How to find out MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST location of an application - iis

I am currently writing a security auditing script for IIS 10 in Powershell. I have never even remotely worked with IIS before. I am supposed to run commands like this:
Get-WebConfigurationProperty -pspath 'MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST/<website name>' -filter 'system.web/authentication/forms' -name 'protection'
Where can I find the website name ?

As lex mentioned, we could use Get-Website or WebApplication to iterate all sites/applications.
If you just want to list the website name in the Powershell you could add below command.
Get-WebSite | Format-List -Property Name
Result example:


unable to append data to sharepoint file via Azure Automation

Ok I have asked a question like this but now I am trying to perform the task via Azure Automation. I can connect to the SharePoint site via Azure Automation (powershell). with the correct credentials. I can download the file and append data to it. But I can when I try and upload the file back to SharePoint it adds the contents 3 times and then Azure Automation suspends the Runbook after 3 times.
It does run perfect if I upload this file as a different file name.
$credSP = Get-AutomationPSCredential -Name 'test'
$fileFolder = "$Env:temp"
Connect-PnPOnline -Url $siteurl -Credentials $credSP
Get-PnPFile -Url "/sites/xxx/teamsites/os/Directory and Operating
Systems/test.csv" -Path $fileFolder -Filename test.csv -AsFile -Force
$test = "31-07-2019 -11:35"
Add-Content -Path $fileFolder\test.csv $test
Add-PnPFile -Path $fileFolder\test.csv -Approve -Folder "Directory and
Operating Systems" #-ErrorAction Ignore
Here are the results
test test
31-07-2019 -11:35
31-07-2019 -11:35
31-07-2019 -11:35
As you can see it added $test 3 times. But I dont have this issue if I upload it as a new file name.
Ok after a while I have fix the issue.
After the add-pnpfile ...... you pipe it to | out-null
Thats it. the sript stops after it uploads ,
happy days

How to hide console output from Select-AzureRmSubscription

Does anyone know how to hide output from command Select-AzureRmSubscription inside azure workbook which runs as powershell workflow
You can use Out-Null. Works for any PowerShell cmdlet.
Select-AzureRmSubscription | Out-null
The Out-Null cmdlet sends its output to NULL, in effect, removing it
from the pipeline and preventing the output to be displayed at the
Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionId $s.Id | Out-Null + ~~~~~~~~ Cannot call the 'Out-Null' command. Other commands from this module have been packaged as workflow activities, but this command was specifically excluded. This is likely because the command requires an interactive Windows PowerShell session, or has behavior not suited for workflows. To run this command anyway, place it within an inline-script (InlineScript { Out-Null }) where it will be invoked in isolation

Get dbname from multiple web.config files with powershell

I would like to issue a powershell command to return me the connection string (specifically I am looking for the db name value) for all the web sites on a web server...
So I would like to see something like
site1 dbname=Northwind
site2 dbname=Fitch
site3 dbname=DemoDB
I have tried using the IIS Powershell snap-in... I thought I was close with this:
PS C:\Windows\system32> Get-WebApplication | Get-WebConfiguration -filter /connectionStrings/*
but... after looking at the results... my answer doesn't appear to be in there
I am very new to powershell - so excuse my ignornance and inexperience
Any help appreciated!
Hopefully, this will get you started. This just assumes there will be a web.config file at the physical path of the web application's physical path. It does not recurse to find other web.config files in the web application. It also assumes your connection strings are in the connectionStrings configuration element.
Import-Module WebAdministration
Get-WebApplication | `
ForEach-Object {
$webConfigFile = [xml](Get-Content "$($_.PhysicalPath)\Web.config")
Write-Host "Web Application: $($_.path)"
foreach($connString in $webConfigFile.configuration.connectionStrings.add)
Write-Host "Connection String $($ $($connString.connectionString)"
$dbRegex = "((Initial\sCatalog)|((Database)))\s*=(?<ic>[a-z\s0-9]+?);"
$found = $connString.connectionString -match $dbRegex
if ($found)
Write-Host "Database: $($Matches["ic"])"
Write-Host " "
This post may give you an idea to start with. Basically load in the web.config file as an XML file and then just find the node where the connection string is.
Do something like $myFile = ([xml] Get-Content web.config). You can then pipe that to Get-Member ( $myFile | Get-Member -MemberType Property) to start working your way into the file to see what node has it. I'm not at a computer where I can show you some screenshots to explain it more, but you can check this chapter out from "Master PowerShell" e-book that explains working with XML very well.

IIS: how to undeploy/delete/remove a webapp from command line?

Suppose there's a webapp deployed on local IIS server. When I need to remove/undeploy it, I can go to IIS Manager, right-click on the app, and then select "Delete application and content" - et voila. But, I need to do the same from the command line - how? It can be assumed that the name of the application is known.
Maybe this can be done via MSDeploy somehow?
If you just want to remove the application from the Web Site in IIS without physically deleting the files (like msdeploy does) or if you don't have the WebDeploy-extension installed, you can use the following command:
C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe delete app "Default Web Site/MyAppName"
This is what did it:
"C:\Program Files\IIS\Microsoft Web Deploy\msdeploy" -verb:delete -dest:apphostconfig="Default Web Site/<webapp_name>"
I know the question says "command line", but you can use PowerShell and the IIS Administration Cmdlets to do this task. I provide all of the functions and explain the process of how to automate this on my blog. Also, you can easily swap out the IIS Administration Cmdlet calls with calls to msdeploy, appcmd, IIsVdir.vbs, etc.
For your specific question, this PowerShell code should do the trick:
$block = {
Import-Module WebAdministration
$website = "YourWebsiteName"
$applicationName = "PathUnderWebsite\ToYourApplication"
$fullPath = Join-Path $website $applicationName
Write-Host "Checking if we need to remove '$fullPath'..."
if (Get-WebApplication -Site "$website" -Name "$applicationName")
Write-Host "Removing '$fullPath'..."
Remove-WebApplication -Site "$website" -Name "$applicationName"
Write-Host "Deleting the directory '$fullPath'..."
Remove-Item -Path "IIS:\Sites\$fullPath" -Recurse -Force
$session = New-PSSession -ComputerName "Your.WebServer.HostName"
Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock $block
Remove-PSSession -Session $session
iisweb /delete WebSite [/s Computer [/u [Domain ]User /p Password ]]

Change IIS Site Home Directory w/ Powershell

I can query the AD and find all the IIS sites and their virtual directories, now I need to be able to update those home directories and save the changes.
After I fetch the directory entry I can display the site path using $site.Path, however setting it doesn't seem to have any effect. It never changes the actual stored path.
I have tried $site.Path = <new path> and $site.Put( "Path", <new path> ) but neither have these seem to be affecting the stored path.
$site = $iis.psbase.children |
where {$_.keyType -eq "iiswebserver"} |
where {$ -eq $ };
$s = [ADSI]($site.psbase.path + "/ROOT");
# $s.Path = $siteConfig.path
# $s.Put("Path", $siteConfig.path )
Import-Module WebAdministration
Set-ItemProperty 'IIS:\Sites\Default Web Site\' -name physicalPath -value $siteConfig.path
Ok, I tried this and it seems to work:
$[0] = $siteConfig.path
Is there a better cleaner way of handling this?
