Stop browser from telling me my local dev site is dangerous? - security

Sorry I wasn't sure how best to tag this. Maybe someone can help? Or maybe this even belongs on a different site?
IE is giving me the big red screen telling me I should not proceed, but the address is one that is set in my hosts file to go to our local dev machine that we've used for years. I guess someone got the address and used it publicly in a malicious way.
Is there a way to prevent IE from showing this red screen or is my only choice just to change the local host name that I use for development?
It's super annoying because it pops up on every navigation.


How to live track of progress in terminal over portal?

So, I have this question that I didnt try to make beforeand was not sure how to search and what to do.
To give little background : Currently me and couple of my friend trying to building drone hacking platform which have rasperry pi on it. Our plan is to established wifi connection with base station and have a portal running on pi that will trigger some scripts including wpa bruteforcing. But for brute force the captured handshake will forward to base station and bruteforcing process will start on that machine.
My question is we need to be able to live track of the bruteforcing process over the local built portal so when we go to that portal we can see the percentage of progress and etc.
However, I didnt do such a think like this before and have no idea and/or dont know that and how to research for that. Therefore if anyone can give a lead or some idea I would appriciate it.
Thank you,
Write to a file and then track each change using tail -f <filename>. You can do this remotely over ssh

Method to find DNS hijack?

I'm getting worried. For one specific computer where I run win10 and chrome i maybe once every 30-60 days get a different web page compared to the url I manually type in.
I have tested kaspersky and avast, but none of them found anything on my computer.
I suspect that some service on my computer injects itself every now and then between chrome and the DNS server to give me the wrong ip address for the site that I'm looking for.
I have a ubiquity edge router and can not see any odd setting in it.
I have tried to run wireshark, but since it happens so rarely I have not managed to have wireshare running while this happens.
The pages that I get to instead of where I want to get is online gambling sites.
I have searched the web after instructions on how to trouble shoot this and tried many without any success.
What is the best working instruction to sort this out? Grateful for any help or direction.

Cpanel remote or timed killswitch

Is there a way to shutdown Cpanel or all websites remotely or in base of a cron?
This is useful when you work on someone elses hosted account and they forget or delay payment or maybe refuse to pay at all, after months lost working for them.
Or maybe another way to delete or scramble your work after the user changes the Cpanel password.
You could move the CSS style on an external server, for example.

How to create more than one .local address pointing to my mac

I currently have one .local address (Bonjour) pointing to my mac in my intranet, mbp.local, configured in system preferences with the computer name. I use this to send my boss links to demos on my local server (he sits in a chair behind me : >).
I'd like to be able to create new .local addresses to send different demos to my boss (demo1.local, demo2.local, etc) so that I can switch to different working copies to do other work while the demos are still live.
I'd know how to setup Apache to route these requests to the right places, but am unsure if it's possible to make new addresses that point to my mac (I think this has to do with multicasting?).
I have a dynamic IP in my intranet but would be able to setup a static IP if required.
Are you talking about web site demos? I'm not sure I understand the problem. If they're web sites, I'm sure you already know you can simply use a single address with different urls, eg, http://mbp.local/demo1, http://mbp.local/demo2, etc. If it is something else entirely, you can use the Mac's local host file to point multiple fqdns to a single IP address on your local network, but it would be best to have a static IP. Alternatively, you could edit your DNS or WINS server to do the address translation.
I haven't done this myself, but I wonder if you could use what's documented here to start. The difference would be that you'll send your boss links to http://demo1.mbp.local and so on.
I found more about this on this thread on SuperUser.

If I download a hacked Joomla website on my laptop to fix it

If I download a hacked website on my laptop to fix it and I run php code that someone else could have modified, am I going to risk to damage my local computer?
Let's say I need to assign some privileges to run a mysql database this could be potentially dangerous right?
It is a hacked Joomla website.
You cannot be sure what can happen. For maximum protection, I recommend putting everything in a virtual machine and then disable its internet access.
Yes, there is a risk: the PHP code will have the same permissions as the user running the code on the computer. If you give the PHP code access to a database, it will be able to do anything the MySQL user can do.
If you're going for 100% safety, run all of it in a virtual machine to avoid accidents with your actual laptop.
Update: of course, a good first step would be to diff the PHP code with the Joomla! official PHP code of the appropriate version, to identify differences between the two.
That depends.
If hacker put some malicious script(js\html) that use vulnerabilities in browser, or something similar, than you may damage your machine.
Usually modified php's provide backdoors, also known as shells, or provide proxies, or something similar. They are used for remote access, and are not usually intended to broke the machine. However, that's not always true.
If your site was running under unix environment, and your laptop runs Windows, the risk is lesser.
I would recommend at least using firewall. For full protection, you should do anything inside a virtual machine.
Use any compare tool to find modified places.
As for database, use only local copy. When you've corrected everything, replace the version on the server with it.
When code has been modified by someone else, running/executing it is always dangerous. Therefore, you must take care that it can't be executed:
Don't download with a web browser. Use a tool that just makes a binary copy like rsync, wget or log into your server, create a ZIP archive of the modified scripts and then download that.
Always make a backup copy of everything before you look at it. That includes the database, all scripts, HTML pages, templates, everything.
Run the code on an isolated computer (no network connection). If you don't have a spare laptop, run it in a virtual machine with networking turned off. This isn't as secure as the first option because virtual machines have bugs, too, but it's better than nothing.
Never execute the code unless you know it's safe. First, compare it against a know good copy. If there isn't one, read the code and try to figure out what it does. If that's beyond your limits, mark it down as experience, scrap the whole thing and start from scratch.
You don't want users of your site to sue you when they get hacked because you failed to remove all the malicious code, do you?
The bad code might not be in the scripts; if your site is vulnerable to script injection, then it can be in the database and only be visible when the pages are rendered. If this is the case, fix all places where database values are pasted into the HTML verbatim before you try to view them in a web browser.
Joomla hacks are usually pretty straight forward (but time consuming) to clean up (old Joomla versions can be pretty venerable to attack), follow some of the tips here to keep your self safe and remember to:
Replace all the Joomla system files with the latest version from Joomla!
If you have a fairly recent backup it would be much easier to just remove the hacked site and restore the backup, and then update it to the latest version of Joomla to help secure it.
