Create Revit Sheets from Excel with multiple project parameters - excel

Hi I have a macro that creates multiple sheets and has Name, Number, Sheet Category. The last being my own project parameter.
I can successfully create the sheets with name and number but I am having difficulty adding the value from CSV file to the project parameter "SD_Sheet Category". Below are some code grabs to help explain.
Public Module mSheetCreator
Public Structure structSheet
Public sheetNum As String
Public sheetName As String
Public sortCategory As String
End Structure
Then I have a function that reads the CSV file and does the following:
currentRow = MyReader.ReadFields()
'create temp sheet
Dim curSheet As New structSheet
curSheet.sheetNum = currentRow(0)
cursheet.sheetName = currentRow(1)
curSheet.sortCategory = currentRow(4)
'add sheet to list
Then I have a transaction that does the following:
For Each curSheet As structSheet In sheetList
If sheetType = "Placeholder Sheet" Then
m_vs = ViewSheet.CreatePlaceholder(curDoc)
m_vs = ViewSheet.Create(curDoc, tblock.Id)
m_vs.Parameter("SD_Sheet Category").Set(CStr(curSheet.sortCategory))
End If
m_vs.Name = curSheet.sheetName
m_vs.SheetNumber = curSheet.sheetNum
The problem is this code:
m_vs.Parameter("SD_Sheet Category").Set(CStr(curSheet.sortCategory))
I am getting a warning that says it's an "implicit conversion from 'String' to 'Autodesk.Revit.DB.BuiltInParameter'"
once I build solution
When I run the code in Revit it produces an error saying
"Conversion from string 'SD_Sheet Category" to type 'Integer' is not valid"
It creates the sheets but disregards all the info in the CSV file. I know the rest of the code works as I have removed this particular line of code so I know it isn't the problem
Any suggestions??

I believe that as of a particular version of Revit API you cannot use .Parameter(“name”)
Because there might be two parameters with the same name.
So you need to do something more like
Dim cat as Parameter
Cat = m_vs.GetParameters(“sd_sheet category”).First()
Good luck!


Is there an equivalent to SCHEMA.INI for reading Excel Workbooks

I am currently working on a project that will import data from multiple different sources in a variety of formats and structures - e.g., CSV, fixed-length, other-delimited (tab, pipe, etc.) plain-text, and Excel worksheets/workbooks. For this, I'm attempting to build "generic" readers for these files which will throw the files' contents into a DataTable/DataSet I can use in other methods. The plain-text files are pretty simple as I've created a large SCHEMA.INI file which contains field definitions for each of the files the system will handle. That SCHEMA.INI resides in a "processing folder" where the files are temporarily stored until their data has been integrated with other systems. A defined text files' data can be easily extracted using this method:
Private Function TextFileToDataTable(ByVal TextFile As IO.FileInfo) As DataTable
Dim TextFileData As New DataTable("TextFileData")
Using TapeFileConnect As New OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OleDb.4.0;Data Source='" + TextFile.DirectoryName + "';Extended Properties='Text';")
Using TapeAdapter As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(String.Format("SELECT * FROM {0};", TextFile.Name), TapeFileConnect)
Catch ex As Exception
TextFileData = Nothing
End Try
End Using
End Using
Return TextFileData
End Function
This works well because a plain-text file isn't terribly complex in its data structure. A single file generally (at least for my requirements) contains, at most, one single table's worth of data - unless, of course, it's some sort of complex XML or JSON structure file, which can/should be handled completely differently anyway - so there's no need to go iterating through different elements beyond this.
NOTE: The code above is dependent on the SCHEMA.INI file being present in the same directory as the plain-text file being read and there being a section within that SCHEMA.INI defined with the same name as that plain-text file.
Excel workbooks, however, can be a bit trickier. Several of the workbooks I have to process contain multiple worksheets worth of data that I want to consolidate into a single DataSet with a DataTable for each worksheet. The basic functionality is, again, fairly straightforward and I've come up with the following method to read any and all sheets into a DataSet:
Private Function ExcelFileToDataSet(ByVal ExcelFile As IO.FileInfo, ByVal HasHeaderRow As Boolean) As DataSet
Dim ExcelFileData As New DataSet("ExcelFileData")
Dim ExcelConnectionString As String = String.Empty
Dim UseHeaders As String = "NO"
Select Case ExcelFile.Extension.ToUpper.Trim
Case ".XLS"
ExcelConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source={0};Extended Properties='Excel 8.0;HDR={1}'"
Case ".XLSX"
ExcelConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source={0};Extended Properties='Excel 8.0;HDR={1}'"
End Select
If HasHeaderRow Then
UseHeaders = "YES"
End If
ExcelConnectionString = String.Format(ExcelConnectionString, ExcelFile.FullName, UseHeaders)
Using ExcelConnection As New OleDb.OleDbConnection(ExcelConnectionString)
Dim ExcelSchema As New DataTable
ExcelSchema = ExcelConnection.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDb.OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables, Nothing)
For Each ExcelSheet As DataRow In ExcelSchema.Rows
Dim SheetTable As New DataTable
Using ExcelAdapter As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
Dim SheetName As String = ExcelSheet("TABLE_NAME").ToString
Dim ExcelCommand As New OleDb.OleDbCommand
SheetTable.TableName = SheetName.Substring(0, SheetName.Length - 1)
ExcelCommand.Connection = ExcelConnection
ExcelCommand.CommandText = String.Format("SELECT * FROM [{0}]", SheetName)
ExcelAdapter.SelectCommand = ExcelCommand
End Using
Next ExcelSheet
End Using
Catch ex As Exception
ExcelFileData = Nothing
End Try
Return ExcelFileData
End Function
The above code will work in a majority of the cases I deal with, but my "difficulty" is that there may be some worksheets that have header rows and some that don't within the same workbook. Also, for those worksheets that do not have a header row, I'd like to be able to define the field names and data types similar to how I can with the plain-text SCHEMA.INI. The only thing I have going for me in these cases is that the "client" provides me with a data map to help me identify what data elements are in each field.
What I'd like to know is if there is a way similar to the text file's SCHEMA.INI to define the structure of an Excel workbook and the worksheet(s) it contains - including column data types to avoid the OleDb driver from "misinterpreting" a column's data - ahead of time. I imagine this could be any sort of structured file such as INI, XML, or whatever, but it would need to be capable of identifying whether or not a particular sheet contains a header row or, in lieu of such a row, the (expected) column definitions. Does any such "standard definition" file exist for Excel workbooks?
One thing to note: As you may have noticed in the code for the ExcelFileToDataSet() method, I may be dealing with the older .XLS (97-03) format or the .XLSX (07+) format, so I can't necessarily rely on the workbook being Open XML compliant. I suppose I could try breaking the methods out to one for each extension, but I'd rather find something that I can use regardless of which file format the Excel file is using.

Unable to create simple VBA function in Excel Macro and call it

I'm trying to create a macro that can collect data from an excel spreadsheet in the local active workbook and then create header file which I would later incorporate into my project. But for the life of me I must be missing something so DUMB that I can't create a working function that returns a string (which would construct a C++ structure) to the calling function. I've simplified the example code to is absolute bare minimum to isolate the problem but I still cannot figure out what I'm doing wrong. I'm not an expert at VBA but I know how to create code and I can't narrow down what VBA is unhappy about. I keep getting "compile error, syntax error." Please copy the following code into your module and see if compiles properly for you. If you know where I went wrong please let me know. Much Appreciated!!!
Dim FS, TSsource
Set FS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim TSout
Set TSout = FS.Createtextfile("HeaderFile.h", True)
Dim fileHeading As String
fileHeading = "File Heading for Header file"
Dim fileBody As String
fileBody = "Some initial file body lines"
fileBody = fileBody & createStructBody
TSout.Write fileHeading & fileBody
End Sub
Public Function createStructBody() As String
Dim structBody As String
structBody = "Hey I'm a struct body, but I can't be returned for some reason"
Return structBody
End Function
Both VBA and VBScript use 'assignment to function' (instead of 'return' or 'result of last statement') to return results from functions. So
Public Function createStructBody() As String
createStructBody = "Hey I'm a string and can be returned."
End Function

Extracting the Company property from a Word document using Excel VBA

I'm using Excel 2010 and VBA to reorganize some Word documents on my C:\ drive and I want to pull the "Company" property of each document into a sheet containing a list of documents. The full file path of each document appears in row A (like so: "C:\folder\subfolder\file.doc"),and I would like to populate the corresponding "Company" property in row F.
I'm trying to write a macro for a custom Excel function DocCompany that will use a text string containing a local filepath to return the "Company" property of the document that the filepath identifies.
I've had better luck with the Last Modified and File Size properties, as both have dedicated VBA functions (FILEDATETIME and FILELEN, respectively). In each case, all I had to do was write a macro for a custom Excel function that returns the result of the VBA function for a file path string located in the sheet.
Given the following function, =GetFileDateTime(A1) will return the last save date for the document identified by the filepath string contained in A1.
Function GetFileDateTime(FileName As String) As Date
GetFileDateTime = FileDateTime(FileName)
End Function
Given the following function, =FileSize(A1) will return the file size in bytes of the document identified by the filepath string contained in A1.
Function FileSize(FileName As String)
FileSize = FileLen(FileName)
End Function
However, the Company property has no corresponding VBA function, so (as I said above), I want to write a macro defining a custom Excel function DocCompany that will accept a local filepath string as input and use it to output the Company property of the document.
This is what my macro looks like right now:
Function CompanyID(FileName As String) As String
CompanyID = Documents(FileName).Open
Documents(FileName).BuiltinDocumentProperties (wdPropertyCompany)
End Function
When I try to save it, Excel returns the error message "Compile error: Sub or Function not defined". Then it selects the reference to the "Documents" collection in the second row.
Why does Excel insist that I define "Documents" as a variable when every reference I can find confirms that it IS in fact an object or collection? What can I do to make this code work? Do I need to take a different approach?
Why does Excel insist that I define "Documents" as a variable when every reference I can find confirms that it IS in fact an object or collection?
Since Documents is not part of the Excel object model, it is being interpreted as a variable. You need to bind Word to the Excel instance, and reference that instance of the Word Application class.
Function CompanyID(FileName As String) As String
Dim wdApp as Object 'WOrd.Application
Dim doc as Object 'Word.Document
Const wdPropertyCompany as Long = 21 'Explicit reference for late-bound Word Application
Set wdApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Set doc = wdApp.Documents.Open(FileName)
CompanyID = doc.BuiltinDocumentProperties (wdPropertyCompany)
doc.Close False
End Function
Function F_snb(c00)
With GetObject(c00)
F_snb = .BuiltinDocumentProperties(21)
.Close 0
End With
End Function
in A2: G:\OF\example.docx
in D2: =F_snb(A2)

Opening excel file prompts a message box "content recovery of the workbook"

While I'm trying to open excel file a message box is prompting like "We found a problem with some content in file name. Do you want us to try to recover as much as we can? If you trust the source of this workbook, click Yes.". What actually done is i have a excel template designed and copying the file to another file and created temp file I'm inserting data to temp file using OPEN XML and data is getting from the database.
i have tried the solutions provided in the net but those fixes are not resolving my issue.My excel is 2010
Anyone solution provided is much appreciated.
I had this problem. It was caused by the way I was storing numbers and strings in cells.
Numbers can be stored simply using cell.CellValue = new CellValue("5"), but for non-numeric text, you need to insert the string in the SharedStringTable element and get the index of that string. Then change the data type of the cell to SharedString, and set the value of the cell to the index of the string in the SharedStringTable.
// Here is the text I want to add.
string text = "Non-numeric text.";
// Find the SharedStringTable element and append my text to it.
var sharedStringTable = document.WorkbookPart.GetPartsOfType<SharedStringTablePart>().First().SharedStringTable;
var item = sharedStringTable.AppendChild(new SharedStringItem(new Text(text)));
// Set the data type of the cell to SharedString.
cell.DataType = new EnumValue<CellValues>(CellValues.SharedString);
// Set the value of the cell to the index of the SharedStringItem.
cell.CellValue = new CellValue(item.ElementsBefore().Count().ToString());
This is explained in the documentation here:
Another few cases that can cause this type of error:
Your sheet name is longer than 31 characters
You have invalid characters in sheet name
You have cells with values longer than 32k
The issue is due to using
at the same time
when we call
it will do following operations
Hence, removing
will solve this problem "We found a problem with some content in file name. Do you want us to try to recover as much as we can? If you trust the source of this workbook, click Yes."
Another possible cause could be exceeded maximum number of cell styles.
You can define:
up to 4000 styles in a .xls workbook
up to 64000 styles in a .xlsx workbook
In this case you should re-use the same cell style for multiple cells, instead of creating a new cell style for every cell.
I added the right cellReference and fixed this issue for me:
for (int colInx = 0; colInx < reader.FieldCount; colInx++)
AppendTextCell(alpha[colInx] + "1", reader.GetName(colInx), headerRow);
private static void AppendTextCell(string cellReference, string cellStringValue, Row excelRow)
// Add a new Excel Cell to our Row
Cell cell = new Cell() { CellReference = cellReference, DataType = new EnumValue<CellValues>(CellValues.String) };
CellValue cellValue = new CellValue();
cellValue.Text = cellStringValue.ToString();
Same warning but the problem with me was that I was using a client input (name of wave) as sheet name for the file and when date was presented within the name, the character '/' used as date part separator was causing the issue.
I think Microsoft need to provide a better error log to save people time investigate such minor issues. Hope my answer will save someone else's time.
The issue was due to storing a string in the cell directly using cell.CellValue = new CellValue("Text"). It is possible to store numbers like this but not string. For string, define data type as string before assigning the text using Cell.DataType = CellValues.String;

Determining wrong input file using VBA & Excel

Any suggestions for determining if a user-selected Excel file is the incorrect one? I am having the user select the excel file to be parsed and I want to refuse processing it if appears to be an incorrect format.
If the file being parsed has headings, then check some of the text.
Sub ImportXYZ()
' ... Code to import
If ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1") <> "XYZ" Then
MsgBox CStr(ActiveWorkbook.Name) & vbCr & _
"The file you selected does not contain XYZ data!" & vbCr & "Please try again."
' ... Code to reset
Call ImportXYZ
End If
' ... Code to process import
End Sub
Put a hidden version field or other string in the excel file and break the execution if the string does not match. Assuming of course that you have control over the file or template, from which the file is created.
As an alternative to putting a marker that identifies the right type of file inside a worksheet, you can also use Workbook properties. Create a Custom property "MyExcelFilesClassification", and give the property a value like "MyTypeOfWorkbook". When your code opens the file, check that the Property has the right value, with something like:
Office.DocumentProperties customProperties = workbook.CustomDocumentProperties as Office.DocumentProperties;
foreach (Office.DocumentProperty property in customProperties)
if (property.Name == "MyExcelFilesClassification")
string modelType = property.Value as string;
if (modelType == "MyTypeOfWorkbook")
// do something
This is C# code, but the VBA or VB syntax shouldn't be very different.
