Running multiple independent Node programs in the same Node instance - node.js

I'm doing embedded development on a resource-limited system, and need to run a number of separate Node.js tasks (call them task1.js, task2.js and task3.js). The obvious solution would be to run them separately, e.g.:
$ node task1.js &
[1] 1968
$ node task2.js &
[2] 1969
$ node task3.js &
[3] 1970
This works, but I end up with three independent Node stacks, each with its own multi-megabyte heap, interpreter, etc. etc. etc., which is a waste that I'd like to avoid.
Another obvious solution would be to concatenate the source files:
$ cat task1.js task2.js task3.js | node -
This works, but it has problems. First, all three task sources would end up in the same module, so I'd risk name collisions. For example, if each task file included const crypto = require('crypto');, then when concatenated Node would complain about the multiply-defined crypto variable.
This would also require all of the primary task source files to be in the same directory, otherwise any relative path references to dependent files would be calculated based on the default working directory, and would likely break.
So, I'm looking for a way to run multiple tasks in the same Node instance, sharing Node resources as much as possible.
It would be great if some or all the following were true:
For development/debugging convenience, the same taskX.js sources could be used individually (as at the top), or run at the same time in the same node instance
No special care would have to be made in each task's code to prevent namespace collisions
Relative path references in include statements wouldn't all be resolved from the same working directory, so that I could have separate source trees for the separate tasks
Problems I don't need to be solved:
Multiprocessing or multithreading
Sharing data between the tasks
Inter-task events and communication services (if I do I'll write them myself)
Protecting each task from the others' bad behavior
Expected constraints for the task code:
No busy-waiting, so that none block the others from executing
No exclusive use of common system resources (e.g. no two will open a server socket on the same port)
Use of global Node resources will be restricted or forbidden

Is this resource limited to 1 CPU? If so, then your best bet is making each task return an async function, and processing them with something like async.parallel.
Especially if your subtasks are broken down into mostly async functions, this will allow the tasks to run as "parallel" as possible.
In a multi-cpu environment, you can boost performance using child processes (or using native node cluster module). But, as others stated, this would require the memory overhead of v8 for each process.
If your tasks are mostly cpu intensive, you will not see much gain from the async.parallel, and it could even be slower than doing all your tasks sync. But, if there is network or disk access (IO), then using parallel should be faster.


How to convert a multiprocess Flask/unicorn to a single multithreaded process

I would like to cache a large amount of data in a Flask application. Currently it runs on K8S pods with the following unicorn.ini
bind = ""
workers = 10
timeout = 900
preload_app = True
To avoid caching the same data in those 10 workers I would like to know if Python supports a way to multi-thread instead of multi-process. This would be very easy in Java but I am not sure if it is possible in Python. I know that you can share cache between Python instances using the file system or other methods. However it would be a lot simpler if it is all share in the same process space.
There are couple post that suggested threads are supported in Python. This comment by Filipe Correia, or this answer in the same question.
Based on the above comment the Unicorn design document talks about workers and threads:
Since Gunicorn 19, a threads option can be used to process requests in multiple threads. Using threads assumes use of the gthread worker.
Based on how Java works, to shared some data among threads, I would need one worker and multiple threads. Based on this other link
I know it is possible. So I assume I can change my gunicorn configuration as follows:
bind = ""
workers = 1
threads = 10
timeout = 900
preload_app = True
This should give me 1 worker and 10 threads which should be able to process the same number of request as current configuration. However the question is: Would the cache still be instantiated once and shared among all the threads? How or where should I instantiate the cache to make sure is shared among all the threads.
would like to ... multi-thread instead of multi-process.
I'm not sure you really want that. Python is rather different from Java.
workers = 10
One way to read that is "ten cores", sure.
But another way is "wow, we get ten GILs!"
The global interpreter lock must be held
before the interpreter interprets a new bytecode instruction.
Ten interpreters offers significant parallelism,
executing ten instructions simultaneously.
Now, there are workloads dominated by async I/O, or where
the interpreter calls into a C extension to do the bulk of the work.
If a C thread can keep running, doing useful work
in the background, and the interpreter gathers the result later,
terrific. But that's not most workloads.
tl;dr: You probably want ten GILs, rather than just one.
To avoid caching the same data in those 10 workers
Right! That makes perfect sense.
Consider pushing the cache into a storage layer, or a daemon like Redis.
Or access memory-resident cache, in the context of your own process,
via mmap or shmat.
When running Flask under Gunicorn, you are certainly free
to set threads greater than 1,
though it's likely not what you want.
YMMV. Measure and see.

Do multiple node.js "requires" impact production run time?

We are integrating Amazon's node.js SDK into our project and while I do not think it matters due to require's cache and the fact that everything is compiled, I could not find a site that definitively states that multiple requires will not affect performance in run time.
Obviously it depends on what files you are requiring, the contents of those files, and whether or not they could block the event loop or have other code inside of them to slow performance.
I prefer to structure code based on functionality rather than just having a 10000+ line file that does not really relate to the task at hand. I just want to make sure I'm not shooting myself in the foot by break out functionality into separate modules and then requiring on an as needed basis.
Well, require() is a synchronous operation so it should ONLY be used during server initialization, never during an actual request. Therefore, the performance of require() should only affect your server startup time, not your request handling time.
Second, require() does have a cache behind it. It matches the fully resolved path of the module you are attempting to load. So, if you call require(somePath) and a module at that same path has previously been loaded, then the module handle is just immediately returned from the cache. No module is loaded from disk a second time. The module code is not executed a second time.
Obviously it depends on what files you are requiring, the contents of those files, and whether or not they could block the event loop or have other code inside of them to slow performance.
If you are requiring a module for the first time, it WILL block the event loop while loading that module because require() uses blocking, synchronous I/O when the module is not yet cached. That's why you should be doing this at server initialization time, not during a request handler.
I prefer to structure code based on functionality rather than just having a 10000+ line file that does not really relate to the task at hand. I just want to make sure I'm not shooting myself in the foot by break out functionality into separate modules and then requiring on an as needed basis.
Breaking code into logical modules is good for ease of maintenance, ease of testing and ease of reuse, so it's definitely a good thing.
I have seen people go too far where there are so many modules each with only a few lines of code in them that it backfires and makes the project unwieldly to work on, find things in, design test suites for, etc... So, there is a balance.

How to Synchronize object between multiple instance of Node Js application

Is there any to lock any object in Node JS application.
Is there are multiple instance for application is available some function shouldnt run concurrent. If instance A function is completed, it should unlock that object/key or some identifier and B instance of application should check if its unlock it should run some function.
Any Object or Key can be used for identifying the locking and unlocking the function.
How to do that in NodeJS application which have multiple instances.
As mentioned above Redis may be your answer, however, it really depends on the resources available to you. There are some other possibilities less complicated and certainly less powerful which may also do the trick.
node-cache may also do the trick, if you set it up correctly. It is not any where near as powerful as Redis, but on the bright side it does not require as much setup and interaction with your environment.
So there is Redis and node-cache for memory locks. I should mention there are quite a few NPM packages which do the cache. Depends on what you need, and how intricate your cache needs to be.
However, there are less elegant ways to do what you want, though less elegant is not necessarily worse.
You could use a JSON file based system and hold locks on the files for a TTL. lockfile or proper-lockfile will accomplish the task. You can read the information from the files when needed, delete when required, give them a TTL. Basically a cache system to disk.
The memory system is obviously faster. The file system requires just as much planning in your code as the memory system.
There is yet another way. This is possibly the most dangerous one, and you would have to think long and hard on the consequences in terms of security and need.
Node.js has its own process.env. As most know this holds the system global variables available to all by simply writing where foo would have been declared as a global system variable. A package such as .dotenv allows you to add to your system variables by way of a .env text file. Thus if you put in that file sam=mongoDB, then in your code where you write process.env.sam it will be interpreted as mongoDB. Tons of system wide variables can be set up here.
So what good does that do, you may ask? Well these are system wide variables, and they can be changed in mid-flight. So if you need to lock the variables and then change them it is a simple manner to do it with. Beware though of the gotcha here. Once the system goes down, or all processes stop, and is started again, your environment variables will return to the default in the .env file.
Additionally, unless you are running a system which is somewhat safe on AWS or Azure etc. I would not feel secure in having my .env file open to the world. There is a way around this one too. You can use a hash to encrypt all variables and put the hash in the file. When you call it, decrypt before actually requesting use of the full variable.
There are probably many wore ways to lock and unlock, not the least of which is to use the native Node.js structure. Combine File System events together with Crypto. But this demands a much deeper level of understanding of the actual Node.js library and structures.
Hope some of this helped.
I strongly recommend Redis in your case.
There are several ways to create a application/process shared object, using locks is one of them, as you mentioned.
But they're just complicated. Unless you really need to do that yourself, Redis will be good enough. Atomic ops cross multiple process, transaction and so on.
Old thread but I didn't want to use redis so I made my own open source solution which utilizes websocket connections:

What are the performance implications of interopping with other languages via system calls?

Suppose I'm writing a program in node.js (or perhaps another typical back-end scripting language). Suppose further I have a C function f (or a python function, or what have you) that does some pure data transformation.
If I want to use f in my node program, there are two approaches:
Bind f via something like node-gyp that makes it callable from JavaScript land.
Make f into a binary (or, in the case of a language like python, a single interface) that sits on the file system, and then call it from node as if were any other system command (so that one can then take the output from the system call as a string, convert it into node.js data, and then use it).
Question: What are the performance implications of choosing (2) over (1)?
This is important because if you are using a language like C to make some aspect of your application run significantly faster, then using (2) would seem pointless if it slowed things down past some threshold.
The cost of 1 is the cost of loading the native code, transfering arguments (ffi), calling the native code, and transfering arguments back. With loading being done only once.
The cost of 2 is always going to be the cost to startup the process, running the process, converting the results back from strings.
If the cost of f is high, you may never see a difference between 1 and 2. If the cost of f is low, then 2 will take longer because the process startup overhead will dominate.
However, depending on the complexity of f (it might be a very large data-processing application in C), it's almost always faster to create a native binding like 1. Avoiding process startup overhead is important, it also reduces the total amount of memory needed to run your application.
Alternatively you could do option:
Have the C code talk over a local network socket. Accepting requests and responding with answers when the computation is done.
This has the benefit of scaling out to multiple nodes if you need it.
Benchmarking both for your use case is the only way to be sure but method 1 is
likely to be faster.
The startup cost of calling a binary and starting an interpreter for python/perl/blah would likely kill any performance gain you might get using their Foreign Function Interface (FFI). Startup cost is one of the reasons why Apache has mod_python, mod_perl and why FastCGI exists.
Another thing to consider is that you're adding another language to the mix and this might kill performance of the team ie now everyone needs to know two languages and two FFI methods etc. If your app is in Node, keep it in Node and use node to call native methods.

RequireJS: To Bundle or Not to Bundle

I'm using RequireJS for my web application. I'm using EmberJS for the application framework. I've come to a point where, I think, I should start bundling my application into a single js file. That is where I get a little confused:
If I finally bundle everything into one file for deployment, then my whole application loads in one shot, instead of on demand. Isn't bundling contradictory to AMD in general and RequireJS in particular?
What further confuses me, is what I found on the RequireJS website:
Once you are finished doing development and want to deploy your code for your end users, you can use the optimizer to combine the JavaScript files together and minify it. In the example above, it can combine main.js and helper/util.js into one file and minify the result.
I found this similar thread but it doesn't answer my question.
If I finally bundle everything into one file for deployment, then my whole application loads in one shot, instead of on demand. Isn't bundling contradictory to AMD in general and RequireJS in particular?
It is not contradictory. Loading modules on demand is only one benefit of RequireJS. A greater benefit in my book is that modularization helps to use a divide-and-conquer approach. We can look at it in this way: even though all the functions and classes we put in a single file do not benefit from loading on demand, we still write multiple functions and multiple classes because it helps break down the problem in a structured way.
However, the multiplicity of modules we create in development do not necessarily make sense when running the application in a browser. The greatest cost of on-demand loading is sending multiple HTTP requests over the wire. Let's say your application has 10 modules and you send 10 requests to load it because you load these modules individually. Your total cost is going to be the cost you have to pay to load the bytes from the 10 files (let's call it Pc for payload cost), plus an overhead cost for each HTTP request (let's call it Oc, for overhead cost). The overhead has to do with the data and computations that have to occur to initiate and close these requests. They are not insignificant. So you are paying Pc + 10*Oc. If you send everything in one chunk you pay Pc + 1*Oc. You've saved 9*Oc. In fact the savings are probably greater because (since compression is often used at both ends to reduce the size of the data transmitted) compression is going to provide greater benefits if the entire data is compressed together than if it is compressed as 10 chunks. (Note: the above analysis omits details that are not useful to cover.)
Someone might object: "But you are comparing loading all the modules in separately versus loading all the modules in one chunk. If we load on demand then we won't load all the modules." As a matter of fact, most applications have a core of modules that will always be loaded, no matter what. These are the modules without which the application won't work at all. For some small applications this means all modules, so it make sense to bundle all of them together. For bigger applications, this means that a core set of modules will be used every single time the application runs, but a small set will be used only on occasion. In the latter case, the optimization should create multiple bundles. I have an application like this. It is an editor with modes for various editing needs. A good 90% of the modules belong to the core. They are going to be loaded and used anyway so it makes sense to bundle them. The code for the modes themselves is not always going to be used but all the files for a given mode are going to be needed if the mode is loaded at all so each mode should be its own bundle. So in this case a model with one core bundle and a series of mode bundles makes sense to a) optimize the deployed application but b) keep some of the benefits of loading on demand. That's the beauty of RequireJS: it does not require to do one or the other exclusively.
While developing you want to have single-focused, small files. This causes their number to increase. When running in production, many HTTP requests really harm performance. Then again you do not want to load the entire application upfront - this is also not optimal.
To address this, I have created a small project in GitHub, require-lazy, you can call it plugin to the builder - r.js. It can lazy load parts of your application with a simple syntax and then create separately donloadable bundles during the build process; so if your application consists of 2 views that need to be independently loaded, require-lazy will (ideally) build 3 js files: (1) the bootstrap code and common libraries, (2) view 1 with all its private scripts and (3) view 2 with all its private scripts.
Lazy loading is simply defined as:
define(["lazy!view1"], function(view1) { .... });
And view1 must be accessed with a promise:
view1.get().done(function(realView1) {
The project is available through npm, the build process through grunt and there is a bower component.
Comments are more than welcome.
