VBA # trim string to remove characters - excel

i have a file name the i need to remove some characters below is file name and the goal after trim filename.
My Current String = "text_12_12_19.pdl"
New String Goal = "Text.pdl"

You can use Split:
MyStringGoal = Split(MyCurrentString, "_")(0) & "." & Split(MyCurrentString, ".")(1)

Assuming you are looking to obtain all characters preceding the first underscore, I would suggest the following:
Function TrimFilename(fnm As String) As String
Dim i As Long, j As Long
i = InStr(fnm, "_")
j = InStrRev(fnm, ".")
If 0 < i And i < j Then
TrimFilename = Mid(fnm, 1, i - 1) & Mid(fnm, j)
TrimFilename = fnm
End If
End Function

'Another solution (can also use left and right) :
Dim my_current_string As String
Dim New_String_Goal As String
Dim r As String, l As String
my_current_string = "text_12_12_19.pdl"
l = Left(my_current_string, 4)
r = Right(my_current_string, 4)
New_String_Goal = l & r
Debug.Print New_String_Goal


To find the missing numbers in a comma-separated list

I have a comma separated lists in cells. All numbers are positive and between 1 and 10.
if I have in A1: (2,3,5,6), I would like to have missing numbers in B1:(1,4,7,8,9,10).
If A2: (1,10), then I would have in B2:(2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
If A3: (7), then I would have in B2:(1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10)
I searched for a solution online, but I couldn't find anything similar with comma separated numbers.
I'd be glad if I can have a solution here. Thanks.
Here is a user-defined function that should accomplish this... probably can be optimized.
Public Function MissingNumbers(ByVal numberList As String) As String
Dim temp As String
temp = Replace(numberList, "(", "")
temp = Replace(temp, ")", "")
Dim arr As Variant
arr = Split(temp, ",")
Dim newNumbers As String
newNumbers = "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,"
Dim i As Long
For i = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)
newNumbers = Replace(newNumbers, arr(i) & ",", "")
newNumbers = "(" & Left$(newNumbers, Len(newNumbers) - 1) & ")"
MissingNumbers = newNumbers
End Function
Just for fun demonstrating how to use negative filtering:
Function MissingList(ByVal numberList As String) As String
Dim given: given = Split(Mid(numberList, 2, Len(numberList) - 2), ",")
Dim series: series = GetSeries() ' i.e. numbers 1..10
Dim i As Long
For i = 0 To UBound(given)
series = Filter(series, given(i), False) ' << negative filtering
MissingList = "(" & Replace(Join(series, ","), "0", "10") & ")"
End Function
As Filter executes a partial search in the 1..10 series, 10 has to be replaced temporarily by a unique 0.
Help function GetSeries()
Function GetSeries()
' Purpose: get numbers 1..10
Const LAST As Long = 10: Const FIRST = 1
Dim tmp: tmp = Application.Transpose(Evaluate("row(" & FIRST & ":" & LAST & ")"))
tmp(LAST) = 0 ' replace 10 by 0 as search item 1 would filter out value 10, too
GetSeries = tmp
End Function

Convert Hex Characters to ASCII Characters using EXCEL

I have some code as shown below that i found on a forum , that will convert ASCII Code to Hexadecimal Characters using a VBA script, is it possible to convert Hex Characters to ASCII Characters ??
The code i have is as follows
Sub AsciiToHex()
Dim strg As String
Dim tmp As String
strg = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1")
Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A5").value = strg
tmp = ""
For i = 1 To Len(strg)
tmp = tmp & hex((Asc(Mid(strg, i, 1))))
Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A6").value = tmp
End Sub
I have tried to to swap the hex((Asc(Mid(strg, i, 1)))) to Asc((hex(Mid(strg, i, 1)))) but that did not work. Any help would be appreciated
Sample Data
Hex Format
48 65 6C 6C 6F
After conversion would be the following
Ascii Format
H e l l o
Hex To String
Function HexToString(InitialString As String) As String
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To Len(InitialString) Step 2
HexToString = HexToString & Chr("&H" & (Mid(InitialString, i, 2)))
Next i
End Function
Function StringToHex(InitialString As String) As String
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To Len(InitialString)
StringToHex = StringToHex & Hex(Asc(Mid(InitialString, i, 1)))
Next i
End Function
How about:
Public Function KonvertHex(s As String) As String
KonvertHex = ""
For i = 1 To Len(s)
KonvertHex = KonvertHex & Asc(Mid(s, i, 1))
Next i
End Function
This uses the worksheet function Hex2Dec.
[a1:e1] = [{"48", "65", "6C", "6C", "6F"}]
For Each c In Range("a1:e1")
c.Offset(1, 0) = Chr(WorksheetFunction.Hex2Dec(c))
Next c

Generating regular expression in Excel for strings

I have a huge list of strings where the I am trying to generate a regular expression in an automated way. The strings are pretty simple and I would like to generate regular expressions using a formula or vba code. From the list of strings, here is the following legend:
& - Any UPPERCASE character (A-Z)
# - Any digits (0-9)
_ - Space (/s)
- - Dash
For example, the regular expression generated for the following strings:
Policy Number Policy Digits Regular Expression
####&&###### 12 ^\d{4}[A-Z]{2}\d{6}$
####&_###### 11 ^\d{4}[A-Z]{1}\s\d{6}$
ACPBP&&########## 17 ^[ACPBP]{5}[A-Z]{2}\d{10}$
ACPBA&########## or ACPBA&&########## 16 or 17 ^[ACPBA]{5}[A-Z]{1,2}\d{10}$
########## 10 ^\d{10}$
09############ 14 ^[09]{2}\d{12}$
A&&######, A&&#######, or A&&######## 9, 10 or 11 ^[A]{1}[A-Z]{2}\d{6,8}$
&&&####, &&&#####, or &&&###### 7, 8, or 9 ^[A-Z]{3}\d{4,6}$
09-##########-## 14 ^[09]{2}-\d{10}-\d{2}$
Is there some existing code that is available to generate regular expressions for a huge list of strings? What are some of the hints or tips that I can use to build a regular expression string? Thanks in advance.
There is no existing code, but try this:
Option Explicit
Option Compare Text 'to handle upper and lower case "or"
'Set reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime
' or use Late Binding if distributing this
Function createRePattern(sPolicyNum As String) As String
Dim dCode As Dictionary, dReg As Dictionary
Dim I As Long, sReg As String, s As String
Dim v, sPN
v = Replace(sPolicyNum, "or", ",")
v = Split(v, ",")
Set dCode = New Dictionary
dCode.Add Key:="&", Item:="[A-Z]"
dCode.Add Key:="#", Item:="\d"
dCode.Add Key:="_", Item:="\s"
For Each sPN In v
sPN = Trim(sPN)
If Not sPN = "" Then
Set dReg = New Dictionary
For I = 1 To Len(sPN)
s = Mid(sPN, I, 1)
If Not dCode.Exists(s) Then dCode.Add s, s
If dReg.Exists(s) Then
dReg(s) = dReg(s) + 1
If dReg.Count = 1 Then
dReg.Add s, 1
s = Mid(sPN, I - 1, 1)
sReg = sReg & dCode(s) & IIf(dReg(s) > 1, "{" & dReg(s) & "}", "")
dReg.Remove s
dReg.Add s, 1
End If
End If
Next I
'Last Entry in Regex
s = Right(sPN, 1)
sReg = sReg & dCode(s) & IIf(dReg(s) > 1, "{" & dReg(s) & "}", "") & "|"
End If
Next sPN
s = Left(sReg, Len(sReg) - 1)
'Non-capturing group added if alternation present
If InStr(s, "|") = 0 Then
sReg = "^" & s & "$"
sReg = "^(?:" & Left(sReg, Len(sReg) - 1) & ")$"
End If
createRePattern = sReg
End Function
As written, there are limitations in that you cannot reference the literal strings:
#, &, _, , or
Generate regex patterns without dictionary
In addition to Ron's valid solution an alternative using no dictionary:
Option Explicit ' declaration head of code module
Function generateRePattern(ByVal s As String) As String
'[0]definitions & declarations
Const Pipe As String = "|"
Dim curSymbol$: curSymbol = "" ' current symbol (start value)
Dim lngth As Long: lngth = Len(s) ' current string length
Dim ii As Long: ii = 0 ' group index (start value)
Dim n As Long ' repetition counter
ReDim tmp(1 To lngth) ' provide for sufficient temp items
'[1](optional) Pipe replacement for "or" and commas
s = Replace(Replace(Replace(s, " or ", Pipe), " ", ""), ",", Pipe)
'[2]analyze string item s
Dim pos As Long ' current character position
For pos = 1 To lngth ' check each character
Dim curChar As String
curChar = Mid(s, pos, 1) ' define current character
If curChar <> curSymbol Then ' start new group
'a) change repetition counter in old group pattern
If ii > 0 Then tmp(ii) = Replace(tmp(ii), "n", n)
'b) increment group counter & get pattern via help function
ii = ii + 1: tmp(ii) = getPattern(curChar) ' << getPattern
'c) start new repetition counter & group symbol
n = 1: curSymbol = curChar
n = n + 1 ' increment current repetition counter
End If
Next pos
'd) change last repetition counter
tmp(ii) = Replace(tmp(ii), "n", n)
ReDim Preserve tmp(1 To ii) '
'[3]return function result
generateRePattern = "^(?:" & Replace(Join(tmp, ""), "{1}", "") & ")$"
End Function
Help function getPattern()
Function getPattern(curChar) As String
'Purpose: return general pattern based on current character
'a) definitions
Const Pipe As String = "|"
Dim symbols: symbols = Split("&|#|_", Pipe)
Dim patterns: patterns = Split("[A-Z]{n}|\d{n}|\s", Pipe)
'b) match character position within symbols
Dim pos: pos = Application.Match(curChar, symbols, 0)
'c) return pattern
If IsError(pos) Then
getPattern = curChar
getPattern = patterns(pos - 1)
End If
End Function

Placing brackets around numbers in a string

I need to add brackets around the numbers in a string found in cells on my Excel worksheet.
For example, say I am given:
I need to get this in return:
The equations are fairly simple, should only have to deal with + - * / ( ) characters.
I attempted looping through the string character by character using the MID function but I can't get the loop(s) working correctly and end up getting a jumbled mess of random brackets and numbers back. I also considered using regular expressions but I've never used them before and have no idea if this would be a good application.
Please let me know if you need anything else. Thank you for your time!
They can be decently long. Here is another example:
I have:
But I need:
I just threw this together but it should work
Function generateBrackets(Equation As String) As String
Dim temp As String
Dim brackets As Boolean
Dim x 'If we're using Option Explicit, or just to be safe
For x = 1 To Len(Equation)
If Not IsNumeric(Mid(Equation, x, 1)) And brackets = False Then
temp = temp & Mid(Equation, x, 1)
ElseIf Not IsNumeric(Mid(Equation, x, 1)) And brackets = True Then
temp = temp & "]" & Mid(Equation, x, 1)
brackets = False
ElseIf IsNumeric(Mid(Equation, x, 1)) And brackets = False Then
temp = temp & "[" & Mid(Equation, x, 1)
brackets = True
ElseIf IsNumeric(Mid(Equation, x, 1)) And brackets = True Then
temp = temp & Mid(Equation, x, 1)
End If
Next x
generateBrackets = temp
End Function
Here is a way which caters for Decimal numbers.
'~~> Add here whatever operators your equation
'~~> is likely to have
Const delim As String = "+()-/"
Sub Sample()
Dim MyAr
Dim sSamp As String
sSamp = "(5.44+(16.67+1668+1669+1670+1671+1672+1673)-1674)"
MyAr = Split(GetNewString(sSamp))
For i = 0 To UBound(MyAr)
sSamp = Replace(sSamp, MyAr(i), "[" & MyAr(i) & "]")
Next i
Debug.Print sSamp
End Sub
Function GetNewString(s As String) As String
Dim sTemp As String
sTemp = s
For i = 1 To Len(delim)
sTemp = Replace(sTemp, Mid(delim, i, 1), " ")
Next i
Do While InStr(1, sTemp, " ")
sTemp = Replace(sTemp, " ", " ")
GetNewString = Trim(sTemp)
End Function

Split string and delimiters into an array

I have the following string:
I want to convert it into an array in the following way:
If you actually need the commas as part of the array, then probably the simplest approach is to do a Replace statement, replacing each comma with a comma surrounded by some other character(s) you can use as a delimiter. Whatever character you opt to use should be unique enough that it is unlikely to appear in the rest of your word list. I will use an underscore, here, but you could use any other special character.
Sub test()
Dim wordlist As String
Dim arrayofWords
Dim i
wordlist = "top,fen,test,delay,test"
wordlist = Replace(wordlist, ",", "_,_")
arrayofWords = Split(wordlist, "_")
'Enclose each word in curly brackets
' omit if this part is not needed
For i = LBound(arrayofWords) To UBound(arrayofWords)
arrayofWords(i) = "{" & arrayofWords(i) & "}"
End Sub
You could use some funky double-byte character since these would rarely if ever be encountered in your word list, like so.
Sub test()
Const oldDelimiter As String = ","
Dim splitter As String
Dim newDelimiter As String
Dim wordlist As String
Dim arrayofWords
Dim i As Long
'Create our new delimiter by concatenating a new string with the comma:
splitter = ChrW(&H25B2)
newDelimiter = splitter & oldDelimiter & splitter
'Define our word list:
wordlist = "top,fen,test,delay,test"
'Replace the comma with the new delimiter, defined above:
wordlist = Replace(wordlist, oldDelimiter, newDelimiter)
'Use SPLIT function to convert the string to an array
arrayofWords = Split(wordlist, splitter)
'Iterate the array and add curly brackets to each element
'Omit if this part is not needed
For i = LBound(arrayofWords) To UBound(arrayofWords)
arrayofWords(i) = "{" & arrayofWords(i) & "}"
End Sub
Here are results from the second method:
Try something like this :
WordsList = Split("top,fen,test,delay,test", ",")
Result = ""
Count = UBound(WordsList)
For i = 0 To Count
Result = Result & "{" & WordsList(i) & "}"
if i < Count then Result = Result & "{,}"
Next i
In an array will look like this :
WordsList = Split("top,fen,test,delay,test", ",")
Dim Result()
Count = (UBound(WordsList)*2) - 1
Redim Result(Count)
j = 0
For i = 0 To UBound(WordsList)
Result(j) = WordsList(i)
j = j + 1
if j < Count then Result(j) = ","
j = j + 1
Next i
Split : http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/6x627e5f%28v=vs.90%29.aspx
UBound : http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/95b8f22f%28v=vs.90%29.aspx
Redim : http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/w8k3cys2.aspx
Here's a really short solution:
Function StringToCurlyArray(s As String) As String()
StringToCurlyArray = Split("{" & Replace(s, ",", "}|{,}|{") & "}", "|")
End Function
Pass your comma-delimited string into that and you'll get an array of curly-braced strings back out, including commas.
