
Create a subscription on that topic (no filters)
Send a few messages to the topic.
In a different script or console app, create a MessageReceiver for that subscription and pull down the messages.
The messages within a subscription are durable for the life of that subscription, until they are processed (completed, etc.), they are forwarded somewhere else or they expire.
I am not sure where you looked for documentation, following are good to read:

Azure service bus statistics/Monitoring

I want to make a dashboard which shows the status of our Azure services bus queues and displays the history for "messages added to queue", "length of queue" and "messages processed" etc. Using the Azure Management Portal, I can see that most of these statistics manually for each queue.
Is there any way to get access to the data that is displayed in the Management Portal through one of the APIs as I want to combine the data from number of queues that we use into a single interface. I have searched in vain but I don't want to log my own statistics as that seems like redoing a task that Microsoft already perform.
Currently with REST API all I can see is how to get the current approximate count of messages in the queue.
There is an API for this now (wasn't back when the OP created the thread): (REST) (.NET)
Also, I believe it should be available via Azure Insights API:
It is possible to fetch the Count of Messages in a Queue, Incoming Messages, Outgoing Messages with the help of the latest Azure Monitor Metrics, with which you can build you own Dashboard. Or you can make use of the Azure Monitor in Azure portal, which allows you to configure dashboards and alerts.

Windows Azure Inter-Role communication

I want to create an Azure application which does the following:
User is presented with a MVC 4 website (web role) which shows a list of commands.
When the user selects a command, it is broadcast to all worker roles.
Worker roles process the task, store the results and notify web role
Web role displays the combined results of the worker roles
From what I've been reading there seem to be two ways of doing this: the Windows Azure Service Bus or using Queues. Each worker role also stores the results in the database.
The Service Bus seems more appropriate with its publish/subscribe model, so all worker roles would get the same command and roughly the same time. Queues seem easier to use though.
Can the service bus be used locally with the emulator when developing? I am using a free trial and cannot keep the application constantly whilst still developing. Also, when using queues how can you notify the web role that processing is complete?
I agree. ServiceBus is a better choice for this messaging requirement. You could, with some effort, do the same with queues. But, you'll be writing a lot of code to implement things that the ServiceBus already gives you.
There is not a local emulator for ServiceBus like there is for the Azure Strorage service (queues/tables/blobs). However, you could still use the ServiceBus for messaging between roles while they are running locally in your development environment.
As for your last question about notifying the web role that processing is complete, there are a several ways to go here. Just a few thoughts (not exhaustive list)...
Table storage where the web role can periodically check the status of the unit of work.
Another ServiceBus Queue/topic for completed work.
Internal endpoints. You'll have to have logic to know if it's just an update from worker role N or if it is indicating a completed unit of work for all worker roles.
I agree with Rick's answer, but would also add the following things to think about:
If you choose the Service Bus Topic approach then as each worker role comes online it would need to generate a subscription to the topic. You'll need to think about subscription maintenance of when one of the workers has a failure and is recycled, or any number of reasons why a subscription may be out there.
Telling the web role that all the workers are complete is interesting. The options Rick provides are good ones, but you'll need to think about some things here. It means that the web role needs to know just how many workers are out there or some other mechanism to decide when all have reported done. You could have the situation of five worker roles receieving a message and start working, then one of them starts to repeatedly fail processing. The other four report their completion but now the web role is waiting on the fifth. How long do you wait for a reply? Can you continue? What if you just told the system to scale down and while the web role thinks there are 5 there is now only 4. These are things you'll need to to think about and they all depend on your requirements.
Based on your question, you could use either queue service and get good results. But each of them are going to have different challenges to overcome as well as advantages.
Some advantages of service bus queues is that it provides blocking receipt with a persistent connection (up to 100 connections), it can monitor messages for completion, and it can send larger messages (256KB).
Some advantages of storage queues over the service bus solution is that it's slightly faster (if 15 ms matters to you), you can use a single storage system (since you'll probably be using Storage for blob and table services anyways), and simple auto-scaling. If you need to auto-scale your worker roles based on the load, passing the the requests through a storage queue makes auto-scaling trivial -- you just setup auto-scaling in the Azure Cloud Service UI under the scale tab.
A more in-depth comparison of the two azure queue services can be found here:
Also, when using queues how can you notify the web role that processing is complete?
For the Azure Storage Queues solution, I've written a library that can help:
It provides a proxy layer that facilitates RPC style communication from web roles to worker roles and back through Storage Queues.
