Why Register GIT Repository disabled in Botium-Box community edition? - dialogflow-es

In my Botium-Box community login I am not able to add my Git repository test cases.Is that any configuration need to be enabled or It is not available in Botium-Box community ?

Test Case Versioning is a Botium Box Professional/Enterprise feature - see here for details.
EDIT: You can use a shared folder to hold your test cases, and you can then in turn add this shared folder to git.


Gitlab pull mirror option is disabled for Gitlab EE 12.8.5-ee Ultimate

I am trying to use gitlab mirror repository functionality of gitlab but under Mirror direction, it only shows push option to me, dropdown menu is greyed out. I can not select pull option.
Gitlab version : Gitlab EE 12.8.5-ee Ultimate.
My user account is maintainer.
Am I missing something?
Thanks in advance.
After searching a bit on this got the answer why the pull option was disabled:
Answer :
It appears that the ability to disable mirrors was introduced in GitLab 10.3
So after upgrading gitlab, Admin has to specifically Enable mirror configuration
Enable single checkbox in Admin -> Application Settings -> Repository:
If this checkbox is unchecked, even project owners can't administer mirrors, though the text only says push mirrors.
Reference : https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/issues/13769
From Repository Mirroring
check if the repo was not already configured for pushing (and can no longer be modified for pulling)
some prerequisite might prevent any pulling option.

How do I access the Git included in microclimate?

I want to use microclimate installed on ICP with my local IDE and not the web IDE provided. How do I and my team access the GitLab to work on the code generated by microclimate? How do I commit my changes using my local IDE?
You can find information on how to integrate with your existing IDEs using the following url:
Additionally, you can also import your project from GitLab and/or GitHub using the Import Project option and referencing the git repo location. To enable bi-directional code change between Microclimate and GIT, you need to run MicroClimate on ICP and enable the Pipeline.
Hope this helps!
Microclimate does not provide GitLab, but it will work with GitLab. https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/install/kubernetes/gitlab_chart.html provides instructions for installing GitLab onto Kubernetes. Once set up you should be able to interact with GitLab from your local IDE in the same way as you would with any other git server.

Preview Sync and Sync From Repository options not available on fresh install

I have set up a fresh Crafter CMS 3.0.2 installation following the instructions here. When I login as admin user I don't get Preview Sync and Sync From Repository options in the Site Config section as show in the page here. How can I add those options for the admin user? I could not find the instructions for the same in the documentation
Sync'ing is now automatic starting version 3.0.2, see the release notes: http://docs.craftercms.org/en/3.0/release-notes/index.html
You can make updates to the underlying git repo, and the system will automatically pick those up.

how to set permission in Git?

I am new to Git and after I lots of searching I found that I must have set Linux permissions in my Git server.
But I want to know, is it possible to set permissions in Git?
I am working on a team about six people and I don't like to everyone on the team can access all the project for security reasons.
For example, If somebody in my team works on UI in my Store section I want to he/she have it's own branch but when he/she PULL the project with Git just have access to files and folders I let.
I have to add that I have my own Git server on a local network using Linux Debian and I'm using "SourceTree" as my GUI for Git and I have few experience on Git command line, so I need do it from GUI if possible.
Does Git lab support permission like this: I have a repository that uses Laravel framework and I'd like to set permission for UI developers that only access views and PHP developers access some controllers not all the part of the controller in the project.
You can checkout GitLab: https://about.gitlab.com/ for this. Out of the box git does not support what you need/want.
No, Git doesn't manage this directly. Anyone with authentication credentials to the repository has access to the entire repository.
Traditionally, this is managed with third-party solutions, such as Gitolite, GitHub private repositories, and other systems.
In addition to other answers: if you want only certain parts of project to be accessible to each developer, you can use git submodules.
This is also preferable if project has logically and functionally separate parts. (Like front-end and back-end. )

gitlab giving users code download rights but no rights to see project

Is there a way in gitlab to disable a project from showing up as a project if the user only has guest level privileges?
To clarify and add a little more detail.
I have added the ability for guest to download code but removed pretty much every privellege regarding actually using gitlab to look at the project. Which means that if the project shows up as a project to the user and they click on it gitlab returns an error. I would much rather gitlab not show the project at if the user has guest level access.
We use git submodules in our projects and we need to be able to give people the ability to clone a repo and all it submodules without giving everyone access to browse and find every project that can be a submodule or making projects public.
Currently not. But feel fee to create a PR which add's this functionality
