Architecture azure functions - azure

I have an azure function with an azure storage queue trigger. It runs fine without any problems. Inside the queue there will be saved a json and then the function does their job.
But now we need more functionality. I like to expand the json with a functionality key. Now is it better to expand also the function
If functionality = A go to class A
Else go to class B
Or is it better to create a new function with the same trigger?

It is okay to have different classes in the function.
To make the function responsible only for a particular process, you can split it into two functions and have Service Bus Topic Subscriptions instead of Storage Queues. This will keep the implementation reliable as Service Bus got wide set of features when compared to Storage Queues.
You can use Rules in Topic Subscriptions for filtering the messages.

Functions are just like traditional apps. There's no issues in referencing a class library that handles that deserializing.
What you are looking for is a concept called Message Versioning. It's a heavy topic so I may not be able to handle it here completely but versioning will happen.
One possibility, is to consider each messages as a Command (read on CQRS). You could pre parse the version number in the message and have a CommandHandler for each version.
This is not specific to Functions. Here's a piece of advice Functions related. Keep a single function. With versioning happening, it will be simpler to debug and find what Functions is still working or not.


How to handle an Azure Function rerunning when using message queue binding?

I have a v1 Azure Function that is triggered by a message being written to the Azure Storage message queue.
The Azure Function needs to perform multiple updates to SharePoint Online. Occasionally these operations fail. This results in the message being returned to the queue and being reprocessed.
When I developed the function, I didn't consider that it might partially complete and then restart. I've done a little research and it sounds like I need to modify it to be re-entrant.
Is there a design pattern that I should follow to cater for this without having to add a lot of checks to determine if an operation has already been carried out by a previous execution? Alternatively, is there any Azure functionality that can help (beyond the existing message retries and poison queue)
It sounds like you will need to do some re-engineering. Our team had a similar issue and wrote a home-grown solution years ago. But we eventually scrapped our solution and went with Azure Durable Functions.
Not gonna lie - this framework has some complexity and it took me a bit to wrap my head around it. Check out the function chaining pattern.
We have processing that requires multiple steps that all must be completed. We're spanning multiple data stores (Updating Cosmos Db, Azure SQL, Blob Storage, etc), so there's no support for distributed transactions across multiple PaaS offerings. Durable Functions will allow you to break your process up into discrete steps. If a step fails, an orchestrator will re-run that step based on a retry policy.
So in a nutshell, we use Durable Task Activity functions to attempt each step. If the step fails due to what we think is a transient error, we retry. If it's an unrecoverable error, we don't retry.

Azure Event Hub with multiple listeners

Is it possible to have an Azure Event Hub with multiple listeners in the same application?
What I'm looking for is to trigger an event to a single hub and have two Azure Functions listen to it so they can both perform a task based on the same event.
I've implemented this at the minute with "Consumer Groups" but this feels wrong as I feel that this should be used when you have multiple applications reading the events.
Is there a better mechanism of doing this or am I looking at this the wrong way?
Yes, it is possible. The general answer for the best approach to doing so is "it depends on your application". In the scenario that you're describing, you'll need to use two separate consumer groups due to how the Azure Functions bindings work.
Internally, the Function bindings use an event processor which will attempt to collaborate with other processors working against the consumer group to share work and prevent two instances reading from the same partition. The same collaboration would take place if you were hosting one of the event processor types in your application as well.
For the other consumer types available in the Event Hubs SDK, working against the same consumer group is not a problem so long as you have less than the documented quotas. (at the time of writing, this was 5 consumers per group)

Azure Functions how much code can be done in one?

I am a complete newbie for Azure and Azure Functions but my team plans to move to Azure soon. Now I'm researching how I could use Azure Functions to basically do what I would normally do in a .Net console application.
My question is, can Azure Functions handle quite a bit of code processing?
Our team uses several console apps that effectively pick up a pipe delimited file, do some business logic, update a database with the data, and log everything along the way. From what I've been reading so far I typically see that Azure Functions are used for little pieces of code. How little do they mean? Is it best practice to have a bunch of Azure Functions to replace a console app EX: have one function that does the reading of a file and create a list of objects, another function to loop through those items and add business logic, and then another to write the data to a database or can I use one Azure Function to do all of that?
Direct answer is yes - you can run bigger pieces of code as Azure Function - this is not a problem as long as you meet their limitations. You can even have dependency injecton. For chained scenarios, you can use Durable Functions. However, Microsoft do not recommend long running functions, cause of unexpected timeouts. See best practices for azure functions.
Because of that, I would consider alternatives:
If all what you need is run console app in Azure you can use WebJobs. Here is example how to deploy console app directly to azure via VisualStudio
For more complex logic you can use .NET Core Worker Service which behaves as Windows Service, and could be deployed to azure as App Service.
If you need long-running jobs but with scheduled runs only I had really great experience with Hangfire which can be hosted in Azure as well.
This is really hard to answer because we don't know what kind of console app you have over there. I usually try to use the same SOLID principles used to any class on my functions too. And whenever you need to coordenate actions or if you need to run things in parallel you always use Durable Functions Framework too.
The only concern is related to execution time. Your function cans get pretty expensive if you're running on consumption plan and do know pay attention to it. I recommend you the reading of the following gread article:
You can do all of that in one function.
If you need on-the-fly data processing, you can safely use Azure Functions even if it takes reading files or database communication.
What you need to be careful at and configure, though, is the timeout. Their scalability is an interesting topic as well.
If you need to host an application, you need a machine or a part of the storage space of a machine in Azure to do that.

Best practice with Azure Functions implementation and trigger

I have a discussion with some colleagues of mine about the Azure Functions. I'm giving you a bit of context.
I have created an Azure Functions responsible for communicating the accounting system. In this function I have all I need related to the accounting. So, if you want to use my functions, you know in this one you find everything. I think it is easy to manage also because everything is in one solution. Probably, if I have to update a model or a function, other functions or classes are effected.
For this reason, I have in this function different triggers (HTTP, Servicebus, Timer...). I think an Azure Function is container and each function in it is a "micro" service and it implements SOLID principles by nature. Then, I can say my implementation is correct.
My colleagues said it is not good practice to mix different type of triggers in the same Azure Function.
What is the best practice? Is there any (official) recommendation or advice for that?
It is okay to use different type of triggers in the same Azure Function. But you need to consider that functions within a function app share resources.
Here is the general best practices for your reference.
General best practices

Can Azure EventHub be used for critical transactional data in production?

Reading the documentation, Azure EventHubs is meant for:
Application instrumentation
User experience or workflow processing
Internet of Things (IoT) scenarios
Can this be used for any transactional data, handling revenue or application sensitive data?
Based on what I read, looks like it is meant for handling data that one should not be worried about any data loss. Is this the case?
It is mainly designed for large scale ingestion of data. That is why typical scenario's include IoT solutions which consists of a multitude of devices sending mass amounts of telemetry data.
To allow for this kind of scale it does not include some features other messaging service, like Azure Service Bus, do have. I think this blog does a good job of listening the differences. Especially the section Use Case explains things very well:
From a target use case perspective if we consider some of our typical enterprise integration patterns then if you are implementing a pattern which uses a Command Message, or a Request/Reply Message then you probably want to use Azure Service Bus Messaging.  RPC patterns can be implemented using Request/Reply messages on Azure Service Bus using a response queue.  These are really about ESB and EAI style messaging patterns where you want to send messages between applications and probably want to use other features such as property based routing.
Azure Event Hubs is more likely to be used if you’re implementing patterns with Event Messages and you want somewhere reliable to send them that is capable of dealing with a massive scale but will allow you to do stuff with the events out of process.
With these core target use cases in mind it is easy to see where the scale differences come into play.  For messaging it’s about one application telling one or more apps to DO SOMETHING or GIVE ME SOMETHING.  The alternative is that in eventing the applications are saying SOMETHING HAS HAPPENED.  When you consider this in typical application scenarios and you put events into the telemetry and logging space you can quickly see that the SOMETHING HAS HAPPENED scenario will produce a lot more traffic than the other.
Now I’m not saying that you can’t implement some messaging type functions using event hubs and that you can’t push events to a Service Bus topic as in integration there are always different requirements which result in different implementation scenarios, but I think if you follow the above as a general rule then you will usually be on the right path.
That does not mean however, that it is only capable of handling data that one should not be worried about any data loss. Data is stored for a configurable amount of time and if necessary, this data can be read from an earlier point in time.
Now, given your scenario I do not think Event Hub is the best fit. But truth to be told, I am not sure because you will have to elaborate more on what you want to do exactly.
The idea behind Event Hubs is that you will get at least once delivery at great scale. (Source). See also this question: Does Azure Event Hub guarantees at least once delivery?
