Unable to use SelectPDF after deployment to IIS - iis

I have a function that generates a PDF from a HTML page like this:
HtmlToPdf converter = new HtmlToPdf();
PdfDocument doc = converter.ConvertUrl(url);
var PdfArray = doc.Save();
This works perfectly when I run it in VS 2017, However when I deploy to IIS it throws the following exception: "Conversion failure error 5."
According to my Googling this is related to the IIS not having the correct access to write. However I have as an attempt given that application access to every operation.
All suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

From the troubleshooting page on SelectPdf website:
The error code is this:
5 (0x5)
Access is denied.
Enable execute permissions on Select.Html.dep.
You need to go to the bin folder of your deployment to IIS and set execute permissions for the Select.Html.dep file. If you do not know the app pool user, in the first place, just set permissions for Everyone to see if it works.


File.Exists from UNC using Azure Storage/Fileshare via IIS results in false.

trying to get an image out of azure fileshare for manipulation. I need to read the file as an Drawing.Image for manipulation. I cannot create a valid FileInfo object or Image using uncpath (which I need to do in order to use over IIS)
Current Setup:
Attach a virtual directory called Photos in IIS website pointing to UNCPath of the Azure file share (e.g. \myshare.file.core.windows.net\sharename\pathtoimages)
This works as http://example.com/photos/img.jpg so I know it is not a permissions or authentication issue.
For some reason though I cannot get a reference to File.
var imgpath = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Photos"),"img.jpg")
\\resolves as \\myshare.file.core.windows.net\sharename\pathtoimages\img.jpg
var fi = new FileInto(imgpath);
if(fi.exists) //this returns false 100% of the time
var img = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(fi.FullName);
The problem is that the file is never found to exist, even though I cant take that path and put it in an explorer window and return the img.jpg 100% of the time.
Does anyone have any idea why this would not be working?
Do I need to be using CloudFileShare object to just get a read of a file I know is there?
It turns out the issue is that I needed to wrap my code in an impersonation of the azure file share userid since the virtual directory is not really in play at all at this point.
using (new impersonation("UserName","azure","azure pass"))
//my IO.File code
I used this guys impersonation script found here.
Can you explain why DirectoryInfo.GetFiles produces this IOException?

Access denied upon doing a GetDirectories() but Dir in Powershell works

I have a problem I hope someone might help me with.
I've created a custom action page where I among other things will scan a directory on a remote server for a set of directories, and inside those directories I am searching for a set of files.
However, when I execute the code on the production server I get an Access denied exception.
If I use the same code on my testserver (accessing the same remote server) it works just fine.
If I use powershell or explorer on the production server I can access the remote directory and files with no problems.
I am using the same account in all scenarios (if I print out Page.User.Identity.Name and SPContext.Current.Web.CurrentUser.LoginName they are the same and equal to the account I use on the test server and the one I am logged on with on the production server when accessing the remote server from command line or explorer).
The code looks like this:
string user = SPContext.Current.Web.CurrentUser.LoginName.Remove(0,7);
string user_path = "\\\\srv\\share1\\subdir\\dir\\" + user;
// The line below will raise an exception on the production server.
foreach (string board_path in Directory.GetDirectories(user_path, "Board*")) {
foreach (string board_file in Directory.GetFiles(board_path, "Board*.xml")) {
I cant figure out why the code runs on the testserver but not on the production machine. I am using SharePoint 2010 Standard.
Thanks in advance for any kind of help I can get.
The problem was solved by using SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges()!

TermStore Count is 0

I am observing a really strange behaviour with code which attempts to retrieve the TermStore from the TaxonomySession. The code looks like this:
using (SPSite mySite = new SPSite(url))
TaxonomySession session = new TaxonomySession(mySite);
// Get all the TermStores associated with the provided site.
TermStoreCollection stores = session.TermStores;
Here is the issue:
The above code does not return any TermStores, i.e. the count is zero
If I run the following PowerShell script from the same command prompt, I get 1 TermStore in the count.
$site = new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite("https://mysite")
$session = new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.TaxonomySession($site)
I have tried the following:
My Managed Metadata Application Proxy is a part of the default proxy group
The administrator for the Managed Metadata Service is configured correctly
The permissions for the Managed Metadata Service are configured correctly
The Managed Metadata application pool is running under the farm account
Modifying the code above to run under elevated privileges
The weird thing is that the first block of code above DOES NOT retrieve any TermStore(s) when compiled as an executable and invoked from a command window, which is running under the farm credentials. IN THE SAME window, I can copy and paste the second block of the equivalent PowerShell scripts and have it run!
Also, this issue is only happening on our Production environment. The same executable ran successfully on our DEV, TEST and Pre Prod environments.
Any help at this stage will be much appreciated.
We encountered exactly the same issue in our test environment. But, our development servers are working as expected. My colleague was able to narrow down the issue and resolve it by updating hotfix available in Microsoft support.
The following are the details of the hotfix and information he could come across while researching on that particular issue.
Support download link
For additional information:
Please consult your system administrator before updating any hotfix to servers. Hope this help you to fix the issue in your production environment.

Cannot use SPWeb, database login failed

We have an archive site that is an exact copy of the "live" site, but uses a different service account. I have built an EditControlBlock extension that redirects a user to a page in the _layouts folder. The page has some text on it and an Ok button.
Edit: The SPWeb i am trying to use is in a different WebApplication. I am trying to move file x to the archive site.
When the Ok buttons is clicked, it should execute the following code:
using (var archive = new SPSite(archiveurl, SPContext.Current.Web.CurrentUser.UserToken))
using (var newsArchive = archive.RootWeb.Webs[SPContext.Current.Web.Name])
//move file
The weird thing is, it breaks on line 2: using (var newsArchive = archive.RootWeb.Webs[SPContext.Current.Web.Name]) Which is weird, because the first line DOES work.
The error I get is:
login failed for user x on database y
Anyone have an idea here? Is code on a page derived from LayoutsPageBase always run as the web app apppool account or something?
I have set the Database ights for the moment on the target database. I had to make the apppool user of the source web app a member of the db_owner group in the target database. Not to sure if this is the way to go. Anyone with a better idea please tell me.

Policy Exception SharePoint

I have a web part and the dll is deployed to the bin of the web application.I have created a custom cas policy and deployed( wss_custom). Just for the sake of testing i have given Unrestricted access to whatever IPermission i knew (around 10). Most of the IPermissions i got is from the PermCalc.exe. Yet i get the following error generated by the web part:
The problem is that i am not able to determine as to what permission is required to be given in the custom cas file.
Appreciate your suggestions.
My general advice to find which CAS permissions you need are:
Give your dll SecurityPermission(ControlEvidence = true, ControlPolicy = true) (and of cause also Execution = true and what else you might need)
Catch the Exception and output Exception.ToString() not only Exception.Message
Then you should get a precise listing of the first Permission that failed, add that and try again.
Try to enable logging of .net assembly loader and see what happens with "fuslogvw.exe" tool (see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/e74a18c4(VS.80).aspx for more details)
