I need a exe file that locks a sertan file until they log in to their account - exe

so. i need a exe file to let peaple log in to thier account .But i somehow need to get their log in from a site into the exe and have it check it than redirect them to the files where they paid for than i want the peaple NOT to get it on other pc's to so i have to link the hardware id to the account and let it check that to when logging in. i tried multiple times making hardware id detections and trying to save them to a account and then have them log in and redirect to a folder of files that is locked until you log in but never worked your help is welcome


Automatic response when file is added to folder (Dropbox API)

So once the User has been authenticated and given an access token,
I want the user to be able to externally add a file into a Dropbox folder for example:
the user goes to dropbox.com, logs in and adds a new file called Dogs.png to a folder called Dogs
Then I want use the Dropbox API to somehow tell by backend that a file has been added to the folder Dogs, and then send some information about that file (e.g. filename) to the client.
This is a very conceptual post i'm quite new to these technologies, what's the best way to handle this problem, or am I thinking about it the right way?
If you want your app's server to be notified of changes in the accounts of users who have connected to your app, you should use the Dropbox webhooks feature. The documentation there covers how to register a URI for your server where Dropbox will send notifications for changes.
Note that those webhook notifications only tell when something has changed for a particular user, but not what has changed. To find out what changed, you can then call the Dropbox API, e.g., the /2/files/list_folder[/continue] endpoints.

Download links from email

I am trying to download pdf available in email as hyperlinks. The reason I need this is that I get emails with several such links that needs to be downloaded and saved on a location.
Is there a way this could be automated. Tried checking out ways to do it using python or VBA but no viable solutions so far. This is O365 that I need help on and the hyperlink is embedded in the text highlighted in blue..
You should check the smtp,smtpd modules for a direct interaction with the server.
In the smtp server module you could download the mail locally and extract the info directly and locally, it's useful if you want to keep a backup of your mail, and keep clean your inbox.
In the smtp client module, you could read the email, save it as a object and extract the elements with the mime module, the extract (file) should be translated to a file object and/or saved in de pc as a file with it's extension.
Note: you should look in the internet for the configuration of your mail service to connect in the correct way and the correct sequence of steps, because some servers need a validation of the connection before login and others after the login.

Intuitive Website owner verification

Hello I'm developing a web app where the user needs to verify that they are the "Owner" of the website. I know there is code verification but how would I check if that verification is on their site without over complicating the verification method?
Also, I'm thinking about giving the site owner an hour to verify, how would I automatically detect if the hour is over and be able to delete them from the database?
The way Google or Yahoo do this is to require the webmaster to create a file with a special cryptic name (the file length can be 0), which is generated by Google/Yahoo. Could be something like "dsaa6fd4sgfdsf324gd.html". So you generate such a unique (name) string for each websit eto be verified, store it in the DB, and then you go and try to GET it from that site. If the GET succeeds you can set "verified=true" in the DB for that site and file name.
To answer the 1hr question we'd have to know what technology you are using. There are many options to run timed background jobs from a web application. Usually you write the job details into the database, and have a background daemon check the DB periodically and execute any pending jobs. You could tell it (that daemon) to execute a job one hour later to see if the file (see above) exists. Well, you have to do it that way in any case, it's no use simultaneously telling the webmaster to create that file and check for it right away :)

Access/rights to Infragistics images and javascript in Sharepoint for a page in _layouts

The Infragistics images and javascript files are located on the server in: "\nasmoss\c$\Inetpub\wwwroot\aspnet_client\Infragistics".
I created a page and put it in the _layouts folder in Sharepoint. It is just a hierarchical grid. It has the + to expand the group.
For certian users, it displays a red X showing the images are not available. I also get javascript errors since it can't get access to the javascript include files from Infragistics.
If I login with a network admin login, it works. If I login with my normal user account it works sometimes. The fix is to login with my admin account and then login with my noraml account.
This also affects other normal users. If they get the red X I just login with my admin account. It then works for them for a while.
It appears it is some rights issue with Sharepoint. But it is very intermittent. I can't reproduce it. It normally stops working in a day sometimes hours. We don't use that page very often (twice a week).
If I right click and get the full path to the image it is to WebResource.axd.
If I have a user put that into their browser, they get an "access denied" error when it is not working. Otherwise they get the + image.
Perhaps it is a caching issue?
Gary Milke
If it's a WebResource.axd it usually means the image is an assembly resource. If the axd somehow gets the images from the filesystem, it might be so that the perrmissions on the folder you mentioned are incorrect. the AD groups WPG_... (i.e. all groups that have capital WPG in their name) and IIS_IUSRS should have read permissions on any file that needs to be accessible in your site.
Especially for files copied directly into the 12 hive this might not be the case.

links to log files directly?

I am using Cruise control.NET and I just want to know if we can specify a
link which directly leads us to the log files in the webdash- baord
instead of the user clicking and navigating a long way in order to see
the log files.
So if anyone can share any idea where just a click on the link
specified in the mail could lead the user to check the log files
Please get back to me if the doubt mentioned is unclear.
Thanks and regards
I see what you're saying about the link. Have you thought about just emailing the log files to them?
In your email publisher you can add log files and attachments to the email sent out. You could attach the proper log file and save them the navigation if they need to look at it.
Also, another solution would be to try sending the full report. This defaults to false in the email publisher. This might possibly send the exact information you were trying to see by looking at the log files.
For more information on the Email Publisher, go here
