Bar format (kind) is not displaying the right plot (matplotlib) - python-3.x

I need to do a plot using three variables. One of them should be on the secondary Y axis in bar format (kind), the remaining variables (two) should be on the left axis using a simple line. However, I got the following chart:
When I use the three variables in line format I get the right plot (which is not very useful for a visual analysis):
I did a quick test using a small sample from my data (code below). I get the right pic when I use bar format for the third one.
I wonder, what is going on? Is there a problem with the data size (which I dont think so bcs I get less than 100 rows)?
df2 = pd.DataFrame({'ind':[120.29, 125.45, 127.37, 130.39, 128.30],
'var1':[129.907990, 129.571185, 129.234380, 128.897574, 128.560769],
'var2':[-0.074037, -0.031806, -0.014426, 0.011578, -0.002028]})
fig, ax1 = plt.subplots()
ax2 = ax1.twinx()
df2['var2'].plot(kind='bar', ax=ax2, color='r')
PD: In addition, I noted that in the third pic the line is behind the bar. How can I change that?

I found the solution for this (this link helped me a lot ). Basically, it is based on the index you set up previously.
This is the new code:
fig, ax1 = plt.subplots()
ax2 = ax1.twinx()
ax1.plot(df2.index, df2['ind'])
ax1.plot(df2.index, df2['var1']), df2['var2'], color='r')
Hope this helps.


Visualise different areas on the axes in a matplotlib python plot

I would like to generate a plot like this in Python:
I am primarily interested in the possibility of inserting the pink and green areas into the plot in order to highlight different ranges. Area1-3 should get different colours and names later.
Thanks a lot!
PS: my Phython code atm is:
fig3, ax3 = plt.subplots()
plot3 = ax3.scatter(nocore[0,:],nocore[1,:],c=nocore[2,:], s=3, cmap='seismic', label='Group X')
ax3.legend(loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.15))
plt.ylim(ymin=45, ymax=362)
plt.ylim(ymin=0, ymax=320)
fig3.colorbar(plot3, ax=ax3, label ='Colorrange')
plt.savefig('nocore.png', dpi=300)
Not sure what to do or what is the best way of doing it.

How to plot hyperparameter tuning results?

I have the result of a grid search as follows.
I want to create a plot more or less similar to this using matplotlib. I know this is plotted using weights and biases but I cannot use that.
Though I don't care for the inference part. I just want the plot. I've been trying to do this using twinx but have not been successful. This is what I have so far.
from csv import DictReader
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
trials = list(DictReader(open("hparams_trials.csv")))
trials = {f"trial_{trial['trial']}": [int(trial["batch_size"]),
float(trial["learning_rate"])] for trial in trials}
items = ["batch_size", "f1", "loss", "accuracy", "learning_rate"]
host_y_values_index = 0
parts_y_values_indexes = [1, 2, 3, 4]
fig, host = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 5)) # (width, height) in inches
fig.dpi = 300. # Figure resolution
# Removing extra spines
# Creating subplots which share the same x axis.
parts = {index: host.twinx() for index in parts_y_values_indexes}
# Setting the limits of the host plot
host.set_xlim(0, len(trials["trial_1"]))
host.set_ylim(min([i[host_y_values_index] for i in trials.values()]),
max([i[host_y_values_index] for i in trials.values()]))
# Removing the extra spines from the other plots and setting y limits
for part in parts_y_values_indexes:
parts[part].set_ylim(min([trial[part] for trial in trials.values()]),
max([trial[part] for trial in trials.values()]))
# Colors of the trials
colors = ["gold", "lightcoral", "maroon", "springgreen", "cyan", "steelblue", "darkmagenta", "fuchsia", "crimson",
"lime", "mediumblue", "cadetblue", "dodgerblue", "olivedrab", "sandybrown", "bisque", "orangered", "black",
"rosybrown", "chocolate"]
# The plots
plots = []
# Plotting the trials. This is where I'm having problems with.
for index, trial in enumerate(trials):
plots.append(host.plot(items, trials[trial], color=colors[index], label=trial)[0])
# Creating the legend
host.legend(handles=plots, fancybox=True, loc='right', facecolor="snow", bbox_to_anchor=(1.02, 0.495), framealpha=1)
# Defining the positions of the spines.
spines_positions = [-104.85 * i for i in parts_y_values_indexes]
# Repositioning the spines
for part in parts_y_values_indexes:
parts[part].spines['right'].set_position(('outward', spines_positions[-part]))
# Adjust spacings around fig
# This is better than the one above but it appears on top of the legend.
# plt.grid(True)
I'm having several problems with that code. First, I cannot place each value of a single trial based on a different spine and then connect them to one another. What I mean is that each trial has a batch size, an f1, a loss, accuracy and a learning rate. Each of those need to be plotted based on their own spine while connected to each other in that order. However, I cannot plot them based their dedicated spines and then connect them to one another to have a line plot per trial. Accordingly, for now I have placed everything in the host plot but I know that is wrong and have no idea what the correct approach is. Second problem, the ticks of the learning rate change. It gets shown as a range of 2 to 9 and then a 1e-6 appears at the top. I want to keep the original value. Third problem is probably part of the second one. The 1e-6 appears at the top right above the legend rather than above the spine for some reason. I'm struggling with resolving all three of these problems and would appreciate any help anyone can provide. If what I am doing is totally wrong, please help me in finding the correct solution. I'm somewhat going in circles here and haven't been able to find any working solutions so far.

Is it possible to extract the default tick locations from the primary axis and pass it to a secondary access with matplotlib?

When making a plot with with
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
matplotlib will determine the tick spacing/location and value of the tick. Is there are way to extract this automatic spacing/location AND the value? I want to do this so i can pass it to
for my secondary axis (using twiny()) then use set_ticklabels() with a custom label. I realise I could use secondary axes giving both a forward and inverse function however providing an inverse function is not feasible for the goal of my code.
So in the image below, the ticks are only showing at 2,4,6,8,10 rather than all the values of x and I want to somehow extract these values and position so I can pass to set_xticks() and then change the tick labels (on a second x axis created with twiny).
When using the fix suggested it works well for the x axis. However, it does not work well for the y-axis. For the y-axis it seems to take the dataset values for the y ticks only. My code is:
ax4 = ax.twinx()
ax4.spines["left"].set_position(("axes", -0.10))
ax4.set_ylabel(self.y_2ndary_label, fontweight = 'bold')
Y = ax.get_yticks()
ax4.yaxis.set_ticklabels( Y*Y )
fig.set_size_inches(8, 8)
but this gives me the following plot. The plot after is the original Y axis. This is not the case when I do this on the x-axis. Any ideas?
# From "get_xticks" Doc: The locations are not clipped to the current axis limits
# and hence may contain locations that are not visible in the output.
current_x_ticks = ax.get_xticks()
current_x_limits = ax.get_xlim()
ax.set_yticks(current_x_ticks) # Use this before "set_ylim"

Spacing out dates on the X-Axis in Matplotlib

I'm analyzing coronavirus data in my country and I want to plot the data on new deaths, and total deaths in one plot. Initially I plotted it using the inbuilt plot function on the dataframe.
reports.plot(x='date', y='new_deaths')
reports.plot(x='date', y='total_deaths')
Which yielded these images.
However, I wanted to change the legends, and have them to be in one plot instead so I went ahead and used plt.subplot(111).
fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.subplot(111)
ax.plot(, ph_reports_april.new_deaths, label='New Deaths')
ax.plot(, ph_reports_april.total_deaths, label='Total Deaths')
It got the job done except for one little problem.
The dates are congested. Is there a way to have the date similar to how the dataframe.plot() function works? I've browse through this site and haven't found anything of value regarding on spacing out the values of date in the x-axis.

Why does x = df.index is different than x=ax.get-xticks() for twin-x plot in seaborn?

I am trying to do a plot sharing the X axis, representing time (YYYYMM) and 2 y-axis one representing a count (for bars) and the other representing the evolution of a percentage.
Desired outcome:
So I did manage to do the plot I wanted, but I am not really understanding WHY.
The following code is the one that generated the plot above
ax2 = ax.twinx()
sns.lineplot(data=df, x= ax.get_xticks(), y='pctMalos',ax=ax2,color='red',lw=3,label='pct')
On the other hand, this code
ax2 = ax.twinx()
sns.lineplot(data=df, x= df.index, y='pct',ax=ax2,color='red',lw=3,label='pct')
Generates this other image
As long as I can see the only difference is that in one I "get the x axis" and in the second one I use the same x (i.e. calling df.index, which works fine for only 1 plot)
Yet, the second one breaks.
I am also having trouble with x-ticks-labels, but I believe there is something quite basic about Seaborn that I am missing.. do you know what it is?
Thank you very much in advance to anyone who could help me!
