How to carry a value across function call chains - haskell

Let's say I have the following data structure and functions:
data Settings = Settings { dbName :: String } deriving Show
-- username to user id lookup
getUserId :: Settings -> String -> Int
getUserId settings username = 1
-- checks permission for a given user id
hasPermission :: Settings -> Int -> Bool
hasPermission settings userId = True
I'd like to be able to chain getUserId and hasPermission with some syntactic sugar without having to carry instance of Settings as I chain the function calls. Something like this:
main = do
let _permission = Settings{dbName="prod"} >>= getUserId "bob" >> hasPermission
print _permission
This (obviously) does not work.
Any go-to patterns for this this?

The simplest way to address such concerns is, in my opinion, to use partial application, like this:
main = do
let settings = Settings { dbName="prod" }
let getUserId' = getUserId settings
let hasPermission' = hasPermission settings
let _permission = hasPermission' $ getUserId' "bob"
print _permission
If you put the 'common' argument last, however, you can also use the built-in reader monad instance:
main :: IO ()
main = do
let getPermission = (flip getUserId) "bob" >>= (flip hasPermission)
print $ getPermission $ Settings { dbName="prod" }
Here getPermission is a local function with the type Settings -> Bool. Typically, I consider the first option (partial application) to be simpler and easier to understand.

There is a feature called implicit parameters, which has somewhat gone out of style lately, but I believe it is still supported, which offers a nice solution for this.
{-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams #-}
data Settings = Settings { dbName :: String } deriving Show
getUserId :: (?settings :: Settings) => String -> Int
getUserId username = 1
hasPermission :: (?settings :: Settings) => Int -> Bool
hasPermission userId = True
main = do
let ?settings = Settings { dbName = "prod" }
print $ hasPermission (getUserId "bob")
See also the implicit configurations paper, which explores this problem in quite some depth, and its corresponding library, reflection.


Using a promoted data constructor as a phantom parameter

In Maguire's Thinking with Types, p. 29, there's an example of how to use a promoted data constructor as a phantom parameter. Here's a module that I wrote based on the example in the book.
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
module Main where
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Proxy
-- | The only purpose of this constructor is to give us access to its
-- promoted data constructors.
data UserType = DummyUser | Admin
-- | Give some users an administration token.
data User = User
{ userAdminToken :: Maybe (Proxy 'Admin),
name :: String
doSensitiveThings :: Proxy 'Admin -> IO ()
doSensitiveThings _ = putStrLn "you did something sensitive"
trustedUser :: User
trustedUser = User (Just (Proxy :: Proxy Admin)) "Trust me"
main = do
doSensitiveThings (fromJust . userAdminToken $ trustedUser)
I understand that this makes it impossible to call doSensitiveThings without an administration token. But I feel I'm missing something important.
How is the code above better than the code below?
module Main where
import Data.Maybe
data Admin = Admin
data User a = User String
doSensitiveThings :: User Admin -> IO ()
doSensitiveThings _ = putStrLn "you did something sensitive"
trustedUser :: User Admin
trustedUser = User "Trust me"
untrustedUser :: User ()
untrustedUser = User "Don't trust me"
main = do
doSensitiveThings trustedUser
-- doSensitiveThings untrustedUser -- won't compile
Well, now there's no such thing as "a User". A User Admin and a User () now have different types, so you cannot treat them the same as e.g. elements of a list:
users :: [User] -- ill-kinded!
users = [User "untrusted" :: User (), User "trusted" :: User Admin] -- ill-typed!
You also can no longer branch based on whether a user is an admin or not (remember that Haskell is type-erased!):
displayActions :: User a -> [String]
displayActions (User name) =
["Delete My Account (" ++ name ++ ")"] ++ (if isAdmin u then ["Delete Someone Else's Account"] else [])
isAdmin :: User a -> Bool -- this function can take either User Admin or User ()...
isAdmin = ??? -- ...but how's it supposed to branch on that?
So maybe try
data SomeUser = SomeAdmin (User Admin) | SomeNormalUser (User ())
But now we're basically doing the same thing in your first example (where User Admin becomes the token type instead of Proxy Admin) except it's just worse. There's just a lot code noise.
name :: SomeUser -> String -- having to write your own accessor functions over pattern matching/record fields; ew
name (SomeAdmin (User x)) = x
name (SomeNormalUser (User x)) = x -- ugly pattern matching and same code twice; ew
isAdmin :: SomeUser -> Bool
isAdmin (SomeAdmin _) = True
isAdmin _ = False
displayActions :: SomeUser -> [String] -- having both SomeUser and User instead of just one type and having to know which one to use in any given situation; ew
displayActions u =
["Delete My Account (" ++ name u ++ ")"] ++ (if isAdmin u then ["Delete Someone Else's Account"] else [])
I do see something wrong with the original, and I believe it's what confused you. The "only" "good thing" in the original code is the existence of the token type. Using Proxy with a type parameter to construct the token type instead of doing
data AdminToken = AdminToken
is (IMO) pointless and confusing (both for understanding the technique and also in the resulting code). The type parameter is irrelevant to what makes the idea good, and you gain nothing by keeping the type parameter and not the token. I consider the following to be an actual improvement to the original while keeping its good idea.
data User = { userAdminToken :: Maybe AdminToken; userName :: String }
isAdmin :: User -> Bool
isAdmin = isJust . userAdminToken
displayActions :: User -> [String]
displayActions u
["Delete My Account (" ++ userName u ++ ")"] ++ (if isAdmin u then ["Delete Someone Else's Account"] else [])
With the original code, you can write:
trustedUser = User (Just Proxy) "trusted"
untrustedUser = User Nothing "untrusted"
twoUsers :: [User] -- or Map Username User or whatever
twoUsers = [trustedUser, untrustedUser]
You can't make a similar twoUsers list with the second code snippet, because your trusted and untrusted users have different types.

Extract value from Maybe in do block

Hi I have a piece of code where I retrieving a Maybe User where User is my own type.
getUserById :: Int -> IO (Maybe User)
getUserById id = let userId = id in do
conn <- createConnection
(columnDef, inputStream) <- query conn selectByIdQuery [One $ MySQLInt32 (intToInt32 userId)]
maybeMySQLValue <- inputStream
return (transformToUser <$> maybeMySQLValue)
But the key is that the function that call this functions expect a IO User and not a IO Maybe User
getUserById :: Int -> IO User
Any advice about how to extract in the do block the value from the Maybe?
I´m trying this but still does not work
user <- extractMaybeUser (transformToUser <$> maybeMySQLValue)
return user
extractMaybeUser :: Maybe User -> User
extractMaybeUser maybeUser = case maybeUser of
Just value -> value
Nothing -> User 1 "default User"
user <- extractMaybeUser (transformToUser <$> maybeMySQLValue)
The reason why this code might not work is that extractMaybeUser has return type of User:
extractMaybeUser :: Maybe User -> User
There is no monadic value to extract from using <-, so what about just wrapping in IO the user we get from extractMaybeUser?
return (extractMaybeUser (transformToUser <$> maybeMySQLValue))
It will at least have IO User type

Default values in Haskell data types

When you define a class in a object-oriented language it usually sets the default values for the member variables. Is there any mechanism in Haskell to do the same thing in record types? And a follow up question: If we don't know from the very start all the values for a data constructor but we obtain them from IO interaction can we build the type using something like the builder pattern from OOP?
Thanks in advance
A common idiom is to define a default value.
data A = A { foo :: Int , bar :: String }
defaultA :: A
defaultA = A{foo = 0, bar = ""}
This can be then (purely) "updated" later on with real values.
doSomething :: Bool -> A
doSomething True = defaultA{foo = 32}
doSomething False = defaultA{bar = "hello!"}
Pseudocode example:
data Options = O{ textColor :: Bool, textSize :: Int, ... }
defaultOptions :: Options
defaultOptions = O{...}
doStuff :: Options -> IO ()
doStuff opt = ...
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- B&W, but use default text size
doStuff defaultOptions{ color = False }
If there are no sensible default values, you can wrap the field values in Maybe.
If you feel adventurous, you can even use a more advanced approach to statically separate "intermediate" options values, which can lack a few fields, from "finalized" ones, which must have all the fields. (I'd not recommend this to Haskell beginners, though.)
Is there any mechanism in Haskell to do the same thing in record types?
What you can do is hide the constructor, and provide a function as constructor instead.
Say for instance we have a list we want to update, together with a revision number, then we can define it as:
data RevisionList a = RevisionList { theList :: [a],
revision :: Int }
deriving Show
Now we can define a function that initializes the BuildList with an initial list:
revisionList :: [a] -> RevisionList a
revisionList xs = RevisionList { theList = xs, revision=0 }
and by hiding the constructor in the module export, we thus hide the possibility to initialize it with another revision than revision 0. So the module could look like:
module Foo(RevisionList(), revisionList)
data RevisionList a = RevisionList { theList :: [a],
revision :: Int }
revisionList :: [a] -> RevisionList a
revisionList xs = RevisionList { theList = xs, revision=0 }
something like the builder pattern from OOP?
We can for instance use a State monad for that. For instance:
module Foo(RevisionList(), revisionList,
increvision, RevisionListBuilder, prefixList)
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy
type RevisionListBuilder a = State (RevisionList a)
increvision :: RevisionListBuilder a ()
increvision = do
rl <- get
put (rl { revision = 1 + revision rl})
prefixList :: a -> RevisionListBuilder a ()
prefixList x = do
rl <- get
put (rl { theList = x : theList rl })
So we get the RevisionList thus far, perform updates, put the new result back, and increment the revision number.
So now another module can import our Foo, and use the builder like:
some_building :: RevisionListBuilder Int ()
some_building = do
prefixList 4
prefixList 1
and now we can "make" a RevisionList at revision 2 with as final list [1,4,2,5] with:
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy(execState)
some_rev_list :: RevisionList Int
some_rev_list = execState some_building (revisionList [2,5])
So it would look approximately like:
module Foo(RevisionList(), revisionList,
increvision, RevisionListBuilder, prefixList)
data RevisionList a = RevisionList { theList :: [a],
revision :: Int }
deriving Show
type RevisionListBuilder a = State (RevisionList a)
revisionList :: [a] -> RevisionList a
revisionList xs = RevisionList { theList = xs, revision=0 }
increvision :: RevisionListBuilder a ()
increvision = do
rl <- get
put (rl { revision = 1 + revision rl})
prefixList :: a -> RevisionListBuilder a ()
prefixList x = do
rl <- get
put (rl { theList = x : theList rl })
import Foo
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy(execState)
some_building :: RevisionListBuilder Int ()
some_building = do
prefixList 4
prefixList 1
some_rev_list :: RevisionList Int
some_rev_list = execState some_building (revisionList [2,5])
So now we have constructed a some_rev_list with the "building" of some_building:
Foo Bar> some_rev_list
RevisionList {theList = [1,4,2,5], revision = 2}
There's already good answers here, so this answer is only meant as a supplement to the fine answers from chi and Willem Van Onsem.
In mainstream object-oriented languages like Java and C#, it's not that a default object is uninitialised; rather, a default object is normally initialised with default values for their types, and it just happens that for reference types, the default is a null reference.
Haskell doesn't have null references, so records can't be initialised with nulls. The most direct translation of objects would be records where every single constituent element is a Maybe. That's not particularly useful, however, but it highlights how hard it is to protect invariants in OOP.
The Builder pattern doesn't solve that problem at all. Any Builder has to start with an initial Builder object, and that object is going to have to have default values as well.
For more details, and lots of examples, I wrote an article series about this. The article series specifically focuses on the Test Data Builder pattern, but you should be able to see how it generalises to the Fluent Builder pattern in general.

In Haskell is dependency injection using ExistentialQuantification an anti-pattern?

I am a Haskell newbie, and I am thinking about how I can modularize my Rest application, which essentially passes around a ReaderT everywhere. I have devised a primitive working example of how to do that (below) using ExistentialQuantification. In a comment to a relevant answer, user MathematicalOrchid claimed something similar to be an anti-pattern. Is this an anti-pattern? In newbie terms, can you explain why if so and show a better alternative?
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Data.List (intersect)
data Config = Config Int Bool
data User = Jane | John | Robot deriving (Show)
listUsers = [Jane, John, Robot]
class Database d where
search :: d -> String -> IO [User]
fetch :: d -> Int -> IO (Maybe User)
data LiveDb = LiveDb
instance Database LiveDb where
search d q = return $ filter ((q==) . intersect q . show) listUsers
fetch d i = return $ if i<3 then Just $ listUsers!!i else Nothing
data TestDb = TestDb
instance Database TestDb where
search _ _ = return [Robot]
fetch _ _ = return $ Just Robot
data Context = forall d. (Database d) => Context {
db :: d
, config :: Config
liveContext = Context { db = LiveDb, config = Config 123 True }
testContext = Context { db = TestDb, config = Config 123 True }
runApi :: String -> ReaderT Context IO String
runApi query = do
Context { db = db } <- ask
liftIO . fmap show $ search db query
main = do
let q = "Jn"
putStrLn $ "searching users for " ++ q
liveResult <- runReaderT (runApi q) liveContext
putStrLn $ "live result " ++ liveResult
testResult <- runReaderT (runApi q) testContext
putStrLn $ "test result " ++ testResult
Edit: a working example based on the accepted answer
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Data.List (intersect)
data Config = Config Int Bool
data User = Jane | John | Robot deriving (Show)
listUsers = [Jane, John, Robot]
data Database = Database {
search :: String -> IO [User]
, fetch :: Int -> IO (Maybe User)
liveDb :: Database
liveDb = Database search fetch where
search q = return $ filter ((q==) . intersect q . show) listUsers
fetch i = return $ if i<3 then Just $ listUsers!!i else Nothing
testDb :: Database
testDb = Database search fetch where
search _ = return [Robot]
fetch _ = return $ Just Robot
data Context = Context {
db :: Database
, config :: Config
liveContext = Context { db = liveDb, config = Config 123 True }
testContext = Context { db = testDb, config = Config 123 True }
runApi :: String -> ReaderT Context IO String
runApi query = do
d <- fmap db $ ask
liftIO . fmap show $ search d $ query
main = do
let q = "Jn"
putStrLn $ "searching users for " ++ q
liveResult <- runReaderT (runApi q) liveContext
putStrLn $ "live result " ++ liveResult
testResult <- runReaderT (runApi q) testContext
putStrLn $ "test result " ++ testResult
When you pattern-match on a Context, you get in the db field a value of a type that you can never know precisely; all you're allowed to know about it is that it's a Database instance, and thus you can use that class' methods with it. But that means that, from the point of view of the Context type, the existential d type affords it no more capabilities than this type does:
-- The "record of methods" pattern
data Database =
Database { search :: String -> IO [User]
, fetch :: Int -> IO (Maybe User)
liveDb :: Database
liveDb = Database search fetch
where search d q = return $ filter ((q==) . intersect q . show) listUsers
fetch d i = return $ if i<3 then Just $ listUsers!!i else Nothing
testDb :: Database
testDb = Database search fetch
where search _ _ = return [Robot]
fetch _ _ = return (Just Robot)
data Context =
Context { db :: Database
, config :: Config
That's the core argument against using existential types in the manner that you've done—there is a completely equivalent alternative that doesn't require existential types.
The argument against existential types is quite simple (and strong): often, you can avoid both the existential type and type class machinery, and use plain functions instead.
This is clearly the case where your class has the form
class D a where
method1 :: a -> T1
method2 :: a -> T2
-- ...
as in the posted Database example, since its instances can be replaced by values in a plain record type
data D = {
method1 :: T1
, method2 :: T2
-- ...
This is, essentially, the solution by #LuisCasillas .
However, note that the above translation relies on types T1,T2 not to depend on a. What if this is not the case? E.g. what if we had
class Database d where
search :: d -> String -> [User]
fetch :: d -> Int -> Maybe User
insert :: d -> User -> d
The above is a "pure" (no-IO) interface to a database, also allowing updates through insert. An instance could then be
data LiveDb = LiveDb [User]
instance Database LiveDb where
search (LiveDb d) q = filter ((q==) . intersect q . show) d
fetch (LiveDb d) i = case drop i d of [] -> Nothing ; (x:_) -> Just x
insert (LiveDb d) u = LiveDb (u:d)
Note that here we do use the parameter d, unlike in the original case where it was a placeholder.
Can we do without classes and existentials here?
data Database =
Database { search :: String -> [User]
, fetch :: Int -> Maybe User
, insert :: User -> Database
Notice that above we are returning an abstract Database in insert. This interface is more general than the existential-classy one, since it allows insert to change the underlying representation for the database. I.e., insert could move from a list-based representation to a tree-based one. This is like having insert acting from the existentially-quantified Database to itself, instead of from a concrete instance to itself.
Anyway, let's write LiveDb in the record-style way:
liveDb :: Database
liveDb = Database (search' listUsers) (fetch' listUsers) (insert' listUsers)
where search' d q = filter ((q==) . intersect q . show) d
fetch' d i = case drop i d of [] -> Nothing ; (x:_) -> Just x
insert' d u = Database (search' d') (fetch' d') (insert' d')
where d' = u:d
listUsers = [Jane, John, Robot]
Above I had to pass the underlying state d to each function, and in insert I had to update such state.
Overall, I find the above more involved than the instance Database LiveDb methods, which require no state-passing. Surely, we can apply a little refactoring and clarify the code:
makeLiveDb :: [User] -> Database
makeLiveDb d = Database search fetch insert
where search q = filter ((q==) . intersect q . show) d
fetch i = case drop i d of [] -> Nothing ; (x:_) -> Just x
insert u = makeLiveDb (u:d)
liveDb :: Database
liveDb = makeLiveDb [Jane, John, Robot]
This is a bit better, yet not as simple than the plain instance. There is no straightforward winner in this case, and which style to use is a matter of personal preference.
Personally, I stay away from existentially-quantified classes as much as possible, since in many, many cases they lose to much simpler approaches. However, I'm not dogmatic about them, and allow myself to use the "anti-pattern" when the alternative starts becoming too clumsy.
As an alternative, one could use an external function working at the abstract level, only:
data Database =
Database { search :: String -> [User]
-- let's neglect other methods for simplicity's sake
insert :: Database -> User -> Database
insert (Database s) u = Database s'
where s' str = s str ++ [ u | show u == str ] -- or something similar
The advantage of doing this is that insert works on the abstract Database, whatever its underlying data structure is. The disadvantage is that, in this way, insert can only access the database through its "methods", and can only work by building closures upon closures. If we also implemented a remove method, applying insert and delete many times will cause a larger and larger memory footprint, since remove can not remove the element from the underlying data structure, but can only build yet another closure which skips over the removed element. More pragmatically, it would be as if insert and remove simply appended to a log, and search scanned the log to see if the most recent action on an element was an insertion or a removal. This will not have a great performance.

How to get a value from the yesod settings.yml file

I'm using the yesod scaffold. I'm struggeling a bit with how to get a value from the settings.yml file,
The relevant part of the settings.yml file looks like this,
Default: &defaults
host: "*4" # any IPv4 host
port: 3000
approot: "http://localhost:3000"
admins: ["", ""]
And then in my Foundation.hs file I have a method to check if the users email (using googleauth) matches a pre-specified email,
admins = ["", ""]
isAdmin (Just (Entity _ user)) | elem (userIdent user) admins = Authorized
| otherwise = AuthenticationRequired
isAdmin Nothing = AuthenticationRequired
My goal is to replace the admins function with the one from the the settings.yml file because it seems more appropriate.
Any help on doing this would be greatly appreciated!
Okay, I've come as far as fetching the newly made "extra" with the following method,
admins = do
madmins <- extraAdmins getExtra
case madmins of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just admins -> return admins
But the GHC throws this at me,
Couldn't match expected type `Extra'
with actual type `Handler Extra'
In the first argument of `extraAdmins', namely `getExtra'
In a stmt of a 'do' block: madmins <- extraAdmins getExtra
In the expression:
do { madmins <- extraAdmins getExtra;
case madmins of {
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just admins -> return admins } }
Is there a way to convert it from Handler Extra to Extra, or am I simply doing it the wrong way?
At the end of the Settings.hs file in the scaffolding, there's the definition of Extra and how to parse it:
data Extra = Extra
{ extraCopyright :: Text
, extraAnalytics :: Maybe Text -- ^ Google Analytics
} deriving Show
parseExtra :: DefaultEnv -> Object -> Parser Extra
parseExtra _ o = Extra
<$> o .: "copyright"
<*> o .:? "analytics"
You can add the extra data you want to this structure and parse it there. From the rest of your app, you can access this value with getExtra (defined in Foundation.hs).
You're a bit confused about the types of getExtra and extraAdmins.
I'm guessing they're like this:
getExtra :: Handler Extra
extraAdmins :: Extra -> [Text] -- maybe?
If so, something like this should work:
isAdmin :: User -> Handler Bool
isAdmin u = do
extra <- getExtra
return $ userIdent u `elem` extraAdmins extra
