Disabling asterisks in Linux Mint 19.1 - linux

I recently switched to Linux Mint 19.1.
While typing passwords in terminal it shows asterisks. How can I edit my sudoers file to disable them (not deleting but disabling)?

Just execute the script below:
sudo mv /etc/sudoers.d/0pwfeedback /etc/sudoers.d/0pwfeedback.disabled
The above line will disable the functionality of the 0pwfeedback package. Thus, the asterisks will be disappeared. Many solutions on the web are saying to delete it. Do not do that. In case you will need the asterisks back you will enable it again. This is how it must be done.


Visual Studio Code asking to authenticate 'Default keyring' everytime I start

I started using Linux lite 5.0 on my laptop last month. (I am fairly new to the Linux enviroment, just migrated from Windows 10).
So I installed Visual studio Code using snap and everytime I start it up, it asks to authenticate 'Default Keyring' until next reboot.
Is there anyway I can authorize it so I don't have to authenticate it everytime i reboot my pc?
(p.s the reason i moved from windows to linux is because my pc got hacked some weeks prior, so please consider security a major concern here)
Thanks in advance :)
In GDM+GNOME, when you login, GNOME Keyring is automatically unlocked. However, it doesn't do so in SDDM+KDE. When you start some GNOME or Electron application like VS Code, they ask you to type the login password again.
The solution is to edit /etc/pam.d/sddm and add pam_gnome_keyring.so like this (the second line and last line):
auth include common-auth
auth optional pam_gnome_keyring.so
account include common-account
password include common-password
session required pam_loginuid.so
session include common-session
session optional pam_gnome_keyring.so auto_start
This is a solution that I found here that should work for you. For me, the lines were already there, but I simply had to remove the - at the beginning of the lines.
EDIT: To edit the file, you'll need root privileges, so I did sudo -e /etc/pam.d/sddm in terminal, edited the lines, hit CTRL+X, and Y to save.
For anyone using VSCode on Windows / WSL - this is the solution https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/live-share/issues/1782#issuecomment-1053563079
Go to your wsl terminal and install seahorse if you don't have it.
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install seahorse
Run seahorse
You should see a popup for GnuPG keys.
Click on the back button, then right-click on default keyring, and click delete.
After entering your keyring password, your default keyring should be gone.
But now vscode asks you to create one every time. To fix this remove gnome-keyring:
sudo apt-get remove gnome-keyring
Credits go to Austin Jerry (upsurge0)
This has nothing to do with visual studio, keyrings is a package in your system used to store your passwords read more about keyrings here
to solve your problem open gnome-shell and search: "seahorse"
open it and you will find all your keyrings setup, the default one is what you want,
select it right-click to edit or delete it if you are not remembering the password
But NOTE before you delete it any configurations with this keyring "default keyring" will be deleted with it too
I was using Chrome OS.
The Linux Terminal (AKA. crostini).
The "keep asking keyring" problem was caused by the keyring directory does not exist. So VS Code cannot save the keyring there.
The solution is simply create the directory.
You may use the following command.
mkdir ~/.local/share/keyrings

Using sudo atom no longer opens Atom at all, let alone as root

I'm using the Atom editor. Yesterday, if I typed:
sudo atom . it opened the current directory as root
sudo atom it opened Atom with whatever I last had open as root
Today if I run either of those commands nothing happens. The editor doesn't open and there are no error messages.
These terminal commands worked yesterday on these exact same files, today they do not.
How can I fix this?
Why is this happening?
If I have not provided enough information it's because I don't know what info one would need to have a fuller explanation of my circumstance. Let me know what I should add I'll happily edit this question to provide it.
Atom : 1.13.0
Electron: 1.3.13
Chrome : 52.0.2743.82
Node : 6.5.0
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
Elementary OS Freya (64-bit)
After updating Atom text editor it seems I require to run --no-sandbox flag but after a while it becomes boring so I wrote a simple BASH script to be doing this for me:
eval "atom --no-sandbox flag"
just save this in a common directory that you frequently use and type ./atom_text_editor.sh in the terminal to deploy(Depending on the name you choose for your script)
A recommendation, when working on linux avoid using sudo or su instrucctions, they are intended to execute privileged instructions like system configurations. It might be related to permissions, execute ls -al and verify that the owner/group of yor files is root, if not, then check if "others" have read permission, if not, then thats is the problem.
Be aware running atom with sudo is not recommended.
I've had this problem for a few days, I installed atom using snap (on ubuntu 18.04) a few weeks ago, back then it worked perfectly, but the last few days if i ran 'sudo atom' nothing would happen at all, reinstalled it using snap, still didn't work, removed settings, still didn't work.
I ended up installing atom using the apt packagage manager and now it works. I used this guide: https://codeforgeek.com/install-atom-editor-ubuntu-14-04/
Furthermore when running atom with sudo it should be ran with the --no-sandbox flag.
Conclusion: seems to be a problem with atom when installed using snap.

when i boots up my raspberry pi desktop become black

I try to auto start a python script at startup, then reboot my Raspberry Pi to see if it works.
sudo nano /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE/autostart
Instead of a normal desktop display, I get a blank screen open box that can only open the menu by right click. So I tried to delete the code I have implemented on start up then reboot again, but the same thing happens. I uninstall open box hoping that it would solve the problem, but I still get the blank screen and the mouse cursor becomes an "X" icon. Has anybody encountered this problem before?
I had a similar problem with my Pi and, after checking the link provided by Matt (lxde wiki), I found what the problem was and the solution.
I had 2 autostart files:
Global commands:
Local commands:
And, according to documentation "If both files are present, only the entries in the local file will be executed."
And my local file was empty.
After deleting the empty file, LXDE desktop was back and no more black screen.
The blank screen open box is the default openbox theme (for lack of a better word). Openbox is required for lxde so you should reinstall that first. To autostart something in LXDE you can create desktop files in your ~/.config/autostart directory (according to the lxde wiki) to avoid messing with the autostart file
Try reinstalling openbox and returning the /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE/autostart to the way you found it and see what happens. You might have accidentally messed up another autostart command
I went into ~/.config/autostart and found a file named lxde.desktop which I edited and commented out (using #) a line that began with something like OnlyShowIn or something similar. (After a reboot that line disappeared so I don't remember exactly what It was, It "could" have been NotShowIn but I thought it was something different)
After a reboot my desktop came back *fine!
*I had a bunch of GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1 errors which I cleared up by typing lxsession-edit in a terminal window and then unchecking LXDE and rebooting
If you figure out my "OnlyShowIn" confusion - please comment to clear it up for myself and others
I experienced same behavior, and found the following mistake I made:
I ran:
sudo dd bs=1m if=raspbian.img of=/dev/disk2 conv=sync
but I accidentally omitted the r before disk2
I Reran:
sudo dd bs=1m if=raspbian.img of=/dev/rdisk2 conv=sync
and it booted up properly.
The successful boot on Pi showed a blue square immediately saying "reformatting disk".
My solution was to format the SD card with the ZIP file directly instead of the IMG file found inside after extraction. I got the zip file from the Raspbian download page found here:
With an SD card formatted from the ZIP rather than its contained IMG, my operating system is loading as expected.
This solution was applied in Mac OSX using Apple Pi Baker software and the above linked image.

Linux CentOS Server Startscript: Minecraft Server

Recently tried using the following startscript here:
After installing dos2unix, it says it is installed and using the latest version. I then use the command "dos2unix startserver.sh" and I prompted with the message: "dos2unix: converting file startserver.sh to UNIX format ..." and then it returns to the next blank command line. Problem is there is nothing actually starting the script or I am missing something. I have tried talking to the owner of this script and he helped me to this point, but is unsure what to do next. He says he uses debian and is less familiar with CentOS and so I am posting here.
Here is my script that has been edited according to my server. The most important change I made is SCRIPTUPDATE="0" (so it doesn't update)
Please keep in mind that I am very new to linux and any operating systems in general.
The dos2unix command converts the newline characters in a file from dos format to unix format. This is just for cleaning up a file that may have problems (e.g., from a bad ftp transfer).
Try running the ./startserver.sh command again, now that the file has been cleansed.

Backspace in zsh fails to work in quite the strange way

I'm on a fresh Virtualbox install of CentOS 6.4.
After installing zsh 5.0.2 from source using ./configure --prefix=/usr && make && make install and setting it as the shell with chsh -s /usr/bin/zsh, everything is good.
Then some time after, after installing python it seems, it starts acting strange.
Happens with PuTTY and iTerm2 over SSH, does not happen on the raw terminal through Virtualbox.
typing something, then erasing it: rather than removing the char and moving the cursor back, the cursor moves forward.
Typing Ctrl+V then Backspace repeatedly prints out this repeating pattern '^#?'
Running cat from zsh works fine. Prints out '^H' if I type that, backspaces like normal if I type normal backspace.
Surely someone's seen this before and knows exactly what the hell it is.
I'm not positive yet, but it seems that installing oh-my-zsh can fix this. But I really want to know what the specific issue is here.
OK , I suggest you try
export TERM=xterm
in your .zshrc configuration
the Changing into Zsh caused the bug.
sigh I knew I solved this before.
It's too damn easy to forget things.
The solution is to compile and apply the proper terminfo data with tic, as I have a custom config with my terminal clients, xterm-256color-italic, that confuses zsh.
There appear to be other ways to configure this stuff too; I basically just need it to be properly set up so italics work everywhere (including in tmux) so hopefully I can figure out how to do this more portably than I am currently.
I encounter the same problem when I manually install ZSH without root, when the backspace turns to blankspace but still functions as Backspace. Finally, I find it is because "ncurses" is not installed well.
tic: error while loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
? tic could not build /home/user/ceph-data/soft/ncurses-6.1/share/terminfo
After I reinstall the "ncurses", the problem of ZSH backspace is solved. Just for your information.
my $TERM is xterm-256color, by the way.
