How to access specific path in linux using shellscript - linux

Let us consider an example,
In the above line of code, If user is "sharath" then he can access a file/folder same way if the user is different how can access that folder/file dynamically.
below is my shellscript(.sh file):
set -eu
mkdir -p /opt/Atollic_TrueSTUDIO_for_STM32_x86_64_9.2.0/
tar xzf ${scriptPath}/ -C /opt/Atollic_TrueSTUDIO_for_STM32_x86_64_9.2.0/
In last line of the script, ${scriptPath} is diffrent for diffrent user, how can handle in shell script.
Update 1:
if i use, ${USER} or ${HOME} or whoami which returns "root" ,
Here is my log:
tar (child): /root/Downloads/Atollic_TrueSTUDIO_for_STM32_9.2.0_installer/ Cannot open: No such file or directory tar (child): Error is not recoverable: exiting now
Update 2:
Currently user in "root"

Use $HOME for the start of scriptPath, i.e:

I tried with couple of way and finally i found with below solution-
Use below script for the
echo "The user is " $myuser
Here users returns current user name.
Your script become:
set -eu
mkdir -p /opt/Atollic_TrueSTUDIO_for_STM32_x86_64_9.2.0/
tar xzf ${scriptPath}/ -C /opt/Atollic_TrueSTUDIO_for_STM32_x86_64_9.2.0/
Thanks for answered my question.


What is the Linux OS you are using?
You can simply use as below,
where ~ refers to the home directory of the user. i.e. /home/sarath
One other way is to use it like below,


Problems running first shellscript

I'm trying to create my first shell script in bash. I've created the code and I've managed to save the script in my home directory but it wont run. At first I try running it from the home directory with: ./ with "permission denied" as a response, i then tried sudo ./ and then the "command was not found".
This is my script:
mkdir -p/home/filer
touch /home/filer/fil1
touch /home/filer/fil2
touch /home/filer/fil3
tar-zcvf file.tar.gz /home/filer
So I've tried creating a script that will create a directory called "filer" in my home directory, using touch to create 3 separate files within the "filer" directory and then creating a tar.archive out of the whole "filer" directory. I think the script is correct, I could just use a hand running the script.
Other than a couple of typos (mkdir -p/path -> mkdir -p /path, tar-zcvf ... -> tar -zcvf ...), you should refer to your home directory using $HOME environment variable. /home/filer is an absolute directory path, which I am assuming, is not your actual home directory.
mkdir -p $HOME/filer
touch $HOME/filer/fil1
touch $HOME/filer/fil2
touch $HOME/filer/fil3
tar -zcvf file.tar.gz $HOME/filer
You can execute the script, ./ as bash or ./
In the second case, the script need to have proper executable permissions. chmod +x ./ gives it full executable permissions.

Execute script relative to another user's home directory

I'm a beginner in Linux scripting. Somehow I can't get the right search string to find the answer.
I want to run a script relative to a specific user's directory like:
but I don't know what "~user" will translate to. It may even contain spaces. Should I quote it? And if so, how? I always get the file or folder does not exist error when I try to use quotes.
This is not a duplicate I think.
My concern was that running the following with quotes:
gives me "file or folder not found" error. But I don't know, what ~user will translate to. (The script will be called on many different computers. The username is given but the home directory may be changed freely by the owner of each computer.) So I was afraid (as a Linux scripting BEGINNER!!!) to run it without quotes like:
The most down-voted answer (Java system properties and environment variables) actually helped me most. I just needed to confirm that it works the same way on Linux. So I installed a test VM in VirtualBox and tried:
cd /
sudo mkdir -p "test home dir/myuser"
sudo adduser myuser
sudo chown myuser:myuser "test home dir/myuser"
sudo usermod -d "/test home dir/myuser" myuser
su myuser
cd ~
echo '#!/bin/bash -x
echo "here!"
' >
chmod +x
cd /
And it worked!
On Mac OS you don't need to quote. I'm not sure about Linux. However, if
ls ~user
would result in /dir with space/user/ then
sh ~user/rel/path/to/
would be
sh /dir\ with\ space/user/rel/path/to/
and this executes if you have set the execution flag on accordingly.

mkdir: cannot create directory: No such file or directory - cifs windows shared folder

I have a linux box here that i've set up with a cifs shared folder to my windows computer. No issues there, it works exactly as intended. However, i thought about running some bash scripts using that same directory and it seems like it's not finding my root.
now=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")
#or: `now=$(date +%s)` if you back up more than once a day
mkdir /__backup/"$now"
Doing this from the shared folder brings up that it cannot find directory
runningthese commands:
echo "$0"
dirname "$0"
shows the address as "."
Does anyone have any ideas on how to get this to run?
You are doing:
now=`date "+%Y-%m-%d"`
mkdir "/__backup/$now"
So this only works if /__backup/ exists. Do:
now=`date "+%Y-%m-%d"`
mkdir -p "/__backup/$now" # -p creates parent directories as needed (see man mkdir)
#Optional: change directory to the one you just created:
cd /__backup/$now
Of course, you will need root to make a directory in /, so you might want to check for that.
if [ `whoami` = "root" ]; then
# You are root...
echo "Error: Only root can do that."
exit 1
You can avoid the whole problem of needing root if you create __backup in ~. You might also want to hide __backup by renaming it to .backup.

Command output location

I am trying to find out where is the output of following command directed:
sudo -i -u someuser /home/someuser/
Content of script:
echo "test"
Command is invoked from home directory of another user.
Easiest way to find out this is to run pwd(1) with sudo, though I'll spoil the fun and reveal that when sudo(1) is executed with '-i' switch the working directory will be set to effective user id (= whatever is specified with '-u' or root when left unspecified) and without '-i' it'll be the current directory.
user#host:~/work/linux-3.11.7$ sudo -i -u games pwd
[sudo] password for user:
user#host:~/work/linux-3.11.7$ sudo -u games pwd
So in case you'll redirect output of sudo(1) to some file without a full path specified, that's how you know where the file will be created.

rsync over SSH preserve ownership only for www-data owned files

I am using rsync to replicate a web folder structure from a local server to a remote server. Both servers are ubuntu linux. I use the following command, and it works well:
rsync -az /var/www/ user#
The usernames for the local system and the remote system are different. From what I have read it may not be possible to preserve all file and folder owners and groups. That is OK, but I would like to preserve owners and groups just for the www-data user, which does exist on both servers.
Is this possible? If so, how would I go about doing that?
** EDIT **
There is some mention of rsync being able to preserve ownership and groups on remote file syncs here:
** EDIT 2 **
I ended up getting the desired affect thanks to many of the helpful comments and answers here. Assuming the IP of the source machine is and the IP of the destination machine is I can use this line from the destination machine:
sudo rsync -az user# /var/www/
This preserves the ownership and groups of the files that have a common user name, like www-data. Note that using rsync without sudo does not preserve these permissions.
You can also sudo the rsync on the target host by using the --rsync-path option:
# rsync -av --rsync-path="sudo rsync" /path/to/files user#targethost:/path
This lets you authenticate as user on targethost, but still get privileged write permission through sudo. You'll have to modify your sudoers file on the target host to avoid sudo's request for your password. man sudoers or run sudo visudo for instructions and samples.
You mention that you'd like to retain the ownership of files owned by www-data, but not other files. If this is really true, then you may be out of luck unless you implement chown or a second run of rsync to update permissions. There is no way to tell rsync to preserve ownership for just one user.
That said, you should read about rsync's --files-from option.
rsync -av /path/to/files user#targethost:/path
find /path/to/files -user www-data -print | \
rsync -av --files-from=- --rsync-path="sudo rsync" /path/to/files user#targethost:/path
I haven't tested this, so I'm not sure exactly how piping find's output into --files-from=- will work. You'll undoubtedly need to experiment.
As far as I know, you cannot chown files to somebody else than you, if you are not root. So you would have to rsync using the www-data account, as all files will be created with the specified user as owner. So you need to chown the files afterwards.
The root users for the local system and the remote system are different.
What does this mean? The root user is uid 0. How are they different?
Any user with read permission to the directories you want to copy can determine what usernames own what files. Only root can change the ownership of files being written.
You're currently running the command on the source machine, which restricts your writes to the permissions associated with user# Instead, you can try to run the command as root on the target machine. Your read access on the source machine isn't an issue.
So on the target machine (, assuming the source is
# rsync -az user# /var/www/
Make sure your groups match on both machines.
Also, set up access to user# using a DSA or RSA key, so that you can avoid having passwords floating around. For example, as root on your target machine, run:
# ssh-keygen -d
Then take the contents of the file /root/.ssh/ and add it to ~user/.ssh/authorized_keys on the source machine. You can ssh user# as root from the target machine to see if it works. If you get a password prompt, check your error log to see why the key isn't working.
I had a similar problem and cheated the rsync command,
rsync -avz --delete root#x.x.x.x:/home//domains/site/public_html/ /home/domains2/public_html && chown -R wwwusr:wwwgrp /home/domains2/public_html/
the && runs the chown against the folder when the rsync completes successfully (1x '&' would run the chown regardless of the rsync completion status)
Well, you could skip the challenges of rsync altogether, and just do this through a tar tunnel.
sudo tar zcf - /path/to/files | \
ssh user#remotehost "cd /some/path; sudo tar zxf -"
You'll need to set up your SSH keys as Graham described.
Note that this handles full directory copies, not incremental updates like rsync.
The idea here is that:
you tar up your directory,
instead of creating a tar file, you send the tar output to stdout,
that stdout is piped through an SSH command to a receiving tar on the other host,
but that receiving tar is run by sudo, so it has privileged write access to set usernames.
rsync version 3.1.2
I mostly use windows in local, so this is the command line i use to sync files with the server (debian) :
user#user-PC /cygdrive/c/wamp64/www/projects
$ rsync -rptgoDvhP --chown=www-data:www-data --exclude=.env --exclude=vendor --exclude=node_modules --exclude=.git --exclude=tests --exclude=.phpintel --exclude=storage ./website/ username#hostname:/var/www/html/website
