Point in polygon hit test algorithm - clipperlib

I need to test if a point hits a polygon with holes and isles. I'd like to understand how I'm supposed to do this. That's not documented and I can't find any explanation or examples.
What I do is count +1 for every outer polygon hit and -1 for every inner polygon hit. The resulting sum is:
> 0: hit;
<= 0: miss (outside or in a hole).
The HitData class separates paths based on winding number to avoid unnecessary recomputation of orientation. With Clipper.PointInPolygon() applied to every path the sum is easy to compute.
But there are two major drawbacks:
I have to apply Clipper.PointInPolygon() to EVERY path;
I can't leverage the hierarchy of PolyTree.
Can someone who has hands-on experience with Clipper (#angus-johnson?) clear up this confusion?
Again, my question is: how am I supposed to implement this? Am I re-inventing the wheel, while there's an actual solution readily available in the Clipper Library?
Side note: PolyTree still requires to test EVERY path to determine which PolyNode the point is in. There's no Clipper.PointInPolyTree() method and, thus, AFAIK PolyTree doesn't help.
The structure that separates outer and inner polygons:
public class HitData
public List<List<IntPoint>> Outer, Inner;
public HitData(List<List<IntPoint>> paths)
Outer = new List<List<IntPoint>>();
Inner = new List<List<IntPoint>>();
foreach (List<IntPoint> path in paths)
if (Clipper.Orientation(path))
} else {
And this is the algorithm that tests a point:
public static bool IsHit(HitData data, IntPoint point)
int hits;
hits = 0;
foreach (List<IntPoint> path in data.Outer)
if (Clipper.PointInPolygon(point, path) != 0)
foreach (List<IntPoint> path in data.Inner)
if (Clipper.PointInPolygon(point, path) != 0)
return hits > 0;

Can someone who has hands-on experience with Clipper (#angus-johnson?) clear up this confusion?
It's not clear to me what your confusion is. As you've correctly observed, the Clipper library does not provide a function to determine whether a point is inside multiple paths.
Edit (13 Sept 2019):
OK, I've now created a PointInPaths function (in Delphi Pascal) that determines whether a point is inside multiple paths. Note that this function accommodates the different polygon filling rules.
function CrossProduct(const pt1, pt2, pt3: TPointD): double;
x1,x2,y1,y2: double;
x1 := pt2.X - pt1.X;
y1 := pt2.Y - pt1.Y;
x2 := pt3.X - pt2.X;
y2 := pt3.Y - pt2.Y;
result := (x1 * y2 - y1 * x2);
function PointInPathsWindingCount(const pt: TPointD;
const paths: TArrayOfArrayOfPointD): integer;
i,j, len: integer;
p: TArrayOfPointD;
prevPt: TPointD;
isAbove: Boolean;
crossProd: double;
//nb: returns MaxInt ((2^32)-1) when pt is on a line
Result := 0;
for i := 0 to High(paths) do
j := 0;
p := paths[i];
len := Length(p);
if len < 3 then Continue;
prevPt := p[len-1];
while (j < len) and (p[j].Y = prevPt.Y) do inc(j);
if j = len then continue;
isAbove := (prevPt.Y < pt.Y);
while (j < len) do
if isAbove then
while (j < len) and (p[j].Y < pt.Y) do inc(j);
if j = len then break
else if j > 0 then prevPt := p[j -1];
crossProd := CrossProduct(prevPt, p[j], pt);
if crossProd = 0 then
result := MaxInt;
else if crossProd < 0 then dec(Result);
end else
while (j < len) and (p[j].Y > pt.Y) do inc(j);
if j = len then break
else if j > 0 then prevPt := p[j -1];
crossProd := CrossProduct(prevPt, p[j], pt);
if crossProd = 0 then
result := MaxInt;
else if crossProd > 0 then inc(Result);
isAbove := not isAbove;
function PointInPaths(const pt: TPointD;
const paths: TArrayOfArrayOfPointD; fillRule: TFillRule): Boolean;
wc: integer;
wc := PointInPathsWindingCount(pt, paths);
case fillRule of
frEvenOdd: result := Odd(wc);
frNonZero: result := (wc <> 0);
With regards leveraging the PolyTree structure:
The top nodes in PolyTree are outer nodes that together contain every (nested) polygon. So you'll only need to perform PointInPolygon on these top nodes until a positive result is found. Then repeat PointInPolygon on that nodes nested paths (if any) looking for a positive match there. Obviously when an outer node fails PointInPolygon test, then its nested nodes (polygons) will also fail. Outer nodes will increment the winding count and inner holes will decrement the winding count.


Transforming Go's PutUint16 to Python

I want to get the equivalent of the Go code given below in Python:
func Make(op Opcode, operands ...int) []byte {
def, ok := definitions[op]
if !ok {
return []byte{}
instructionLen := 1
for _, w := range def.OperandWidths {
instructionLen += w
instruction := make([]byte, instructionLen)
instruction[0] = byte(op)
offset := 1
for i, o := range operands {
width := def.OperandWidths[i]
switch width {
case 2:
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(instruction[offset:], uint16(o))
case 1:
instruction[offset] = byte(o)
offset += width
return instruction
func ReadOperands(def *Definition, ins Instructions) ([]int, int) {
operands := make([]int, len(def.OperandWidths))
offset := 0
for i, width := range def.OperandWidths {
switch width {
case 2:
operands[i] = int(ReadUint16(ins[offset:]))
case 1:
operands[i] = int(ReadUint8(ins[offset:]))
offset += width
return operands, offset
op above is any of:
type Opcode byte
const (
OpConstant Opcode = iota
The code above comes from the book Writing a Compiler in Go and can be found here
I am not exactly sure about what is going on here with byte transformations and packing but in order to understand it better I am writing the whole thing in Python. Can someone help me translate those two functions in Python?
You can use the to_bytes method of integers. o.to_bytes(2, byteorder='big') will give the same effect as PutUint16. Likewise int.from_bytes can be used for reading. There is also struct.pack which handles similar things in a format-string kind of way.
Instead of building the buffer and writing into offsets, as done in the Go code, it makes more sense simply to use + to append to a bytes which begins empty.

Longest prefix+suffix-combination in set of strings

I have a set of strings (less than 30) of length 1 to ~30. I need to find the subset of at least two strings that share the longest possible prefix- + suffix-combination.
For example, let the set be
The prefix/suffix F/ar has a combined length of 3 and is shared by Foobar, Facar and Fzobar; the prefix/suffix F/obar has a combined length of 5 and is shared by Foobar and Fzobar. The searched-for prefix/suffix is F/obar.
Note that this is not to be confused with the longest common prefix/suffix, since only two or more strings from the set need to share the same prefix+suffix. Also note that the sum of the lengths of both the prefix and the suffix is what is to be maximized, so both need to be taken into account. The prefix or suffix may be the empty string.
Does anyone know of an efficient method to implement this?
How about this:
maxLen := -1;
for I := 0 to Len(A) - 1 do
if Len(A[I]) > maxLen then // (1)
for J := 0 to Len(A[I]) do
for K := 0 to Len(A[I]) - J do
if J+K > maxLen then // (2)
prf := LeftStr(A[I], J);
suf := RightStr(A[I], K);
found := False;
for m := 0 to Len(sufList) - 1 do
if (sufList[m] = suf) and (prfList[m] = prf) then
maxLen := J+K;
Result := prf+'/'+suf;
found := True;
// (3)
n := 0;
while n < Len(sufList) do
if Len(sufList[n])+Len(prfList[n]) <= maxLen then
// (end of 3)
if not found then
In this example maxLen keeps sum of lengths of longest found prefix/suffix so far. The most important part of it is the line marked with (2). It bypasses lots of unnecessary string comparisons. In section (3) it eliminates any existing prefix/suffix that is shorter than newly found one (winch is duplicated).

Bitmasking conversion of CPU ids with Go

I have a mask that contains a binary counting of cpu_ids (0xA00000800000 for 3 CPUs) which I want to convert into a string of comma separated cpu_ids: "0,2,24".
I did the following Go implementation (I am a Go starter). Is it the best way to do it? Especially the handling of byte buffers seems to be inefficient!
package main
import (
func main(){
cpuMap := "0xA00000800000"
cpuIds = getCpuIds(cpuMap)
func getCpuIds(cpuMap string) string {
// getting the cpu ids
cpu_ids_i, _ := strconv.ParseInt(cpuMap, 0, 64) // int from string
cpu_ids_b := strconv.FormatInt(cpu_ids_i, 2) // binary as string
var buff bytes.Buffer
for i, runeValue := range cpu_ids_b {
// take care! go returns code points and not the string
if runeValue == '1' {
//fmt.Println(bitString, i)
buff.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%d", i))
if (i+1 < len(cpu_ids_b)) && (runeValue == '1') {
cpuIds := buff.String()
// remove last comma
cpuIds = cpuIds[:len(cpuIds)-1]
return cpuIds
What you're doing is essentially outputting the indices of the "1"'s in the binary representation from left-to-right, and starting index counting from the left (unusal).
You can achieve the same using bitmasks and bitwise operators, without converting it to a binary string. And I would return a slice of indices instead of its formatted string, easier to work with.
To test if the lowest (rightmost) bit is 1, you can do it like x&0x01 == 1, and to shift a whole number bitwise to the right: x >>= 1. After a shift, the rightmost bit "disappears", and the previously 2nd bit becomes the 1st, so you can test again with the same logic. You may loop until the number is greater than 0 (which means it sill has 1-bits).
See this question for more examples of bitwise operations: Difference between some operators "|", "^", "&", "&^". Golang
Of course if we test the rightmost bit and shift right, we get the bits (indices) in reverse order (compared to what you want), and the indices are counted from right, so we have to correct this before returning the result.
So the solution looks like this:
func getCpuIds(cpuMap string) (r []int) {
ci, err := strconv.ParseInt(cpuMap, 0, 64)
if err != nil {
count := 0
for ; ci > 0; count, ci = count+1, ci>>1 {
if ci&0x01 == 1 {
r = append(r, count)
// Indices are from the right, correct it:
for i, v := range r {
r[i] = count - v - 1
// Result is in reverse order:
for i, j := 0, len(r)-1; i < j; i, j = i+1, j-1 {
r[i], r[j] = r[j], r[i]
Output (try it on the Go Playground):
[0 2 24]
If for some reason you need the result as a comma separated string, this is how you can obtain that:
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
for i, v := range cpuIds {
if i > 0 {
cpuIdsStr := buf.String()
Output (try it on the Go Playground):

Replacing one character in a string by its index in Delphi?

I've tried the following code without success.
Can anyone suggest how can I correct this code?
Just do this:
stringVariable[index] := 'A';
You can directly access a string like it was a character array in Delphi:
MyString[Index] := NewChar;
For multiple character deletions and inserts, the System unit provides Delete and Insert:
System.Delete(MyString, Index, NumChars);
System.Insert(NewChars, MyString, Index);
Recent versions of Delphi provide the helper functions to string:
MyString := MyString.Remove(3, 1);
MyString := MyString.Insert(3, NewChars);
Once again, please read the tutorials I've referred you to twice previously. This is a very basic Pascal question that any of them would have answered for you.
Here is another way to do it. Have fun with Delphi
FUNCTION ReplaceCharInPos(CONST Text: String; Ch: Char; P: Integer): String;
VAR Lng: Integer; left, Right: String;
Lng:= Length(Text);
IF Lng = 0 THEN
Result:= ''
ELSE IF (P < 1) OR (P > Lng) THEN
Result:= Text
Result:= Ch + Copy(Text, 2, Lng - 1)
Result:= Copy(Text, 1, Lng - 1) + Ch
Left:= Copy(Text, 1, P - 1);
Right:= Copy(Text, P + 1, Lng - P);
Result:= Left + Ch + Right;

How to find a position of a substring within a string with fuzzy match

I have come across a problem of matching a string in an OCR recognized text and find the position of it considering there can be arbitrary tolerance of wrong, missing or extra characters. The result should be a best match position, possibly (not necessarily) with length of matching substring.
For example:
String: 9912, 1.What is your name?
Substring: 1. What is your name?
Tolerance: 1
Result: match on character 7
String: Where is our caat if any?
Substring: your cat
Tolerance: 2
Result: match on character 10
String: Tolerance is t0o h1gh.
Substring: Tolerance is too high;
Tolerance: 1
Result: no match
I have tried to adapt Levenstein algorithm, but it doesn't work properly for substrings and doesn't return position.
Algorithm in Delphi would be preferred, yet any implementation or pseudo logic would do.
Here's a recursive implementation that works, but might not be fast enough. The worst case scenario is when a match can't be found, and all but the last char in "What" gets matched at every index in Where. In that case the algorithm will make Length(What)-1 + Tolerance comparasions for each char in Where, plus one recursive call per Tolerance. Since both Tolerance and the length of What are constnats, I'd say the algorithm is O(n). It's performance will degrade linearly with the length of both "What" and "Where".
function BrouteFindFirst(What, Where:string; Tolerance:Integer; out AtIndex, OfLength:Integer):Boolean;
var i:Integer;
WhatLen, WhereLen:Integer;
function BrouteCompare(wherePos, whatPos, Tolerance:Integer; out Len:Integer):Boolean;
var aLen:Integer;
// Skip perfect match characters
aLen := 0;
while (whatPos <= WhatLen) and (wherePos <= WhereLen) and (What[whatPos] = Where[wherePos]) do
// Did we find a match?
if (whatPos > WhatLen) then
Result := True;
Len := aLen;
else if Tolerance = 0 then
Result := False // No match and no more "wild cards"
// We'll make an recursive call to BrouteCompare, allowing for some tolerance in the string
// matching algorithm.
Dec(Tolerance); // use up one "wildcard"
Inc(whatPos); // consider the current char matched
if BrouteCompare(wherePos, whatPos, Tolerance, aRecursiveLen) then
Len := aLen + aRecursiveLen;
Result := True;
else if BrouteCompare(wherePos + 1, whatPos, Tolerance, aRecursiveLen) then
Len := aLen + aRecursiveLen;
Result := True;
Result := False; // no luck!
WhatLen := Length(What);
WhereLen := Length(Where);
for i:=1 to Length(Where) do
if BrouteCompare(i, 1, Tolerance, aLen) then
AtIndex := i;
OfLength := aLen;
Result := True;
// No match found!
Result := False;
I've used the following code to test the function:
procedure TForm18.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
var AtIndex, OfLength:Integer;
if BrouteFindFirst(Edit2.Text, Edit1.Text, ComboBox1.ItemIndex, AtIndex, OfLength) then
Label3.Caption := 'Found #' + IntToStr(AtIndex) + ', of length ' + IntToStr(OfLength)
Label3.Caption := 'Not found';
For case:
String: Where is our caat if any?
Substring: your cat
Tolerance: 2
Result: match on character 10
it shows a match on character 9, of length 6. For the other two examples it gives the expected result.
Here is a complete sample of fuzzy match (approximate search), and you can use/change the algorithm as you wish!
