How can I change icon theme in Inkscape? - linux

I'm using Inkscape (0.92, installed via pacman) on Linux (Manjaro Gnome) with a dark theme.
It is very hard to see the icons in Inkscape (gray on gray) and therefore I'd like to change the icon theme. I think I should be able to do that by replacing the icons.svg, but unfortunately I don't see any change if I replace the file in /usr/share/inkscape/icons/.
In Inkscape under Preferences -> System there is a setting "Icon theme". But it is just a text box with locations, that cannot be changed.
The text box content looks like this:
I checked all the locations for icon files and tried to add the icons.svg file to some of the locations, with no change after restarting Inkscape.
Is there another way to change the icons? Or how can I find out where my Inkscape installation is getting the icons form?
The issue seems to be similar to this post regarding Ubuntu.

With Inkscape 1.0 (May 1, 2020) you can go to Edit > Preferences, and then to Interface > Theme to change the icons:
Thanks #Moini!

It seems that the Gnome Icon theme overwrites the icons theme in the Inkscape .config/inkscape/icons folder.
By using the Gnome tweak tools, you can change the icon theme and some of the themes affect also the icons in Inkscape.
In my case the Gnome icons that affect Inkscape are in /usr/share/icons/<theme-name>/22x22/actions. Unlike the default icons each icon has it's own svg file, and they are not all bundled in a icons.svg file.

if you install it by flatpak you can fix it just by putting icons.svg in
and then go to gnome-tweaks and change icons to default icons then open inkscape and close it then go to gnome-tweaks and change your icons back then congratulations !

The latest version of Inkscape (v1.1) ships with a dark theme. This theme can setup at startup or from Themeing option in Interface (screenshot below)
Change Theme of Inkscape
For Linux distros, install using their app image or Snap. From the normal Ubuntu repositories (20.04 LTS), I could install only a version <1.0. Versions <1.0 do not contain the Theme tab in the Interface option in Preferences.


Change the font in the Android Studio editor or IntelliJ IDEA

I think the title is already clear enough.
I have been able to change the font for my editor through accessing:
Preferences > Editor > Color Scheme > Font
But happens that some of my fonts are not available there; although a lot of them they are. This happens to me in this machine with the FightingSpirit font. Not that I want to use it but it's one where the issue happens.
At work I have added ligatures to the Menlo font using an open source project and it doesn't show up. I've tried disabling Show only monospaced fonts and although more fonts show up, some of the fonts still are not available.
Is there any fix for this, is it impossible for some fonts or am I doing something wrong?
I have been able to set that ligaturized font to some of my editors and terminal, so the font is not corrupted and does work.
After some IDE updates the font showed up so the problem fixed itself

How to configure Antialiasing Fonts in Markdown Preview in PhpStorm Linux?

I use Arch Linux and PhpStorm 2017.1
The font rendering for code itself is quite good but in Markdown Preview is terrible see screenshot section on the right eg. bulleted list text "The Solr admin...").
Where can I configure the font used for Markdown Preview?
Ok, finally I found the solution.
In Settings>Languages & Frameworks>Markdown>Preview select Preview Browser: JavaFX WebView and check Use grayscale rendering for JavaFX preview.

How to use 128x128 icon for alt-tab in Linux?

I have a problem to show high quality icon in Alt-Tab in Linux. My development is using GTK2, and using gtk_window_set_icon() for a 128x128 png icon. And the environment is GNOME3.
However, when I alt-tab, the icon is blurred and pixelated.
I am not sure it is caused by GNOME3 specification, or caused by GTK2. Please help.
You can install multiple versions of the icon, at different resolutions, and Gnome should pick the best one depending on the context. So for example on Fedora 15 the firefox package installs several icons:
You can even install a scalable icon, so if it wanted to (it currently doesn't), the firefox package could install:
Then in the desktop file for the application just give the name of the icon, for example:
and Gnome should work it all out and choose the best icon for each context where it is using it.

Changing color of Eclipse links in quick fix or Eclipse links in preferences on Linux

if i use a dark theme then links in Eclipse-"quick fix" or in i.e. Eclipse->Preferences->General->Editor (the three 'see... "File Associaton"|"Content Types"|"Appearance"'-links) are unreadable.
On this image the links i am talking about are cyan on grey:
I found a solution for Windows/XP:
The hover uses the same colors as the on your system. On Windows you
can change that via Display settings > Appearance > Advanced: ToolTip.
The link color is the one used in your browser (IE on Windows).
However, i need a solution for Linux (XFCE 4.8.1/GTK)
I checked/tested all settings of Eclipse and i found no setting for this link-color. It seems to be a system-setting (GTK), so i already tried to add this to gtkrc:
style "default" {
GtkWidget::link-color = "#ffffff"
class "GtkWidget" style "default"
but this did not change the link color in Eclipse.
I hope you can help - thanks!
Use the colors menu (the first entry in the picture):
And redefine the tooltip background color:
Then enjoy the readable popups:
Install gnome-color-chooser and customize the tooltip color as described here:
I'll chime in here, since I have the same issue.
There is no fix for this, when running Eclipse on Unix (KDE, Gnome, etc).
The color for links, which is used in the QuickFix list as well as various other places in the UI (such as Preferences panels), is hardcoded.
On Windows, you are luckier, since Eclipse uses the native link widget, which takes its colors from system settings.
On non-Windows, you are stuck with a dark-blue hardcoded color.
What it should do, at least on GTK, is use the GtkWidget::link-color setting. But it doesn't, currently.
If you want to see it fixed, either upvode this bug or fix the code yourself:
Sad, I know ):
Check out this post or have a look at the Eclipse color themes site.

Eclipse - changing font size in project/package explorer

I'm using two environments, one with 24" screen, second one with 15". I need default font size of content of project/package explorer in the first one, but small font size for the other one.
Is there any way how to change it within eclipse? I mean not within operating system ? Because it always influences other font size on desktop. I'm reffering to this question.
If there is no way, please describe how would you do it in Linux - distribution independently.
I have a 17 inch Mac Book Pro which is frequently hooked up to 27 inch high res display and the font size in the package explorer was way too small. Eclipse is supposed to respect the OS settings but it turns out on Mac OS X the default setting for eclipse is to use small Fonts rather than the standard os fonts.
on Mac OS X you can change edit the eclipse.ini file and remove -Dorg.eclipse.swt.internal.carbon.smallFonts restart eclipse and presto you will find that your package explorer looks brilliant with reasonable sized fonts.
You make have to use the Finder option "Show Contents" on the to find the eclipse.ini file, and, the smallFonts line may occur more than once in the .ini file.
For Mac OS X, download TinkerTool from and then change the font size for "Help tags".
That changed the font size of package explorer for me. :)
I can say pretty confidently that you cannot change that font size from within eclipse, only choice is on the operating system. And on ubuntu you are able to change that font size.
I work in Android development. I have ADT installed which comes which eclipse. The Windows about states that the eclipse installed has following components.
This product includes Eclipse Platform, JDT, CDT, EMF, GEF and WTP,
and Version : 4.2.1.v20130118-173121-9MF7GHYdG0B5kx4E_SkfZV-1mNjVATf67ZAb7
and BuildID : M20130204-1200
With the above version, I am able to change the font within eclipse. The process to change the font is very simple
1) Click on Window menu.
2) Click on Preferences sub menu.
3) Open General tab. (Left navigation)
4) Open Appearances sub tab. (Left navigation)
5) Click on Colors and Font option. (Left navigation)
6) Expand Basic option. (Right panel)
7) Click on Text Font (last option in Basic option)
8) Click on Edit Button.
9) Change the font which you want.
The screen shot of above option looks like...
For windows check below link:
Window > Preferences > General > Appearance > Colors and Fonts > View
and Editor Folders > Tree and Table font for views
For linux: Check out this link, it was very useful to me! I'm using the author's favourite option and works seamlessly.
For Eclipse Oxygen on Sierra, deleting
from » Contents » Eclipse » eclipse.ini
didn't change anything visible
