Hazelcast Portable serialization - hazelcast

I want to use Portable serialization for objects stored in IMap to achieve:
fast indexing during insertion (without deserializing objects and
class evolution (versioning)
Is it possible to store my classes without implementing Portableinterface?
Is it possible to store 3rd party classes like Date or BigDecimal (or with nested structure) which can not implement Portable interface, while still being indexable?

You can achieve fast indexing using Portable, yes. You'll also see benefits when you're querying on non-indexed fields since there'll be no full deserialization. VersionedPortable support versioning as well but
You must implement Portable interface
For types that doesn't supported by portable, you need to convert the data to a supported format, For date Long for example. And you need to code serialization/deserialization for each property & handle versioning yourself.
Portable is backward compatible only for read. If you update the data from an app who has a previous version, then you'll lost the new field updates done previously by an app has higher version of the Portable object.
So depends on your exact requirements, you need to chose the correct serialization format.
If versioning is not so important or you can handle it manually, but query performance is, then yes Portable make sense. But if you're planning to use versioning heavily, I would suggest using a backward/forward compatible serialization format like Google Protocol Buffers.
You can check this example to get an idea: https://github.com/gokhanoner/data-versioning-protobuf


JOOQ vs SQL Queries

I am on jooq queries now...I feel the SQL queries looks more readable and maintainable and why we need to use JOOQ instead of using native SQL queries.
Can someone explains few reason for using the same?
Here are the top value propositions that you will never get with native (string based) SQL:
Dynamic SQL is what jOOQ is really really good at. You can compose the most complex queries dynamically based on user input, configuration, etc. and still be sure that the query will run correctly.
An often underestimated effect of dynamic SQL is the fact that you will be able to think of SQL as an algebra, because instead of writing difficult to compose native SQL syntax (with all the keywords, and weird parenthesis rules, etc.), you can think in terms of expression trees, because you're effectively building an expression tree for your queries. Not only will this allow you to implement more sophisticated features, such as SQL transformation for multi tenancy or row level security, but every day things like transforming a set of values into a SQL set operation
Vendor agnosticity. As soon as you have to support more than one SQL dialect, writing SQL manually is close to impossible because of the many subtle differences in dialects. The jOOQ documentation illustrates this e.g. with the LIMIT clause. Once this is a problem you have, you have to use either JPA (much restricted query language: JPQL) or jOOQ (almost no limitations with respect to SQL usage).
Type safety. Now, you will get type safety when you write views and stored procedures as well, but very often, you want to run ad-hoc queries from Java, and there is no guarantee about table names, column names, column data types, or syntax correctness when you do SQL in a string based fashion, e.g. using JDBC or JdbcTemplate, etc. By the way: jOOQ encourages you to use as many views and stored procedures as you want. They fit perfectly in the jOOQ paradigm.
Code generation. Which leads to more type safety. Your database schema becomes part of your client code. Your client code no longer compiles when your queries are incorrect. Imagine someone renaming a column and forgetting to refactor the 20 queries that use it. IDEs only provide some degree of safety when writing the query for the first time, they don't help you when you refactor your schema. With jOOQ, your build fails and you can fix the problem long before you go into production.
Documentation. The generated code also acts as documentation for your schema. Comments on your tables, columns turn into Javadoc, which you can introspect in your client language, without the need for looking them up in the server.
Data type bindings are very easy with jOOQ. Imagine using a library of 100s of stored procedures. Not only will you be able to access them type safely (through code generation), as if they were actual Java code, but you don't have to worry about the tedious and useless activity of binding each single in and out parameter to a type and value.
There are a ton of more advanced features derived from the above, such as:
The availability of a parser and by consequence the possibility of translating SQL.
Schema management tools, such as diffing two schema versions
Basic ActiveRecord support, including some nice things like optimistic locking.
Synthetic SQL features like type safe implicit JOIN
Query By Example.
A nice integration in Java streams or reactive streams.
Some more advanced SQL transformations (this is work in progress).
Export and import functionality
Simple JDBC mocking functionality, including a file based database mock.
And, if you occasionally think something is much simpler to do with plain native SQL, then just:
Use plain native SQL, also in jOOQ
Disclaimer: As I work for the vendor, I'm obviously biased.

How to add a flatbuffer object to a new object?

I understand how to use the FlatBufferBuilder and specific type builder (e.g., MyNestedTableBuilder) to get the WIPOffset and then use that to get the finished_data buffer (&[u8]). I then have been using get_root to get an object based on the buffer, so now I have an instance of MyNestedTable. Then I need to pass that to another function and create a new table instance via a new builder, MyTable, that has the field add_my_nested_table. I cannot see how to do this without unpacking MyNestedTable and rebuilding it again (which seems very inefficient). I am sure there is a good way to do this, I just haven't found it, even after studying the generated code and API.
Generally we have a need to pass objects around and reuse them, over the network or via API calls in Rust.
MyNestedTable isn't really an object, it is a handle to data inside the serialized data (your [u8]), and any field accesses look up this data on the fly.
None of the base APIs for any of the FlatBuffers supported languages (including Rust) have code generated that allows automatic re-serializing, since that is not a frequent operation in most use cases (you already have the serialized data).
The way to do it is through the optional "object API", supported in C++ and some other languages, but not yet in Rust. As you can see, CasperN is working on such an API.
Until then, you may consider using nested_flatbuffer or some other construct to directly pass the serialized data to wherever it needs to go.

What is a efficient way of storing snapshots of an in-memory key-value store in Java?

I am trying to design an in-memory key-value store that maps strings to strings of variable length. I also want to give it the ability to take snapshots of its key-value data sets for any particular moment in time. Moreover, modifications to the key-value store should not affect past snapshots. I am currently using a HashMap for this, and for snapshots I maintain a mapping of timestamps to deep-copies of the respective HashMap's entry sets (with simple String compression). Are there any other more effective methods of doing this in-memory?
I am wondering, is it perhaps more memory-efficient, since I am working with strings of characters, to use tries instead?
Interesting. A little research shows that a Ctrie might be what you are looking for. Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ctrie
ctrie: Concurrent Tries with Efficient Non-Blocking Snapshots
Looks like there is code available in multiple languages
java haskell python C++
Found related :
Creating a ConcurrentHashMap that supports "snapshots"
and searching Stackoverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/search?q=ctrie

Save or update in Groovy

Usually in Java I execute a SELECT statement and check the size of ResultSet. If it is zero I issue a INSERT and otherwise an UPDATE.
Since Groovy provides syntactic sugar on top of JDBC, I'm wondering if it provides a way to ease this process? Is there an easier way to save or update a record?
I know that Hibernate offers this, but I'd rather stick only with Groovy API.
There's a lightweight ORM called GStorm here which I've had on my list of things to investigate which has basically no dependencies, but doesn't handle related domain objects
And a library to leverage Grails GORM here (which obviously pulls GORM out of Grails so has quite a few dependencies including Hibernate)
Other than that (and probably some other examples I've missed), there's nothing I know of to do what you're trying to do. I guess you'd have to write your own (you could switch between the INSERT or UPDATE depending on whether you pass a Primary Key -- assuming primary keys are auto-generated by the DB)

Does a B Tree work well for auto suggest/auto complete web forms?

Auto suggest/complete fields are used all over the web. Google has appeared to master it given that as soon as one types in a search query, suggestions are returned almost instantaneously.
I'm assuming the framework for achieving this involves a fast, in-memory data store on the web tier. We're building a Grails app based around retail products, so a user may search for Can which should suggest things like Canon, Cancun, etc, and wondering if a Java B-tree cached in memory would suffice for quick auto completes returned as JSON over AJAX. Outside of the jQuery AutoComplete field, do any frameworks and/or libraries exist to facilitate the development of this solution?
Autocomplete is a text matching, information retrieval problem. Implementing your own B-tree and writing your own logic to match words to other words is something you could do. But then you would have to implement Porter Stemming, a Vector Space Model, and a String-edit distance calculation.
...or you could use Lucene and its derivatives, which do a lot of this stuff already. If you really care about the data structures used to store this stuff, you could dive into its source. But I highly doubt writing your own and doing it all yourself would be more maintainable and efficient in the long run.
One of the more popular Grails ecosystem plugins for this is Searchable, which was mentioned in Ledbrook & Smith's Grails in Action. It uses Lucene under the covers, and make sit pretty easy to add full-text search to your domain classes. (For example, check out chapter 8 in GinA or the searchable docs).
The Grails Richui plugin has an autocomplete that I've used in the past. We had it hooked up to hit the database every keystroke (which I would not suggest but our data changed often enough that real-time data was required). If your list of things is pretty static though then it could probably work well for you.
