Errors in Deliver and Broadcast Service - hyperledger-fabric

I have created successfully a multi-org, multi-vm native (without docker) setup.
1VM = Peer1Org1
2VM = Peer1Org2
3VM = OrdererOrdererOrg
I successfully create, join the channel and install, instantiate, invoke and query an example chaincode, from both vms and all results are the same, query and invoke works fine. However, in orderer logs an error about deliver and broadcast appears.
2019-02-21 17:52:00.022 UTC [common/deliver] Handle -> WARN 01a Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled
desc = context canceled
2019-02-21 18:21:17.899 UTC [orderer/common/broadcast] Handle -> WARN 01c Error reading from rpc error: code =
Canceled desc = context canceled.
What are these errors? And why am I getting an error even the deliver and broadcast services are seem to work (because I get the correct results)?
Peers logs have no errors. I made the certificates using Fabric CA but without TLS.


Getting error Failed pulling the last config block: retry attempts exhausted channel on raft orderer

I am trying to implement the Raft orderer to my HLF network which is implement on aws EKS cluster(Kubernetes). I have create the 3 orderer in Raft orderer and 2 orgs which have 2 peer each which is running fine however when I trying to create the channel its give error from orderer side. as " [orderer.common.cluster.puller] func1 -> WARN 15fce Received error of type 'failed to create new connection: connection error: desc = "transport: error while dialing: dial tcp: lookup on no such host"' from { " and " [orderer.consensus.etcdraft] confirmSuspicion -> ERRO 225cb Failed pulling the last config block: retry attempts exhausted channel=testchainid node=3"
I am confused how to solve it as all file and other stuff in right folder. Please see the attached screenshot of error
Please let me know what I am doing wrong also if need more information let me know.
Thanks in Advance

Error in Channel Creation in Hyperledger Fabric using Node.js

I am looking to setup a simple Hyperledger Fabric network without using docker and trying to create channel by following this tutorial using Node.js.
Steps i performed:
Setup crypto-config.yaml and generated crypto-material (crypto-config)
Setup fabric-ca-server-config.yaml by updating keyfile & certfile. started CA server
Setup configtx.yaml by defining one orderer and one organization. Created genesis block and configuration transaction
Now by when i run above tutorial node.js code, i get error on order terminal & as response of node.js call:
2019-01-09 16:16:54.619 IST [msp] DeserializeIdentity -> INFO 007
Obtaining identity
2019-01-09 16:16:54.619 IST [orderer/common/broadcast] Handle -> WARN 008 [channel: firstchannel]
Rejecting broadcast of config message from because of
error: Failed to reach implicit threshold of 1 sub-policies, required
1 remaining: permission denied
I tried many changes and still getting same error. Same error also appear while creating channel through terminal using ./peer channel create -o localhost:7050 -c firstchannel -f ./channel.tx
Here is my channel.tx converted in JSON.
How this can be resolved?
I got it worked!
Actually in orderer.yaml, i set LOG to DEBUG and now i can see the problem in channel creation well descriptive.
There were multiple things which i needed to improve but main thing was that in orderer.yaml, GenesisMethod was set to file, so it was creating system channel and was looking the signature of the OrdererMSP admin. Changing GenesisMethod to provisional got channel creation worked.

hyperledger fabric error: Canceled desc = context canceled

i have ubuntu 16 and hyperledger fabric 1.4.
I am have problems with the order when starting a command on the peer.
Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
Also, have problems with the order when run chaincode through my app.
Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
Error sending to rpc error: code = Internal desc = transport: transport: the stream is done or WriteHeader was already called
link to logs

Using a hyper ledger network without tls causing timeout when invoking a chaincode

I am getting the below error when I invoke my smart contract
Error: Error endorsing invoke: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Error
executing chaincode: Failed to execute transaction (Timeout expired while
executing transaction) - <nil>
I am able to query the chaincode and this chaincode has worked on networks with TLS but now without it Im getting the error.
We removed TLS as we were having troubles with grpc connections when making calls from the node SDK. So possibly we could hit two birds with one stone.
How to deal with this error above?
And how to deal with TLS in the node app when making GRPC calls.

Error reading from stream

JIRA issue:
I'm trying to set up a network of four organisations, each with one peer (set as admin), and an orderer with kafka ordering service along with a client, which makes 7 VMs.
Setting up the cryptographic material, starting every channel (two of them), joining them with the appropriate peers and installing/instantiating chaincode happens with no trouble.
When trying to invoke chaincode, the chaincode can be successfully invoked (status:200) however the results do not seem to be recorded on the ledger. When running chaincode which returns the value for a/multiple key(s), the resulting payload is simply null. This seems to be due to a fault in the ordering service: I get keeping the error message "Error reading from stream: rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled".
Here are logs for the orderer and endorsing peers of the transaction (which returns status:200)
Peer1 (initiating transaction):
Peer2 (has the chaincode installed):
Peer3 (on channel but does not have that chaincode installed):
What could be causing the "Error reading from stream" message which seems to be the only error happening? I'm tried playing around with peer and orderer configurations but to no avail. Searching for this error also returns issues in channel creation, or joining channels, which I assume has gone fine since I can invoke chaincode on the channels with my peers.
The txid in the logs is 61f54319421bae9c47fab505e502b932ff6c6b58d7d3795afe1400466e663a5d.
