Can I input Git command in Android Studio IDE? - android-studio

I use Github in Android Studio 3.3.1. I know I can open Version Control using Alt+9.
And Git command and result will be displayed in Console of Version Control. Can I input Git command and run it directly in Android Studio IDE ?

Yes sure.
About android studio on Windows you can change default command line to "bash"
First install git bash
then Setting in android studio to run terminal from bash
File -> Settings search for "terminal"
In topic "terminal" select on "Application settings" title then change "Shell path" to the directory of installed "git bash"
default root shell is "C/Program file/git/bin/bash"
close your current terminal and open new one in android so you will see new terminal with can use git command.

From your Android studio ->
Go to -
Make your settings there.
Hope you will be able to find out the Terminal.

or, for windows 10 on the File->Setting->Terminal->Shell path change the cmd.exe to powershell.exe. You will get git and also more linux commands plus some cool colors etc.


How to launch Android Studio from terminal on Windows (and Linux)?

I'm struggling to understand how to open applications from shell.
When I use Atom, I can just run
$ atom .
command to open it in the current directory, but I don't know how to do it with Android Studio.
I don't know if it has something to do with aliases, environment variables or something else, but I'd like to know how this stuff works. I'd also appreciate a short comparison of the same problem on Linux.
On my winslow-7 machine there is an icon on the desktop named "Android studio".
I checked the properties of this icon, and in the destination field I've found:
"C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\bin\studio64.exe"
If I type that in a command prompt, Android studio opens normally.
A similar thing works in Linux too.
Basically, to run a program, you have to know where its executable resides; then you can ask the shell to run that executable. A few directories are searched automatically by the system and, if the executable resides in one of those directories, there is no need to indicate the full path - the name of the file suffices. The list of directories is an environment variable, PATH, for both windows and Linux.
This is a short and incomplete answer, though; your question asks a comparison and/or something more, but it is not clear and there would be a lot to say.
If you use the studio64 . command, your current folder will open in android studio.
This works if you've added the path of the bin directory of the android studio installation folder to environment variables. In my case, it is C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\bin.
This works the same as atom . or code .(VSCode)
The problem is, that it returns a bunch of warnings and stuff in the terminal before launching android studio. Also, if you close the terminal, the studio crashes.
It works but it's not purrfect.
For Windows:
Make a shortcut for your application and place in C:\WINDOWS\System32
you will be able to call it by the name of the shortcut.
For Linux:
echo $PATH

How to run Ionic app on android-studio with capacitor on Ubuntu?

When I run the ionic capacitor run android command, to launch my application in Android Studio, I get the error saying:
Unable to launch Android Studio." You must configure "linuxAndroidStudioPath" in your capacitor.config.json to point to the location of, using JavaScript-escaped paths:
  "linuxAndroidStudioPath": "/usr/local/android-studio/bin/"
but I configured the path my capacitor.config.json but the error persists.
Here's my capacitor.config.json file
First, run whereis android-studio in your terminal. This command will return the path of your android studio.
Mine is /snap/android-studio/current/android-studio/bin/ I installed android-studio from the ubuntu software store. Maybe you installed it through a different source and in a different location.
Then add "linuxAndroidStudioPath": "/snap/android-studio/current/android-studio/bin/" in capacitor.config.json which is located in the root of your project.
Replace /snap/android-studio/current/android-studio/bin/ by your path. which is returned to you by whereis android-studio
"linuxAndroidStudioPath": "/snap/android-studio/current/android-studio/bin/" is the path.
Add sudo when running the project sudo npx cap open android
in my case, android studio location was "/opt/android-studio/bin/"
"linuxAndroidStudioPath": "/opt/android-studio/bin/"
I use JetBrains Toolbox and macOS
to open the capacitor project with Android Studio with npx cap open android I had to export the Android Studio path as follow:
export CAPACITOR_ANDROID_STUDIO_PATH="/Users/myuser/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/Toolbox/apps/AndroidStudio/ch-0/201.7199119/Android"
Set environment variable--
Step1- Run: nano ~/.bashrc in terminal.
Step2- Add export CAPACITOR_ANDROID_STUDIO_PATH="path of android-studio/bin/" in .bashrc file.
Step3- Run npx cap open android in terminal.
I have the same issue and I didn't manage to find out why it can't verify the path for android studio.
In order to use npx cap open android i had to open Android Studio before running the command.
Open your terminal and run gedit .bashrc.
Set the environment variable:
export CAPACITOR_ANDROID_STUDIO_PATH="path of android-studio/bin/"
Save your file with Ctrl+s.
This will read your capacitor directly by running
Ionic cap open android
All of the answers here are on point, however I would like to add something small to note.
Its worth noting that Android Studio has different installation locations depending on the distribution you are using and also some installations are command-line based others are offline installations.
Some well known places are:
Lastly whereas the commands to search for android-studio may work in some instances where the default installation path was not changed. However the command
whereis android-studio
will not return anything in a case where the directory name is not the default i.e
Here's how I solved this: In Ionic 6x, there's no capacitor.config.json. You'd have to set an environment variable of CAPACITOR_ANDROID_STUDIO_PATH globally. Do this by typing
export CAPACITOR_ANDROID_STUDIO_PATH=/path/to/android-studio/
Worth noting that my Android Studio is found at /opt/android-studio/bin and not under /snap/...
Everything looks correct so the likely answer is that you have got the path wrong somehow.
Could you recheck it?
Also, are you running the latest versions of everything?

Error "Dependent package with key emulator not found" while updating Android SDK and tools

I tried to update my Android Studio and got this error. How can I fix this?
I don't have much experience with Android studio and Android app development.
I am using Android Studio 2.3 and Linux.
This worked for me as this post try: Update 2
Update 2:
Solution to emulator package issue!
After digging in the repo's XML for a while I've spotted the issue.
It turns out that the "emulator" package is only in channel 3 (canary) while the "tools" package is in channel 0 (stable) but depends on "emulator". The solution is to force the manager to download the "emulator" package from channel 3:
./sdkmanager --channel=3 emulator
Problem solved!
This is what worked for me:
Download the command line tools, place them in the SDK folder (e.g., on mac: /Users/user/Library/Android/sdk), and then add the bin folder to the PATH.
Install the latest platform: in a terminal, execute sdkmanager "platforms;android-25"
Open Android Studio, and go to the SDK Manager (Appearance and Behavior > System Settings > Android SDK)
Click on "Edit", and then select the sdk folder. Then "Next" > "Next" > "Finish".
I hope this works for you too.
Temporarily change update channel to Canary Channel (Settings > Appearance & Behavior > System Settings > Updates). It works for me (Windows, Android Studio 2.3) I hope, this bug will be fixed in the next version of Android Studio.
My solution using Void Linux (it should fix for other distributions too):
Create a new folder named Sdk in this exact path. Bash example: $ mkdir $HOME/Android/Sdk
cd to this folder, and download the latest SDK command line version. Bash example: $ curl
Extract the It must be this way: $HOME/Android/Sdk/tools
Launch Android Studio, and then proceed with normal installation.
PS: If you don't have a Android folder on your $HOME, you should create it, and then make the steps 1, 2, and 3, select the $HOME/Android/Sdk Folder in Android Studio → Configure → *SDK Manager → Edit, and proceed to step 4.
Start "Android SDK Manager" from this path:
%Android_home%\SDK Manager.exe
Install all updates from this manager.
P.S. This worked for me.
This is what worked:
Download the command line tools and place them in the SDK folder (on mac:~/Library/Android/sdk).
Install Android studio 2.3 (on mac: /Application/Android
Add path to java in Android Studio (export PATH=/Applications/Android$PATH)
Set JAVA_HOME (export JAVA_HOME=/Applications/Android
cd to ~/Library/Android/sdk/tools/bin and execute ./sdkmanager "platforms;android-25"
Accept the license - this will install the android-25 platform
Launch Android Studio, and goto the SDK Manager. The SDK Manager will now recognize the SDK path (~/Library/Android/sdk).
Now install the rest of the tools.
This fixed it for me (on a fully-patched Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus)).
Disclaimer: I cleaned up everything beforehand:
rm -Rf ~/android-studio/ ~/.AndroidStudio2.2/ ~/.android/ ~/Android/
unzip -d ~/
mkdir -p ~/Android/sdk
unzip -d ~/Android/sdk
~/Android/sdk/tools/bin/sdkmanager "platforms;android-25"
~/Android/sdk/tools/bin/sdkmanager --channel=3 emulator
Click "Configure" in the launch window
Select "SDK Manager" in the menu
The list on the right shows "partially installed" for API level 25
Click "Edit" on the right of "Android SDK Location"
You get the warning "an existing Android SDK was detected wizard will only download missing or outdated SDK components"
Click "Next"
Click "Next"
[wait while it installs]
Click "Finish"
I got this problem since hours on my Apple M1 processor.
After a clean delete of Android SDK, this workaround worked for me:
Just download the IDE - Intellij IDEA and create a new project, select
Android Project and there download Android SDK, now you can install
android studio again and the sdk is installed. Worked for me!
Just delete the directory C:/Users/%user%/AppData/Local/Android/sdk and rename the other directory in that location from sdk1 to sdk.
Restart Android Studio (close projects) and an assistant will pop-up asking you to update the sdk which will be detected during that process, so a re-download won't be necessary.

SDK Location not found Parse projects [duplicate]

I'm trying to install PhoneGap and I'm getting the following error:
Error: ANDROID_HOME is not set and "android" command not in your PATH. You must fulfill at least one of these conditions.
Error (screenshot)
What do I do to ensure Android is set up correctly for use with Cordova?
For Windows:
set ANDROID_HOME=C:\ *installation location* \android-sdk
set PATH=%PATH%;%ANDROID_HOME%\tools;%ANDROID_HOME%\platform-tools
Taken from this installation guide.
For Mac OS X:
export ANDROID_HOME=/<installation location>/android-sdk-macosx
export PATH=${PATH}:$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools
I have MAC OS X Yosemite, Android Studio 1.0.1, JDK 1.8, and Cordova 4.1.2
When I tried to add the android project:
cordova platforms add android
I received the message:
ANDROID_HOME is not set and "android" command not in your PATH
Based in cforcloud's answer...
'Error: the command "android" failed' using cordova
I used the following:
export ANDROID_HOME="/Users/<user_name>/Library/Android/sdk"
export ANDROID_TOOLS="/Users/<user_name>/Library/Android/sdk/tools/"
export ANDROID_PLATFORM_TOOLS="/Users/<user_name>/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/"
echo $PATH
When I tried to create the android project, I received this message:
Creating android project...
throw e;
Error: Please install Android target "android-19".
I ran Android SDK Manager, and installed Android 4.4.2 (API 19) (everything but Glass Development Kit Preview). It worked for me.
This is the content of my .bash_profile file.
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin
export JAVA_HOME=`/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8`
launchctl setenv STUDIO_JDK /library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_25.jdk
export ANDROID_HOME="/Users/<UserName>/Library/Android/sdk"
export ANDROID_TOOLS="/Users/<UserName>/Library/Android/sdk/tools"
export ANDROID_PLATFORM_TOOLS="/Users/<UserName>/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools"
To edit .bash_profile using Terminal, I use nano. It is easy to understand.
nano .bash_profile
I hope it helps.
for windows:
Right click on My computer -> properties -> Advanced system setting -> Environment Variables
Edit Path on system variables to ;\yourSdkHome\tools;\yourSdkHome\platform-tools.
Then Close your cmd prompt and reopen.
On Linux, add this to the end of your .bashrc, .profile or appropriate file for your shell:
export ANDROID_HOME=/home/youruser/whatever/adt-bundle-linux-x86_64-20140702/sdk
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$ANDROID_HOME/platforms-tools
Please notice that these environment variables will be available for newly created shells, not the already open.
Using Android Studio on Windows the system variables settings have changed a little.
You still have to add a system variable ANDROID_HOME, but pointing to the directory containing the android SDK usually installed in C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\AppData\Local\Android\android-studio\sdk.
You also need to add the following to the Path system variable:
Taken from:
SDK Path also be in C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Android\sdk
This is what I just tried to make it work. I was in:
os x Yosemite version 10.10.2
cordova version 4.2.0
android studio 1.0.1
Java SE Development Kit 7
set path:
# on ~/.zshrc file (open a text editor)
export ANDROID_HOME="/Users/<user>/Library/Android/sdk/"
export ANDROID_TOOLS="/Users/<user>/Library/Android/sdk/tools"
export ANDROID_PLATFORM_TOOLS="/Users/<user>/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools"
reopen terminal
install "android-19" from android SDK manager
$ android
# pick "SDK Platform Android 4.4.2, API 19"
and then go to a Cordova-based project directory
$ ionic platform add android
Android path set in linux:
$export ANDROID_HOME=/usr/lib/android-sdk-linux
$export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/tools
$export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/platforms-tools
$cordova run android
In Linux,
edit .bashrc file and add the ANDROID_HOME and PATH variable,
export ANDROID_HOME=/usr/local/android-sdk-linux/
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$ANDROID_HOME/platforms-tools
After saving .bashrc file, run
source ~/.bashrc
then in type
android in a terminal
if it will run, ANDROID_HOME and PATH is set,
if you get this message,
bash: /src/android-sdk/tools/android: Permission denied
then run
sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/android-sdk-linux/tools/android
otherwise you will get same error message
Error: Android SDK not found. Make sure that it is installed. If it is not at the default location, set the ANDROID_HOME environment variable.
NB: Use your android sdk installation path instead of /usr/local/android-sdk-linux/
For Windows I just had to add an env variable pointing to the SDK folder. Done!
(The accepted answer didn´t work for me)
Only one change was needed to fix the problem:
Go to Start -> Control Panel -> System -> Advanced(tab) -> Environment Variables -> System Variables
set ANDROID_HOME to C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk
ANDROID_HOME is deprecated now instead of using ANDROID_HOME use ANDROID_SDK_ROOT
as per Google android documentation -
ANDROID_SDK_ROOT sets the path to the SDK installation directory. Once set, the value does not typically change, and can be shared by multiple users on the same machine. ANDROID_HOME, which also points to the SDK installation directory, is deprecated.
If you continue to use it, the following rules apply:
If ANDROID_HOME is defined and contains a valid SDK installation, its value is used instead of the value in ANDROID_SDK_ROOT.
If ANDROID_HOME is not defined, the value in ANDROID_SDK_ROOT is used.
If ANDROID_HOME is defined but does not exist or does not contain a valid SDK installation, the value in ANDROID_SDK_ROOT is used instead.
For details follow this Android Documentation link
I had to close and re-open my windows console (or open a new console), and then open the SDK manager (ran android), after which a bunch of updates and installs had to complete.
For those who are working with Ionic Framework on windows and doesn't have andorid studio installed on their PCs, you must have either download Android Studio or at list download the SDK Manager.
If you choose the SDK Manager option you have to set the path for the Enviroment Variable:
Variable name: ANDROID_HOME, Variable value: the path where you installed the android SDK, in my case is, C:\Android\android-sdk.
You have to add the variable to the Path variable system by adding this:
Then if you got the "JDK error" just download it from the Oracle website and create a system variable like the Android SDK:
Variable name: JAVA_HOME, Variable value: the path where you installed the JDK, in my case is, C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_144. Then add it to the Path variable system by adding ;%JAVA_HOME%\bin.
Then if you got the "Gradle error" just fallow the installations steps on the official website of gradle.
Finally you can continue to creating your ionic app's apk.
Note: you have to reopen the cmd window several times or restart your pc after making those changes. Hope this work for you.
Using Android Studio on Mac, run this on your terminal:
export ANDROID_HOME=/Applications/Android\
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$ANDROID_HOME/platforms-tools
Then, when you type
at your terminal, it will run something
You just need to type a command in flutter_console.bat type flutter config --android-sdk <path-to-your-android-sdk-path>
Go to system properties.
Click change setting.
Click advance tab.
Click Environment Variables button.
In system variables area click new button.
Set ANDROID_HOME in the Variable name field.
Set C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk in the Variable value field.
Click ok button.
Double click Path variable in the list.
Click new button.
Past C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools in the filed.
Click new button again.
Past C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\tools in the field.
Press enter 3 times.
That's all you need to do.
The main reason of this would be the path ( ANDROID_HOME ) is not set in appium. You can confirm that by checking the last step first
step 1 :- Checkout the path where android sdk is located
it could be in c drive/program files or below location mostly
Step2 :- Set the System variables . By typing in search bar in window (you can open this window for setting system variables)
Last step :- To confirm the problem will not repeat verify this, Open appium click on edit configuration and confirm if you can see the path set
It's is mostly with missing andriod SDK. for this issue and "JAVA_HOME" error following solution worked for me... whole day saved after following steps.
To build and run apps, you need to install SDKs for each platform you wish to target. Alternatively, if you are using browser for development you can use browser platform which does not require any platform SDKs.
To check if you satisfy requirements for building the platform:
$ cordova requirements
Requirements check results for android:
Java JDK: installed .
Android SDK: installed
Android target: installed android-19,android-21,android-22,android-23,Google Inc.:Google APIs:19,Google Inc.:Google APIs (x86 System Image):19,Google Inc.:Google APIs:23
Gradle: installed
Requirements check results for ios:
Apple OS X: not installed
Cordova tooling for iOS requires Apple OS X
Error: Some of requirements check failed
By the way, one other possibility is that you do have a too old version of cordova android platform.
Error: Android SDK not found. Make sure that it is installed. If it is not at the default location, set the ANDROID_HOME environment variable.
cordova platform update android --save
if Linux users still have the same error, probably they have used "sudo" for adding android platform.. a quick solution for this here, or you have installed cordova using sudo, also there is a solution for this problem here.
Hope this help!
I also faced this same issue, I got a solution with this.
I did the following steps :
Open system properties
Environment variables
create a new system variable
value: copy your SDK path( Ex: my SDK path E:\SoftWares\Android-SDK)
close your current cmd, and restart it
run flutter doctor
this should work on windows
I encountered this error and I had to set the ANDROID_HOME using bash_profile.
Then run the source ~/.bash_profile before running appium from terminal.
You can set the ANDROID_HOME variable from inside Visual Studio as well:
Go to Tools->Options->Cross Platform->C++ and enter the path under Android SDK.
If nothing else works, make sure that you have correct permissions and ownership set up during building. A quick fix can be:
sudo chown -R <you>:<your_group> *
sudo chmod -R 755 *

How to set gradle home while importing existing project in Android studio

How to set gradle home while importing existing project in Android studio. While trying to import I need to set up this path.
The gradle plugin (which contains a bundled version of gradle) should be already installed in where/you/installed/android-studio/plugins/gradle so you shouldn't need to manually download it. Depending on the version of Android Studio, that last directory may be where/you/installed/android-studio/gradle/gradle-x.y.z (x.y.z is the version, so check your filesystem for the exact path).
If you intend on doing gradle development outside Android Studio or want a different version, you can download it separately and point it at that path, but if you only want to get Android Studio working with the bundled version, this path should do it.
For Mac OS, you can use the following -
/usr/local/opt/gradle/libexec/ or more generically - path/to/gradle/libexec/ - this is recommended. (the first path is what's achieved after installing gradle via Homebrew)
/path/to/android/studio/plugins/gradle - I don't recommend this because this version of Gradle might be out of date, and Android Studio itself might say it's incompatible.
You should be able to find it in C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\Gradle\Gradle 2.2.1. This is running Windows 7 64-Bit. Android Studio 1.0.2.
OSX (Less han two minutes)
Open terminal
Check if Gradle installed gradle --version, if so, goto step 4
If not brew install gradle and Goto step 2
Copy /usr/local/opt/gradle/libexec/
Paste it in Import Project Window in Android Studio > Gradle Home
Important, Celebrate!
Download Gradle
Set Gradle home to the install directory
On Linux run: whereis gradle.
For me it was /usr/lib/gradle/1.10.
I ran into same problem. I selected location C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-studio\plugins\gradle as Gradle Home
In Ubuntu 14.04 after $ sudo apt-get install gradle
I've got
$ whereis gradle
gradle: /usr/bin/gradle /usr/bin/X11/gradle /usr/share/gradle /usr/share/man/man1/gradle.1.gz
The path to Gradle was /usr/share/gradle
For Mac,
Download Gradle as described above, but make sure you download version 1.9 and not the current release (1.11). I just had the same problem and downloaded the current release only to have Android Studio tell me it wasn't supported.
On Arch Linux I could not find it, so I added:
echo $APP_HOME
to /usr/bin/grade (found over which gradle)
The Install dir for me was /usr/share/java/gradle/
For migrating from eclipse to android studio
(Do not need to specify the Gradle home.)
Locate the project you exported from Eclipse, expand it, select the build.gradle file and click OK.
In the following dialog, leave Use gradle wrapper selected and click OK.
Try this for windows users
I tried byteit101's solution but whether I chose android-studio-path/plugins/gradle or android-studio-path/plugins/gradle/lib the IDE said it isn't correct.
Then I changed the gradle home to android-studio-path/gradle/gradle-x.x.x and it works.
Mac OSX / Linux
Step 1: Open terminal :)
Step 2: Open .bash_profile in vim to edit:
> vi ~/.bash_profile
Step 3: Add line:
> export GRADLE_HOME=/usr/local/opt/gradle
(for me it was this location, it can be different for u)
Step 4: Add line:
> export PATH="$PATH:$GRADLE_HOME/bin"
(to export bin directory of gradle)
Step 5: Verify by reopening the terminal or new tab, and check by echoing:
On Linux Mint 17 it was
for me
If you are on a Windows machine, go to the directory:
C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\gradle\
Click the gradle-4.4 folder from Android Studio\File\Settings, and then click the Apply button.
This is my solution on AndroidStudio/Idea for Mac
$ env | grep GRADLE
I used umake to install android studio. For me the path was
I had to use this
"C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\gradle\gradle-4.1"
Change the version if you have a different one.
I am using Lubuntu, I ended up finding it in :
Don't need to download or specify anything...
Just go to the install Android Studio plugins Path and search for any file like gradle-wrapper-x.xx.jar (x.xx = version number). Copy it to a subfolder of your project root folder named : gradle.
Example :
- file found gradle-wrapper-1.12.jar in plugins folder of Android Studio Install's path
- my project was on D:\android_repo\myProject
- created a folder into D:\android_repo\myProject\gradle
- copy gradle-wrapper-1.12.jar to this folder D:\android_repo\myProject\gradle
- import again my project and no more question about gradle.
In Windows
I've stumble across this question, trying to build an Ionic + Cordova app using Gradle from Android Studio installation, rather that installing Gradle separately.
On Centos, the Gradle binary was here: /home/YOURUSERNAME/.gradle/wrapper/dists/gradle-VERSION-all/CUSTOM_HASH/gradle-VERSION/bin
So, I've added export PATH=/home/maxim/.gradle/wrapper/dists/gradle-4.1-all/bzyivzo6n839fup2jbap0tjew/gradle-4.1/bin:$PATH to my ~/.bashrc and ionic cordova run android command worked just fine.
If you are on windows machine, go to the directory C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\gradle\ and click the gradle folder and apply it on
This worked.
C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\gradle\gradle-3.2
If you're using MacPorts gradle's home is:
For Ubuntu default version is /usr/lib/gradle/default.
In case of update, you don't need to reassign link in idea/studio.
For OSX, if going to Finder, navigate to this category: /usr/local/opt/ if you do not see gradle folder, install your grandle version manually:
If you are looking for specific Gradle version, simply change the version number from the zip links above, unzip and add that in the Gradle folder /usr/local/opt/gradle
If you are on a Windows machine, gradle home is located inside the installation folder of your Android Studio, usually at:
C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\gradle\gradle-5.1.1
Change the version if you have a different one.
On Windows it was
C:/Android Studio/jre
