We define the following data type Stupid:
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.List (foldl')
data Stupid = Stupid {content::V.Vector Int, ul::Int} deriving Show
Now I have two slightly different code.
foldl' (\acc x->Stupid{content=(content acc) V.// [(x,x+123)],ul=1}) (Stupid {content=V.replicate 10000 10,ul=1}) $ take 100000 $ cycle [0..9999]
takes constant memory (~100M), while
foldl' (\acc x->Stupid{content=(content acc) V.// [(x,x+123)],ul=ul acc}) (Stupid {content=V.replicate 10000 10,ul=1}) $ take 100000 $ cycle [0..9999]
takes a huge amount of memory(~8G).
Theoretically, only one copy of the current Stupid object is needed though out the process for both cases. I don't understand why there is such a difference in memory consumption if I want to access and record the ul acc.
Can someone explain why this happens and give a workaround for constant memory if I need to access ul acc? Thanks.
Note: I know that I can do replacements of a vector in batch, this script is just for demonstration purpose, so please don't modify that part.
I would try to force the fields of Stupid and see if that helps.
let f acc x = c `seq` a `seq` Stupid{content=c,ul=a}
c = content acc V.// [(x,x+123)]
a = ul acc
in foldl' f (Stupid {content=V.replicate 10000 10,ul=1}) $
take 100000 $
cycle [0..9999]
This should be nearly equivalent to forcing the parameters of the function:
foldl' (\acc x -> acc `seq` x `seq`
Stupid{content=(content acc) V.// [(x,x+123)],ul=ul acc})
(Stupid {content=V.replicate 10000 10,ul=1}) $ take 100000 $ cycle [0..9999]
(This can also be written with bang patterns, if one prefers those.)
Another option, more aggressive, would be to use strictness annotations in the definition of the Stupid constructor.
data ... = Stupid { content = ! someType , ul :: ! someOtherType }
This will always force those fields in the whole program.
I am dealing with memory leaks in my Haskell program and I was able to isolate it to very basic laziness problem in dealing with arrays. I understand what's happening there. First element of the array is computed while the rest produce the delayed computations which consumes the heap. Unfortunately, I was unable to force strictness for the entire array computation.
I tried various combinations of seq, BangPatterns, ($!) without much success.
import Control.Monad
force x = x `seq` x
loop :: [Int] -> IO ()
loop x = do
when (head x `mod` 10000000 == 0) $ print x
let x' = force $ map (+1) x
loop x'
main = loop $ replicate 200 1
The profile with standard profiling options didn't give me any more information than I already know:
ghc -prof -fprof-auto-calls -rtsopts test.hs
./test +RTS -M300M -p -hc
This runs out of memory in the matter of a few seconds.
force x = x `seq` x
That's useless. seq doesn't mean "evaluate this thing now"; it means "evaluate the left thing before returning the result of evaluating the right thing". When they're the same, it does nothing, and your force is equivalent to just id. Try this instead:
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Monad
loop :: [Int] -> IO ()
loop x = do
when (head x `mod` 10000000 == 0) $ print x
let x' = map (+1) x
loop $!! x'
main = loop $ replicate 200 1
That evaluates x' and everything in it before loop x', which is useful.
Alternatively, Control.DeepSeq has a force function that is useful. Its semantics in this case are "evaluate all of the elements of your list before returning the result of evaluating any of it". If you used its force function in place of your own, your original code would otherwise work, since the first line of loop does evaluate the beginning of the list.
I'd like to search through a list, testing each element for property X and then return when an element with property X is found.
This list is very large and would benefit from parallelism, but the cost of the spark is rather high relative to the compute time. parListChunk would be great, but then it must search through the entire list.
Is there some way I can write something like parListChunk but with early abort?
This is the naive search code:
hasPropertyX :: Object -> Bool
anyObjectHasPropertyX :: [Object] -> Bool
anyObjectHasPropertyX [] = False
anyObjectHasPropertyX l
| hasPropertyX (head l) == True = True
| otherwise = anyObjectHasPropertyX (tail l)
and this is my first attempt at parallelism:
anyObjectHasPropertyXPar [] = False
anyObjectHasPropertyXPar [a] = hasPropertyX a
anyObjectHasPropertyXPar (a:b:rest) = runEval $ do c1 <- rpar (force (hasPropertyX a))
c2 <- rpar (force (hasPropertyX b))
rseq c1
rseq c2
if (c1 == True) || (c2 == True) then return True else return (anyObjectHasPropertyXPar rest)
This does run slightly faster than the naive code (even with -N1, oddly enough), but not by much (it helps a little by extending the number of parallel computations). I believe it's not benefitting much because it has to spark one thread for each element in the list.
Is there an approach similar to parListChunk that will only spark n threads and that allows for an early abort?
Edit: I'm having problems thinking about this because it seems that I would need to monitor the return value of all the threads. If I omit the rseq's and have something like
if (c1 == True) || (c2 == True) then ...
Is the runtime environment intelligent enough to monitor both threads and continue when either one of them returns?
I don't think you're going to have much luck using Control.Parallel.Strategies. A key feature of this module is that it expresses "deterministic parallelism" such that the result of the program is unaffected by the parallel evaluation. The problem you've described is fundamentally non-deterministic because threads are racing to find the first match.
Update: I see now that you're only returning True if the element is found, so the desired behavior is technically deterministic. So, perhaps there is a way to trick the Strategies module into working. Still, the implementation below seems to meet the requirements.
Here's an implementation of a parallel find parFind that runs in the IO monad using Control.Concurrent primitives and seems to do what you want. Two MVars are used: runningV keeps count of how many threads are still running to allow the last thread standing to detect search failure; and resultV is used to return Just the result or Nothing when search failure is detected by that last thread. Note that it is unlikely to perform better than a single-threaded implementation unless the test (your hasPropertyX above) is substantially more work than the list traversal, unlike this toy example.
import Control.Monad
import Control.Concurrent
import Data.List
import System.Environment
-- Thin a list to every `n`th element starting with index `i`
thin :: Int -> Int -> [a] -> [a]
thin i n = unfoldr step . drop i
where step [] = Nothing
step (y:ys) = Just (y, drop (n-1) ys)
-- Use `n` parallel threads to find first element of `xs` satisfying `f`
parFind :: Int -> (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> IO (Maybe a)
parFind n f xs = do
resultV <- newEmptyMVar
runningV <- newMVar n
comparisonsV <- newMVar 0
threads <- forM [0..n-1] $ \i -> forkIO $ do
case find f (thin i n xs) of
Just x -> void (tryPutMVar resultV (Just x))
Nothing -> do m <- takeMVar runningV
if m == 1
then void (tryPutMVar resultV Nothing)
else putMVar runningV (m-1)
result <- readMVar resultV
mapM_ killThread threads
return result
myList :: [Int]
myList = [1..1000000000]
-- Use `n` threads to find first element equal to `y` in `myList`
run :: Int -> Int -> IO ()
run n y = do x <- parFind n (== y) myList
print x
-- e.g., stack ghc -- -O2 -threaded SearchList.hs
-- time ./SearchList +RTS -N4 -RTS 4 12345 # find 12345 using 4 threads -> 0.018s
-- time ./SearchList +RTS -N4 -RTS 4 -1 # full search w/o match -> 6.7s
main :: IO ()
main = do [n,y] <- getArgs
run (read n) (read y)
Also, note that this version runs the threads on interleaved sublists rather than dividing the main list up into consecutive chunks. I did it this way because (1) it was easier to demonstrate that "early" elements were found quickly; and (2) my huge list means that memory usage can explode if the whole list needs to be kept in memory.
In fact, this example is a bit of a performance time bomb -- its memory usage is nondeterministic and can probably explode if one thread falls way behind so that a substantial portion of the whole list needs to be kept in memory.
In a real world example where the whole list is probably being kept in memory and the property test is expensive, you may find that breaking the list into chunks is faster.
Thinking Functionally with Haskell provides the following code for calculating the mean of a list of Float's.
mean :: [Float] -> Float
mean [] = 0
mean xs = sum xs / fromIntegral (length xs)
Prof. Richard Bird comments:
Now we are ready to see what is really wrong with mean: it has a space leak. Evaluating mean [1..1000] will cause the list to be expanded and retained in memory after summing because there is a second pointer to it, namely in the computation of its length.
If I understand this text correctly, he's saying that, if there was no pointer to xs in the length computation, then the xs memory could've been freed after calculating the sum?
My confusion is - if the xs is already in memory, isn't the length function simply going to use the same memory that's already being taken up?
I don't understand the space leak here.
The sum function does not need to keep the entire list in memory; it can look at an element at a time then forget it as it moves to the next element.
Because Haskell has lazy evaluation by default, if you have a function that creates a list, sum could consume it without the whole list ever being in memory (each time a new element is generated by the producing function, it would be consumed by sum then released).
The exact same thing happens with length.
On the other hand, the mean function feeds the list to both sum and length. So during the evaluation of sum, we need to keep the list in memory so it can be processed by length later.
[Update] to be clear, the list will be garbage collected eventually. The problem is that it stays longer than needed. In such a simple case it is not a problem, but in more complex functions that operate on infinite streams, this would most likely cause a memory leak.
Others have explained what the problem is. The cleanest solution is probably to use Gabriel Gonzalez's foldl package. Specifically, you'll want to use
import qualified Control.Foldl as L
import Control.Foldl (Fold)
import Control.Applicative
meanFold :: Fractional n => Fold n (Maybe n)
meanFold = f <$> L.sum <*> L.genericLength where
f _ 0 = Nothing
f s l = Just (s/l)
mean :: (Fractional n, Foldable f) => f n -> Maybe n
mean = L.fold meanFold
if there was no pointer to xs in the length computation, then the xs memory could've been freed after calculating the sum?
No, you're missing the important aspect of lazy evaluation here. You're right that length will use the same memory as was allocated during the sum call, the memory in which we had expanded the whole list.
But the point here is that allocating memory for the whole list shouldn't be necessary at all. If there was no length computation but only the sum, then memory could've been freed during calculating the sum. Notice that the list [1..1000] is lazily generated only when it is consumed, so in fact the mean [1..1000] should run in constant space.
You might write the function like the following, to get an idea of how to avoid such a space leak:
import Control.Arrow
mean [] = 0
mean xs = uncurry (/) $ foldr (\x -> (x+) *** (1+)) (0, 0) xs
-- or more verbosely
mean xs = let (sum, len) = foldr (\x (s, l) -> (x+s, 1+l)) (0, 0)
in sum / len
which should traverse xs only once. However, Haskell is damn lazy - and computes the first tuple components only when evaluating sum and the second ones only later for len. We need to use some more tricks to actually force the evaluation:
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
import Data.List
mean [] = 0
mean xs = uncurry (/) $ foldl' (\(!s, !l) x -> (x+s, 1+l)) (0,0) xs
which really runs in constant space, as you can confirm in ghci by using :set +s.
The space leak is that the entire evaluated xs is held in memory for the length function. This is wasteful, as we aren't going to be using the actual values of the list after evaluating sum, nor do we need them all in memory at the same time, but Haskell doesn't know that.
A way to remove the space leak would be to recalculate the list each time:
sum [1..1000] / fromIntegral (length [1..1000])
Now the application can immediately start discarding values from the first list as it is evaluating sum, since it is not referenced anywhere else in the expression.
The same applies for length. The thunks it generates can be marked for deletion immediately, since nothing else could possibly want it evaluated further.
Implementation of sum in Prelude:
sum l = sum' l 0
sum' [] a = a
sum' (x:xs) a = sum' xs (a+x)
Hi haskell fellows. I'm currently working on the 23rd problem of Project Euler. Where I'm at atm is that my code seems right to me - not in the "good algorithm" meaning, but in the "should work" meaning - but produces a Stack memory overflow.
I do know that my algorithm isn't perfect (in particular I could certainly avoid computing such a big intermediate result at each recursion step in my worker function).
Though, being in the process of learning Haskell, I'd like to understand why this code fails so miserably, in order to avoid this kind of mistakes next time.
Any insight on why this program is wrong will be appreciated.
import qualified Data.List as Set ((\\))
main = print $ sum $ worker abundants [1..28123]
-- Limited list of abundant numbers
abundants :: [Int]
abundants = filter (\x -> (sum (divisors x)) - x > x) [1..28123]
-- Given a positive number, returns its divisors unordered.
divisors :: Int -> [Int]
divisors x | x > 0 = [1..squareRoot x] >>=
(\y -> if mod x y == 0
then let d = div x y in
if y == d
then [y]
else [y, d]
else [])
| otherwise = []
worker :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]
worker (a:[]) prev = prev Set.\\ [a + a]
worker (a:as) prev = worker as (prev Set.\\ (map ((+) a) (a:as)))
-- http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Generic_number_type#squareRoot
(^!) :: Num a => a -> Int -> a
(^!) x n = x^n
squareRoot :: Int -> Int
squareRoot 0 = 0
squareRoot 1 = 1
squareRoot n =
let twopows = iterate (^!2) 2
(lowerRoot, lowerN) =
last $ takeWhile ((n>=) . snd) $ zip (1:twopows) twopows
newtonStep x = div (x + div n x) 2
iters = iterate newtonStep (squareRoot (div n lowerN) * lowerRoot)
isRoot r = r^!2 <= n && n < (r+1)^!2
in head $ dropWhile (not . isRoot) iters
Edit: the exact error is Stack space overflow: current size 8388608 bytes.. Increasing the stack memory limit through +RTS -K... doesn't solve the problem.
Edit2: about the sqrt thing, I just copy pasted it from the link in comments. To avoid having to cast Integer to Doubles and face the rounding problems etc...
In the future, it's polite to attempt a bit of minimalization on your own. For example, with a bit of playing, I was able to discover that the following program also stack-overflows (with an 8M stack):
main = print (worker [1..1000] [1..1000])
...which really nails down just what function is screwing you over. Let's take a look at worker:
worker (a:[]) prev = prev Set.\\ [a + a]
worker (a:as) prev = worker as (prev Set.\\ (map ((+) a) (a:as)))
Even on my first read, this function was red-flagged in my mind, because it's tail-recursive. Tail recursion in Haskell is generally not such a great idea as it is in other languages; guarded recursion (where you produce at least one constructor before recursing, or recurse some small number of times before producing a constructor) is generally better for lazy evaluation. And in fact, here, what's happening is that each recursive call to worker is building a deeper- and deeper-ly nested thunk in the prev argument. When the time comes to finally return prev, we have to go very deeply into a long chain of Set.\\ calls to work out just what it was we finally have.
This problem is obfuscated slightly by the fact that the obvious strictness annotation doesn't help. Let's massage worker until it works. The first observation is that the first clause is completely subsumed by the second one. This is stylistic; it shouldn't affect the behavior (except on empty lists).
worker [] prev = prev
worker (a:as) prev = worker as (prev Set.\\ map (a+) (a:as))
Now, the obvious strictness annotation:
worker [] prev = prev
worker (a:as) prev = prev `seq` worker as (prev Set.\\ map (a+) (a:as))
I was surprised to discover that this still stack overflows! The sneaky thing is that seq on lists only evaluates far enough to learn whether the list matches either [] or _:_. The following does not stack overflow:
import Control.DeepSeq
worker [] prev = prev
worker (a:as) prev = prev `deepseq` worker as (prev Set.\\ map (a+) (a:as))
I didn't plug this final version back into the original code, but it at least works with the minimized main above. By the way, you might like the following implementation idea, which also stack overflows:
import Control.Monad
worker as bs = bs Set.\\ liftM2 (+) as as
but which can be fixed by using Data.Set instead of Data.List, and no strictness annotations:
import Control.Monad
import Data.Set as Set
worker as bs = toList (fromList bs Set.\\ fromList (liftM2 (+) as as))
As Daniel Wagner correctly said, the problem is that
worker (a:as) prev = worker as (prev Set.\\ (map ((+) a) (a:as)))
builds a badly nested thunk. You can avoid that and get somewhat better performance than with deepseq by exploiting the fact that both arguments to worker are sorted in this application. Thus you can get incremental output by noting that at any step everything in prev smaller than 2*a cannot be the sum of two abundant numbers, so
worker (a:as) prev = small ++ worker as (large Set.\\ map (+ a) (a:as))
(small,large) = span (< a+a) prev
does better. However, it's still bad because (\\) cannot use the sortedness of the two lists. If you replace it with
minus xxs#(x:xs) yys#(y:ys)
= case compare x y of
LT -> x : minus xs yys
EQ -> minus xs ys
GT -> minus xxs ys
minus xs _ = xs -- originally forgot the case for one empty list
(or use the data-ordlist package's version), calculating the set-difference is O(length) instead of O(length^2).
Ok, I loaded it up and gave it a shot. Daniel Wagner's advice is pretty good, probably better than mine. The problem is indeed with the worker function, but I was going to suggest using Data.MemoCombinators to memoize your function instead.
Also, your divisors algorithm is kind of silly. There's a much better way to do that. It's kind of mathy and would require a lot of TeX, so here's a link to a math.stackexchange page about how to do that. The one I was talking about, was the accepted answer, though someone else gives a recursive solution that I think would run faster. (It doesn't require prime factorization.)
I'm curious how I should go about improving the performance of a Haskell routine that finds the lexicographically minimal cyclic rotation of a string.
import Data.List
swapAt n = f . splitAt n where f (a,b) = b++a
minimumrotation x = minimum $ map (\i -> swapAt i x) $ elemIndices (minimum x) x
I'd imagine that I should use Data.Vector rather than lists because Data.Vector provides in-place operations, probably just manipulating some indices into the original data. I shouldn't actually need to bother tracking the indices myself to avoid excess copying, right?
I'm curious how the ++ impact the optimization though. I'd imagine it produces a lazy string thunk that never does the appending until the string gets read that far. Ergo, the a should never actually be appended onto the b whenever minimum can eliminate that string early, like because it begins with some very later letter. Is this correct?
xs ++ ys adds some overhead in all the list cells from xs, but once it reaches the end of xs it's free — it just returns ys.
Looking at the definition of (++) helps to see why:
[] ++ ys = ys
(x:xs) ++ ys = x : (xs ++ ys)
i.e., it has to "re-build" the entire first list as the result is traversed. This article is very helpful for understanding how to reason about lazy code in this way.
The key thing to realise is that appending isn't done all at once; a new linked list is incrementally built by first walking through all of xs, and then putting ys where the [] would go.
So, you don't have to worry about reaching the end of b and suddenly incurring the one-time cost of "appending" a to it; the cost is spread out over all the elements of b.
Vectors are a different matter entirely; they're strict in their structure, so even examining just the first element of xs V.++ ys incurs the entire overhead of allocating a new vector and copying xs and ys to it — just like in a strict language. The same applies to mutable vectors (except that the cost is incurred when you perform the operation, rather than when you force the resulting vector), although I think you'd have to write your own append operation with those anyway. You could represent a bunch of appended (immutable) vectors as [Vector a] or similar if this is a problem for you, but that just moves the overhead to when you flattening it back into a single Vector, and it sounds like you're more interested in mutable vectors.
minimumrotation :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
minimumrotation xs = minimum . take len . map (take len) $ tails (cycle xs)
len = length xs
I expect that to be faster than what you have, though index-juggling on an unboxed Vector or UArray would probably be still faster. But, is it really a bottleneck?
If you're interested in fast concatenation and a fast splitAt, use Data.Sequence.
I've made some stylistic modifications to your code, to make it look more like idiomatic Haskell, but the logic is exactly the same, except for a few conversions to and from Seq:
import qualified Data.Sequence as S
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
minimumRotation :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
minimumRotation xs = F.toList
. F.minimum
. fmap (`swapAt` xs')
. S.elemIndicesL (F.minimum xs')
$ xs'
where xs' = S.fromList xs
swapAt n = f . S.splitAt n
where f (a,b) = b S.>< a