I tried everything but still can't remove it.
Templates for all accounts module: \catalog\view\theme\default\template\account
For your page: \catalog\view\theme\default\template\account\account.twig
When I go to Liferay 6.2 page management, and I delete a page from there the page is deleted from db but I get a error that "Dockbar is temporarily unavailable".
Also the logs says:
Redirect URL ....controlPanelCategory=current_site.pages is not allowed
ERROR [http-bio-8080-exec-26][render_portlet_jsp:132] null
com.liferay.portal.NoSuchLayoutException: No Layout exists with the primary key
Adding redirect.url.security.mode=domain to my portal-ext.properties worked and fixed this problem.
We had a similar issue. Some links were missing/not working when we went to the webcontent edit page.
We already had the redirect.url.security.mode=domain, but adding all the URLs to domain allowed solved the issue:
redirect.url.domains.allowed=t1.url.com,t2.url.com (Liferay 6.2.)
In Liferay 7 wildcards should work redirect.url.domains.allowed=*.url.com according to https://docs.liferay.com/portal/7.0/propertiesdoc/portal.properties.html
In admin theme, how can you define url alternates: for example: content-url-admin.cshtml is not working
Please, check here: http://orchardpros.net/tickets/9105. JUst keep directory structure and everything seems ok.
I want to know how to rename the url in sharepoint site.
For example, my existing site url is
I want to change it to
Please let me know.
Thanks in advance.
Possibly a bit late in the day for this, but:
1) Go to the sub-site
2) Site Actions > Site Settings > Title, Description, and Icon
3) In the Web Site Address section, change the "URL Name:" field to whatever URL extension you prefer.
Create the new link and forget about the old one would be rather easy....
Once you've created a site the URL you originally specified can't be changed. The only way I know of to rename a site is to use STSADM and do an export of the site and then import it with the new name. The subsites would need to be moved underneath the new site which could be done through Manage Content and Structure if you are using MOSS w/ publishing enabled
Once you've created a site the URL you originally specified can't be changed. The only way I know of to rename a site is to use STSADM and do an export of the site and then import it with the new name.
I want to create a link in a portlet so that I can navigate to a different page in the liferay portal. I order to do that I am looking for an API (can be liferay specific) that given a page name, would return it's url (it can be the friendlyURL as well).
Portal pages in Liferay are indeed called Layouts in APIs and DB tables. They're identified by plid field, can be obtained using LayoutLocalServiceUtil and related APIs, and also from some other calls like themeDisplay.getLayout().
However in order to build String containing URL to a page you'll have to concatenate friendly URL of portal, group and layout itself (i.e. /web/guest/home - web is portal URL for public pages, guest is friendly URL of guest group by default and home is friendly URL of home page/layout by default). This can be tricky, as you have to check whether this is a public or private page, etc.
And once you start using virtual hosts with friendly URLs for groups, things change. So this is not a good way.
To avoid manually creating URLs and have URLs that are guaranteed to be correct you should use com.liferay.portal.util.PortalUtil.getLayoutFriendlyURL(Layout layout, ThemeDisplay themeDisplay) a static method of PortalUtil - it'll do all the necessary work for you. Though you also need to provide ThemeDisplay and not only Layout.
The API to access pages in Liferay is the LayoutService. However, page names are not unique in Liferay and furthermore they are internationalized. So you need some unique property for a page to retrieve its url, besides its name.
If you really only have the page name, you can use LayoutLocalServiceUtil.getLayouts(...) to loop over all Layouts and check for some property (in this case its name).
At least in Liferay 6.1.20 one can use 'Link Portlet URLs to Page' to make links proceed to antoher page in your portal. It is under ´look and feel´ menu item of your portlet. For me this works fine.
try this one for current url
try this one for portal url
I am using views module. I have created blocks using views and a url using page display. This is for taxonomy. So my views url looks like this "news/science" So if someone click on the link he should be taken to www.example.com/news/science. However i am taken to a unstyled page with broken links. But when i try to use the url www.example.com?q=news/science i am taken to a proper page with correct data.
The issue is only with taxonomy related terms.
i.e all urls www.example.com/news/technology , www.example.com/news/sports appear broken and unstyled however if i manually visit www.example.com?q=news/technology and www.example.com?q=news/sports i am taken to a proper page.
Can anyone suggest what could be the reason.
The same issues is with admin login and logout. If i use www.example.com?q=user and try to login i can login. Also if i use www.example.com?q=logout i can logout. But if i use clean url aliases ie. www.example.com/logout then i am taken to access denied page.
Do you have the Path module enabled? Thats the module responsible for mapping ?q=logout to /logout.
See here: http://drupal.org/handbook/modules/path
Have you changed anything in .htaccess? any mod-rewrite changes that might be skipping over those particular urls?