Node Output from mongo db as a list of objects - node.js

"dependencies" : [
"name" : "async",
"version" : "2.6.1"
"name" : "body-parser#1.18.3",
"version" : "1.18.3"
"name" : "cookie-parser#~1.4.3",
"version" : "1.4.3"
"name" : "debug#~2.6.9",
"version" : "2.6.9"
"name" : "express#~4.16.0",
"version" : "4.16.4"
"name" : "http-errors#~1.6.2",
"version" : "1.6.3"
"name" : "mongoose",
"version" : "5.3.13"
"name" : "morgan#~1.9.0",
"version" : "1.9.1"
"name" : "pug#2.0.0-beta11",
"version" : "2.0.0-beta11"
MongoDB Connected
[ { dependencies:
[ [Object],
[Object] ] } ]
exports.repo_search = function(req, res, next) {
Repo.findById('repo').exec(function(err, repo) {
if (err) {
return next(err);
if (repo == null) {
// No results.
var err = new Error('Repo copy not found');
err.status = 404;
return next(err);
Dependencies.find({ Repo_id: '2' }, { dependencies: 1, _id: 0 }).exec(function(err, list_dependencies) {
if (err) {
return next(err);
// Successful, so render.
//res.render('dependencies_list', { title: 'Dependencies List', list_dependencies: list_dependencies });
// Successful, so render.
res.render('repo_info_detail', {
title : 'Repo Detail',
repo : repo,
list_dependencies : list_dependencies
// repo_dependencies: results.repo_search
// console.log(Repo._id);
Hi, I am using Node and Mongodb with mongoose. I am trying to output a list of dependencies. When i do a console log i get a dependencies list of objects that are called object. The command i am using outputs on the mongo cmd line but when i try to query it in node , and put a console log in my controller i get this. Anybody Know how to fix it ? Thanks in advance.

that's not contain problems with your code.
Try with
If not work, just change from string to object like this
const result = JSON.parse(list_dependencies);

MongoDB "find" query returns an array(list) of results.(you see a list of objects)
If you are are expecting only one result better use "findOne" query.


Unable to update mongodb document with nested object property from node api

I have the following mongodb document:
"_id" : ObjectId("5ee95b41ca023a3deb252ef2"),
"uid" : "jdoe",
"name" : "John Doe",
"employee_hire_date" : "2012-06-20",
"three_month_review_target" : "2012-09-20",
"six_month_review_target" : "2012-12-20",
"three_month_review_status" : {
"is_scheduled" : null,
"is_team_member_emailed" : null,
"is_review_executed" : null,
"six_month_review_status" : {
"is_scheduled" : null,
"is_team_member_emailed" : null,
"is_review_executed" : null,
I would like to update the three_month_review_status.is_scheduled nested property to true. I am using a put request to accomplish this:
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const Reviews = require('../modules/reviews/models/reviews');
module.exports = (app) => {
app.put('/api/reviews/isScheduled', async (req, res) => {
console.log('body', req.body)
console.log('uid', req.body.uid)
console.log('is_scheduled', req.body.three_month_review_status.is_scheduled)
Reviews.findOneAndUpdate( { 'uid': req.body.uid }, { $set: { 'three_month_review_status.is_scheduled': req.body.is_scheduled }}, (err, result) => {
if (err) {
console.log('error', err)
else {
console.log('updated', result);
} )
To test this, I execute this PUT request through Postman with the following request body:
"uid": "jdoe",
"three_month_review_status": {
"is_scheduled": "true"
However, when the request gets executed, the other two nested objects are removed and is_scheduled remains null. This is the document after the request is executed:
"_id" : ObjectId("5ee95b41ca023a3deb252ef2"),
"uid" : "jdoe",
"name" : "John Doe",
"employee_hire_date" : "2012-06-20",
"three_month_review_target" : "2012-09-20",
"six_month_review_target" : "2012-12-20",
"three_month_review_status" : {
"is_scheduled" : null
"six_month_review_status" : {
"is_scheduled" : null,
"is_team_member_emailed" : null,
"is_review_executed" : null,
What am I doing wrong? Here is my reviewsSchema for more context:
const { Schema, model } = require('mongoose');
const reviewsSchema = new Schema({
uid: String,
name: String,
employee_hire_date: String,
three_month_review_target: String,
six_month_review_target: String,
three_month_review_status: {
is_scheduled: Boolean,
is_team_member_emailed: Boolean,
is_review_executed: Boolean,
six_month_review_status: {
is_scheduled: Boolean,
is_team_member_emailed: Boolean,
is_review_executed: Boolean,
const Reviews = model('review', reviewsSchema);
module.exports = Reviews;
In Mongoose you don't need to specify the $set. Also based on the sample JSON that you send from the postman instead of req.body.is_scheduled you need to provide req.body.three_month_review_status.is_scheduled in the query. Also, need to add {new: true} if you want the findOneAndUpdate to return the updated document
So you can update the query like
{ uid: req.body.uid },
{ new: true },
(err, result) => {
if (err) {
console.log("error", err);
} else {
console.log("updated", result);

Finding max field value in mongodb using node

I am new in mongodb and node. I am trying to find the max value for a field (userId). But it returns nothing.
My code is
var That = this;
var max_usr_Id = '';
function(callback) {
That.find({"userId" : {"$ne" : ""}, "$and" : [{"userId" : {"$exists" : 1}}]}).sort({"_id" : -1}).limit(1).select("userId").exec(function(err, doc)
console.log('User ID ERROR-');
callback({error:err,message:"Error getting max User ID"});
}else {
console.log('User ID-');
max_usr_Id = doc.userId;
For some reason the control doesn't go inside the find function. When I try the following query in mongodb shell it works.
"userId" : {
"$ne" : ""
"$and" : [
"userId" : {
"$exists" : true
"_id" : -1.0
Any help is highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
The $and is not used in the proper way, try with:
That.find({ $and: [
{ "userId": { $ne: "" } },
{ "userId": { $exists: true } }
] }).sort( ...
Take a look at the $and documentation.
After seen the comments, the problem must be in the way the logging is made. You need to call toArray to get a collection, and then iterate over it (with forEach for instance):
...find( ... ).toArray(function(err, docs) {
// Print each document returned
docs.forEach(function(doc) {

MongoDB $orderby not working with monk

After following the documentation to the letter, I can not get $orderby to work in NodeJS.
Here is my route in NodeJS:
// gets all the reviews about an instructor
app.get('/findInstructorReviews/:instructorID', function(req, res) {
var commentCollection = req.db.get('comments');
{ _id: ObjectID(req.params.instructorID) },
$orderby: { 'comments.startDateTime' : -1 }
function(err, instructorReviews){debug(err);
if(err) return res.send({ status: 500, data: 'There was an error retreiving the instructor\'s reviews. Please try again later.' });
if(!instructorReviews) return res.send({ status: 404, data: 'This instructor does not have any review yet.' });
return res.send({ status: 200, data: instructorReviews.comments });
Here is the comments collection in my DB:
> db.comments.find().pretty()
"_id" : ObjectId("58d027f003232ca34e43d734"),
"comments" : [
"eventID" : ObjectId("58d2cd4e2f77b34b73dd8a04"),
"eventName" : "Yoga in the Park",
"startDateTime" : ISODate("2017-03-22T19:20:00Z"),
"comments" : [
"I really enjoyed his Yoga class.",
"He really helped me stretch out!",
"He taught me doggy style ;)"
"eventID" : ObjectId("58d2cd752f77b34b73dd8a05"),
"eventName" : "Spanish Lessons",
"startDateTime" : ISODate("2017-03-22T19:20:00Z"),
"comments" : [
"Learned a lot!",
"La biblioteca es manana!"
"eventID" : ObjectId("58d4130d5e18cdc928d0b82a"),
"eventName" : "Basketball Practice",
"startDateTime" : ISODate("2017-03-23T18:30:00Z"),
"comments" : [
"great guy! helped me improve my shooting game!",
"really knowledgeable about basketball!",
"excellent coach"
The one document in the comments collection is being returned to NodeJS, but not sorted by startDateTime like I want it to. It is being returned in the order it's already in - which would be Yoga, Spanish, Basketball. I've also tried sorting by 1 instead of -1, but that did not change the results.
Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?
Edit: I am using monk v1.0.1

mongodb deep update - mongoose .id() causing performance issue

mongoose level collection schema
sublevel: [{
"deeplevel": [{
"deeplevel2": [{
dlDoc = { "dl1": "dl1" };
db.levels.update({ _id: ObjectId(levelId), "sublevel._id": ObjectId(sublevelId) }, { $push: { "sublevel.$.deeplevel1": dlDoc } }, function (err, updatedDoc) {
if (updatedDoc) {
res.json({ "status": 1 });
//calling external apis to update more
result = externalApiResult();
db.levels.findById(level._id, 'sublevel._id sublevel.deeplevel1', function (err, levelFound) {['result'] = result; (err, savedDoc) {
I need to create and update the level collection's deeplevel1. in my case, the deeplevel1 will be inserted more than 2000 sub docs per day. when i want to update using mongoose .id(deepLevelId) function it is causing me performance issues in the server. is there any way to find the position of deeplevel document inserted once i update the level collection?. so that i can use the position in the update query. And please tell me a best way to update my deeplevel subdocuments without causing performance issues and works fast. thanks in advance.
db.collection.findOne() will be like this.
"_id" : ObjectId("563b35d1f07cc9d80a26436b"),
"_id" : ObjectId("569bede3c717b670097519c7"),
"name" : "name",
"deeplevel2" : [{
"_id" : ObjectId("569c559329cc880c18989349"),
"logTime" : new Date("1/18/2016 03:30:48"),
"areaId" : ObjectId("568a6129de552e7dba98d547"),
}, {
"_id" : ObjectId("569c561929cc880c18989354"),
"logTime" : new Date("1/18/2016 03:30:48"),
"areaId" : ObjectId("568a6129de552e7dba98d547"),
}, {
"_id" : ObjectId("569c5945626ffb680e4512e9"),
"logTime" : new Date("1/18/2016 03:30:48"),
"areaId" : ObjectId("568a6129de552e7dba98d547"),
}, {
"_id" : ObjectId("569c594d626ffb680e4512eb"),
"logTime" : new Date("1/18/2016 03:30:48"),
"areaId" : ObjectId("568a6129de552e7dba98d547"),

Unable to use result of aggregation with pipeline

I am using aggregation for get the data I need.'/test3', function(request,response){
var pipeline = [{$unwind:"$inventar"}
,{$project : { "inventar" : 1}}
,{$group : {_id : null, Inventar : { $push:"$inventar"}}}]
Move.aggregate(pipeline, function(err, res) {
//var InvObj = res2.toObject();
I don't understand the result of the aggregation:
The console.log(res) gives
[ { _id: null, Inventar: [ [Object], [Object] ] } ]
and response.json(res) gives
0: {
_id: null
Inventar: [2]
0: {
accepted: "1"
ean: "802.6784.232"
isstammkost: true
stammkost: "IWXI"
1: {
accepted: "1"
ean: "802.2000.100"
isstammkost: true
stammkost: "IWXI"
Why I can't make a JavascriptObject with var Obj = res.toObject();?
I get undefined if I try it.
I need to acces the array "Inventar" in the object.
