How to use multiple threads to execute the same code and speed up it? - python-3.x

I'm facing some performance issues to execute a fuzzy match based on Leveinshtein distance algorithm.
I'm comparing two lists, a small one with 1k lines and a second one with 10k lines.
I have splitted the bigger list in 10 files of 1000 lines to check speed performance, but I checked that Python is using only 1 thread.
I have googled for many articles and people says how to execute TWO different functions in paralel.
I would like to know how to execute the SAME code in multiple threads.
For example: it's taking 1 second to compare 1 word in a 1000 lines. I would like to split this time in 4 threads.
Is it possible?
Sorry for the long text and thanks a lot for your help!

Running the same code in two or more threads won't assist performance. You could potentially split up the task so each handles 250, then have each thread handle 1 of those tasks. Then compare the results at the end.


adding elements to a query using multithreading

Consider you are running simulations and each simulation writes results to a output.txt file. I want to run thousands of simulations using multithreading, while doing that even though if i use locking, unlocking, i was still having errors when multiple threads access to the file at the same time.
To solve this, I am going to add result texts to a query that stores them. That is, each thread will add result to this query instead of writing it to the output.txt file. And in the end, i'll take stored texts from query and write to output.txt
My question here is: whenever multiple threads are adding such items to a query, do you think an error might happen in the end, like, missing simulation ? I've come up to this question because whenever you increase single value by multithreads, that value will not be incremented as much as you want if you don't be careful. (i.e, in a multithreaded for loop, add +1 to previously declared int a for 1000 times; then in the end, a will not be 1000 (ofc this can be prevented by other things))

Two threads accessing the same file in scala

I have a shell script that copies files into a location and another one that picks these up for further processing. I want to use multithreading to pick up files parallelly in Scala using a threadpool.
However, if there are two threads and two files, both of them are picking up the same file. I have tried the program a lot of times, and it always ends up like this. I need the threads to pick up different files in parallel.
Can someone help me out? What approaches can I use? If you could point me in the right direction that would be enough.
I think you can use a parallel sequence to do the processing in parallel.
You don't have to handle this logic yourself. for ex. the code could be like this:
newFiles:Seq[String] = listCurrentFilesNames()
newFiles.par.foreach { fileName =>
This code will be executed in parallel. and you could set the number of threads to a specific number as mentioned here:
You can also try using actors - for eg- for your reference -

Can Shake track number of threads used by build commands which are themselves parallel?

Shake builds things in parallel when possible, but what happens if an individual build step is itself parallelizable? For example I'm running BLAST commands. Each command compares two species' genomes. Several comparisons could be run in parallel, but there's also a flag to split a comparison into N chunks and run those in parallel. Do I need to pick one way of splitting the jobs up and stick with it, or can I tell Shake "Use N threads overall, and by the way each of these specific tasks takes up N threads on its own"?
(This comes up when comparing many small bacterial genomes and a few bigger eukaryotic ones)
EDIT: the question can be simplified to "how to tell how many Shake threads are currently running/queued from within Shake?"
No, but there is a ticket to add it:

TensorFlow: More than one thread in shuffle_batch for single sample files

I'm trying to understand the significance of using num_threads>1 in tf.train.shuffle_batch connected to tf.WholeFileReader reading image files (each file contains a single data sample). Will setting num_threads>1 make any difference in such case compared to num_threads=1? What is the mechanics of the file and batch queues in such case?
A short answer: probably it will make the execution faster. Here is some authoritative explanation from the guide:
single reader via the tf.train.shuffle_batch with num_threads bigger
than 1. This will make it read from a single file at the same time
(but faster than with 1 thread), instead of N files at once. This can
be important:
If you have more reading threads than input files, to avoid the risk
that you will have two threads reading the same example from the same
file near each other.
Or if reading N files in parallel causes too
many disk seeks. How many threads do you need?
tf.train.shuffle_batch* functions add a summary to the graph that
indicates how full the example queue is. If you have enough reading
threads, that summary will stay above zero.

How can I accomplish parallel processing in R?

If I have two datasets (having equal number of rows and columns) and I wish to run a piece of code that I have made, then there are two options obviously, either to go with sequential execution or parallel programming.
Now, the algorithm (code) that I have made is a big one and consists of multiple for loops. I wish to ask, is there any way to directly use it on both of them or will I have to transform the code in some way? A heads up would be great.
To answer your question: you do not have to transform the code to run it on two datasets in parallel, it should work fine like it is.
The need for parallel processing usually arises in two ways (for most users, I would imagine):
You have code you can run sequentially, but you would like to do it in parallel.
You have a function that is taking very long to execute on a large dataset, and you would like to run it in parallel to speed it up.
For the first case, you do not have to do anything, you can just execute it in parallel using one of the libraries designed for it, or just run two instances of R on the same computer and run the same code but with different datasets in each of them.
It doesn't matter how many for loops you have in there and you don't even need to have the same number of rows in columns in the datasets.
If it runs fine sequentially, it means there will be no dependence between the parallel chains and thus no problem.
Since your question falls in the first case, you can run it in parallel.
If you have the second case, you can sometimes turn it into the first case by splitting your dataset into pieces (where you can run each of the pieces sequentially) and then you run it in parallel. This is easier said than done, and won't always be possible. It is also why not all functions just have a option: it is not always obvious how you should split the data, nor is it always possible.
So you have already done most of the work by writing the functions, and splitting the data.
Here is a general way of doing parallel processing with one function, on two datasets:
library( doParallel )
cl <- makeCluster( 2 ) # for 2 processors, i.e. 2 parallel chains
registerDoParallel( cl )
datalist <- list(mydataset1 , mydataset2)
# now start the chains
nchains <- 2 # for two processors
results_list <- foreach(i=1:nchains ,
.packages = c( 'packages_you_need') ) %dopar% {
result <- find.string( datalist[[i]] )
return(result) }
The result will be a list with two elements, each containing the results from a chain. You can then combine it as you wish, or use a .combine function. See the foreach help for details.
You can use this code any time you have a case like number 1 described above. Most of the time you can also use it for cases like number 2, if you spend some time thinking about how you want to divide the data, and then combine the results. Think of it as a "parallel wrapper".
It should work in Windows, GNU/Linux, and Mac OS, but I haven't tested it on all of them.
I keep this script handy whenever I need a quick speed-up, but I still always start out by writing code I can run sequentially. Thinking in parallel hurts my brain.
