Microsoft Graph and accepted by admin required - azure

I need to have the following workflow:
Third-party company registers new admin user for Office365 (I can't control this process).
Then pass credentials of this user to us and we configuring it (add domains, additional users etc).
I need to automate this process and this should be done by background task. So, after registration we catch this event and add message to queue and then our Azure Functions add domains, register new users etc.
But for calling Microsoft Graph admin have to accept permissions manually (go to web page and accept). Without this action token is not valid. And it breaks our automate process :(
Any way to accept it without going to web page and logging by admin for accepting?

From how you describe this process it seems like what you really need is to create an application that uses Application Only permissions that your customer grants consent too. There should be no need for them to manually create an admin user and give you credentials for this user.
And to specifically answer your question, I do not believe there is anyway to automate the user consent process via an API call. That would defeat the purpose of user consent.


Sending envelopes from one dedicated user

I have been trying to implement JWT Auth grant for our back end application which will be creating URLs for signing operations for our end users.
What I want to active is that there will be no login/granting consent operations while sending the envelopes and creating signing URL. I want to dedicate one user for creating envelopes and sending them for signature.
Firstly, I've created a demo account and an organization. I also created an integration key and a RSA key. I needed to choose Implicit Grant or Authorization Code Grant while creating the integration key and I chose Implicit Grant. Lastly, I gave signature impersonation permissions to the integration key.
I have checked and made experiments with jwt example project after configuring with the required info of the user that I want to dedicate. It asked for the consent. After I gave consent, it worked finely. Then I configured the back end with the same integration key and the guid of the user, again it was working with our back end application that I was able to send automated envelopes.
I created another demo account in DS and this time I directly put it to our back end, I am getting consent_required error which I understand that I couldn't give the admin consent properly and it was just working with previous demo account because I gave the consent to that.
I want to know that how long that consent would last. or Is it the correct way to achieve what I want? because I think, ideally, I need to give admin consent to this dedicated user to have it able to send automated envelopes.
Thank you a lot in advance.
I see two questions:
How long consent would last? - forever. Or if you go and explicitly remove it.
Is it the correct way to achieve what I want? I don't know what you want, but the title says "Sending envelopes from one dedicated user" so, in theory that is correct. However, keep in mind that that user will be different when you move to production ("go live") when your application is ready for real usage.

Keycloak: Role based client log-in access restriction for users

I am trying to achieve fairly simple usecase of role based client application (VueJS multi-page applications) control using the keycloak.
As shown in image, I have three different roles and three different clients in single realm.
The arrow in the image represents which role can access which client.
So my main objectives are,
User with role Viewer should only be able to log-in to the Viewer Application. If the same user tries to access the Operator Application or Admin application then keycloak should simply deny this user from doing so.
The same rules should follow for users with Admin and Operator role. Users of Admin role should be able to log-in to any of these application by keycloak.
To achieve this usecase I tried following ways,
First by appropriate role mapping to users and role creation in the clients. In this case, I create realm level roles and then client level roles, then assigned appropriate roles to the users created in the user section.
Enabling the Authorization. In the policies, I removed default policy that grant all users access to the client. And create a User policy and Client policy to restrict the access to client application
Also tried with Group based authorization policy. In this case, I created a group with client role and then assigned user to these groups. And enabled them from the Authorization group policy.
But, unfortunately none of this works. Meaning my user with Viewer role can log-in to my admin application. Which is just strange.
You can do this without extensions.
Copy the desired flow (e.g. the browser flow)
Create a new sub flow (e.g. for the browser forms) and call it Access By Role and select generic as type.
For the new sub flow ensure that CONDITIONAL is selected in the flow overview.
For the new sub flow add execution Condition - User Role, make it REQUIRED and configure it:
alias: admin-role-missing
role: admin (or whatever your role is)
negate: true
Add another execution: Deny Access and make it REQUIRED as well.
The final result should look similar to this:
This will deny access if the condition "admin-role-missing" is true.
You an also learn more from the docs: explicitly-deny-allow-access-in-conditional-flows
Also, don't forget to go to your client and select the flow in the authentication overrides.
The solution proposed by #Stuck is a great start, but it has a significant flaw: When the user has already authenticated, e.g. via the standard flow of another client that did not require the role, the password form flow will never be triggered. Consequently, the user will be logged in via the cookie flow without ever checking for the role.
In other words: If there are other clients (such as the account console) that do not require the role, anyone can bypass the role check.
To fix this there needs to be an additional flow layer that includes all authentication executions, that is followed by the authorization step (no matter what authentication flow was used). The final result will look like this:
I managed almost the same problem using KeyCloak extension SPI. After the deployment you will have additional configurable "execution" in authentication flows available, named "Validate User Role".
The auth flow then look's like :
This execution must be placed after the "Username Password Form" (or other form which authenticates user) or the authentication will fail.
The source code is here :
Finally handled this at the application level as it wasn't working from keycloak end.
After the login, check for the keycloak object, inspecting on the same we can find some of the useful properties set during the configuration mentioned in the question above. The overall code looks like below,
let appName = 'your_app';
keycloak.init({ onLoad: 'login-required' }).success(function () {
// Confirm the role & authentication of the user
if (keycloak.authenticated && keycloak.tokenParsed.resource_access &&
keycloak.tokenParsed.resource_access.hasOwnProperty(appName)) {
// Continue with the app execution...
} else {
// Logout user
}).error(function () {
This way I managed to route unauthorized user out of the application.
The solution isn't what's required in the question asked, but it works. Although I think this should be handled at the keycloak level itself.
For anyone looking to do this in Keycloak version 20, see the screenshot. This is based on answer by #heilerich but for version 20.
NOTE: Create a new flow instead of duplicating an existing flow as it will not work.

Azure Applications; How to create a separate authorization page for out of network users

I've been tasked with figuring out a way to make a certain set of Azure users authenticate to a Web Application by accepting/denying a warning message that should be presented before the users are directed to the application itself. The users that should not go through this process are in-network users.. they should be able to input the URL and be presented with a sign-in page and from there they will have access into the application. This has already been configured via Azure AD but the previous issue for out of network users is what i'm having issues with.
My current thoughts on this is to create an a simple authorization page created by an azure function that out of network users will be directed to because the IP addresses will be placed in a conditional access rule to do so. From the simple page the user will be directed to the application or logged out if they choose cancel.
This is just a thought but definitely open to suggestions. Thoughts?
For those who may have been interested in an answer for this question I have figured it out. In order to do this I had to create a "Terms Of Use" within Azure Active Directory. This Terms of use consisted of a pdf file containing the information my user needed to view before accept/deny could be clicked. On the "Terms Of Use" was created I then created a custom conditional access policy which included users needing to accept the "Terms Of Use" before being able to access our Portal or Applications. Hope this helps

Force user LogOff from application if user is deleted.

I have little problem. In my application users are auth via Azure AD and his user profil is in DocumentDB.
When Administrator delete user profile I need to force log out the deleted user.
How to do it? Delete action deleting ad and documentdb entry.
Based on the description, you want to sign-out the users after the administrator delete the users profile from documentDB.
If I understood correctly, it is more likely building a real time application that nofify the specific client when the delete action is performed. I am trying to explain it using a figure below:
And for building the real time application, we can use the SignalR. And you can refer more detail about it from links here.
And another solution for prevent the deleted users to access the proteced resrouces, you can check it before the users access the resources.

Active Directory and SSO - anyone with experience on this?

We want to implement SSO functionality in our organization, but we're not really sure what our options are, and what the benefits / disadvantages for the different solutions might be.
-We have multiple old ASP(Active Server Pages) sites which should use SSO
-We have multiple web-Applications which should use SSO
-We want Sharepoint to use the SSO
-CRM (Biztalk?) integration (Additional information about the user, such as Address, company, etc )
Since we're primarly .net, c#, Microsoft oriented, my first idea was to use Active Directory.
I've also noticed that there is something called ADAM (Active Directory Application Mode), and ADFS (Active Directory Federation Services), but I can't really say I understand when/where these should be used.
Here is a brief overview of the different web-applications
-"My Personal Page" : User log's into an application where they can modify their personal information along with their company-information and their employees. (Asp.Net)
-E-learning application (ASP)
-CMS system for web-publishing (ASP.Net)
-Sharepoint sites
I haven't really been able to find any articles that can tell me "AD is a great choice! , you can use it everywhere", so If anyone has got any experience /feedback to give me on this, it would be really helpful.
Also: How should rights/roles be managed ? Should all access/rights/roles for each application be stored in AD, or should this be stored in the applications themselves.
IE : AD stores the roles:
"Cms" <-allowed to login to the cms system
"Cms.Article.AddAllowed" <-allowed to add article
"Cms.Article.DeleteAllowed" <-allowed to delete article
Or should this information be split up, so that AD holds information about which applications the user is allowed to log into, while the application itself holds information about what the user is allowed to do within the application when logged in
AD rights:
"Cms" <-Allowed to login to the cms system
Cms rights:
"Article.AddAllowed" <-allowed to add article
"Article.DeleteAllowed" <-allowed to delete article
So, when the user logs in, they are first authenticated against AD, and if that goes ok, the rights for the Cms application is fetched from a rights-table in the cms system ?
What are my options ? What other solutions other than AD do I have ?
Thank you for any feedback, its much appreciated !
We have done something similar in my organization. Here is the overall flow:
User requests web page
User is redirect to login screen along with SAML request
User authenticates against Active Directory
User is passed back to request web page with SAML response
User group/rights information is retrieved from database
If user requests page from another website same process occurs however if the user still has a session or selected the "remember me" feature then user does not have authenticate and gets logged in directly.
We use Sharepoint, but have not setup SSO yet. I believe Sharepoint gets the rights of the user from its own backend database/system. We also have a homegrown system to update user's groups/rights. I know Sharepoint can use web services so you could possible update Sharepoint when using a centralized user management system (of course you'd have to build that). The main thing is finding out where Sharepoint gets its information about the user and how you can tie your existing system to it...
I wouldn't rely on Active Directory to store group/rights information. It a pain to deal with compared to a database and is not flexible. It's fine for authentication and password management you just have to tie the user on Active Directory to your database system.
As far as I know, Active Directory is only practical for users within your domain. You would need an administrator to manage all those users and to add new users.
I've been working on a project myself where I wanted users to sign in, just to know their identity. I did not even care about their access rights but just wanted an identity on every visitor, something more reliable than an IP address, cookie, session key or whatever else. So I first asked my administrators if I could use Active Directory for this project. Sure, I could. But the webhost wasn't connected to our company domain so I would end up with only one user. Yeah, my administrator is a bit sarcastic sometimes.
So I started to explore SSO options. OpenID like this site is a good option and you could even implement your own OpenID server and require all visitors to sign on there first. It's a very powerful technique and you have less worries about managing users in your project. (Because the OpenID provider takes care of this.)
However, I ended up using CardSpace instead. :-) With CardSpace, every user can create their own user-token and store it on their own system. To log on, the website just asks for the card and the user just clicks on it. Those cards can be migrated to other systems but tend to be tied to a single computer and user, most of the time. (Although users can share a card!)
Rights and Roles are a different matter than Authentication. People always think they're connected while in reality, these are two different things. First, use OpenID or CardSpace or another authentication technique to verify the identity of the user. It doesn't matter how they're identified, you just need an identifier.
Next, you need rights and roles. Roles are basically just user-groups and you can connect an identity to a group. Or to multiple groups. And rights would be linked to roles, not users. But how you're going to divide these roles just depends on the applications. Just remember that someone who is an administrator in your version control system should not be an administrator in your customer database. Roles tend to be application-defined, thus every application could manage their own rights and roles and just needs a way to link these to an identity.
I myself just needed identities so I knew whom to blame when something ended up messed up. Then again, when there's only 5 users, things tend to become quite simple.
