Appcenter pipeline was working fine, but now not building - visual-studio-app-center

My pipeline on appcenter was working fine.
Now I tried to do a push, but is failing with:
##[command]git fetch --tags --prune --progress --no-recurse-submodules origin
remote: Invalid username or password
fatal: Authentication failed for 'https://***:***'
##[error]Git fetch failed with exit code: 128
how to fix this?
I have checked and says I have to check for disabled web hooks
but I have no "disabled" web hooks on bitbucket?
How to fix it? what was the cause?

For anyone having the same issue between App Center and your Devops repo, simply resave your build configuration on App Center and the issue should correct itself.

Taking the #ManuelBetancurt's comment.
You need to disable distribution option and build.
Then you can enable option and build, it will work again.

For anyone having the same issue between App Center and your Devops repo, simply resave your build configuration on App Center and the issue should correct itself.
It helps for 3-4 hours and then this situation again. Fix with distribution button will help

The problem was an internal bug on appcenter.
After a couple of days chatting with the customer support, it is resolved.
The problem was fixed temporarily by disabling distribution, and just doing build. Then doing the distribution manually...


my application deploys on netlify when i build it locally but it doesnt work when i deploy it from github

Okay so i recently finished my portfolio and i wanted to host it on netlify through github but it failed.
Their docs and build log are so confusing that i do not know how to trouble shoot the problem. However, when i ran
npm run build
locally on my system and then i dragged it onto netlify, it worked.
I'm not saying i cant just keep doing this for all my websites but i would like to know any potential reason as to why it didn't work when i tried it from github.
For context, the current node version is 16 and the one i am using on my system is version 14. I'm not sure whether that is enough to affect the build from github but i just thought i would mention it. if However, that is a reason as to why it isn't deploying from github then how do i fix it?
Is it throwing errors when you are deploying your site from GitHub or what? I am sure you have created a GitHub repository and logged/signed into netlify with GitHub (and authorize it). And from there(netlify's dashboard) to Team overview > Add new site > Import an existing > GitHub (it will again ask for authorization) > Pick a repository > and > Deploy site (with default settings).
This should pretty much deploy your website without any troubles. Now you can also try commit to your GitHub repository and it would automatically trigger deploy of your website on netilfy (what you call a continuous deployment).

pre-commit authenticating to gitlab

I'm new to SQLFluff and am interested in a pre-commit check of changed files for rule violations. SQLFluff is working correctly, and to get it working with pre-commit I'm following the guide found here, but am confused by pre-commit asking for git credentials before doing anything.
After entering a commit message, I see:
[INFO] Initializing environment for *my gitlab URL*
Username for '*my gitlab URL*':
My org does everything through SSO so I don't have the password to give. No guide or blog post detailing the set up of pre-commit (at least that I can find) shows or says anything about credentials or configuring authentication. Running pre-commit against a file using a terminal command yields the same result. From what I understand, the provided SQLFluff hooks are client side, so I don't know why authenticating to gitlab would be necessary. I feel like I am missing something obvious, but I've done my searching and came up short. Much thanks to anybody who can tell me what I'm missing!
In my case when trying flake8 on pre-commit, I had same issue, my configuration file was trying to get the repo from gitlab. Changing that to github solved the issue. Hope that would help!

GitLab error fetching variables after restoring backup

Yesterday, I have moved my GitLab installation to another machine.
It was installed with docker-compose, and I followed the official GitLab guide to back up and restore GitLab including the 'secrets' files.
Everything works so far, except the CI/CD variables in the admin area.
I get the error 'There was an error fetching the variables.' when I navigate to this site.
Can you give me a hint in which log I can found more information about this error?
Finally I could solve the problem.
With the Doctor Rake tasks I could determine where the problem was.
Afterwards I followed the steps to reset the runner registration tokens.
Finally I deleted al the instance variables in the dbconsole, by deleting them out of the database.
Check first if this is similar to gitlab-org/gitlab issue 218913 which includes two possible root causes:
Either you have an adblocker on, which could affect that functionality
go to the project settings general -> Visibility, project features, permissions
In Pipelines (Build, test, and deploy your changes) select Only Project Members
I had the same issus after restore a backup :
My solution was to delete variables from the database :
sudo gitlab-rails dbconsole --database main
gitlabhq_production=>delete from ci_instance_variables;
gitlabhq_production=>delete from ci_variables;
then it works

Azure Build pipeline not able to retrieve latest source version

I'm running into a strange problem whenever I start a particular build, and I can't get my head around it.
I just imported an existing VSTS-repository into my new GIT-Repository on Azure DevOps. My next step is to create a Build-pipeline which should lead to an artifact which I can deploy. For the company I work for I've done this many times, but I've never seen this error before.
The buildpipeline is setup, and as soon as I start a build it immediately fails with the following error;
Hopefully somebody can help out in resolving this.
UPDATE - Added settings for retrieving sources
After posting the second screenshot and going through everything again properly, I saw that I didn't point the Build Pipeline to the proper GIT-Repository in Azure Devops. After updating this, the issue was resolved.

Can I raise a Pull Request(bit-bucket) from android studio IDE [duplicate]

I forked application to android studio and when I try to make a pull request:
I get :
Can't Create Pull Request
Push failed:
failed to push some refs to ''
What is the right way to do that?
Note :
I can commit and update my projects but I can't make pull request to other projects.
This is obviously an authentication problem. There are WAY too many unknowns, so I doubt anyone can give you a definitive answer. Here are the steps to investigate in order to solve it:
Is your GitHub Account authenticated with your Android Studio installation? Check your Android Studio Settings.
In order to authenticate you need to generate an Access Token through your Github account settings and use that token as seen in the picture above. When generating a new token, normally I would advise you to be careful with the permissions you grant to it. For debugging your issue, generate a new one with full access to everything and delete it as soon as you resolve your issue.
Last, if both of the above steps are done correctly and you still can't open a PR. Make sure the repository you trying to open a PR on, allows third party users to perform such actions.
NOTE: You can always commit code in your local repository. That lives in your local environment (a.k.a. your computer) and you have full permission to do whatever you please with it. That doesn't mean the changes you do locally, will be reflected in the remote repository (a.k.a. the one hosted at Github servers).
First you need to install git client and configure with Android studio then you need to enable git into android studio from VCS option. and then you can see on toolbar 2 icon will come for push and pull request.
by these two option you can do pull and push very easly.
please have look this.
